Sleep Sense Support Group!

Yep, we have one and the same. I have to talk down it, too - and say 'oh, you want to speak to Lizzie?!' ... who may say 'howah' or may just whack the handset in an 'I mean business' fashion


Our ladies sound like a right pair!!!

Tg - I too say 'Hello, Oh you want to speak to Phoebe I'll just get her for you' where just like Lizzie she will pounce on the phone and shout Hiya down but get cross as she gets no reply. Then we repeat ten times until she is bored :dohh:

They would be a menace to society if they got together!
I know - it would be some diva sensation! I was cracking up today, we went out for coffee and cake...and Lizzie was regally waving at all and sundry. If someone doesn't respond now, she sticks out the lower lip! :rofl:
:rofl: I love hearing about Fibby & Lizzie antics!

Right now the monkey is desperately trying to go straight from pulling himself up to stand to climbing. I'm going to be in so much trouble if he figures that one out in the near future. I feel like I'm constantly proofing up a shelf at a time while deluding myself that that will buy me at least a month maybe before I have to seriously baby proof the house and then we're in the same place a week later. :rolleyes:

Anyway, other than that, he's cut his second lower tooth through the night last night, so needless to say it was a disturbed night. Since I've been doing mad cleaning and tidying since Friday because we had an appraiser coming this morning to look at the house for refinancing the mortgage, I am on that note, sleepy vibes to all and here's hoping the monkey is better off tonight!
Helloo everyone!

Sorry that I have been missing in action for the past while. It has just been a big adjustment going back to work and I've been very up and down about it. I am fine when I'm actually at work because I'm so busy trying to get everything organized (there has been no psychologist in the service for two years so there is SO much to do!). But it's hard when I'm actually at home which I wasn't expecting. Last week Thomas was so clingy all of the time when he was with me, it was very very draining and it also made me feel so guilty for leaving him because I knew that he was unsettled by the change. I knew that he was also picking up on my anxiety and upset about the whole situation, so then I felt doubly guilty! He also went back to waking up for a night feed for a few nights (won't take a bottle during the day when I'm at work so he has pretty much dropped a feed) but luckily has gone back to sleeping through for the last two nights.

Anyway yesterday and today he seems generally much more settled and I have relaxed about the whole situation too. I'm actually really enjoying the challenge of being back in work and it is nice to put the brain back to work at something other than baby sleep patterns, LOL. I expect that there will be a few more ups and downs over the next few weeks but I definitely feel better now than I did last week or Monday of this week.
HC - Why just stand when you can climb? I hope the mortgage thing went well - we need to do something similiar by this time last year. Did he sleep well?

Polaris - massive hugs. That conflict of not minding work or even enjoying it is so hard when you balance it against the angst of leaving them. It will be six months on Tuesday since I went back to work and I feel so guilty now that I went back to work so early but we needed the money so I had to. Up unto may half term so about 6 weeks it was really tough every single day and then the week off made going back even harder. However, going back after the summer hols was easier and every day I feel a bit better. Fibby now squeaks when we walk up the drive of the cm and it makes it so much easier for me as she can now show she is enjoying being there where as before I was putting my feelings onto her and thinking she hated it. She loves her CM and does loads of hugs. Hang in there, Thomas just needs to get used to the routine but saying that doesn't make it any easier does it?

Fibby has been a great sleeper today but screamed twice since going to bed. We had her one year check today and she was a superstar!
HC - hope the mortgage evaluation went well. And fab news on the tooth!! I'd say you're in for some fun pretty soon, sounds like Ronan is ready and raring to go :D

P - :hugs::hugs::hugs: it is SO hard, sometimes I walk out of the door and it almost feels like I've left my arm or something behind. I enjoy the actual work, too - but I miss my little lady so very much. I know she's happy with Mum or MIL, but she's been teething like crazy today (again!) and just wanted snugs with Mummy. I put her down for two seconds when I got in, just to get a tissue...and she screamed...tears everywhere. However, when she's a-ok, I get a big hug and regal wave. It gets better, as HG said :hugs:

HG - Glad all went well with the one year check! Lizzie used it as an opportunity to show off, and tip the HVs bag all over the floor :blush:

Lizzie is teething...I think more are on the way. She had a BAD night last night, right after I said she was sleeping in (!), and she's drooling like crazy...chewing her hands...rosy cheeks. Poor love. She's only wanted cool things to eat, so it seems to add up.
Polaris - :hugs: It must really be so hard for you, especially if Thomas is being clingy when you're home. I have a hard time of it sometimes when Ronan gets like that and only because I dared to walk into the kitchen, so I can imagine how much worse it is for you and Thomas. Hopefully you both adjust into the new routine soon!

