Sleep Sense Support Group!

HG - Ronan is still in the grabbing phase with Bailey, but bless him he's so patient with the monkey, letting him grab his paws or tug at his ears. We by and large don't let Ronan do it, and try to show him to be gentle, but well, he's only 7 1/2 months old so it'll be awhile yet before he gets it. Plus, Ronan lets Bailey lick his face (and groom his hair) in return, so I think they have their own little system worked out.

Sorry to hear about Phoebe's bad night the other night. I'm sure she won't hold it against you!

Jul - There's a lot of two steps forward and one step back in the beginning, I think, especially if the poor mite is teething on top of it all. Have you tried giving him tylenol or anything for the pain?

Poppy - You can absolutely order and have those nappies shipped to the UK. Lots of fluffy bum users on BnB get them! Check out the Natural Parenting forum. There's also another thread there recently that lists a few more ebay sites worth checking out.

Boo to getting sick, though. I hope it's gone by the time you go on vacation! :thumbup: on the place you picked too, although like I said I'm sure either one would be awesome.

TG - See my recommendations to Poppy on cloth! You can spend a few pounds to try a handful of them and if you don't like them, you're not really out much and you can just put them up for resale in the buy/sell forum.

Polaris - :happydance: for Thomas sleeping in (who'd ever think that 6:30 would be sleeping in?) and hopefully he makes a habit of it so that you can start sleeping in with him.

PM - Hi! :wave: How totally weird about your taste buds. I can't imagine how awful that must be for you, and having to give up BFing on top of it as well. I hope that you're in the 20% that gets them back!

Great video of Kyle with his sausage. He's really enjoying that isn't he? Such a cutie. I love the way he smacks at his tray when he's reaching for his food. Ronan does the same thing!

Oh, and I like shoes and handbags, but I don't love them...I do love bargains though! Sadly, the only bargains that get me excited these days are for things for the monkey. :blush:


Well the monkey is still a snotty little plague demon. He woke last night around 10:30 but his daddy got him settled back to sleep within 10 minutes and without a fuss. I think he'd just got himself stuck in the corner of the crib, then he slept until just after 3 for a feed then down again until just after 7, so not awful. Napping on the other hand...I feel like we've gone right back to the beginning with him kicking up such a huge fuss and crying. He absolutely will not settle to sleep without me patting or rubbing his back and shhing him, and even then it's a crapshoot. We had our first cuddle nap in ages with him sleeping on me yesterday afternoon because it was late in the afternoon, I didn't have the energy and didn't want him getting upset anymore, and I just wanted him to sleep before it got too late! Some SS advocate I am, huh?
PM!!! So lovely to 'see' you - and how, how, how adorable is Kyle! I can't believe what a little man he is!

Sorry to hear about his cold :hugs:, but just think - he'll have built up a real immune system and be super, super strong for the winter.

I can't believe about your sense of smell :( :hugs: I really hope it returns - it must be very hard.

Poppy - hahahahaha, you did tell me about the lightbulbs...and I consequently had to tell my DH, so he knows I'm not the only one out there! :D I love it - between the pair of us, we'd be eating lightbulb butties and tea with ham, hahahahaha. I think your accommodation looks so lovely. When are you off? Bet you can't wait?

HC - that is just about the cutest pic! I do naughty naps all the time...I think as much for me as for Lizzie bear! Thanks for the cloth bum tips, I seriously think I'll give them a go :hugs:

Julchen - you are doing really well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if teething wasn't the cause of a few wake-ups, if he's really in the midst of a flare-up. :hugs:

Polaris - a LIE IN!!! Congrats!!! How were the naps today?
Thanks Peeps, OH has gone out for the night and i've been double checking the gas is off and that the smoke alarm work as I wouldn't be able to smell gas/smoke :( :(

Hive - that's soooo cute about Bailey grooming Ronan! What a cute photo too! Having him sleep on you occasionally won't undo any hard work and it must be nice to have those special close cuddles! I would like Kyle to cuddle in occasionally for sleeps (I must admit) but he'd be having none of it!! I did try when he went through a spate of 5am wake ups to see if he would sleep in with us but not a chance (secret BOOOOOO)

TG - I know, Kyle seems so much more grown up now! Can't believe he's 9 months already, I think he was about 4 months old when I joined this thread! They call him 'koala' at nursery because he just loves getting cuddles from all the staff :)

Better try to find something that's been ironed for work tomorrow - BOOO!

