Sleep Sense Support Group!

an ok night from us, when to bed but kept waking up but setteled herself - really dodgy teeth I think.

but wanted to get up at 4am! Anyone else getting really early waking? She just won't put herself back and we can sit there for an hour. Only way is to cuddle to sleep then tiptoee!
an ok night from us, when to bed but kept waking up but setteled herself - really dodgy teeth I think.

but wanted to get up at 4am! Anyone else getting really early waking? She just won't put herself back and we can sit there for an hour. Only way is to cuddle to sleep then tiptoee!

Oh no, 4 a.m. is not a good time to be waking up for the day. :nope:
Thomas has been waking up well before 7 (6.15 this morning) and that is too early for me to be honest but I notice that Dana suggests that anything after 6 is totally normal for babies so I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it. At least the clocks are going forward soon!

Thomas woke up for his feed at 12.30 last night - it is just getting earlier and earlier - what is the story with that? I was really reluctant to feed him at that time as I thought he would wake up again for a second feed but he didn't. I wish he had a more consistent time for his feed so that I had an idea of when I was likely to be up during the night!!
Thomas woke up for his feed at 12.30 last night - it is just getting earlier and earlier - what is the story with that? I was really reluctant to feed him at that time as I thought he would wake up again for a second feed but he didn't. I wish he had a more consistent time for his feed so that I had an idea of when I was likely to be up during the night!!

Kyle is the same in that the times of his night feeds are inconsistent and can vary in as much as 2.5 hours from when he went to sleep! Last night we woke up at 1am and 5.20am for feeds, but fortunately, unlike yesterday, he went back to sleep until 6.45am.

I really do struggle without OH supporting me though during the day and already the first nap of the day just hasn't happened. Yesterday he managed a 45 min nap in the crib (thanks to OH) but then we were out all day so he napped in the car seat and stroller. OH is working from home on Thursday so will probably try again then and Kyle will be going into the big cot hopefully on Weds night.

I now wake up in the morning dreading nap time already - before the day has barely started!! :(
thanks again

i defo won't be waiting too long to put her to bed again - lesson learnt :)

well she woke up a few times but settled herself within a few minutes then she woke around 2.30ish for a feed - then went back to sleep around 3 until 7am - then was up for the day - this i can cope with

she has gone down for her first nap at 9.30am - see how long she sleeps

Polaris - i hope Thomas gets into a regular pattern soon - its hard when u get used to something - i find it difficult when dd has one good night then it all goes to pot the next - hope tonight is better :hugs:. It's amazing how such a short space of time can make a difference to how they settle. One more thing Polaris, do you still use wake to sleep and do you use it for all naps?
Polaris, we had the early feed thing for a while, but now I've 2 days in a row of 5am feeding! Can't work him out...

PM - hang in there, I think you're doing brilliantly. What method are you using at the minute?

Cattia - Some people are having great results with wake to sleep, but I never have. However, Evan is sleeping brilliantly, just using the sleep sense methods (wake to sleep is part of Baby Whisperer I think?).

TennisGal - glad LO had a good bedtime, how did the night go?

flowers - you don't know until you try! Sorry you had a crap evening, but you need to test things out a bit before you know what LO needs, don't you? I've done this before too!

We had a good night, and a good nap so far. Evan has still dropped his sleepy signs though, so it's hard to get him to bed before he's overtired! Where has the eye-rubbing gone?! He stopped yawning before bed when he was about 4 months, now he only yawns just before he drops off.
Flowers04 - I do still try 'wake to sleep' sometimes but not for every nap. I don't know if it works or not, sometimes it seems to work but other times it doesn't. Yesterday morning it seemed to work brilliantly and he had an hour and a half nap. But this morning I did the exact same thing and it woke him up. :dohh: I was devastated as I really wanted him to have a good nap because we have swimming on Tuesday mornings. So I ended up bringing him out for an emergency walk in the pram to extend the nap - couldn't face going swimming at 11.30 with a baby who had been up since 6.30 with only 30 minutes nap!

Jacs - I would love if Thomas would move to 5 a.m. feeding! These early feeds are a bit of a killer as I have only gone to sleep for a few hours and then am up again. Also the worry that he's going to need feeding again before morning (even though that hasn't happened yet). I shouldn't complain though, every time I feel annoyed about something I remind myself that a couple of weeks ago I was up feeding him every two hours from 1 a.m. onwards.

