Sleep Sense Support Group!

Lol TennisGal! How freaky would it be if he just stood up and went to his toybox or something?!

We started weaning at 4 months, because of his size mainly. He was a big boy, and I was concerned about the amount of feeds he was needing (he was already on hungry baby milk). HV told us just to start weaning, and we haven't found anything he doesn't like! On day 1 he was guiding the spoon into his mouth, so I'm happy with our choice. We are going down the traditional route, with purees. He has fruit/veg/pulses/cheese/cereals and loves the lot!(veggie baby). I thought about BLW, but then it got that he needed more food, so we felt we had to get on with it. At 6 months, I will be letting him explore finger foods at his own pace though. It's a minefield isn't it!

flowers - strange that your LO is stopping the eye-rubbing too! I wonder if they're thinking we know when they're tired now, so they don't need to bother?
Flowers, hope you have a good night tonight :hugs:

Jacs, I think we'll probably go trad, too. Great that Evan is a big boy...and fab that he loves all foods!! I think that's probably the biggest concern, isn't it, what our LOs will eat!

Our second nap took place partly in the cot, partly on Mummy...although am pleased, as time in the cot is getting a bit longer. She's considering grabbing cat at the mo, so better dash!
We've had a good day for naps - an hour and a half this morning and then over two hours at lunchtime (although that was in the pram because we went out for lunch). He's just gone down again now. I'm totally shattered today - think I'll be getting an early night!

Oh and regarding learning new skills - since yesterday Thomas has almost learned to sit up without falling over - he's quite sturdy but his balance was terrible and overnight he seems to have made huge strides - he still falls over after a while but a huge difference from yesterday. I guess there is so much going on for them that it's not surprising they have a few disturbed nights. But I hope we miss out on the wanting to get up at 2 a.m. phase!!
flowers - strange that your LO is stopping the eye-rubbing too! I wonder if they're thinking we know when they're tired now, so they don't need to bother?

i just managed to get her to have a nap - i have been timing her for the past few days and she has been able to stay up for a max of 2.5 hours but today she was wide awake - i took her up at 3.40, fed her etc and then she wouldn't go to sleep till 4.30pm, so she had been up for over 3 hours - so how do i know when to put her down now :dohh:

she slept for over 2 hours this morning - did sleep to wake again. I'm going to see how she gets on without it for her morning nap tomorrow - fingers crossed

how's everyones naps going today?
Jacs and Flowers - I would be so lost without the eye rubbing! I know you can watch the clock to a certain extent but it must be very difficult to time it right without having sleepy signs to look out for. Thomas is still eye-rubbing luckily - I wonder is it an age thing?
we are blessed with eye rubbing - but this arvo even putting her down at first rub she wouldn't go on her own. yet in the morning nap she is a champ at self settling.

Anyone else in same position?
HG - I found that waiting a little bit after the first eye-rub was better - he was a bit more tired but not cranky (on the advice of Polaris - worked a treat!)

flowers - yup, nightmare! I'm just going off his mood more now. If he seems like he can't be bothered or grumpy, then off he goes! So hard though, I've got it wrong twice today, where he just hadn't been tired enough once he's in his cot.

Polaris - wow, that's progress! Looks like all that developing was keeping Thomas awake last night! He must have wanted up early to show off his new skills!

TG - ooh it's exciting, make sure you get a pic of the first mouthful!!

Well, one step forward two steps back for us! Last night we moved Kyle into his cot (but still in our room) and we went back to his pre-SS waking times for feeds of 11pm and 3am, then up at 7am! Shattered!

Any tips for making the transition into the cot easier? We were also thinking of moving him into his own room on Friday night too, guess we might as well do it all now before we start making real progress then interupt him by moving rooms?

Won't even start on naps as have been utterly rubbish - only one in the crib yesterday the rest in the pram/car seat and today all have been in the pram/car seat as had the cinema then went shopping. BUT he was one of the best behaved babies in the cinema (what a first) as he slept then enjoyed sitting on my knee and watching the film!

He's also only slept for 20 mins since 3.30pm!! I fear tonight could be mayhem as he will be soooooo overtired!

Also, can you guys remember much about the 12 week growth spurt? Kyle will be 12 weeks on Friday and i'm not sure what to expect!

Will read up on 'wake to sleep' in the BW and try that tomorrow morning as he regularly wakes between 30-45 mins IF he gets a nap in his crib! OH is working from home too tomorrow so makes it a wee bit easier, I really struggle flying solo with naps!