Evening ladies - Out last night so loads to catch up with.

Our update after our bad night last night was a lot better from our little girl. Slept through and no one went in. We had to play the 1812 on the bandstand in the pouring rain on the seafront last night so didn't get to bed until gone 11 so I am absolutely whacked. Marking is seriously eating into my BnB time - not impressed with that. So think it will be an early night and lots of :sleep: No more peggies so I guess her strange mood is a mystery.

on the snoring front my OH is absolutely awful. He is so bad three years ago we went as far as seeing a consultant about it. Who said an operation would help but he might never play the cornet again (he is excellent at this) and he could loose and awful lot of blood. We decided then that it was too much and when he was bad he would sleep next door. But now little miss is there! He is sooooo loud it drives me mad :dohh: I just think I will have to put up with it.

PM - So sorry about your taste buds :hugs: if it makes you feel any better I'm going colour blind - or as the dr says colour deficant - I can't do pale colours really at all only bright stuff - luckily baby toys are all really bright!

HC - Don't worry about not doing SS once in a while, I don't with Fibby and she can go back to it without much fuss. Hope he gets better soon :hugs:

Poppy - way to go on the fluffy bum front and good choice on the hols!

Julchen - :thumbup: way to go - it does take a while but you will get there.

TG - Lizzie playing chase - how wonderful! Little Fibby is so close to walking i;m getting impatient. I make her walk holding me everywhere but she still just pops down and crawls :dohh:

Now, must convincce oh to make me a cup of tea.
We are going away on holiday next Thursday (7th) and return on the following Tuesday (12th). I am so excited :happydance: I am miraculously feeling much. much better today though Otto is still having regular coughing fits. I am certain we will both be on fine form by then though.

PM :wave: it's so lovely to see you. I am so sorry to hear about you losign your sense of smell. I can't imagine how awful it must be for you. I sincerely hope you are in the 20% of recoveries hun :hugs:

Polaris I am so glad to hear that Thomas had a mini lie in today. What a star! It sounds like you are getting there :thumbup:

Hivechild Thanks for the info about the nappies. I am just so impatient though and want the nappies like yesterday so waiting for a delivery from the States could be so hard for me! The lady selling the BG V.13 (14 of them inc extra boosters abd liners) said she would accept my offer of £110 inc delivery but I still haven't heard from her about payment. I think she may have ran away fast as my offer was too low. I did see the other Ebay cheapies but am just a bit worried about buying something I haven't tried. How lovely that Ronan had a nap on Mummy today. Gone are the days that Elliott will do that so when he does, I make the most of it!

TG - I think we could be dangerous if we got together! Today I had a speech sister had her hair dyed recently and it damaged her scalp. She wanted to use some special shampoo to help her scalp/hair....I said I would have a look for some that would help her scalpey flake :dohh::dohh::dohh: I didn't even realise I had said it until my Mum and her burst out laughing. What an idiot lol! Clearly I meant to say flakey scalp but my brain didn't cooperate.

Julchen you will get nights that have set backs but keep on going. The moment you go back to how things were it is confsuing for LO. It is very hard when you know they are having other pains that cause the crying and a Mummy cuddle is the best at healing those.

As for us.....Otto woke at 11.30pm crying last night. He still isn't very well so we bought him downstairs for a cuddle and he calmed down. He went back up to bed half an hour later and slept until 5.45am. I fed him and then he went back to sleep until 8.10am. What a good boy :cloud9: Today he has slept for England again. He went down to bed like such a good boy tonight but I keep hearing him coughing and gagging down the monitor. Poor little cherub. :nope:
scalpey flake :rofl: I LOVE it - that's exactly the sort of thing I would say! I've started doing similar things with friends names...forget Ben and Claire, for example, I have Ken and Blair :rofl: My brain and mouth can't operate at the same speed.

I hope your sisters scalp feels better soon, though. My sis had a similar incident once, she was worried her hair wasn going to break off! (it didn't...)

I bet you can't wait to go - sol, calor...!

Am glad to hear you are feeling better :hugs: and hope gorgeous little Otto feels 100% soon.

