Sleep Sense Support Group!

Evening ladies....a late edition from me as I have been working on kitchen quotes eeuurghh :wacko:

HC :hugs: Ronan does sound out of sorts. I am sure you will be back on track again soon. It is awaful when they aren't very well. It tends to disrupt everything.

PM - we do have a Karvol vaporiser and have used it and it's very good. I am worried about his cough. He sounds so phlegmy. Saying that I haven't heard him coughing down the monitor tonight so hopefully that means he is improving more. What a good idea about rice crispies. I haven't tried those yet. :sick: about the snot incident. It always makes me wonder how little noses produce so much of it :sick:

TG :hugs: Poor little Otto is still coughing but it does appear to be getting better. If I don't see an improvement by tomorrow evening I shall book him in to the Doctors for Tuesday. I want to make sure he is completely well for our holidays. I am loving the cloth bums :thumbup: Hopefully my 14 Bumgenius should arrive tomorrow. I was also very naughty and treated my self to a MonkeyFoot wetbag. You should give them a go. Do you have a council incentive scheme in your area? If you do quite often you can trial nappies for a bargain, refundable price. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only Mummy running around after a "minesweeper". How do they always go for the expensive items :dohh:? We did have an incident yesterday though...Elliott used a large floor ornament to stand on to reach the glass photo frames in the windowsill. He felt off the ornament and landed wedged between the TV and the wall. Luckily he wan't hurt but it did look quite uncomfortable. I seriously need eyes in the back of my head.

Julchen that is fab news. Isn't it lovely to see them drifting off to sleep of their own accord. Is he feeding for comfort or is he really hungry? I agree with TG, if you can differentiate between crys try SS to get him through one of the feeds. Elliott was the same as Lizzie (TG's lil lady) and was feeding 10 times a night at one point. Obviously this was a self settling issue, he wasn't actually hungry. Generally now Elliott feeds once a night but if he does wake twice I am generally soft and will feed him both times.....

HG - This blasted cold is sure doing the rounds. I also find Nurofen work better than Calpol but neither seems to be doing anything now. Luckily hus cold is gone he just needs to shift this cough. I love the photo of Fibby and your OH. It is exactly like that in our house...Otto wants, Otto gets :blush:

Today we had a lovely family day. Otto had his Waterbabies photo shoot this morning which went really well. We then went for some lunch afterwards. Tea time was a struggle tonight....I cooked a very scrummy chicken stirfry and made sure to put all of Otto's favourite foods in it and he point blank refused it. This then turned in to food throwing. He really wasn't interested in any food tonight :shrug: Mind you, I need to really, really try hard to stop laughing when he does things that aren't acceptable. I know he doesn't understand right and wrong yet but me laughing will certainly not help to teach him. It's so hard though when he throws a mushroom but it land on his head or when he drops a tomato on Daddy's back when he's trying to get food stains out of the carpet :haha: Apprently, according to OH, I'm a grown up so need to control the urge to laugh :-# Whoops, lol!

He has been a little star on the sleeping front. Last night he only woke once at 5am!!! He then fed and went back to sleep until I had to wake him up at 7.15am (I hate doing this but we had a schedule to keep to because of the photo shoot). I so hope he does the same again tonight.
Hi-hi ladies!

How are you all doing?

Poppy - how is Otto doing today? Loved it when you said you laugh at some of his diva moments...DH and I do the same with Lizzie! I'm worse, I have to really swallow back the sniggers, because if she sees me even smirk, she'll perform!

Sounds like he had a fab sleep, too!!

How is everyone else with the news?

Lizzie has been diva gal today, I wondered what on earth was going on (lots of 'it's my way or the highway style moments from her) and then spotted a top tooth poking through. Poor little love! We've basically had cuddles all day, lots of dancing - and Mummy doing exactly what was demanded, when demanded. Daddy took up those reigns when he walked in :D She got very excited with her fish in cheesy sauce today. I think she is saying 'yes', because when I asked her if she wanted more...she shouted 'ISSSS', started shaking with joy and shrieking!!

