Sleep Sense Support Group!

A quick one from me - I'm watching Nigella, glassy eyed. Am so tired, Lizzie and I have been non-stop, and I can barely keep myself awake!!

HG - so pleased Fibby is back on form :hugs:
Poppy - :happydance: for cake and creche! What a little star Otto is, too, with the sleeping!! Glad you are enjoying peer supporter! How is Otto's back?

I'm planning on letting Lizzie self-wean, we're on somewhere between two and three feeds a day (depending on my work days), but she rarely has the mid morning one now. So, pretty much two. She also has less at these! Although, she's become obsessed with holding my boobs. In public, too! When we had risotto balls the other day, she was munching one in one hand...had a boob in the other?! Was rather embarrassing, had to try and disguise what was going on!

Lizzie sleeping 7-7 at the moment, which is amazing. Although, she's a bit grumpy for about a minute when she goes into her cot.

We've been doing naughty naps all the time, we nap together - just breathing in that lovely baby-Lizzie smell is so relaxing!

:hugs: for all
:happydance: It's half term! A whole week of Mummy and Fibby time (without Daddy so we will get things done :haha:) Totally whacked today mind you.

Fibby has been up and done this week with her sleep. We have band practice every thursday and my mum babysits. Well she has just had Ofsted so was so tired we left her with chocolate and coffee to slob on our sofa. I return two hours later to find Granny and Fibby reading a book in her room :dohh: She just wouldn't re-settle for Granny. Within 15 mins of me giving her a hug she was asleep! She did have her 12 month jab yesterday so I will forgive her. She went to bed at just gone 6 tonight as she was a grot bag.

Question ladies - as you understand our obsession with sleep - in two weeks time I have a Rememberance Concert where OH and I playing, the problemo is we have to be there and ready to go by 6.30pm so a 6pm leave. I could go late and miss the rehearsal and squeal in a little later but not good form really. But. My dilemma - no one else has every put Fibby to bed. So either Nanny or Granny will ahve to do it alone for the first time. eek. Any thoughts?

Glad to hear everyone is well......
Evening ladies!

I have a poorly baby again :nope: Yep, you read right! So this is about the 5th illness in about a space of 6 weeks now. We went to the Doctors yesterday and he said Otto just had a little bit of dermatitis (sp) on his back and we have some cream which is helping. I asked him to check his ears etc as well but he said all seemed fine.

Last night I heard coughing over the monitor and he woke at 10pm crying. Low and behold his nose was streaming. He woke again at 4.55am and I fed him (it was only 5 minutes before his allowed feed time ;)) he kept latching on, letting go and then looking at me crying. It was so sad to see. he was confused as he couldn't breathe through his nose :cry: Today he has got progressively worse. This morning he only slept for 30 minutes as he woke up coughing and couldn't go back to sleep again. This afternoon he only had a cat nap on our walk so was in bed asleep by 7pm. Poor little bear.

TG - Bless little Lizzie holding on to your boob! They become rather pbsessive over "their" boobs don't they! What a good girl sleeping 7-7! I am so jealous!!! Oh and there is nothing wrong with napping together. Otto rarely will sleep with me now but when he was poorly on holiday I must admit I loved falling asleep with him snuggling next to me! Oh and self weaning is the best way. You don't get so engorged that way! Otto is down to only 2 feeds a day now. TBH, I stopped offering as he will always take the boob if offered. He knows how to ask for milk if he wants it so if he really wanted some I would know. 2 days ago he had 2 daytime feeds but he was a bit under the weather which was understandable. However since then he has been back to just one morning and one bedtime feed (these are mammoth feeds though...the morning one can be 30-40 minutes sometimes. he has never fed so long!).

HG - How lovely that you have some time off :thumbup: I hope the weather stays nice for you. About your bedtime dilemma....Can you have a practice run before your concert? Otto will be put to bed by me or OH but on 2 or 3 occasions my Mum has put him to bed. He has such a stringent routine that it doesn't matter who puts him to bed as he knows what to expect. of course the first time we did this I was panicking that he wouldn't sleep but he was fine! My Mum bathed him, gave him a bottle of cows milk and he went down fine! maybe one or two nights before the day they could come over and you stay downstairs (realx for a bit!) and let them get on with putting Fibby to bed as though you aren't there??...
I hope everyone is okay. Poor Otto was a very poorly boy last night :nope: My OH is away on a stag weekend as well so I was a little bit worried on my own. At 2.30am he woke up crying and his underarm temperature was 27.7 celsius. I stripped him off and gave him some Nurofen. I then bf him and put him skin to skin. I learnt this week at my training course that a mother's temperature is able to adjust to meet her baby's requirements. Therefore, because Elliott was running a temperature my body cooled down (I was shivering!) to try and bring his body temperature down. I mananged to put him back to bed at 3.30am and then he came back in with me at 6am. Today he has been very upset at times. He has however started standing independently today and also walking without me prompting him :cloud9: So as always, even though he is poorly he is still trying to be such a good boy. Naps have been horrendous as awful coughing fits keep on waking him up. I hope he feels better soon. I am now sat here eating maltesers that were meant to be for the next cake I am making :blush: I feel like I deserve them though!