Hmm tricky one PM!
I would stick with your plan - are you using touch/phrases or PU/PD? Was he feeding well in the night, or did it seem like a comfort thing?
If he does it tonight, and you think it was for comfort, I would carry on with the settling method you are using.
If you think he is actually hungry, all you can do is feed then try settling him - could be that growth spurt!

As with the 4month one, I don't remember having issues at 12 weeks - I just think Evan takes it in his stride! The only time I have ever noticed anything was at 6 weeks, when he definitely increased his feeds.

If you are planning on moving him to his own room, I would decide after you see how tonight goes! If you think he's going to be anxious, try spending loads of time in there together, over the next few days, in dim light as well as daylight, so he knows what it is like in there when it's dark too.
Hmm tricky one PM!
I would stick with your plan - are you using touch/phrases or PU/PD? Was he feeding well in the night, or did it seem like a comfort thing?
If he does it tonight, and you think it was for comfort, I would carry on with the settling method you are using.
If you think he is actually hungry, all you can do is feed then try settling him - could be that growth spurt!

If you are planning on moving him to his own room, I would decide after you see how tonight goes! If you think he's going to be anxious, try spending loads of time in there together, over the next few days, in dim light as well as daylight, so he knows what it is like in there when it's dark too.

We spend a lot of time in his nursery during the day and he gets his night-time nappy changed in the same room so will try and get him used to it during the darkness too!

We are using touch/phrases now as PU/PD really wound him up and his cries would escalate with each PU.

If he wakes in the middle of the night we give it 10 mins then feed him, I think given his age (12 weeks) then am guessing he would still be hungry a couple of times in the night?

Pm - we had a massive grow at 12 weeks and rubbish sleep. I think it must hurt to grow as well as being hungry!

Stick with it!

Will try putting down a little later at lunch time sleep!
If he wakes in the middle of the night we give it 10 mins then feed him, I think given his age (12 weeks) then am guessing he would still be hungry a couple of times in the night?


Sounds right, yes. As ever, you know your LO best, so just go with what you think. How has bedtime been tonight? x
Hmm tricky one PM!
I would stick with your plan - are you using touch/phrases or PU/PD? Was he feeding well in the night, or did it seem like a comfort thing?
If he does it tonight, and you think it was for comfort, I would carry on with the settling method you are using.
If you think he is actually hungry, all you can do is feed then try settling him - could be that growth spurt!

If you are planning on moving him to his own room, I would decide after you see how tonight goes! If you think he's going to be anxious, try spending loads of time in there together, over the next few days, in dim light as well as daylight, so he knows what it is like in there when it's dark too.

We spend a lot of time in his nursery during the day and he gets his night-time nappy changed in the same room so will try and get him used to it during the darkness too!

We are using touch/phrases now as PU/PD really wound him up and his cries would escalate with each PU.

If he wakes in the middle of the night we give it 10 mins then feed him, I think given his age (12 weeks) then am guessing he would still be hungry a couple of times in the night?


The 12 week growth spurt wasn't a particularly big one for us, but we did have increased feeding for about 2 or 3 days as far as I can remember. He was eating all the time through the night at that age anyway!

When I moved Thomas to his cot, we had a TERRIBLE night the first night, he woke up literally nearly every hour. I thought he might have been a bit freaked out by the open space so the next night I hung a blanket over the side of the cot so that he couldn't see out (I still do that). I also raised the head end of the mattress a bit by putting a small pillow under the head end as Thomas has never liked lying flat. The second night in the cot went much better and by the third night he was back to normal. Moving him to his own room went much more smoothly and didn't affect his sleep negatively at all, I think he slept better in his own room actually.

I think at 12 weeks he would still be expected to need one or two night feeds - could be the growth spurt too - so I agree that it would be best to feed him if he's not settling. Hope he's more used to the cot tonight and back to his improved sleep pattern!
Evening All!

Naps have been varied today - but moving in the right direction :)

PM - same as Polaris, really, 12 wk growth spurt involved a few days of extra eating and some unsettled sleeping. Not as much as 6 weeks...but I do remember stocking up with dvds and camping out on the sofa! DD actually settled well into her cot, but I think she was getting annoyed with whacking the sides of her Moses Basket! I say settled well, she rarely slept more than about five hours in it, lol, but we hadn't go onto this programme at that point! I'd agree with all regarding feeding.