PM - I think you are doing fantastic! It's great to see that the programme can start to work even with a baby of Kyle's age. I wouldn't worry too much about naps for the moment, I think you should just work on them when you can and just let him nap in the pram/carseat at other times for the moment. Good luck with the move to the big cot on Wednesday - hope it goes well!
Hi - was wondering if it was ok to join. I am wanting to start sleep sense - have filled the form in a number of times and then cancelled - mainly because I'm a bit worried about the cold turkey on the dummy. I tried cold turkey on the dummy and she cried for3 hours none stop and it didn't matter whether I sssshhhshed her or not - PU/PD made her worse!!!

Have any of you had to get rid of the dummy and how long did it take??? I can't have another night like last night.

Before 2 nights ago, she slept from 7 til 4.30 wanted dummy and then went back til 6.30 - but now she is waking at 2.30 and dummy doesn't really help - think itmight be a growth spurt - but I'm reluctant to start feeding her again in the night, particularly when she has 32oz in the day anyway!!!

Any advice would be great.

Thanks for the great group jacs!!!
Flowers04 - I do still try 'wake to sleep' sometimes but not for every nap. I don't know if it works or not, sometimes it seems to work but other times it doesn't. Yesterday morning it seemed to work brilliantly and he had an hour and a half nap. But this morning I did the exact same thing and it woke him up. :dohh: I was devastated as I really wanted him to have a good nap because we have swimming on Tuesday mornings. So I ended up bringing him out for an emergency walk in the pram to extend the nap - couldn't face going swimming at 11.30 with a baby who had been up since 6.30 with only 30 minutes nap!


i tried it yesterday morning and she slept for 2.5 hours but i didn't do it for her afternoon nap but she still slept for 2 hours - so im confused too:shrug:

ive used it this morning and she is sleeping for 2 hours so far - i did hear a grumble though so she should get up soon - i just can't beleve she has gone from 30 mins to over two hours - im still in shock .

hope you have fun at swimming - im still to take lo swimming :)
Hi - was wondering if it was ok to join. I am wanting to start sleep sense - have filled the form in a number of times and then cancelled - mainly because I'm a bit worried about the cold turkey on the dummy. I tried cold turkey on the dummy and she cried for3 hours none stop and it didn't matter whether I sssshhhshed her or not - PU/PD made her worse!!!

Have any of you had to get rid of the dummy and how long did it take??? I can't have another night like last night.

Before 2 nights ago, she slept from 7 til 4.30 wanted dummy and then went back til 6.30 - but now she is waking at 2.30 and dummy doesn't really help - think itmight be a growth spurt - but I'm reluctant to start feeding her again in the night, particularly when she has 32oz in the day anyway!!!

Any advice would be great.

Thanks for the great group jacs!!!

Hi Third time

of course u can join - welcome :)

i responded to your post in baby club re the dummy - my lo has always loved her dummy - we would have to get up so many times to replace it

we did go cold turkey with the dummy and it has been nearly two weeks now :happydance:

it is hard at the start as i can tell she desperately wanted something to suck and she wasn't interested in her hands - but i stuck it out and i think she has now forgotten about it. There will be tears unfortunately but its oly for a short amount of time - im so glad i have got rid of the dummy now rather than when she is older

your lo sleeps quite well, its just that one waking - i think it is worth a go - at least you can stay with lo if you don't feel comfortable leaving her

is your lo feeding more in the day? if yes then it possibly could be a growth spurt

my lo is not sleeping through the night yet and wakes for feedings but she is a low weight so i don't mind

if you have anymore questions please ask :)
Hi can I join?
I have trying sleep sense for just over a week (after reading all your comments) so far at night it is fab. My LO is sleeping through usually from 7 until 6-7 (just depends). However, nap times are becoming a total nightmare she is only sleeping 20-30mins max. Does anyone have any advice please?
Jacs - thats brilliant - he's progressing so well - i can sometimes put dd in her cot and walk away but not very often

Tennisgal - how did it go last night and hope u r having better naps today

PM - hope you have better naps today and good luck with the move :)
Hi can I join?
I have trying sleep sense for just over a week (after reading all your comments) so far at night it is fab. My LO is sleeping through usually from 7 until 6-7 (just depends). However, nap times are becoming a total nightmare she is only sleeping 20-30mins max. Does anyone have any advice please?

Hi ms0206

welcome to the club

thats great about the night sleep - we are all finding that naps are a lot harder to tackle and very hit and miss - whats ur nap routine at the moment? Foogirl, who has been using the programme for quite a while now says that the naps could take several weeks to improve
Hi third time - welcome!:flower:

We didn't have a dummy to give up, but we did have to give up walking around until Evan was asleep before we put him in the cot. The thought of putting him down awake was terrifying, so I think I can kind of feel your pain!
I say just go for it, not saying it will be easy, but it won't take long if you can hang in there, and stick it out! I totally believe that as long as you are consistent, it will work for you.