She slept 7 - 6:45 last night, really good. She's like a bundle of snug in the morning, I love it :D
Hi everyone,

just a quickie from me and then I'm off to bed.

Well my first day in work went well, I was reasonably busy and didn't have much time to think about Thomas. My only wobbly moment was when I rang home to see how he was doing (in great form of course), a few tears were shed after the phone call.

However, OH has put his back out and had to get his mum over to help him with Thomas for the day. What bad timing! I really hope it's better soon or I don't know what we are going to do. He just isn't able to mind Thomas the way he is at the moment as he can barely walk. It's a bit of a worry.

I got home by ten past five which I was pretty happy with (wasn't sure how long the journey would take with traffic), so we got a reasonable amount of time before bedtime. I got a lovely welcome from Thomas, lots of hugs and kisses. He wasn't at all happy though when I went upstairs to get changed out of my work clothes - he cried and cried until I came back downstairs. Poor little thing must have thought I was leaving again. He refused his bottle again, I have a feeling he's not going to take any milk during the day. I have asked OH to try giving him some milk in a cup with his lunch tomorrow instead. It's a bit annoying that my lovely stash of EBM probably won't get used now!
Polaris, I forgot it was today - for some reason I thought you had another couple of weeks to go (duh, you've been talking about brain, TG!)

Am so pleased it went well - that's the scary bit over :hugs:

Really hope Mr P's back gets better asap - and isn't the lovely welcome just fabulous? Lizzie gives me the Queen Elizabeth wave first, and then launches at me with hugs and kissles. Amazing.

Keep us updated...

ps-Lizzie is completely not fussed by feeds other than her morning and evening feed now, I still offer mid morning...but she's not bothered either way...
Even though it has only been a few days it feels like a lifetime since i had my last bnb fix! The cold is still attacking me with avengence and with school so busy I feel whacked. It was open evening last night so OH had to pick Fibby up and I didn't see her in the evening :cry: very sad. Stupid work.

She had a really disturbed night on Sunday, waking lots but going back quickly once we had been into calm her. Last night was brill over 12 hours! She is sleeping really well in the day at the CM - two naps of just over an hour each - so back to two naps at the moment not one :dohh: But our big news is ... she took a few wobbly steps on her own as she and daddy ran down the hallway to the bathroom:happydance: So proud - she wanted to repeat over and over again and the most she did without toppling was 3 steps. But the CM can't find one of her shoes so... we only have one at the mo:dohh:

Poppy - glad the cloth bums going well, did you go back to the drs? How is Otto

Polaris - glad your first day back was ok :hugs: and i hope your OH back gets better, real good timing. I couldn't contact the CM at all to start with because I would have sobbed and sobbed. I think it was a full two weeks before I stopped blubbing!

TG - I love the fact Lizzie has Diva days too - I thought FIbby had the monopoly on them. By the news do you mean child benefit :growlmad: We will loose it if they count OH's car allowance as salary. Really cross. we are lucky to have good jobs and I really appreciate that for many people it is a lot tougher but we don't have money to spare and we are not extravagent and holiday at home (this year we only managed abroad as my dad paid the accomodation). When we loose the child benefit it will mean having to save more money with our outgoings just going up :growlmad:

Lovely she can almost do yes - more cooperative than Fibby's no:dohh:
:happydance::happydance:Fibby and the steps!!:happydance::happydance: Are you ready to never sit down again?! :haha: Lizzie does a very cute speedy waddle from leg to leg, it's so funny! She still looks hugely proud of herself when she does it!!

Also, fab on the sleeps...especially the naps! That's fantastic! Lizzie is not napping brilliantly at the mo - but she is sleeping well at night. I wonder if the naps are something to do with her teething. She's also got very sore bot rash. She's NEVER had it before, she's changed as frequently as ever - and her weleda bot cream, I'm thinking teething? I called HV, and she said she thought the same. Poor love.

Well, glad to hear we BOTH have diva gals!! Lizzie has excelled herself today (I'm giving her the tooth benefit of the doubt!) She chucked her chicken pie EVERYWHERE! She managed to get it in my hair, on the windows, boy-cat...(most unimpressed) When I tried to coerce her into a few mouthfuls, she shook her head determinedly. She's been very cuddly, though, so despite not eating much, we've had plenty of snugs.

