Sleep Sense Support Group!

Poppy - oooh, cloth bums!! I wanted to switch with Lizzie, but we never really got round to it. I would definitely go cloth if we're lucky enough to have another bambino. Can we have a progress report? How is lil Otto doing today? Did you have a good night? How was training?

HG - Lizzie has a duffle! A bright pink one, and it's utterly gorgeous. We got it from JoJo, but had to have it altered, as it was v.big on her. Now she just looks like the cutest cuddly bear! Sounds like you had an early you, and POlaris, if Lizzie wakes up early, she's now decided knee climbing, hair grabbing, dino noising and nose smacking is infinitely more fun than snuggling!!

P - keep us updated with how Thomas goes with the new sleep plan. Fingers crossed for a lie-in. Well, as much as a lie-in as we get!!

Julchen - :D Let us know how things go tonight!!

Well, I was at work today - and I'll be there on Thursday, too. It was fine, lots and lots and lots to do...and Lizzie had a ball. She had both Grandma's and a trip to music club...and I got a hero welcome when I got home, which was lovely. She managed to rip my Mums necklace off, which was unfortunate, but Mum wasn't bothered at all! Lizzie gets away with everything, just gives a cheeky beam.

She actually had a lie in today (typically the day I have to be up and ready!!) and I had to wake her up at 6:45. She was MOST displeased!! Hoping we get a little longer tomorrow morning...!!

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, just burned my tongue on a cup of tea..and it reallllly hurts!
Poppy - we cross posted...BIG HUG!!!! *sends Poppy big mug of lemon and honey*
Poppy - we cross posted...BIG HUG!!!! *sends Poppy big mug of lemon and honey*

Thank you, you are just the sweetest and you always remember everything (I wish my brain was as good as yours). :friends:

I will update on the cloth. I only have 2 nappies so not the ideal amount to be able to get a good idea but it's helping. I am very passionate about using cloth but OH isn't so convinced. I even did a spread sheet showing the cost savings :amartass: even if we use the tumble dryer every time. He keeps banging on about the carbon emmisions from the tumble dryer being as bad as disposables at the landfill....I change most of the nappies and if we have another baba the bumgenius would fit that one too.

Glad to hear work is keeping you busy and Lizzie is still having lots of fun without you.

Ouchies about the tongue incident. How does that hurt so much and for as long as it does? I would be feeling sorry for myself too (in fact I am - what a whinger lol!).x
Poppy - you poor thing - i hope you don't get it too. Drink lots and early nights, but well done Otto last night, that isn't bad at all! Thanks for the offer of the floor plans I might well do but OH has wondered into wanting a new car tonight - his attention span is worse than Fibbys!

Tg - oh no a work day! I hate those and I have four of them a week but not tomorrow!!!! It is horrible when you have to wake them it doesn't seem right after spending months of getting them to sleep as late as possible! I fondled that pink duffle in Jojo last weekend........ it is simply lovely. Poor Fibby can't have her coat for another few weeks so I'm hoping it doesn't get that cold or wet!

Polaris - i think it takes about 3 days to switch their internal clocks so I'm sure he will get it
DH looked similarly unsure when I touted cloth bums when Lizzie was a bit yo
unger. I think he has images of them being really loose and not doing their job with pooters. That said, Pampers didn't do their job with pooters yesterday :D Very impressed with the spreadsheet, I may start using those as a weapon of persuasion. Hehe!

My brain isn't good AT all. Someone asked me if I wanted a cup of tea earlier, and I responded with 'I'd like ham'. For some reason, I thought they asked if I wanted a sandwich!!!

I'm annoyed as burned tongue is ruining food enjoyment...and am also REALLY annoyed, as I can't find my favourite pair of work shoes ANYWHERE. Getting very grumpy and desperate to blame someone for them being missing!!
Jojo is so lovely, isn't it HG? Lizzie isn't too fond of coats....or shoes and duffel weather could be, er, interesting!! Did you decide on an invite design?
No invite design - put it off and went to bed in the end to seek inspiration in my dreams! Marking has also meant that haven't done it tonight either. Oh well! Everyone who is coming already knows I just want to send them out!