TG - As promised, here is the cake!!!!


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Poppy - Huge:hugs::hugs::hugs:
The poor little fella he must feel really rotten :cry: and so soon after the rest. Do you think it is a cold or to do with the dermatitis? If he doesn't get better go back to the docs and ask for another check. Hope you get some sleep tonight. It is always tough when you are on your own - how single mums do it I don't know! Brilliant tip about the body temperature - Fibby always sleeps best on me or snuggled against me - when she is ill I just thought it was mummy comfort!

Great tip as well on the pre run bedtime! My mum babysits on Thursday eves for rehearsals and I could get her here earlier to have a dry run. Thanks :thumbup:

TG - Fibby would like to thank you for your banana split recipe you put on here. She adores it (she has had two in the last few days) !!!
Evening ladies!

I'm pooped, I don't know what's happened...but the last few days, I've just been so tired! DH and Lizzie let me lie in until 9:45 this morning...I could have gone for longer, but Lizzie was squawking with indignation :D She'd only seen me for morning BF, boob squash, nose rip and snuggle!

Anyway, she's sleeping very well - but the last day has been dribble and gum central, I think more teeth are coming through. Teething necklace has been brilliant, and am sure we're keeping Teetha in business.

We've had about three meals out this weekend, and she's been fab - she actually gave a friends little gal two pieces of her pasta, a kiss and an enthusiastic 'mmmm'. Heart melt!

Right, Poppy m'love, poor little Otto :nope: What rotten, rotten luck. Am sending you both big, big hugs. Hope he feels better very, very soon. It's horrible when they are ill for what feels like a long period. Lizzie still (STILL) has a poorly ear, and it just breaks my heart. I didn't know that about temperature, and will definitely bear that in mind. Great tip. You certainly deserve your maltesers. And a cuppa - feet up on sofa, and Wagner. The cake looks mmmmmmmmarvellous. Cyber slice, please! Anyway, tell me how the little lad is today? Also, how has he taken to cows milk? How do you give it to him? Lizzie hasn't had any yet, and I plan on introducing some...

Aitch-Gee! Half term time :happydance: Glad little Fibby enjoys the nana split! Lizzie's ears perk up when she hears me saying 'banana' :rofl: I also fry banana slices in butter and cinnamon - then, after a minute, add a splash of orange juice (it's Annabel Karmel, I think) She either has it with fromage frais, yoghurt, pancake...or split styleee with ice cream! DH and I are addicts, too!
TG - We're teething today again too :cry: and can i find her amber necklace? I saw her with a day or so ago when i'd taken it off for bath time and I've no idea where she has put it. Must train max to be a sniffer dog and hunt it out for me. OH hates bananas and leaves the room if one is being snogged by phoebe :haha:

Poppy - how is Otto? Hope he has had a better night - were you still on your own or has OH returned? Hope you are getting some sleep too :hugs:

Well Little Phoebe has had a mixed weekend. I think teething has combined with a little bit of seperation anxiety this weekend. I thought we'd got through that but she has been quite clingy and unreasonable with others :dohh: She was fine at swimming (we were a tad early and whilst waiting on the side Phoebe was nabbed by the teacher to demonstrate to the previous class how to do all sorts as she never minds! - very proud mummy) but then she got a bit grumpy.

I did treat her to a lovely reversable jojo maman coat and matching waterproof trousers - for when she finally decides to walk :dohh:

We are trying to go to one nap a day but it is hit and miss - she did it yesterday but has slept loads today. maybe the jabs are catching up!
Ooooooooooh, which Jojo reversable? I'm giving the one with roses serious thought - right now!!

I bought her some wellies, but her tinchy tootsies are just too small! She's loving sticking her toes up our noses at the moment, so she can get a 'oooooooooooooh, pongy' reaction...which she thinks is hilarious!

Check out Fibby - star swimming pupil :happydance:

Don't know if it's something in the water, but Lizzie has been very clingy, too - gets VERY cross if attention is somewhere else, even for a second.

Hope the teething is ok, and Max can help track that necklace...we're on our second!
It is the fuschia pink one on the waterproof side and pink and white stripe on the inside. I had that one and the one with roses in my hand right up until the till - I couldn't decide at all but Fibby pointed to the pink one so that is the one it is. It is lovely - had to get 18month - 24 as the smaller size fitted her perfectly so no room to grow! She is very tall but I also read that Jojo sizes on outdoor are quite short in length?

The clingyness has been a suprise - if I'd had the week off already and then gone back to work I could understand her not wanting me to leaver her but ? I guess it is teeth - we also came home in the car tonight in the dark which totally freaked her out, I had to stop and let OH get in the back and its only a 5 min journey from my mum!
Oooh, lovely! Lizzie is a lil shortie - we have some of the Jojo dresses, and they all have to be taken up :rofl: Like Mummy, like daughter!