Not sure where I was talking about the news - but you've got me started now!! :D I'm appalled about the CB cuts - we won't get it, and it's not that I've got an issue with - it's the hideous inequality with which it's going to be applied. Punishing so many who need it, and rewarding those who could have a higher income between them. I can see the Gvt are trying to back-track, but we'll see what happens. Unfortunately, I do think they count car allowance, as it's taxable :nope:

I've been debating the news non-stop for the last three weeks, DH and I have our own little newsnight!

Anyway, I am w-a-s-h-e-d out tonight. I look and feel like a scarecrow. I am concerned that people will think it's reverse trick or treat when they knock on our door on Hallowe'en. Not sure why I'm so tired - think it's knock on of work/too many visitors/Lizzie waddling! :haha:

HG - get well soooooooon, and hope things calm down so you and La Fibby can have snugs. Sending you large bowl of chicken soup and :hugs:
Thanks TG - I did dispatch OH to purchase chicken soup but he bought horrible bread so it was somewhat spoilt!

As for looking bad - OH came in and his evening greating was 'GOd you look awful' I think he meant it as 'you poor thing you look really ill' but I wasn't best pleased!

Fibby has had a bit of a bum rash with the teething but it really comes and goes and she has never had it before the teeth appear so I am putting it down to that.

FIL just called and has offered to do all my ironing for me tomorrow as I'm not feeling great :thumbup: so that has cheered us no end! If only my sneezing would stop waking her up - I sound like a fog horn:dohh:
It's a bit annoying that my lovely stash of EBM probably won't get used now!

Make some semolina or rice pudding or custard with it. You can freeze it again after you've made it.:thumbup:
Evening all!

Gosh, I've been so busy these last few days. That coupled with some horrendous nights haven't left me with mu BnB posting time I'm afraid.

Last night and the night before Elliott woke up twice. Each night when he woke up he would not go back to sleep for 1.5 hours :coffee: The strange thing is he was exhausted and needed to sleep but just wouldn't go down. I am so praying tonight is better as my head is pounding. On the other hand, naps have been very good as usual.

Good news is that I didn't have to take him to the Docs as his cold has gone and his cough is on the way out too.

I am panicking about our holiday. Oh's parents are looking after him for 3 hours tomorrow so that I can get all of the packing done. We are leaving tomorrow night and staying in a B and B as our flight is at 6.30am on Thursday morning. I am really hoping and praying (please all keep your fingers crossed) that Elliott sleeps well whilst we are away.

Polaris :hugs: I am so glad that work went well today for you and I agree with what Foogirl says, use your EBM for cooking!

TG I LOVE the cloth bums!!!!! We are getting on so well withour Bumgenius V3's. Otto is going through a food throwing stage :nope: He has never accepted a spoon so I have been seriously worrying about how much he is taking. He will eat food if we finger feed him so I've been doing that a bit. I'm trying not to worry too much as I know BLW is abot trusting what your baby needs. I love Lizzies "IIISSSS" lol! Otto is trying to say Hi ya but is not quite there yet! Oh and I bet you don't look like a scarecrow lol....I'm sure you are a glamour Mum really :)

HG I am so sorry to hear you are unwell. I must have infected you with a cyber cold. Could you send FIL to do my ironing after he has done yours tomorrow? Oh, and men say th nicest things don't they :haha:

Right, I want to write lots more but I can't. I nnneeeeedd to go to bed.

I'm going to miss you guys when I go away.xxxx
Hi girls,

The days (and nights) seem to just be slipping away lately! Ronan's still not sleeping great, but he's over his cold thankfully. It seems like everyone is getting hit with the sniffles lately.

TG, I think you're right about developmental shenanigans going on with all his wakings. He woke up the other day doing proper talk babbling, and even though he's been able to get himself up to sit from lying down for a little while now, he's started doing it in his cot as well. Last night he was sitting up in a corner having a little cry whenever I got up to see to him. He's also picking up the speed on the army crawling rather than being lazy and commando rolling across the room. I imagine he'll be full on crawling any day now.