Lizzie did some tea-leafing today, and snuck half a Lebkuchen from her Granny's plate! I noticed this at her birthday party...a little chubby paw would just appear and pilfer something from a plate :rofl:
HG :wave: Sorry I think we must have crossed posts. Good on you for putting up with a snorer. This isn't something I have ever had to deal with but i do think it would drive me mental. I'm glad to hear that Fibby slept better last night :thumbup: I hope your DH made you that cup of tea. Sounds like you deserve one :hugs:

TG - Ken and Blair :haha: :rofl: Isn't it terrible though when you say daft things and you don't realise BUT the other person/people do?!? Makes me seem even dafter!

I have recommended my sister to put natural yoghurt on her scalp or baby oil. She just looked at me like I was completely mad though (especially after the scalpey flake incident). She's a cool 18 year old and doesn't eat natural yoghurt let alone wear it :rolleyes: I hope it heals soon though as it must be agony for the poor chick.

Tell Lizzie good choice on the Lebkuchen. They are scrummy! I can't eat anything these days without Otto begging at my feet. I made me and OH a quick dinner tonight as he had to go out but defrosted an emergency home made spag bol for Otto along with pasta as what we were having wasn't baby friendly. Otto started tucking in to his pasta but then spied the baked beans on my plate :dohh: he made this horrendous wailing noise until I passed some over. Being held to ransom by a "nearly" 11 month old!!! Needless to say he wouldn't leave my plate alone until every bean had gone. The monkey!
Poppy - they actually ship from HK or China, but yes can take 10-20 days to reach you so you do have to be a little patient. In the beginning I felt a bit like you about not being sure even though so many others had recommended them, but then decided to buy a few just to try. I figured at worst I'd be out $10-$20 that I could still recoup some of by reselling them anyway but as it turns out, they worked out just fine and now I keep telling myself, 'It's only another $10-$20,' when I see more that I like! :haha:

Your poor lil sis with her scalpey flake too! I am itchy just thinking about it.

PM - Ronan stopped wanting to fall asleep on me months ago so it was kind of nice for him to snuggle up and settle on me yesterday. Usually it takes him a whole lot longer to fall asleep on me (if we're out and about), so even though he's sick, I'll take the cuddly naps when I can get them!

HG - I'm gladd Fibby slept much better. Hopefully it was just a one off. My sympathies for your snoring OH, too! My OH goes through phases but thankfully it's not consistent. There was one period where Ronan was sleeping badly and OH was snoring like a freight train so I was getting noooo sleep.

TG - Too funny about Lizzy pilfering off people's plates. Ronan's not mobile enough, yet...but I imagine it's only a matter of time before he's doing the same thing.

Well, the monkey's still snotty and had a major meltdown at bedtime. He was fussing on the boob and then just outright didn't want any part of it, then I spent nearly a half hour after that trying to settle him but he kept screaming and getting upset any time I'd put him back down in his crib. Eventually I tried to nurse him again and he took a decent feed and then settled after that and fell right asleep. :shrug: I didn't think he would be hungry since he'd had a good feed about an hour and a half before bed, had dinner and then did nurse for a bit before he got fussy, but who knows with this kid these days!
Hi there everyone!

I have so much news! I had my first morning in work, just for a meeting with the consultant who is the head of the team that I will be working on, she seems lovely so that is a very good sign! Thomas was with OH for the morning so I had no worries about leaving him and actually didn't have time to think about him while I was gone.

Then I got home and Thomas took his first few wobbly independent steps about five minutes after I got in the door! He did it in the kitchen first with OH (I didn't see it) but he brought him straight into the sitting room and stood him up a few feet away from me and let go of him and he took about three steps towards me before I caught him! So exciting! But also makes me realize how much I am going to be missing. I mean honestly, I go to work for two hours and when I come back home he's walking! Crazy!

On the sleep front, we had a dreadful day of naps yesterday, Thomas wouldn't settle at all for his afternoon nap, I had to get him back up after almost an hour of going up and down to him, but luckily OH managed to get him to take a short catnap before dinner or he would have been seriously overtired. However, on the positive side, he had another lie-in this morning until 6.45!! And I think he would have slept longer except that I had to get up then for work and that woke him. He went down fine for both his naps today so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that yesterday was just a blip. I find it SO stressful when he doesn't sleep because I just know how miserable he is if he misses naps.