HG - He slept pretty well. Woke at 4:30 for a feed and then up for the day around 7:30ish. Unfortunately for me, I got 10 minutes sleep from about 7:20-7:30. :rolleyes: Stupid insomnia.

I'm glad that Fibby's 1 yr check went well. How excited are you to celebrate her birthday?

TG - Teething is awful. I hate that they have to suffer this pain and discomfort and there's only so much you can do about it. You don't want to give them pain killers constantly but by the time you realize they're hurting they're already in pain and have to suffer that much longer until you can do something about it! Fingers crossed that the tooth cuts through soon. I'm hoping that now that Ronan's bottom 2 have cut, I either have a nice long break, or that his top two just get on with it and come through asap!
Well we had a bad one last night and a miserable Little girl for the CM. She was disturbed all evening but did go quiet until 3am where she decided to get up for the day! She went back at 4.40 until 7.30 but me not so lucky!

We've been out tonight but she has not murmered once for my mum. The poor little thing has what looks like nappy rash but on her face- so blotchy and red. I think it must be teeth the horrible things. Grrrrr

Right off to collapse in a heap, got to go to London tomorrow..
:wave: I'm finally back and with time to post :wave:

We got back from holiday on Tuesday and it has been manic ever since. I will try and keep this short but I have a feeling I may waffle on (I need to...).

The short version is we had a lovely holiday, Valencia was amazing, Elliott was brilliant on the plane, the Spanish loved him, he was giving away smiles like they were going out of fashion, we visited the Bio Park in Valencia (AMAZING) and the villa was more amazing than we ever imagined.

The long version is.....Elliott was poorly for most of the time. Last Wednesday we were booked in to a B and B for the night as we were flying early on Thursday morning. Rich's parents offered to look after Elliott for a few hours that afternoon so that I could get packed. He knows them very well but has never stayed with them before (over protective Mummy) so they were delighted when I agreed. I said he must be back by 3.30 or 4pm at the very latest for a nap OR if he looks tired before bring him home sooner otherwise he will not gone down for a nap very easily (overtiredness). Anyway 3.30pm came and went, 3.45pm and then 4pm arrived. At 4pm they turned up back with Elliott and said "he's been looking tired for the past hour and trying to sleep on me":dohh::growlmad: Obviously they were trying to do me a favour by giving me more time and they obviously wanted to maximise their time with him (fair enough). Anyway they went home and I gave Elliott 10 minutes to wind down and a bf and then put him to bed. An hour later I was still trying to get him to sleep. I was getting very anxious as I wanted him to sleep as I knew the night would be rough and we had a long drive. OH came home and by this point I was getting rather upset. Long story short (I will say this a few times) we decided to knock his afternoon nap on the head as it was getting late. Elliott then filled his nappy....this is when we realised something wasn't quite right. He had horrendous diarrhoea but had been chewing his hand all day so I thought maybe teething....

The 2 hour drive to the B and B was painful. Elliott screamed for about an hour of it. He was exhausted by this point. I got in the back of the car with him and managed to get him to sleep. We arrived at the B and B at about 9pm, set up the travel cot be he refused to stay in it. he ended up sleeping in with us and settling after an hour of much nose poking, eye gouging, crawling etc. we had to get up at 4am to get to the airport on time. We got to the airport, flight was on time, Elliott was fab on the plane so all was going okay.

We collected out hire car in Valencia and cue more screaming from Elliott in the car. He is never like this. We put it down to over tiredness, he was in a different seat and the fact that we thought he was coming down with something. I again got in the back with him and he slept and didn;t wake for just over 2 hours (he needed it).

We arrived at the villa and it was gorgeous. We had vegetabe and fruits of all varietied growing in the garden to eat, the pool was gorgeous and the owners were fantastic.

Bed time came and again he refused to sleep in the cot. His room had two single beds so I laid with him on a bed and bf him. He then eventually settled and went to sleep where I transferred him in to the cot. He then woke up at 12pm and I took him out of the cot and laid on the bed with him where he would drift off, he would then wake again at 4am ish where I would lay with him again to get him to sleep. Our day then generally started at 7-8am. Every night was like this and most nights when I went in with him at 12pm I would fall asleep myself as I was exhausted and wake up 3 hours later before putting him back in to the cot.

Daytime naps he would not sleep in the cot. We would lay on the bed with him until he went to sleep and then barricade him in so it was safe. As soon as we heard a noise on the monitor we would dash in.

