Sleep Sense Support Group!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY DAY, FIBBBBYYYYYY!!! Am so glad you all had a lovely day! What pressies did lil lady get? What cupcakes did you make...and where is mine?! ;)

Aww, can you believe how quickly time flies? Where has the year gone? Weren't we all posting about our tiny little babies about five minutes ago...surely?!

:hugs: for you, too. Emotional stuff, isn't it?

Hope rash clears up asap :hugs:

HC - how is Ronan?

Poppy - Otto news?

Well, ladies, Lizzie has been a grumpy pants today...she's chewing, felt a bit warm etc. Am a bit concerned, as she's due to have her boosters tomorrow. I *think* it's just teething...and we've already put them off due to her ears (GP said to go ahead, now) Wondering whether to postpone again? Or go and let the nurse assess? I lose the plot over these things, I really do.

We went for a walk earlier today, with Lizzie walking part of the way - which was very exciting - except for the fact she looking a bit like John Cleese in Ministry of Silly Walks, as she was trying to shake her shoes off :rofl: I LOVE that girlie!!!! Too funny!!!
Thanks for the party hugs!

Where has the year gone? OH and I are sat here remembering this time last year (all that gas and air and c-section fears etc.... total lack of sleep) and here we have a diva all scrummy and beautiful!

The cup cakes were: Chocolate, vanilla, coffe, carrot and rasperberry - with decorations etc.... went simple but looked gorgous (will try and add a photo to post if I can). Yours is here waiting - also lots for poppy, HC etc...

Right managed to add 3 photos - one of the cakes, opening pressies and a little girl looking slightly overwhelmed by her party!


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what a gorgeous girl! Lizzie took a wee while to 'warm up' for her party, too - the whole 'WHY ARE YOU ALLL HERRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?' wail...quickly followed by huge showing off!!

Gorgeous pics - and I want one of each cake!! :D
HG - Happy happy tea party day to Fibby, or I suppose it'll actually be her birthday by the time you read this! She looks gorgeous (even if overwhelmed) and the cupcakes...yum?

TG - Sorry to hear Lizzie's still being a bit of a grump. Ronan is too with his teeth. His top left one has cut through and as of this morning, I could feel the right one bulging and on the verge. I was lucky to get that much of a feel in as he will not let me touch his gums at the moment! That'll be 4 teeth in less than 2 weeks.

:rofl: at the image of Lizzie doing her silly walk.

Poppy - A belated welcome back from your holiday. All things said and done, it seems like a lovely time was had!

Oh, and I think Ronan totally needs in on the DD club with the way he's been lately. Is it bad for me to laugh when he gets all stroppy because things aren't going his way?
HC^^ not bad at all! I laugh, too - the diva moments are just too funny!! Welcoming Ronan, with open arms, into the DD exclusive club :D

Just a quick one from me, to wish the very lovely Fibby a marvellous FIRST birthday!!! :hugs:

The party looked amazing HG and look at those cakes!!! Yummy! Gorgeous photos btw and Fibby is just scrummy isn't she?!

Sorry for not being around much lately. Had a lot going on and the little Ottsy is keeping me rather busy.

TG - Thank you sooo much for the cyber cake. Do you have any fantastic chocolate cake recipes that I could use for Otto's up coming birthday? I have never baked a cake :blush: and I don't have much time to practice?!

Poor Lizzie :hugs: teeth are horrid. With regards to the jabs if that was me I would take her and let the nurses decided what is best to do. Take the decision out of your hands.

HC - I am more than happy to officially welcome Ronan in to the DD club. Sorry to hear his sleep is still unsettled. If it makes you feel any better Otto is the same though we are now properly working on it....

Ssoooo.....Otto seems to be better and I have been busy buying pressies for his birthday. He is such a dude lately and a laugh a minute (the boy is going to be a comedian I swear!). His nighttime sleep has been horrendous lately and I must say, I can't find a reason for it other than we have been soft on him for the past 3 weeks. So....much to my dismay we started back on SS 2 nights ago. 1st night he woke at 11am and it took 25 mins to get him back to sleep. He then woke again at 2am and it took 10 mins, so a big improvement. Last night he slept until 4am and then it only took 10 mins again for him to go to sleep. May I add I am not offering milk at night now. I really do think he is waking out of habit. Is that wrong/bad of me? He seems to be fine and settling so if he was really hungry he wouldn't give in, right? Anyway we shall see what tonight brings but I am seeing an improvement already (though I am finding SS blimming hard with a nearly 1 year old - they protest so much more). I am sure it is for the best though.#

How is everyone else?xx
Thank you ladies for the birthday wishes - the big day is here (well gone now really).

Poor little might was woken by a delegation this morning (mummy, daddy and the dog) as she was sleeping in :dohh: and daddy had to go to work. She had a fab day at the childminder but has been a grump this evening. We both got off early to have a family dinner only for Fibby to insist that standing in her highchair is more fun than eating. Thinking of getting a new highchair now:dohh: She got her lovely bookcase and books and her activity cube which was huge hit. But she has gone to bed early as sooooo tired :sleep:

HC - Ronan is more than welcome in the diva club - I must admit I do laugh sometimes but that only makes her cross! I try not to but the leg kicking is so amusing.