Still, her cot looks so much more comfy than her basket! We want an adult sized version of her mattress!

Eye rubbing is still our major indicator too - so not sure if it's an age thing? Eye rubbing and a strange grumble.

Polaris - Thomas is sitting :) fab! That's what amazes me - just how much they learn overnight. I find the whole thing fascinating, I really do. Not from the annoying Mummy 'my child is reciting Wordsworth' perspective...but from the pure wonder of it all. Hope your DH did well in music comp.

HG - strange, I find DD normally settles best for the 'middle' nap...I wonder if they have an internal body clock that just makes sleep easier/more difficult at various times? How are the early wakings? DD was up with lark today!

Flowers - how were the rest of the naps?

PM - how well behaved was your DS in the cinema!! Good for him!

Jacs - I will be armed with a camera! I take about 1000 shots a day, lol.

Hope all have a fab night...DD is catching some z's now, she was tired at bedtime and was telling us to hurry-up... :)
Evening All!

Naps have been varied today - but moving in the right direction :)

Brilliant news that there is some progress on the naps!

Polaris - Thomas is sitting :) fab! That's what amazes me - just how much they learn overnight. I find the whole thing fascinating, I really do. Not from the annoying Mummy 'my child is reciting Wordsworth' perspective...but from the pure wonder of it all. Hope your DH did well in music comp.

I know, I just marvel over every little milestone! It is a balancing act because on the one hand you are so delighted with everything they do and just want to shout it from the rooftops but on the other hand you don't want to come across as annoying bragging mum - I really do get annoyed by mothers who seem to view it all as a competition whose LO can get there the fastest. Thanks for asking about OH's music competition by the way - he came third which I think was pretty fab (speaking of bragging, LOL!!)

Hope all have a fab night...DD is catching some z's now, she was tired at bedtime and was telling us to hurry-up... :)

I love it when you can see that they actually want to go to bed! If I take too long with the bedtime routine (normally if I don't know whether he's got all his wind up) Thomas will keep looking over at the cot, then bury his head in my shoulder, and start sucking his thumb - those are my cues that 'you are taking too long - I just want to go to bed now please'. It's lovely that they are starting to learn that going to bed is a good thing when you are tired!
The 12 week spurt was a biggie for us, we have just come out of it. She went from 2 feeds a night to 4 for a week, and would not settle all day, was basically just a nonstop winging nightmare lol! Since the 12 week spurt though she has gone two nights with just one feed, which she's never done before. Last night she woke at 11 and I left her for 10 mins and she went back to sleep! We did one feed at 3am then she went until 6.30 which is great! ON the other hand I have a nighmare blocked duct, it is totally killing me so I might be up half the night epxressing if she decided to do just one feed again!
Well another good night for us. Woke up at 11 for a feed then soundo until 5! Why so early!!! OH tried a bottle but she half but did go back until the dog barked!!!!! Arghhh! So up for the day at 6.45 - late by phoebe's standards.

Trying nap one of the day now - normally are best but she is currently trying to roll over (new skill learnt this week) and she istrying to practice as much as possible!

Can't really complain about bedtimes now but napping......sure we will get there!
Well we had two feeds again last night but other than that it was a really good night. Went to bed with no crying at 6.35 (I know - it seems to be getting earlier and earlier!), feeds at 11.30 and 4.30 but went back to sleep straight away after both of the feeds and didn't wake up for the day till 7 - Yay!! I think I can handle two night feeds easier than the early wake ups.

Fingers crossed for naps for everyone today - he's just gone down for his first one.
nap disaster here this morning - the only nap so far sje takes on her own in a cot. She has had 25 mins since 6.30 (bearing in mind she was up at 5 for 45 mins).

Put her down as usual and she was rolling or so i thought but i think she is arching her back - she has done this in all her feeds for the past 24 hours it has been a nightmare. :cry:
She didn't go so after 45 mins I put her to sleep on me, then put her down - 20 mins.Then screaming and wouldn't settle. On me more back arching then sleep. Put her down , 5 mins later screaming. Now on me asleep. :nope:

Do I try and put her down again? or is sleep more important now.:shrug:

Sleepsense seems to be getting us nowhere in the day but brill at night. Naps are killing me, we don't get anything else done as it is either trying to get her down or catching up on much needed sleep.

feel crap. why is it so bad?:cry::cry:
Bella slept from 9pm-9am with a 10 min feed at 6am last night and that was all! :-D

Beats her waking every 2 hours!

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