Will get back on later this evening and catch up on everyone else's news, we have a couple of baby friends coming over for a play date so I must dash!
Polaris, that really is exciting news! He was probably restless the day before as he was deeply observing this whole walking business and trying to decide if it was worth all the effort. At least he waited for you to grr home before giving it a try!
Polaris - Such fun!!!!! Walking! Fibby is being left behind! Don't worry about missing too much I have an agreement with the CM not to mention any firsts especially walking so that I get to see it for the 'first time' rather than hear from her. I bet she is walking all day and not just at night. How much are you going to be working? So glad it went well.

HC - poor Ronan I guess the cold is just throwing him out a bit. Fibby has had less meltdowns at bed recently - still screaming - but as we moved bed time forward by 15 mins she seems a lot happier.

Poppy- my oh thinks i make up half his snoring and that I am lucky he snores at lease i know he is alive all night!!!! men....

I'm off out tonight - CM is having a social so off for pizza etc... in the horrible pouring rain. our school car park was flooded so I had to wade a foot deep to the car. Not impressed. Fibby on top form, in bed having had her first bath without the bath seat. Daddy got soaked!
P - HOW exciting! You'll be running everywhere now :D Am so glad things went well at really helps being super busy, because us Mamas have less time to ponder if everything is ok.

HG - have a fab night out. Blimey, that's a lot of rain...! It's rained all day, too - miserable. DH isn't a snorer - only when he has a cold, and he swears I impede his recovery with elbows to the ribs!

Poppy - I think Otto and Lizzie have the same approach to food :rofl: Lizzie can spy even the smallest difference on a plate and either point and shout, or pilfer!!

HC - how is Ronan feeling? Wonder if he's about to do something new...with being super hungry and not wanting to settle? Lizzie is always like that right before she shows us something new :D

Well, news Chez TG - Lizzie is in love with falafel, and has munched many today! She's not napped brilliantly, so we had an earlier bed time. She's been very active today, so was rubbing her eyes early! My little love :D

DH and I are exhausted, think it will be a film and an early snooze tonight...
Hi again everyone, well we had a lovely afternoon with Thomas's baby friends and then such a lovely evening together after dinner. I have decided to leave all of the cleaning up after dinner until after he has gone to bed, so that I can make the most of the little time that I will have with him. Feeling OK about going back to work now - and in a little way it will actually be quite nice to be back in the adult world again. I am doing four full days a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and will have to leave the house at about quarter to eight and will get home at around quarter past five. I would rather be doing three days than four but will just have to make the best of the time we have together.

HG - I wouldn't exactly call it walking just yet but it is very exciting! That is a very good idea to have that agreement with the CM. LOL at the image of Fibby walking round happily all day and then dropping instantly down to her hands and knees when you come in the door. Hope you enjoy your evening out despite the torrential rain.

Hivechild - I wouldn't worry too much about Ronan's sleep going to pot a bit while he has his cold. I'm sure he'll be back to normal in a couple of days. And sometimes they do just get these random blips for no apparent reason too. You could be right about the imminent walking disturbing Thomas's sleep yesterday - but also me and OH were arguing shortly before his nap and I think that might have stressed him out. They really do pick up on everything.

TG and Poppy - LOL at the various slips of the tongue. I'm sure that I am totally incoherent too at times and people are just too polite to point it out. I was waffling away this morning in the meeting with my new boss and at times she was looking at me a little blankly so god knows what I was actually saying. How long does baby brain keep being a good excuse for?

PM - Kyle is so super cute! I love the way he is chatting away to himself while munching away on his sausage! Such a sweetheart! I don't remember a nine month growth spurt but Thomas definitely had a growth spurt just after he turned ten months, we were on holiday in France for two weeks and over that period he suddenly grew out of most of the clothes that I had brought with us!

Julchen - it can seem like one step forward and two steps back with these little ones. But stick with it and you will soon be having more good nights than bad. You will still have the odd bad night but they will be the exception. Like the others have said I think it is really best to be very consistent in your approach at the beginning as otherwise he will get very confused. Once he is sleeping better it will be much clearer when there is something actually wrong and he needs a bit of extra comfort. But it really is best to be really consistent at the beginning so that he knows exactly what to expect when he wakes during the night. It is so hard when you don't feel like it is working for you after a bad night but honestly it will work if you stick with it. :hugs:

TG - sounds like Lizzie is still keeping you very busy! Do you find that you are even more tired now that you are back in work? I am really quite worried about it as I am usually pretty shattered anyway and my job is really quite emotionally demanding. Don't know how I'm going to manage having much of a life outside of work and Thomas. But maybe that's enough for me for now anyway.
Yaay Thomas!!! :woohoo: Polaris, that is seriously exciting stuff! A few steps will lead to a few more....and before you know it he will be in little shoes tottering around! Oh, and baby brain.....apparently it lasts forever :wacko: You and me are so alike when it comes to our LO's missing naps. My OH thinks I'm stark, raving bonkers as I get so stressed when he hasn't slept, not slept enough, had a magic 30 minute nap etc day I'll chill out about it all ;)

TG - So glad to hear I'm not the only exhausted parent! Otto has also been rather active and I must be getting old as I'm seriously pooped!