Polaris - I'm glad that going back to work hasn't been too terrible. I can't imagine it would ever feel great, but hopefully it gets easier with time.

TG - I know how you feel about being washed out. I only got 2 1/2 hours sleep last night and managed to sneak in about an hour's nap this afternoon. Strangely enough, I'm exhausted but not at all tired! Fingers crossed that tomorrow is better for you (and me)!

Poppy - Glad to hear Otto's cold is on the way out. I was a nervous wreck before going on vacation last month but thankfully, all that worrying and fussing was for nothing and things went swimmingly. I hope you can say the same!

HG - Vibes for you getting this cold out of your system, too, and :happydance: for Fibby walking. Hopefully you've caught it on video already!

Well, like I said, disrupted nights and shoddy daytime naps for us here, so par for the course right now, I think! I'm holding out hope that things will improve in good time. Other than that, it's a busy week for me. It was my birthday yesterday (hubby bought me a new Kindle, even though I already had one. He gets the old one now. Sneaky!), and tomorrow is our anniversary so he's taking me out 'somewhere' tomorrow night. I have no idea where, but all I do know is I have nothing to wear! I'll have to dig some of my pre-pregnancy clothes out of storage and try to find something that fits. :wacko:

Anyway, I'll leave you all with some pictures of Ronan in his cunning new hat I had made for him! :mrgreen:
HC - love the pictures!! What a cute hat!!

We have been doing fabulous with bedtime, he pretty much always goes down like a champ. Overnight still is a struggle at times. Two days ago he had a horrible night - took me from 1.30am to just after 4am to settle him. He was crying so hard, had given him Tylenol and tried to nurse him for comfort, he could not latch on which never happened before so he really freaked out. I ended up giving him some teething gel although the dentist said to avoid that if at all possible. But I just did not know what else to do. So he is definitely teething, everytime I tried to touch his gums he'd almost jump of my lap. It seems to have flared down a bit but they have not cut through yet. I can see the white of the bottom two teeth shining through but can't feel anything yet, so it might still be a while. Sam also has been very constipated, so I will take a step back from the solids as currently he ends up crying everytime he has to go. Last night was good, although I still had to get up 4 times, but two times was able to just shhh and pat him back to sleep the other two times I nursed him. I think for the future he should be able to drop the 3am feed.

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Jul, I'm glad that by and large things are improving. Other then general grizzling and drooling which he has done since about 8-10 weeks, I had no real sign he was teething.

As for the solids, I offer water at meals and try to have prune in some form in at lest one meal a day. He likes eating them ob their own, but I'll also occasionally use prune puree as a spread or mixed into yogurt. Other P fruits like peaches, plums and pears are also good for keeping them regular! Try to avoid too much apple, banana or carrot s, and I think there's a couple other things that will "back them up."
Work with a cold is so much easier than a day with a 11 month old with a cold :nope: I had an afternoon nap as well today and then chickened out and took LO to play with nanny and grandad at 4pm and retreated to their sofa with a cup of tea. Bless them they sent me home not only with my ironing done, but food for baby and dog, and loads of fruit for me. I'm very lucky.

Julchen - glad it is going well - teething is horrid and Fibby didn't get one until 10 1/2 months.:dohh:

Poppy- I will send FIL round but beware he does come with a good helping of advice on how to do everything! Don't panic about hols, I worried myself silly and yes she was slightly disturbed (wished i'd packed the airwrap as she kept getting stuck in the hotel cot) but on the whole she was fine. He will love having you both to play with all the time!
Hi everyone,
I'm still reading everyone's news but too shattered to post properly. Work is really taking it out of me and it doesn't help that OH still isn't really able to do anything around the house due to his back. Also Thomas is very clingy with me which is to be expected I guess but he pretty much won't let me put him down at all. Then apparently he is fine and totally relaxed for the whole day when I'm in work. He just saves being upset about it all for when he's with me. It is hard hard hard. So glad that I have the day off tomorrow although I don't think I'm going to want to go back on Friday.
HC - whaaaaaaaat a cutie! LOVE the hat!! Can you cyber send me a bright pink one?! Would look lovely with Lizzie's new duffle!! Ronan and Bailey seem such good buddies, how lovely :hugs:

Julchen - Lizzie had teething flare ups for months, good news is - they do pass quickly :hugs: Pear definitely helps with constipation - and I boiled up some prunes in water, added a bit of the water to the pear, and blitzed it. Definitely helps!!