Most trips in the car ended in him screaming.

His stomach still wasn't right on Thursday so I called my Doctor back at home and she said it sounded like Gastroenteritis. He was having hardly any wet nappies but had chronic diarrhoea. I put most of our sleepting/travelling problems down to the fact that he was unwell and genuinely needed a snuggle.

Regardless of the sleeping issues etc we still had a fantastic time and Elliott was adored by everybody. I was often asked "nino"? or "nina"? I think the Spanish were confused by his mass of blonde hair!! He loved having Mummy and Daddy around the whole day.

On the last day we went to the airport and I sat in the back of the car with him. He was very tired and our flight was delayed but I miraculously got him to sleep in my arms in the middle of the airport for half an hour!

When we arrived back in England he was an angel in the car and slept all of the way home.

Since being home he has gone down for his morning nap with no problem. Afternoons have been more difficult but still acheivable. Night hasn't been great. Each night since being home he has woken before midnight (settled back to sleep with a cuddle), 3am is (feed time) and 5am ish (settled with a cuddle). I know this is probably my own fault as I have slept in with him for the las 5 nights but we will get there. I must admit I did enjoy snuggling up with me cuddly little man :cloud9: .

Also, I have a confession. I don't know why but I can't bring myself to do SS with him :nope: He is so much different now to when he was 6 months old. He protests more, gets more upset, reaches for me etc etc and I just can't do it. Has anyone else found this?

Well done if you got this far!!! I have read back through the last few pages and it's great to hear how everyone has been since I have been away.xx
Poppy!!!! :hugs:

Firstly, fab that you had a lovely holiday - sounds like a beautiful place! I bet Otto was a real star being a 'rubio' - lots of attention! It's so lovely to see the LOs just relishing every moment having Mummy and Daddy there, isn't it? Did you have lovely food? Lovely weather?

Secondly, poor little Otto :( What a brave bunny! Am so glad he's feeling better, and that despite the sleeping probs, you all had a wonderful time. I've got to be honest, if Lizzie has a bad night now, we tend to get up with her/bring her in with us. It's not like when she was little - if she's ok, she settles herself really quickly...if she's in tooth pain/cold/ear pain...she won't, and I can't say I would either!! So she gets huggles and kissles and sleep as she wants it. I don't think there is anything wrong with a good tweak of the guide ;)

You said you had some exciting milestone new - c'mon, spill! Am dying to hear! :D

HC - hope you got some good sleep last night? :hugs: The teething is so hard - we're started to give L some Calpol on days it's really bad (rosy cheeks, lots of drool, crying, ear pulling, mouth pulling) as she just gets frantic with the teeth. Little darling.

HG - argh, poor you! I know how you feel! Lizzie is back to sleeping through, but that night of a 3am start was hard work...Whereabouts in London were you? How is Fibby today? How is her face? Poor love :hugs;
Thanks TG! We were very lucky with the weather. It was nice everyday and two nights we had the most amazing thunder and lightning storms. I know that sounds weird but we were set amongst mountains and you could see the whole sky light up. It really was a beautiful sight. We weren't too adventurous with food. TBH it was one of my worrys because we are doing BLW with Elliott I had to keep things simple of him. So we had dinner at the villa every breakfast and dinner and had lunch out and about. Otto was little bit spoilt with nice things like ice cream and croissants :blush: but hey, we were on holibops!!

I'm so glad that you also "give in" when Lizzie is unsettled at night. LIke you say, they know the art of self settling now so when he doesn't there is always a reason. I must report though that last night was amazing!!! Daddy put him to bed as I had to go food shopping and gave hime a bottle of EBM. He slept through until 1.45am! I fed him and then woke for the day at 6.15am. He usually goes later than this but he was wet through. We are still using 'sposies at night so I'm going to hunt around for a really good cloth night nappy now.

OOooohhhh...the milestones!! I forgot!!! Well.....he has started taking a few steps....not spontaneously but if you stand him up he will take a few steps between me and OH. He has also stood momentarily too :happydance: He has also started picking up his toy phone and placing it near his ear (sometimes on his ear, sometimes on his head, on his neck etc lol) and saying "hi ya". When I ask him where Poppy (the dog) is he says "bed" :blush: I'm kind of embarassed about this one as it shows how much I say it to her. She's a sweet little dog but when she gets over excited we tell her "bed" and she goes and lies down in it. I had a friend at the door last night and Poppy ran out on to our drive way. Otto promptly shouted "bed" :haha: it was so funny.