Fibby doesn't do shoes or socks at all and screams at her feet in annoyance. Luckily our pram has a fab fleece-thinging-jig thing (forgot name) and that keeps her toasty warm.

I hope tongue gets better - don't think you can put anything on to help! teething gel would make it sting i guess. eat yoghurt!!!
My brain isn't good AT all. Someone asked me if I wanted a cup of tea earlier, and I responded with 'I'd like ham'. For some reason, I thought they asked if I wanted a sandwich!!!

:haha: You sound so much like me!! Glad to hear I'm not the only one of my kind in the world :dance:

The spreadsheet I did was based upon using cloth from 10 months to 2 and a half years old. You're welcome to it if the need ever arises.

Right must dash as I'm meant to be booking accomodation for our trip to Valencia which is next Thursday EEEKKK...yes, we are leaving it late I know!

I have narrowed it down to two choices....What do you ladies think of these?


I can't decide :hissy:
Polaris - I hope you can get Thomas to adjust his sleep routine that little bit. You're like our own resident sleep guru at this point. You probably know more than the 'experts!'

Jul - Welcome! I know it can be hard in the beginning but it's definitely worth it in the end. I'm such a sap though and still can't just leave him in the room by himself if he's having trouble settling or if he cries. I'm sure at some point I'll have to reevaulate it all but for now, he's still responsive to pick up/put down. I hope that things really start to improve for you soon since you've stuck with it for this long.

It can be a little hard when you hear people say 'my LO changed overnight, started sleeping 12 hours, napping for 2 hours every 2 hours, oh and they wrote their first dissertation and came in second in their first marathon.' :rolleyes: The truth of it is that for most of us, it doesn't happen overnight, and very few babies don't go through periods of disruption and have upsets even if they were sleeping great before. You'll find plenty of support and advise from the wonderful girls here!

TG - :rofl: at wanting ham in your tea. I have days like that too, more often since I became a mummy which should come as no surprise to anyone here. Sorry to hear about you burning your tongue though, ironically on a cup of tea! Luckily they tend to heal pretty fast so hopefully you won't notice it within another day or two.

I'm really glad to hear that work is going well for you and that Lizzie is doing so great being away from her mummy all that time. It must be a relief that she's adjusting well.

HG - I hope you got enough sleep to dream up inspiration for your invitations. I'm sure they'll be great once you get going on them. You'll have to show us the finished product when you're done!

Poppy - I switched to cloth awhile back too and wish I'd done it earlier than I had but I'm glad I've made the switch. I ended up buying a bunch of birth to potty pocket diapers from 97k Gallery ( on Ebay. I got 16 of my choice for around $80 including shipping (51.98 GBP) and they've held up well, plus another 11 a bit cheaper per diaper since I took the time to bid on individual ones, so I have enough for several days and only have to do a nappy wash every 2-3 days, and still have enough to get me through the next day without worrying about drying time.

That being said, sorry to hear about Otto being sick, and poor you coming down with it too. :( I'm fuming at the moment since Ronan's come down with something after one of the mother's her snotty nosed kid to swim class on Friday and the monkey started getting congested within the next day. It's the first time he's been sick in 7 1/2 months, and after sleeping through until 5-6ish for a whole week, that's gone completely out the window the last few days and his day and night sleep is awful.

Also, I'm totally jealous of your vacation. I think both places look absolutely wonderful, so I'm zero help in recommending which one you should pick!

Other than Ronan's cold, there's not too much else going on. I'm upset that being a responsible parent unlike said parent who got the monkey sick in the first place, I have to cancel on mommy/baby dates for tomorrow and Thursday, AND skip class on Friday more than likely because I don't want to spread the plague. Oh, and to add insult to injury, after the monkey sneezed all over me (along with all of the general kissing and drooling he does on me), I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with the same thing. :growlmad:

On a lighter note, here's a couple of videos of the monkey. The first is him holding an intelligent conversation with daddy after dinner (he's not quite on par with Abby, yet! :haha:), while the second one is Ronan and Bailey. :)
Good morning everyone.

Well last night was a little bit better, he slept until quarter to six but then happily chatted to himself in the cot until 6.30 when I got him up for the day. Hopefully tomorrow he will sleep till 6! (What's the bets that we are back to 5.30 again though, LOL).