PU/PD never worked for me either, but your LO will be using the 3-6months method, which doesn't require you to pick up at all (unless there is a real need!).

Good luck, ask any questions or just vent, we's love to help!
Hi ms0206, great to have you!

How old is your LO, and do you have any routine at the moment before naps? Keeping some things similar to bedtime has helped us, naps have improved greatly since we started.

Well done on the nights!
Hi - was wondering if it was ok to join. I am wanting to start sleep sense - have filled the form in a number of times and then cancelled - mainly because I'm a bit worried about the cold turkey on the dummy. I tried cold turkey on the dummy and she cried for3 hours none stop and it didn't matter whether I sssshhhshed her or not - PU/PD made her worse!!!

Have any of you had to get rid of the dummy and how long did it take??? I can't have another night like last night.

Before 2 nights ago, she slept from 7 til 4.30 wanted dummy and then went back til 6.30 - but now she is waking at 2.30 and dummy doesn't really help - think itmight be a growth spurt - but I'm reluctant to start feeding her again in the night, particularly when she has 32oz in the day anyway!!!

Any advice would be great.

Thanks for the great group jacs!!!

I went cold turkey on dummy on friday and haven't missed it. It is hard to watch her sucking franticaly at her nunu but to be honest by today she hasn't noticed she hasn't got it.

I tried to give it to her sainsburys yesterday and she kept spitting it out so i guess she dosen't mind!

it was harder for me to believe she would give it up but she has! She sucks her fingers anyway!
Welcome all!!

Flowers - how is all with you? We're still working on naps...but nights are working well :)

Polaris - early night feed could be 4 mth growth spurt? DD fed almost continually during hers

Thirdtime - PU/PD didn't work for us, either...DD was much happier with shush/pat. PU/PD seemed to get her more agitated. Shush pat could be worth a try?

MS - We're working on the naps, too!

How is everyone today? :hugs:

We had a fab sleep - but no joy with naps! Argh, neighbour came round as DD was just settling...and waltzed upstairs to see her. WHY?! I'd specifically said we were working on naps!! SO, DD woke up (she was half asleep) to someone looming over her cot and was not best pleased! She came down for a play (was so chirpy, I certainly wouldn't be with someone waking me like that!!) and then wanted a nap on Mummy. Aw!

SO, we'll try again later :D

Bit annoyed that neighbour totally ignored me!
Hey everyone! Welcome to the new people!

Remember I was complaining about Thomas's night feed being at a different time every night and wishing he would adopt a regular time for his feed? Well I was just having a read of the Baby Whisperer forum and apparently it is a good thing that he is waking at different times each night! Apparently if he was waking at the same time every night it could easily become a habitual waking and he might go on waking at that time even when he doesn't need the feed anymore whereas if he is waking at different times each night it is more likely to just be genuine hunger! I was really interested to read that - it just shows you should be careful what you wish for, I didn't realize that it was better for him to be waking at different times!
Tennisgal - naps have been better past few days - not sure if its just a phase though :) still working on the nights - she was out by 7.30 tonight - thats the earliest she's gone to sleep so i'll have to see what the night brings. Have you tried sleep to wake? it may be coincidence that its worked for us as i have only used it for the morning nap so far but in the past two days she has had two long afternoon naps

Polaris - ahh that makes sense now - is he still on milk only? have you found that he is waking for a feed earlier when he hasn't had as much in the day?

dd is now on solids and didn't have a good day - didn't like anything i made so im expecting a lot of wakings tonight - we'll see how it goes
Good news, Flowers :hugs:

And way to go Thomas - not setting a 'feed routine'! :)

Ladies, can you tell me exactly what you do with the sleep to wake? Gently wake your LO? How far into the nap? Sorry if it's already been covered...

DD didn't nap for more than 1.5 hrs today, so she was v.tired at bedtime. That was including naps on me....she just kept getting them interrupted. Argh!
Good news, Flowers :hugs:

And way to go Thomas - not setting a 'feed routine'! :)

Ladies, can you tell me exactly what you do with the sleep to wake? Gently wake your LO? How far into the nap? Sorry if it's already been covered...

DD didn't nap for more than 1.5 hrs today, so she was v.tired at bedtime. That was including naps on me....she just kept getting them interrupted. Argh!

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