Sleep Sense Support Group!

TG - you poor thing, when healed would something like bio oil help? (although oil and burns doesn't sound right).

L - Glad to hear you are still making progress!

We have been ok but my grandfather is staying so LO is in office in travel cot. Night before last she wwas up for four hours and ended up in bed with me and OH on sofa - so bad but she wouldn't do any sleep on her own and too much crying with my 80 year old grandfather here is a bit off. Oh and only 40 mins sleep all day arghhhh!!!

hope she settles down tonight!
Evening HG!

DH is getting very excited about the US Open, so am having a little BnB with a cuppa while he jigs happily :D

Will try some Bio Oil (as an aside - have you seen their adverts?? HOW bizarre! 'I never thought I'd want to try I like it'. Didn't really go mad with that marketing!)

Hope you, Mr HG and Phoebe have a better night - clearly our LOs are on the same wave length, as DD managed a thirty minute nap today...and has been a bundle of energy!! She fell asleep mid BF, so am hoping she has a good sleep tonight. DH has been giving me a few lie-ins, so hope he can have one too!

I've just bought myself my first ever pair of flat boots - the thought of snow, ice and DD made me steer clear of the big heels this time. I'm not known for my grace and coordination!

On another aside, am raging with Boy Cat. Made a deelightful cherry frangipane, and the little *insert expletive* jumped onto the kitchen table and got stuck in. He hardly ever does that! Fuming!!
TG- I used bio oil for weeks when pregnant and nothing prevented the strech marks - now it is a wonder product making them fade so quick, bit pricey though.

Maybe they know it is a bank holiday weekend and that you go mad doing way too much? She has gone out like a light so here is hoping - also hoping I may get a second lie in off the long weekend tomorrow.

Flate boots are my forte as I'm tall with huge feet - Uggs are my current naughty obsession. which stopped actually when baby arrived.

Naughty boy cat! Max always does stuff like that - he once stole and ate 8 terrys chocolate oranges and had to go to the vet. Although as a laugh my mum made me enter him in a village dog show and he came second (sympathy vote for 3 legs I think) but his rosette is now above his basket!!
I tried every concotion going for stretchies when I was pg - and then gave up and started showing them off to my friends, lol. They've faded ok, but I'll get some Bio Oil to help them on their way! When we were on hols, I wasn't quite ready to get the ole tum out.

I love Uggs - I seriously don't think there is a more comfortable shoe out there! I'm normally 100% heel girl (short), but the comfort of Uggs really won me over. I've got a 'good' pair, and a manky ole pair that I traipse around the fields in. DH keeps threatening to have Health & Safety condemn them!!

LOVING both Max and his rosette and his choccie consumption! What a boy! Did he have that fab 'I'm so guilty' look in his eyes?

DD v tired today, she's spent a large part of it dancing - Dr Beat has caught her feet - and is now sleeping. She had a very unsettled night with both ears and teeth - so 100000000s of cuddles through the night from Ma and Pa. She's been treated to some new toys for being so brave.

Hope all are well. Boy Cat is in disgrace, after his dessert consumption not only did he vomit...but his flatulence saw him ousted from sharing a room with us. I thought cats were supposed to be elegant and divine?!

Hope you all had fab BHW' does it go sooooo quickly?! :hugs:
Hi Everyone......yes it's the most annoying person on this thread back again! Sorry to trouble you all again.

Well, we have been 'consistently' using the sleep sense method for five nights, putting Indy in her cot fully awake. We had her crying down from 35 minutes the first night to 10 minutes last night. But now tonight we are back up to 20 minutes. Thankfully she is only waking during the night twice, for milk, which is a major improvement, but when should we expect the initial crying to shorten/stop when we put her down? I always thought it was meant to take about three nights, it's so horrible to hear and I feel like a right git. We always stay with her and offer reassurance but I still feel really guilty.

It's difficult to pinpoint exactly when to put her in her cot. Tonight she wouldn't have her final feed so I expect she will wake in an hour or so for milk, but we had to put her down as she was yawning, eye rubbing, etc. I think her teeth must be hurting her a little bit tonight. Do you always put your babies to bed at the same time every night, or do you look for signs, and if so what are they? And are your babies fully awake?