Aitch-Geeee - glad you had some tlc today :hugs: Make sure you put your feet up and rest as much as poss, where poss

Polaris :hugs::hugs::hugs: Have a LOVELY day tomorrow, and it does get easier and easier. Lizzie launches herself at me, and then we have lots of kissles and huggies...then she passes me her book, and she's a-ok. Hope Mr Polaris gets well soon - and you get some rest, too. Being tired is no fun.

Poppy - have a FABULOUS holiday, my sweet!! You'll have a balll!! Otto will be in his element...Lizzie delighted in having Mummy and Daddy and Lizzie altogether for the entire time. As we all did! :hugs: Glad to hear the little lovely is better. I look less like a scarecrow today - thanks to hair product and touche eclat :rofl: We'll miss you too, and look forward to hearing all about it :hugs:

WELL, what's going on with my beautiful girlie? Ladies, she's had a funny tummy...sniffly...sore bot still :nope: Her gums are red and inflamed - and her top ones are pushing through. Do you think that's it? The teeth? She looks so unhappy. She screamed and refused to get in her bath...and threw her food everywhere again. She's sleeping fine, I just feel for her so much. Why can't I have that teething pain instead?! Think we may have to cancel a couple of play dates and have some quiet snugs. :)
Hi everyone,
I'm still reading everyone's news but too shattered to post properly. Work is really taking it out of me and it doesn't help that OH still isn't really able to do anything around the house due to his back. Also Thomas is very clingy with me which is to be expected I guess but he pretty much won't let me put him down at all. Then apparently he is fine and totally relaxed for the whole day when I'm in work. He just saves being upset about it all for when he's with me. It is hard hard hard. So glad that I have the day off tomorrow although I don't think I'm going to want to go back on Friday.
It doesn't last long. I think we had maybe a week or two of that. It gradually got less over that time too. It was hard - but at the same time, made me feel a wee bit better as at least it meant she had missed me. The crying on handover stopped within a month too.

As for the solids, I offer water at meals and try to have prune in some form in at lest one meal a day. He likes eating them ob their own, but I'll also occasionally use prune puree as a spread or mixed into yogurt. Other P fruits like peaches, plums and pears are also good for keeping them regular! Try to avoid too much apple, banana or carrot s, and I think there's a couple other things that will "back them up."

We found white bread was a problem too. We swapped it for oatbread and that helped too. And fruit smoothie resulted in the largest, loosest nappy we'd ever had!
Evenin' All!

Well LO has got the cold off me (or back if she gave it to me) and is coughing away. Rather brilliantly she is putting herself back to sleep (or has been touch wood) so really proud of her. Her walking is getting there but she is a chicken and keeps going on her bum - but she stands beautifully.

TG - poor poor Lizzie. It isn't fun is it and especially when you can't explain to them what is happening. We discovered Anbesol for her teeth, she hates the taste but it helps with the pain i think. Loads of cold food go down well with fibby when she is like that. Frozen frubes are brilliant she goes made for them. I always offer her more milk when she doesn't eat but then I think the sucking makes blood rush to the gums making it even worse - can't win!
I'm going to have to try something - she's cried lots this evening, screamed if her bot touched the bath...and is pale and constantly biting and chewing. Her mouth if bright red. I hate this!! I want it to be me!!

I'll try some anbesol - thanks, HG :hugs: Hope Fibby gets well asap, there are about 100000 colds out there at the moment :(
The poor little thing - it sounds so bad. are you putting anything on her poor bottom? Nappy off time might help. We have washable floors all downstairs apart from lounge so sometimes I risk it!
Yes - she's barely had her nappy on. She's never had bot rash before, I've been so proud of it! I've covered her in Weleda cream. Poor baby.

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