I always like to give Lizzie the final choice, too - I got her input on the shoes, but she clearly decided they were foul on second inspection! We've had plenty of foot banging antics!

Must be the teething for both of us - well, plenty of hip carrying and naughty naps on the agenda! :D
The hip carrying - I've had a total day of that!!!!! Very stiff now and walking at an angle...

I don't think Fibby does naughty napping now - she goes off so well or not at all. To busy trying to pick my nose to snuggle now......:cry:
Ah, yes - we have nose picking, twisting, poking...but the current favourite is the (preferably in public) the boob 'grab n expose'
We don't have that (although I pile dirty washing for the machine in the hall way on wash day as the machine is under the stairs and I have had the dog greet numerous visitors with dirty items of clothing - his favourite is underwear! grr!) just the nose picking or poking my teeth - she is fascinated by teeth - prob as she has none!!!!

I miss the snuggles to sleep though - she is just too big really, unless she is poorly. Although she makes up for it with lovely proper cuddles now!
I quite like the fact Lizzie is very clear when / who she will give kisses and cuddles to. I asked for a cuddle earlier, but she was busy whacking her maracas, gave me a quick 'really? now?? don't be silly' look...and then shook her head with a 'no'. Five minutes later, she was done with the whacking and gave me a big kiss. Heart melting.

Friend of ours repeatedly asked for a hug when she bumped into us, Lizzie refused :rofl: We rarely see this friend, so who can blame her?!
Phoebe I think is actually quite shy (excluding shouting hiya at strangers in Sainsburys - that is just sport and her way of helping the aged community of Eastbourne).

She won't cuddle anyone she doesn't know and she needs time to warm up. After half an hour she will offer a cuddle to her grandparents and other close family but never to her uncle - my sisters partner - she screams if he is in the same room - so he spends most of his time outside in the garden poor bloke, i think it is because he is Madeiran.

Fibby tends to pop in for a reassuring hug before continuing her rampage of house destruction .....
I love her 'Hiya' community spirit!!! :rofl:

My niece had a similar reaction to my Dad when she was young - he used to have to lurk in the garden until she was used to him. Funny, he fast became her favourite person ever when that baby stage was over! We think it was down to the darker/olive complexion and facial hair! She is very embarrassed now, as we remind her lots!

Lizzie acts shy for about ten minutes, and then just shows off - but her affection has to be earned through reassurance and recognition. She will not be picked up by someone new without a big lip wobble and wail (which ceases as soon as DH and I take her - fraud!)

I love the house destruction, too - tidy house lasts about five seconds chez TG!!

Just noticed we have the same baby in our tickers - says a lot, doesn't it :rofl:
:rofl::rofl: - now why would we both choose the baby girl throwing food in a diva like fashion???????

I think they must be kindered spirits. It is Fibby's aim to empty things, move things, etc... imagine if they were in the same house :devil: The carnage!

Yep - sounds like Lizzie. My sister jokes that if Lizzie had to note down her 'favourite things' they would be 'throwing, bashing, destructing, knocking and wrecking' :rofl:

If I even dare try and build a tower, she powers over from wherever she is, just to ensure it's knocked over!!

The pair of them together...!!!! :laugh2: :laugh2:
Hello lovely ladies,

Last night was better. Otto only woke once at 2.45am and was asleep again by 3.30am. He then woke for the day at 7.20am. He still has a horrendous wet cough, snotty nose and diarrhoea!

HG, maybe the skin thing is linked to his can be prone to skin irritations when not very well. My OH came home on Sunday so it was nice to not be on my own again. You are right, I take my hat off to single Mums. Good luck on the bedtime practice run, I'm sure it will be fine. How is Fibby's teething? Also, let me know how the 1 nap a day run goes...I don't think Elliott is ready to drop to one a day just yet.

TG, a cyber slice of cake is winging it's way to you :cake: Otto has taken to whole milk perfectly. TBH though, I give it to him in a bottle as he will take it out of his sippy cup, just not so well. I introduced it in the last few weeks as he has laways had it on his cereal (I have never had much luck exressing). It does seem to lay heavier on his stomach though as I was dairy intolerant as a baby so was a bit careful. He seems fine with it now though.

Reading your posts has made me laugh ladies. Your little girls have lots of charcater. Oh and their little winter jackets sound divine :thumbup: They are very lucky!x
Poppy - so glad to hear it was a better night but hope he gets over this cold soon. The cough must keep you on edge - I can't sleep if fibby is coughing down the monitor.

The one nap thing is not going to well! We are on two naps today - she just can't make it to lunchtime in a nice mood. She went down at 10.20 for an hour and 3.15 until ...... so that didn't work.

Might try again tomorrow, we aren't doing anything except making custom buggysnuggles for our buggies!!!!! Just off online to choose some fleece!

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