And another question.....sorry to bore you all! I'm still confused about night-feedings. Last night she woke twice, four hours apart, so I fed her both times. And then she woke an hour and forty-five minutes later after the final feed so I didn't feed her, we just went through our bed routine with her. She cried really hard for 15 minutes. I was worried that she may be confused as to why I wasn't feeding her. Surely if you feed your baby some times and not other times during wakings it gives mixed messages? After all, she has no concept of time. But I'm afraid that if I feed her every time she wakes we will go back to feeding/suckling every hour. I do think that only offering feeds every three/four hours has dealt with the night wakings. ???????????????????

Anybody? Any ideas? I'm sorry to be a nuisance but I feel a bit in the dark on these matters and don't want to confuse/unsettle Indy.x
Lou - you are not annoying! We all had loads of questions - which I still do see below!

How old is your LO? I keep meaning to ask but forget....

I think some nights the crying is a bit longer than previous because of their mood, also it might be because they are testing you out to see if they can wangle a cuddle. If it goes up massively I think then it is time to worry. I think it took us about 7 days to have a cry free bedtime but it took me about 18 days to leave her straight after putting her down - I think I stayed longer than I needed too. I just thought she liked me being there to go to sleep.

When we started ss we were down to one night feed. My LO is quite a tall girl and always weighed quite heavy so she would have an 8oz bottle at bedtime and then normally between 1 - 3am. I found that she had a hungry cry/noise and a different cry - I've woken up and don't know what to do. Hungry always started off with low mumbles that built up. I would say 4 hours apart is a good rule, one day my LO just didn't want the second bottle of milk and then at 6 months she gave up the one. Also if she sucked my finger I thought she was hungry.

We had another strange night (her last one in travel cot in office). She woke up at 9.20 absolutely screaming - like she was being murdered. It took 20 mins to calm her and then I had to cuddle her to sleep and sneak her back to her cot. It was awful and I must admit I had a :cry: as it has been ages since she really cried and I had no idea. It has been happening more and more. Any ideas ladies?
Lou - you are not annoying! Blimey, if you scan some of my posts and threads, you'd think I was the Worlds Most Annoying Poster (tm) :D

Regarding same time sleeping - we're quite flexible, but it's always around 7:15, and we do tend to look for signs. If DD hasn't a good day napping...if she's had a long afternoon nap etc, we tweak. We tend to see the first eye rub and thumb suck as time for routine to start.

I always freaked about night feedings, basically we 'sat it out' for about ten - fifteen minutes, and we could tell the 'I'm really hungry' cry to the 'argh, I need to get back to sleep' cross cry. Sounds strange, but withing a good few weeks (this took some time) of doing SS it became a bit more clear. I'd say a hungry baby doesn't go back to sleep - DD certainly doesn't.

Sorry if that sounds garbled!

HG :hugs: it's horrid, horrid, horrid isn't it? Sounds to me like it could be teeth? Has she been chewing frantically? Or a big milestone ahead? DD always has very unsettled nights before she hits a biggie.
ps - we're not in the teeth club yet, so don't take my word for it!!
Tg - I think we might be walking soon and her brain is so super active she is learning to do so much I can't keep up. Hopefully that is what it is. Back in her own bed tonight.

Last day of hols tomorrow then back to work, breaks my heart all over again.

Argh, I'll need to have a cry on your shoulder when I go back *gulps*

DD is tottering around now, and she had about three nights of really unsettled sleep before it happened. Crying, shouting, singing, name it...we had it all in the wee hours!

Let us know how the little lady gets on - it's so exciting when they do something new, isn't it?
Thanks TG - I'm trying to convince oh to runaway with us and the dog. We could sell the house and live in a large camper van and roam the world but he isn't up for it. He is being sensible. Grrrrr.

It is brilliant to see her trying - she knows what she wants to do but she just hasn't got the guts to do it or coordinate her legs quickly enough.