Like I said last night I scanned through and read what everyone had been up to and I seen the photos of Ronan. HC, what a cutie!!!! :cloud9: also, you are so lucky he will keep a hat on. It has got really cold here now and I put a cute hat on Elliott to help keep him warm. he nearly pulled himself over trying to get it off :dohh:

Also, can Otto join the Lizzie and Fibby's "diva club"? Blimey he gives me what for now if he doesn't get what he wants. For example, his current favourite food is baked beans. If we have them for dinner and finishes his own and we still have some left look out! He shouts and points until we give in or gobble them down so quickly he can't see them anymore!
Poppy :happydance: Glad to see you back :thumbup: What a beautiful place to stay sounds heavenly. Very jealous of that but poor little Otto! Not only to be really poorly but also away from home :hugs: Give the little chap a big hug and I hope he gets himself sorted out.

And a few steps wow! Fibby can do it she just doesn't:dohh: bit lazy like her dad I think. We also use the 'bed' command a lot for Maximus- he has something in each room he regards as a bed and is often sent there just because he gets so excited and he isn't small!

Otto is totally accepted into the Diva club although we may have to think of a more manly addition to the name for him. The diva and ..... club!:brat:

TG- I was near Embankment and the Strand at Pearson doing a thrilling day with the exam board. I found it very interesting but i think anyone not a history teacher would have been bored stiff!

Well little FIbby had 11 hours with the CM today and I don't know who to feel sorry for, Fibby, the CM or Me! Fibby was clinging as goes with teething and her face looks so sore. I don't know what I can put on it? any ideas? e45 seems to have no effect.

But got to go OH needs to restart the roueter and apparently BnB isn't important enough to wait...... :growlmad:
Thank you HG :hugs:

Maximus? What a cool name. He sounds like a big dog if that makes sense! Otto still is a little bit lazy when it comes to trying to walk. Sometimes he will just collapse on to his knees and crawl or when you go to stand him up he will keep his legs bent :haha: He's a smart cookie.

Thank you for acceptance in to the club. Otto will be thrilled (...and will fit right in). I googled the male equivalent of a diva and it came up with divus, divo, divvie :haha: and divot . How random!! Not sure Otto would like it to be the Diva and Divvie club :rofl:

Poor Fibby's face. Otto has a sore by his mouth (I was worrying that it looked like Impetigo as I was plagues with that as a child) and I always use good old Vaseline. It doesn't tend to help with soreness though. A friend of mine suggested Drapolene (sp)? You can also buy a chamomile based cream in the Chemist. I can't think what it is called though.
Thank you for acceptance in to the club. Otto will be thrilled (...and will fit right in). I googled the male equivalent of a diva and it came up with divus, divo, divvie :haha: and divot . How random!! Not sure Otto would like it to be the Diva and Divvie club :rofl:

:rofl: Poor boy no we can't call him a divvie that would be child abuse! We will have to think on this.

Thanks for the advice on face bits - I think I will try a chemist tomorrow to see what they suggest , OH thought bum cream but I don't know if sudacrem is a bit vicious.
Oh and I forgot to say earlier - I don't SS if she is teething badly as she just can't do it. The other night when she was up - i tried for an hour with her moaning on and off - but soon as I gave her a cuddle she was out like a light. I think however, in the long term though we do do SS as sometimes she does just cry to make us come back - if over 5 mins of crying we go in. does that make sense?
:rofl: Yes I agree. We will have to have a think on this one. TG is good with words maybe she will have a good suggestion!

TBH....I did put a dab of Sudocreme on Elliott's dry patch by his mouth tonight. Not ideal but I didn't have anything else to hand. I have been know to use Bepanthem (I do not like Metanium) on everything else as well as his bottom. I hope you find something else that helps her.

Thanks for the info re. SS. I do know exactly what you mean. For example tonight I gave Elliott a bf before bed and come the end he was just comfort sucking, talking with the boob in his mouth etc so I broke his latch and gave him another chance incase he was still hungry. He wasn't bothered but protested when I put him in his cot. He shouted for about 3 minutes and I knew he was angry because he wanted to comfort suck. he did settle down very quickly and went to sleep. It's knowing the difference between the shouts/crys I think which I'm sure we all do by now.
Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvening All!

Firstly, go Otto with the steps :happydance: It's so much fun watching them walk, isn't it?! What's not so fun, however, is shoes! We've now got Mme Lizzie some 'proper' shoes, and blimey, how expensive?! She also goes into full 'I vant to be alone' strop mode when they are put anywhere near her (very tiny) tootsies. She's fine with her suede shoes, her Mothercare shoes, her non walking shoes. Basically, any shoe not designed for outdoor walking. Which is going to be fun! They are ever so cute, but clearly not cute enough for Miss Choo.