Hivechild - LOL at resident sleep guru! I am just so obsessed with baby's sleep patterns, I must have read nearly every book going at this stage. I'm sure everyone in real life thinks I'm a bit mad. And I've noticed that any time anyone mentions ANY problem with their baby's behaviour, my first question is always how they are sleeping! It probably gets quite irritating after a bit, LOL. But I really do find with Thomas that if he isn't sleeping right he is like a different baby in terms of his mood, concentration, and generally how easy he is to keep entertained. The videos of Ronan are gorgeous, I can't believe how grown up all of our babies are getting! Isn't it amazing how much they can interact now compared to just a few months ago? You can really see his personality in both of those videos. Hope he gets over his cold soon - I always find that good sleep goes out the window when they are not well.

Poppy, your holiday looks like it will be amazing. I agree that both of those places look great, so I'm no help in making a decision! Hope your colds are both cleared up by then. :hugs:

TennisGal - sounds like you are settling back into the swing of things in work, and brilliant that Lizzie is having a good time with her grannies! It definitely does make a difference when you don't have to worry about the childcare arrangements. LOL at the ham tea but not good about the burned tongue!
Hey, your obsession is our gain! What would we do if you were obsessed with shoes and handbags?

As for Ronan, I keep telling his daddy he has all the makings of a politician and that he's already practicing his campaign speech when he sits in his high chair smacking the tray and talking to himself.

I'm glad Thomas slept a bit better today. The poor monkey is out of sorts still and waking when mummy is really needing her sleep most.
Morning all.

Well Little Miss Phoebe decided that screaming the house down at 1am for ages was the order of the night. No idea why, I tried the comfort and then leave and for about 25 mins she just occassionally wimpered and chatted. Then Daddy went in when she was crying and there she was stood up crying onto her cot rail - I guess she had been stood up the whole time so I then felt rotten. It took about an hour to get her fully off to sleep. By which time OH had returned to bed, starts snoring and nothing I can do will make him stop so I am shattered today.

HC - they are soooo gorgeous! The talking is lovely and the one with Bailey is so cute. Maxy likes to lick her face in a very passionate manner when she gets home from childcare and she has learnt to stroke him this week rather than just grab him.

Right must get on with the jobs whilst she is asleep - bless her though she slept until 7.15 and has now been napping just over an hour so I guess she is sorting herself out.
Hi girls :hi: I have some great news. Last night was what I would consider one of the best ever. Initally I had to improvise a bit, Sam had his last nap until 3pm and usually makes it till bedtime at 7pm but he was so tired that I put him down for a late short nap around 5.00pm. We then had him in bed by 8pm instead of 7pm and after having to go back in three more times he was out 20 minutes later. Followed by waking up at 11pm (fed him), 2.15 (took me a while to get him settled) and another one at 5pm where I fed him again and he currently (8.20am) is still sleeping. Great success!!! Will have to see how today goes as we'll be out babysitting from 3-6pm (teaching a little 2 year old german), so I won't be able to have him nap that easily if needed.

HC - the videos of Ronan are gorgeous!! He is so grown up and such a cute. Love how he plays with your dog!
Julchen : :happydance::happydance: Great news that your nights are improving! You are on the home stretch now, stick with it! 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. is quite a long stretch, maybe he would be better off with a regular catnap for the moment? Thomas didn't drop the catnap until just after he turned eight months although I do know that some babies are ready to move to two naps by six months.

Historygirls - :hugs: I find it so upsetting when Thomas's sleep is disturbed like that especially if I don't know why. Could it be more teeth on the way? I feel your pain with the snoring problem too. Do you think we are more sensitive to snoring now because we are used to listening out for the baby? I swear that OH's snoring never used to be this bad!

Hivechild - I've no real interest in shoes or handbags so you're safe enough there, LOL! How is Ronan's cold today?

Poppy - any decision made on the holiday accommodation?
Wow HC, those cloth nappies are gorgeous! Why are they not in the UK :( I am tempted to buy some Ebay cheapies but am worried at the same time just incase they are rubbish. I *may* have some preloved BG V3 but am waiting to hear back from the lady so fingers crossed!