When do you go back - soon? Enjoy each minute, my hols (I know I've had 6 weeks) have been like being back home and it has been magical. School are being difficult about me not working tomorrow (well I don't work wednesdays anymoreand definately not unpaid inset days!!)
Now, we could still go in for that heist? I'm willing and able!! I had a dream I won the lottery on Friday, and was - truly - surprised not to win on Saturday. DH pointed out that my dreams really aren't always to be other recent vivid one being that I was cooking on the roof.

I'm back in three weeks now - the date has floated around, but it's now secured. I'm going p/t, but my tummy is just rolling around...I keep thinking I'll feel like someone has cut my arm off? Does that make sense?

DD was SO pleased with herself - she keeps giving herself a round of applause when she totters, which is adorable. She also shouts (loudly) until she has commanded the attention of all present to show off her skills. Can't think where she gets that from ;) hehe.
She sounds so adorable - Phoebe can clap and loves attention when she has done something. She was eating peas tonight - one at a time you understand - and I clapped after she ate the first one - so wrong! we had to clap for all of them.....

Three weeks eeek. I know what you mean about the arm being cut off. It felt like (and still does) I have left a whole part of me at home by mistake and there is an ache to have it back. However, when I am at work I am totally fine, I think about work etc.. it is the drive to and from that is tough. Have you got child care sorted? Our CM is an angel who popped around todya just to say hello and spend an hour or two with her to remind her who she was!

The heist - yes I am up for it. The dog can act as look out and perhaps our LOs could trash an art gallery whilst we carry out our heist....
I love that with the peas!! So true, I always say 'mmmmm' when DD is eating something, and now we have to have a good series of 'mmmmms' throughout the meal. If I don't echo her, she looks up as if to say 'I can sweep all this food onto the floor, you know'

Your childminder sounds utterly lovely - how nice to just pop round. We've got faaaamily (said in Peggy Mitchell voice) looking after DD, which is nice. It's good to hear that once at work, it's all job always keeps me really busy, and my boss said there are some interesting new clients. Argh...I still feel sicky, though. Like my throat and chest close up.

I like the idea of involving Maxy and the girlies. Perhaps they could way-lay security with an adorable round of applause and some gummy grins?
Hi HG and TG!!!

Sorry I 've been a bit quiet lately. it's a bit thin on the ground in this thread at the moment huh! I hope Polaris is enjoying her holiday.

I've had a scan through the last few pages that I have missed. TG, I hope your hand is on the mend now :hugs: I seen you guys talking about stretchies.....I have horrendous stretch marks (no, I'mnot exaggerating....even the midwife commented on them). No amount of oil stopped them or has helped them :cry:

I can't believe both of your LO's are nearly walking! How exciting :happydance: I was only saying to OH last night that I can't imagine Elliott walking. Mind you, 3 months ago I couldn't imagine him crawling.

HG....HUGE (((HUGS))) for you going back to work. What lovely long break you have had though and I hope you have enjoyed it very much.

Elliott's sleeping has been very hit and miss lately. He slept though for the first time ever the other night! I was so pleased. Some nights he is waking once at anytime from 2am - 6am. other nights he has woken twice. last night was particularly tough. I had work to do so didn't get to bed until 11.30pm. Elliott woke at 12.30am and screamed. When he does this I know he means business! I fed him one breast went to put him down and he screamed. I picked him up, fed him the other breast and he screamed again when I went to put him down :shrug: I stayed and shushed and stroked him until he calmed down and then he went to sleep again (with hin 5 minutes). He then woke again at 4.30am :coffee:. On this occasion I decided I was not going to feed him as it was too soon. He protested for 5 minutes before settling down again. He then woke for the day at 7.20am.

His cheeks are bright red at the moment. They keep on flairing up. I don't *think* he is teething. Could certain foods be causing it? It seems to flaia up and then go again. Also, when he shouted at dinner time I noticed his throat was red. I had noticed it in the morning too. He doesn't sound like he has a sore throat but I think I will take him to the docs just to be chekced over. Especially as his cheeks seem to be inflamed as well.