Ah, HC poor Ronan. Elliott has episodes like this especially when he is poorly. Also when he's snotty he doesn't feed very well so does seem to want feeding more often :hugs:

HG I know what you mean about the rain YUCK! It has been horrendous here in Plymouth today. A complete washout. Have fun tonight.

Well as I previously said, I'm exhausted :sleep: Today Otto has learnt how to stand on things to reach items above tip toe level :dohh: He used an ornament to reach a glass photo frame, his leapfrog drum to reach a higher toy and my lap top bag to reach the ipod docking station. He clearly doesn't understand the concept of safety just yet :dohh: So, when he went for his afternoon nap I frantically tried to baby proof the living room a bit more (I've already done it once!). He also keeps pulling the telephone off the side and the modem out of the window...I need my internet access as BnB is my sanity!

I went to the Drs for a bit of an MOT today as I've had a few things that I keep forgetting to mention as I'm so busy being a Mummy. I mentioned to the Dr about Otto's cough and she said unless he has a temperature and is off his food there isn't anything they can do so I'll just keep an eye on it.

I paid for my cloth nappies today and bought a few other things from Cheeks and Cherries and can't wait to get started. OH is still being negative :devil: but he'll come around eventually. I got a tax refund from work this week of £108 so I paid for most of it out of that (it only cost me £144.45 for everything in total :thumbup:)

Oh and back to the point of this thread :blush: Elliott had a quick 40 minute nap this morning (he hasn't done that for ages) and then just over an hour this afternoon. He's been very clingy today and almost had a meltdown when Daddy bathed him. He was very tired. Last night he was up twice :coffee: but did sleep until gone 8am again. Tonight I gave him some Calpol before bed as I still feel he's not 100%...I can't hear him coughing so much down the monitor so hopefully that means he's on the mend.
I thought the monkey was doing a little better today, even if he's still congested but after waking from his nap around 5ish this afternoon, I had him ready to go down around 7 for the night (which is perfectly normal). It's now just after 9 and he only just fell asleep. I don't know what was going on but he would not settle.

I fed him before going to put him down but as soon as I put him down he started to scream blue murder. I got him back up, tried to settle him for a bit and then offered him booby again and he took another feed. Then I put him down once more almost asleep but as soon as he was down he woke fully, started fussing and it escalated from there, so I got him up...fed him again...put him back down and once again he started screaming. I thought he was just overtired at this point so I sent my OH in on daddy duty. He calmed him down, got him cheery and put him down where he rolled around and chirped in his crib for almost an hour before he started crying again. His daddy tried settling him but I knew it was a lost cause so I went back in and fed him a 4th time, and each time he'd taken quite a feed! :wacko: He finally settled and went to sleep after that.

He hasn't cluster fed like that in a long time, and he'd nursed pretty well throughout the day as well so I was not expecting that!

To make matters worse, my hubby is annoyed that after all that time he put into staying with him and trying to settle him that I came in and took him off him to feed him again, but I knew at that point he wasn't going to just settle and he was doing that cry.
Hi Peeps!

It's the weekend - yippeeeee! OH has taken Kyle for his weekly swimming lesson so it's my turn to loaf about in my dressing gown for the morning and catch up on my internet and reading time :) We take it in turns each Saturday so the other can have some 'me' time once in a fortnight!

After 2 bad nights on Weds (up for the day at 5am as he couldn't stop coughing) and Thurs (awake and very upset between 2 and 3am) he slept for 12 hours last night!! He was soooo tired though as had woken from his 'afternoon' nap at 1pm at nursery so was basically in bed and zonked out by 6.20pm and pretty much woke up at 6.20am! I think we are going to speak to them about his naps though as they are so erratic it's not helping him at night.