Also, loving Otto saying 'bed!' That is unbelievably cute!!! Does Poppy listen?

HC - :hugs: for teething gal. Urgh, those poor little bambini. I get so upset, as Lizzie looks at me as if to just say 'why, Mummy?' I hope she feels wonderful asap. I'll ask MIL, too, about face thing - she knows all sorts of natural remedies that have worked wonders for us, with all sorts! Glad you enjoyed your day with the board - so, you were near St Pauls? I walk down there somedays to have lunch, when I need a bit of space from the team!

And wonderful that we have another divo/a in the gang! I think the plural for a group of diva/o's is 'divi'...I quite like the Devious Divi. Emphasis on deevee, as opposed to divvie :rofl: Lizzie has got a deliciously devious divi side. She's been sneaking things off anyone and everyone at the moment. Went for lunch with a friend, and a small, chubby paw was pilfering muffin!

I think you're completely 100% with knowing the cries/shouts by now. Lizzie was so, so upset a couple of nights ago. She was shuddering and grabbing onto us, so she slept with us. Night where she's just woken herself up in a bit of a bad mood...she'll settle back down. But shudders, we can't leave!

We've got a busy weekend, friends arrive tomorrow morning until Sunday night. I'm going into baking overdrive, and DH is now lying on the floor in a sign of 'NO MORE TONIGHT' protest at my annoying jobs! :rofl:
Ha ha!! Lizzie is such a princess! How funny about her shoe refusal. The girl will learn that any shoe is a good shoe (I for one have faaar too many shoes :blush:).

Poppy doesn't bow down to Otto's commands yet. he has us tamed though so I'm sure it won't be long until she listens too :haha:

Devious Divi (with the correct pronunciation of course ;)) I like that. I knew you would come up with a good one. Of course, I will run it by the master himself tomorrow.

Ooohhh, you are baking? I wish I lived closer. Reading your BLW posts often leave me drooling.....pleasant and lady like huh!
Yes, shoe refusal is definitely something that looks like it will continue for some time. She threw her shoe down in temper earlier!! Well in keeping with her 'DD' status!!

How is Otto this morning?

I've actually gone a bit mad with the cooking - it's my roots, am sure, that lead to this inexplicable need to overcater!!

Right, I need to sort my hair out before people arrive. I'm also very excited, because I bought myself a pair of 'spanx' yesterday, and they are amazing. I actually weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant, but my 'Mum Tum' is just a very strange thing - kinda bit of crinkly excess skin (how lovely, hey?!) SO, the Spanx just suck it all in beeeyootifully. I think I'll be buying more!

Big hugs *sends Poppy BIG piece of cherry brownie*
I use lansinoh on ronan's face when he has teething/dribble rash, or i did until the whole tube inexplicably went missing. It works great as it heals and soothes as well as acting as a barrier.

Anyway, just wanted to say that quickly. Life is hectic and exhausting and the monkey's sleep is still crummy. I will try and post more later!
:cake: Party day in the HG household :happydance: but my goodness I am tired now! Swimming and party in one day.

The little miss had her party tea today as got to work tomorrow :growlmad: so whilst I was swimming OH and MIL got the party tea ready and didn't they do well! Beautiful spread - I made 64 cupcakes yesterday (hence no post as icing and ironing clothes [unrelated obviously] whilst she was in bed) and they went down a treat. Fibby screamed for the first 30 minutes as all of these people in her house freaked her out a bit and she knew all of them:dohh: The only other person she would go to apart from me was her CM which is very reassuring for when I'm at work as Fibby just loves her! Well she was spoilt rotten with toys and clothes.

Luckily she had a long sleep before swimming and 40 mins on the way home which carried her through. She went to :sleep: a very tired young lady!

HC - thanks for the tip, E45 has helped but it has spread to her other side of her nose now, eek!

TG - my OH refused last night to move off the sofa as I had been giving him jobs all day getting ready for the party. He kept saying 'she's only one' and 'they won't look in the cupboard under the stairs'. Pah! Fibby is also on the i don't need shoes front, takes them off all the time. She only has one pair of crawler shoes from mothercare (bargin compared to the rest) as she doesn't bother to walk I'm not paying out for a proper pair!

Poppy - I think I might try sudacream if it hasn't cleared up soon or a trip to the drs on Wednesday I think. We've got jabs on thursday am so could even ask the battle axe of a nurse then.

Oh and I love the name for our little devils

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