I was wondering if maybe he is waking more in the night sometimes as he is cold :shrug: He was just in a 1.0 tog bag with a long sleeved vest. I have been cold myself at night (the temperature is definitely dropping) so tonight I put him in a 2.5 tog bag with a short sleeved vest. His room is 21 degrees so I hope he will be okay. He is quite a warm baby so hopefully he will be comfortable.

Let's see what tonight brings!!!!
Thanks for all of your replies, at least now I don't feel like so much of an idiot!

Indy is five months old. She feeds twice during the night still, which I'm aware is still quite a bit, but she is a breastfed baby and does seem to be hungry. I'm going to try to drop a feed when she is six months and on solids, which we have already started. But yeah, the night-feeds are still confusing. I think I fed her three times last night as she wouldn't stop crying at 2am, but the trouble is once I start feeding her more often she then expects it all the time. She likes to suckle that's all, and we were doing that 6-7 times a night three weeks ago! So I need to stick to my guns tonight.

Had a crap night last night. I woke up at 3am to find Indy asleep on her tummy. Kept turning her back onto her back, but she stirred every time and then rolled back over. By 5am I gave up. So then I couldn't sleep as I was laying there worrying that she might suffocate. There's always going to be something to worry about, eh!

Feel like death warmed up today. We haven't progressed to settling her without the hand-on-tummy yet and have been consistent with SS since Thursday last week. Think we will give it another couple of days and then start on Saturday. We're a bit behind with Dana's day-to-day plan but I don't think we're making as steady progress as some of you and she still cries when put her in her cot.

Have a good day everybody! x
Hi ladies,

Just checking in quick while the monkey is having a wee morning nap! Things are going great (knock on wood) with his sleep and naps so far while we're away on vacation. There wasn't even a hiccup and he didn't seem to care that he was not only in his travel cot, but in a completely different place! :happydance:

Lou - Once Ronan could roll reliably I just left him to sleep however he was comfortable sleeping which is on his tummy most of the time and occasionally on his side. I know it can be worrisome but there's a point where you can't be up all night turning them over constantly when they're just going to flip back over again. If Indy has good head and neck control and can roll easily, then I would probably just leave her to it. If you're really concerned, perhaps consider investing in one of those sleep/breathing monitors that go under the sheets?

HG & TG - I feel for you both having to go back to work. I was telling my hubby last night that I feel sick to the stomach even thinking about sending Ronan off to preschool or kindergarten and that's years off yet so I can only imagine how hard it is this early on.

Anyway, I'll leave you all with a couple pics of the monkey on his first train ride!

...and one with mummy!
Gorgeous photos hivechild. Ronan is getting so big! I LOVE his hat.xx. I hope you are enjoying your holiday and fab news that he is sleeping so well.

Lou....I agree with HC. If your LO can roll I would let her sleep on her tummy. A lot of babies sleep better that way. That said I do know of some people who have put their babies to sleep on their tummy from birth. I personally wouldn't be brave enough to do that! Two feeds a night isn't bad at all at 5 months. Well done you for being consistent with SS.xx
Hive - :thumbup: for the night he slept through and :hugs: for the tough night you just hand - it is such a rollercoaster isn't it. I'm on huge amounts of choccie and tea tonight to deal with the thought of work tomorrow. Although Phoebe has eased going back by being a little rat today! Like your LO she seems to have really red cheeks but nothing inside her mouth on the gum or teeth front.

Oh and by the way those pictures are so so so so goregous - he is adorable. I'm looking for a nice young man in about 20 years time for my Phoebe (OH says she has to be 30 at least before she can go on a date!).

Lou - we were behind on the day by day guide thinging so don't worry. I could also only sit next to her and not in the doorway as her room is small so it is ok to be flexible with it. I never realised my LO slept on her tummy as she has slept in her own room since 7 weeks old and I am nervous of waking her up, but one eve a few months back I'd left my turned on mobile right next to her head and had to creep to retrieve it and found her very snuggled on her front.

On the picture front - I couldn't resit sharing one of her on her hols about to attack the camera.


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