Babies and colds really suck!! I was amused this morning though after he did a big sneeze and there was a big bubble of snot and he saw it sticking out of his nose and was very intrigued :) :) :)

We gave him rice crispies for breakfast this morning which was sooooo amusing!! They went absolutely everywhere :)

I was wondering about a growth spurt as Kyle still seems to be having a lot of milk as well as 3 decent meals a day? He has 4 milk feeds (although only 2oz mid morning but 7oz at the other 3 feeds) as well as his meals (and he is finishing all his bottles). He also gets a mid morning snack at nursery?

They have prescribed a course of high dose steroids for a week to try and get my sense of smell back but the side effects sound horrible! I probably shouldn't have read them (or googled) but it's putting me off. Think I need to speak to the GP and see if the dosage needs to be quite so high. I've actually managed to find one other mum whom it's also happened to which is a relief!

Polaris - whoop whoop on the walking - go Thomas! Is that you back at work now 4 days? I would love to do 4 days but I know that I would end up doing more hours and nobody else would do my work on the day I wasn't in so would end up working just as hard only for less pay - boooo! Think we are going to re-assess our finances at Christmas but I expect I will continue full-time, especially as we would like to move house next year. The weeks are flying by so fast with working too and I don't seem to have much time for my friends at the moment as am shattered after work and at the weekends it's nice to have proper time with OH and Kyle rather than trying to get him his dinner, bath and into bed!

TG - Oooo falafel, must try that! I made some lentil cakes/burger things and Kyle loves those. Isn't it great when they try something and absolutely love it!

HG - How was your night out? The weather was soooo awful up here too. A school bus got blown over in the wind and lots of kids were hurt - really horrible news :(

Hive - Kyle has had a cold for about 6 weeks now since starting nursery and i'm sure it affects his sleep. We have the end of his cot raised up with books which does help (although he usually ends up in a pile at the bottom of the cot) and have a plug in Karvol vaporiser which is BRILLIANT! Can you get them? It's a little thing that you plug in and it releases the smelly vapours during the night. We also rub on some baby chest rub on his chest, back and soles of his feet.

Poppy - Kyle has also had a cough with his cold for weeks and weeks now. Initially the GPs said there was nothing they could do but because he has had it for about 6 weeks now has given him some antibiotics which I hope will clear it. Fabby news about the tax refund - what a bonus! I am still obsessed by naps especially as Kyle only manages 2 x 30 min naps a day at nurserywhich I know is just not enough at all! I'm having to chill out a bit about it as there's little I can do apart from ensure he gets good naps at the weekends. Have you tried those Karvol or Calpol plug in vapourisers? I wouldn't be without one now, think they are about £6.

Ok, Jo Frost in on and it's a screaming kiddie that won't sleep so will watch that and then go back to bed for an hour before OH & Kyle get back from swimming.

Happy Weekends everyone xx
Polaris, I think the first week I felt quite tired - but strangely, going to work is not as tiring as the more physical side of looking after Lizzie bear. I get a snooze/book read on the commute there and back! By about 9pm, I tend to be pooped...but I don't think I've noticed any huge difference in energy i.e. I'm still flat out on the sofa in the evenings! I feel more tired at night, because it's the brain concentration and then home for a good play with Lizzie...but it's a slightly different tired, if any of that makes any sense?

I'm in Tues and Fri next week, so will have to evaluate!!

We've been exhausted due to busy weekends, so this weekend we had a quiet one....with just the three of us pottering around. We've got playdates etc this week, so wanted Lizzie to have more chilled time playing with mummy and daddy (and Boy Cat!)

Poppy - how is Otto? How is his cough? are cloth bums working out? DH and I are thinking more and more about trying them out! I'm so with you on the 'stand and sweep' baby manoevre. Lizzie is obsessed with the phone, photos, lamps...anything she can get her hands on! She's managed to break a photo frame and an antique lamp, and looked completely delighted with herself :D We're going more and more for the minimalist look! This morning she threw DHs treasured chess pieces onto the (stone) floor in the kitchen, and then ripped up the Sunday newspapers :rofl:

HC - how is lil Ronan? Is he still feeding lots? I bet you see a new milestone anyday! I bet he's building himself up for something exciting. I hope you are getting some rest :hugs:

PM - hope the steriods help. I always find googling a nightmare - I googled metformin and clomid (when I was taking them) and was petrified. Everything from embarrassing bowel malfunctions to ovarian cancer. My consultant reassured us, so definitely worth talking through with your doc if you're worried :hugs:

Sounds like Kyle is enjoying his food at the mo - good for him!! The falafels were hugely popular, so we'll be having those again. Lizzie can have more salt now she's one, so she's been having them with her favourite cheese. Odd combo, but she loves it...falafel on toast with melted cheese (?!)