I am still deliberation on where to stay in Valencia. I need to make a decision tonight though!!

Last night I woke at 3.30am feeling completely rotten. Darn cold and sore throat. Good things is though that when I actually mamanged to get back to sleep again Elliott didn't wake until 5.30am for a feed and then slept until gone 8am!! :woohoo:

Ronan is utterly gorgeous! Your dog is so sweet too! She looks just as soft as my dog who kisses Otto and makes him giggle with deight.

Polaris, well done for last night! Gone are the days that Otto will play alone in his cot after waking up. Occasionally he will chatter to himself but generally he wants attention straight away.

Julchen, what an improvement! I'm so pleased for you :hugs:

Sorry to hear you had a rough night HG :nope: I hope you have a more restful night tonight (we need a sleepy dust smiley).x
HC - WHAT cute videos!! He's adorable - as is Bailey!! I loved the post dinner speech!! Thanks for your kind words about work, even though it's only a day or does feel like a long time away from my little lovely.

P - how's the sleep plan going? Am v.curious to hear of all developments!! Thanks for the nice work words, too. When are you back? Does make a biiiig difference feeling happy and comfortable that our precious ones are happy and comfortable :hugs:

Julchen - SO pleased to hear things are going well :D that's great news!! :D

HC - Oh, I hate that - when you go to them, and find out they've been standing up. Poor little Fibby, must be another peg en route?

Poppppeeee - am soooooo glad I'm not the only ditz on the block :D I just can't seem to stop my clangers. I was on a call to my boss today, and called him Ed. About four times. I'd been watching Ed Miliband in news, and just called my boss that name throughout!! He didn't even ask me why until the end - hahahahaha!!
Well, I think both the places in Valencia look deelightful - the village in the first looks lovely, and the villa has a nice traditional look...second one - WOW the view! Beautiful!! Does it have two pools? Is one a kiddie pool?

Also, missus, have you given me your cold? I'm coughing away here ;)

You're all giving me positive cloth bum vibes - we get through so many Pampers, it bothers me...from a green perspective. Also, they smell really weird (prior to use, I should add!)

Lizzie slept really well last night, and has been playing 'chase' nearly all day, so was exhausted this evening...!! Fingers crossed we all have good nights *sleepy dust*
Poppppeeee - am soooooo glad I'm not the only ditz on the block :D I just can't seem to stop my clangers. I was on a call to my boss today, and called him Ed. About four times. I'd been watching Ed Milliband in action at the Lab Conf, and just called my boss that name throughout!! He didn't even ask me why until the end - hahahahaha!!


Ha ha ha! I love it! How polite of him not to mention it until the end though. Did I tell you my story about the lightbulbs and my refrigerator...I shan't repeat it just incase. Basically, i can be ssooo daft sometimes!

I am getting rather excited about the idea of Otto being a fluffy bum. I have found some preloved BG V3 and am waiting for a reply from the lady about my offer. I 'm worried I;ve been to cheeky and scared her off though :dohh: You are right, Pampers stink! I really strange smell. So far I have saved 2 nappies from landfill.....okay, so I'm not saving the world....yet!

I HAVE NOW DECIDED ON ACCOMODATION :woohoo: I went with the Villa in Gandia. I think it only has one pool and the other on you can see in the photo belongs to the neighbour...? I just had a better feeling about this villa after talking with both of the owners of each property. Also, I think it is in a better location. Also the other villa had a few dodgy reviews which the owner didn't back up aprticularly well.

Sorry to hear you are coughing away :cry: I haven't got to that stage yet but poor Otto is coughing so much. It's a really wet cough as well the poor little man. His little voive is all croaky too.

Tell Lizzie to send some sleepy vibes to Elliott (mind you....last night wasn't too bad!!)x
Good morning everyone. Just a quickie to report on our success - Thomas slept until 6.30 a.m. this morning!! Of course I was still awake from 5.15 waiting for him to wake up. :dohh: Hopefully he will keep it up for long enough for MY internal body clock to adjust too!
:hi: Peeps,

Righty-O, am trying to catch up!!! I'm missing sooooo much - work really gets in the way of my forum time - PAH!!!