HG - how was your night out?

Well, we've had a lovely weekend. Little Lizzie has slept well. Other news, she's now saying what we *think* is yes. Sounds like 'issss'. I ask her if she wants something, and she nods with an 'issss'. Could just be coincidence, as it's only happened a few times...

I think she's really dropping her mid morning feed now :( She's really disinterested, and just gives a few half hearted gulps. I wanted to carry on the mornings I was at home, but she's much more interested in her solids snack!

Hope you are all having lovely weekends. We've just come in from lunch - Lizzie had egg mayo sarnies, and picked the egg bits out one by one. I think they thought we'd never leave :D
Hi ladies :hi: just a quick update from us! Sam is doing fantastic at bedtime. The past few times *knock on wood* have been tearfree and even when I put him down with eyes wide open, he is out after a few minutes. What a good boy!! It's so cute to watch him on the monitor, one day he held his glowworms hand. :cloud9: Sleeping over night is a different story but I am not too stressed about it. I figure as he gets more confident at falling asleep he will figure eventually out how to do it overnight as well. The best nights are when he sleeps in 3-4 hour blocks, I usually feed him twice and he gets up anytime between 5.30am - 6.30am. He has had a cold for a couple of weeks now and his voice is very hoarse, so when cries during the night it sounds heartbreaking. Does anyone have advice how I get him down to one feed a night? Right now I nurse him before bedtime aronud 6.30pm then between 11pm-12am and another time around 3.30am. I think he should be able to go with one time if I time it right? What do you think?

I hope you all have a great weekend and get some good sleep and fun times with happy babies!!
The cold has spread to me :nope:! Feel like poop today but decided I didn't have time to be ill as it was swimming and then to Fibby's Godparents for a delicious Sunday lunch - Roast Chicken and the full works it was so yummy just what I needed! So now I have crashed onto the sofa after a lovely bath to catch up on my tele!

The night out :dohh: Well it was fine but I was the youngest there by about 20 years and it was a little painful and wished I drank (I don't do alcohol but wished i did!). There was nice food etc but very glad to get at home at a latte 10.30pm!!!

Julchen - great news on bedtime - how long is your LO taking to settle each time in the night? Hope it isn't too long!

PM - Rice krispies are a favourite in the HG household. The piccie is her trying to steal daddy's breakfast.
My OH won't thank me for his being included in his dressing gown!

TG - Fibby can't do yes but has managed 'Nooo'. And she knows how to use it :dohh:

Poppy - that cold has hung around poor Otto hasn't it? We tend to give Fibby neruofen if she is a little out of sorts but not too much as it tends to make her
constipated for some reason

Sorry if I've missed anyone but my brain is adled...


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:hugs: Aitch-Gee. Hope you get well asap - chicken is a wonderful remedy to a cold, I make ten tonnes of chicken soup and slurp through it feeling sorry for myself. I haven't drunk for ages (other than the odd glass of wine), and I keep having to explain to friends who want me to go properly out that I simply a/can't and b/don't want to!! The latter has to be done tactfully, so there are always open door invites for lunch! I swear, if I had a couple of GnTs now, I'd be on the floor :rofl:

The pic made me :D, it's exactly the same in the TG house. Lizzie clinging onto legs of me or DH, and insisting whatever we're eating (even if it's identical to what she's eaten/has in her hand) is handed over asap!

Julchen - FAB news! :happydance: So glad to hear things are going well! As for the feeding (I'm no expert, as Lizzie was feeding 10000 times at one point :D) how about a bit of trial and error? See how he settles with just the 11 feed? Or just the 3:30? Try it out - he will definitely let you know if he's hungry! Which one do you think you'll try dropping?

Don't know what happened to my Lizzie this evening, but she had some serious diva moments! If DH or I didn't do exactly what she wanted / when she wanted she shrieked with fury!! She was trying to eat DHs i-phone, and when he removed it and tried the usual (favoured) 'distraction technique', she had a complete temper tantrum!! Oops!! :D

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