Lovely to read all of your news though and hear how well your LOs are doing! We have had about 5 fantastic nights in a row when Kyle has been sleeping for 12hrs and we've needed to wake him up in the morning but that came crashing down last night when he woke up coughing at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep (poor toot, he's had this cough and cold for WEEKS now since starting nursery).

He also gets home sooooo over-tired as only manages 2 x 30 min naps a day at the nursery (they are not clued up on how important napping is for babies at all - not like us lot!) so I really need to get him in bed for 6.30pm but it's such a push! At least he still naps okay on weekends - touch wood! Last night for one reason or another it was more like 7pm by the time he fell asleep so i'm sure over-tiredness played a part too. Poor mite looked exhausted when we dropped him off at nursery this morning :(

I'm also very upset to report that i've lost my sense of smell - it's totally gone! The consultant can't seem to find out why and has prescribed some nasty steroids but suspects it might be hormone (ie. from being pregnant) related. I can't remember when I could last smell something which is very annoying but he said there is only a 20% chance it will come back !!!!! MWAHHH. It's affected my taste too and most things just taste like cardboard at the moment unless seasoned quite heavily. I'm really upset about it - I can't smell Kyle's lovely baby smell anymore :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
So, I stopped breastfeeding at the weekend too. Made it to 9 months which i'm happy with but sad that I couldn't continue - a mixture of hormones, prescribed drugs etc meant I needed to make a decision on what to do. SOB!

I am loving all of the videos - they are just TOO CUTE!!! Keep them coming! Here is Kyle enjoying a (very fine) sausage for his dinner one night:

Ok, let me see if I can catch everyone!

Polaris - Congrats on Thomas sleeping till 6.30am!! Isn't it fantastic when they do that! 5am really is far far too early to start the day, I'm feeling terrible at the moment! Can't complain too much though as Kyle has been doing so well but these little blips keep coming along to test us!! Fantastic to hear too how well he is settling for the CM.

Poppy - Your holiday looks fantastic! I am very envious! Am sure it will clear Otto's cold up being out in the nice warm weather and away from this British mankiness. Yesterday up here in Aberdeen was truly truly awful!!

TG - You sound just like me at work! I am getting my words all muddled up at the moment (randomly said Yorkshire Pudding instead of something else the other day - eh?!!) and happy belated birthday for your lovely Lizzie!

HG - Kyle has done the random screaming in the middle of the night too, tis very odd isn't it! I love your piccy of Fibby on your profile, what a sweetie. My OH doesn't snore but even his breathing seems to keep me awake when I waken in the night :( Kyle suffers really badly with teething and it seems to be constant at the moment and I always have to put a bib on him during the day (I love those 'bibbles' you get, so cute)

Hive - Hee, I love shoes and handbags! I'm not mental like some of my friends but am partial to a bargain or two (well, sucker for a bargain is more appropriate!). Your videos are so fab and what about Bailey! Woof ! x

Julchen - Hi, and welcome to a fantastic group of ladies that have given me so much support over the past few months. I deffo couldn't have done any sleep training without them! Unfortunately i'm now a full time working mummy so have hardly any BnB forum time - BOOOOOO!

Sorry if i've missed anyone - lunchtime now over - BOOO!!

PS - Anybody experience a 9 month growth spurt?!

P xx
Thanks to everyone again for the warm welcome and support :flower:

Seems like last night was two steps back, even though he went down very easily and the first stretch of sleep was about 3 hours things just went downhill from there. He kept waking almost once an hour again, crying very hard and I could not settle him without rocking him for quite a while. Oh well, I guess that is normal. I am also wondering how much the teething bugs him overnight. He is a perfectly happy baby during the day, but has very swollen gums and is chewing away on things more than ever. Maybe that keeps him for staying asleep as well?

PM - The video is so cute!! I really hope your sense of smell comes back very soon :hugs: I can't even imagining how it would be not to smell anything at all.

Polaris - pleased to hear about the great sleep !!! It probably won't take long for you to adjust to it :flower:

Poppy - when and where are you going on vacation? I missed that part :dohh:

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