Poppy - I think SS is prob best - when polo popped into here with her older one she said that she soon got the idea with it. I think because they can get up and protest in such a more visable and upsetting way. do you stay in the room? I found with Fib that she prefers me to leave and come and check. I found this one time when she was going for it and I was busting for the loo so off I went and on my way back she started to calm so i thought i'll just grab a drink and by the time i came back she was asleep. Obviously if she is screaming for more than a coupld of mins I go back and stay but if she is screaming, I leave and calms i wait 5 mins - the longest 5 mins or so it feels. I have to go back in to give her back her ele-nu as she throws him out in temper but wants him to go to sleep with.
Hi girlies!

Just a quick one from me to say a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Fibby!! What gorgeous photos, she is a stunning little girl. And those cupcakes look yum!!

I am shattered, it was OH's birthday on Saturday and we went out for a meal and a couple of drinks and I am still trying to recover. Just can't take the pace anymore. In other news, Thomas has been waking up at night again for the past couple of nights and won't settle without a feed, but then has been sleeping in until quarter to seven whereas he had been waking for the day at 5.30 or sometimes before. I do feel that maybe I shouldn't be feeding him at night but it is just SO much easier and I have been enjoying the 'lie-ins' in the morning too. Part of me wonders if he was waking so early partly because he was getting a bit hungry? Anyway, he dropped the night feeds by himself before so I'm sure he will do it again. I think it might be connected to me going back to work and him therefore dropping a feed during the day as he won't take a bottle or cup. Also he is teething badly again and not eating as much solids as usual as a result. So probably just a combination of things. Anyway I think I will just feed him, I sent OH in to try and settle him last night and he screamed so much that he was holding his breath for ages, totally hysterical, no fun in the middle of the night. Whereas if I feed him he just goes straight back to sleep and then has a lie-in.
Happy Birthday Fibby!!!

She is SO GORGEOUS !!!!! Look at those big eyes, absolutely adorable!

Hope you are all well! Sorry it's so short just wanted to say I miss not being able to post on here very much anymore :sob:

We are all well - had a horrific journey down to Leeds for a wedding last weekend (10hrs driving! should take 6/7 but loads of roadworks and stops for Kyle). I was so fraught! But Kyle loved all the attention at the wedding and tucked into the beef, potatoes and yorkshire pudding! He also had his first taste of ice cream and his face was so funny!

Sleepy Dust everybody! Love to all xxx
Thanks HG. It's just knowing what to do for the best now. TBH Otto gets more worked up if I'm in the room with him. He reaches out for me and shouts louder. So I tend to go back in, give him a hug, lay him down and tell him "sleepy time". I could already tell last night that there was an improvement so fingers crossed for tonight. He also throws/drops his Thumper snuggler sometimes but I can always tell over the monitor if he has done this by the way he shouts.

Bless your little birthday girl. It's her birthday and if she wanted to stand up and eat then so be it ;) he he!!x

Polaris I know what you mean!! OH and I shared a few glasses of wine on Saturday evening and it resulted on me zonking out and missing X Factor (light weight....:blush:). With regards to T's know him best hun and as you said he dropped his nightime feeds of his own accord before. This is something Elliott has done. You will soon get to know if he is just relying on the boob for comfort rather than hunger. Elliott was definitely adopting a habit that was becoming increasingly worse hence why we are trying SS again. Also, with his being ill, being a bit spoilt with bed sharing during our holiday (so that we all had a restful time!) etc he just needed "reminding".xx
Hello ladies!!

Poppy - recipe PM'd! :D Not long til Otto hits the big '1'. I hope the sleep gets better, it's so hard doing SS after not having the need for so long. Big hugs and sleepy dust to the gorgeous boy. Tell me you like Wagner in Factor?!

Polaris - I had two glasses of wine (small) this weekend, and felt like I'd been drinking Special Brew until 3am. I just can't drink anymore without it going straight to my head!

PM - hellloooo! Well done Kyle with the food, that's fab!

HG - Lizzie does the same with her noon. I hear a shout of rage as she throws noon out, and then we have to go and replace. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, desperate to make a statement...but wanting her noon!!

Well, Lizzie had her boosters...the nurse said she's got teeth coming through everywhere, bless her. Was very stressful, she cried when she saw the needle...and then cried for about twenty seconds post boosters. She clung onto me just saying 'no, mama, no'. My heart was breaking. SO, we went home - had lots and lots of snuggles, and I made her a banana split. Well, a baby version (banana, cinnamon, squished berries, scoop of ice cream) She ate it all, then fell asleep on me for two hours. She was a bit grump when she went to bed, but not too bad. I find it all SO stressful :( My beautiful little lady!

She's also now sharing nicely - I asked her to pass me Elmer today, and she walked over...picked him up, and passed him to me. Of course, this is on her terms...when I asked for Lau-lau, she simply said 'No' and shook her head. Picked Lau-lau up and moved her well away from me, for good measure. Lau-lau is hers, and hers alone!!

I'm looking to see if you can buy head spanx, as I tried to buy a new hat earlier...and I've either got the worlds biggest head, or it's actually where my baby bump went. Nothing fit! I've got a complex now!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the PM (I wish there was a worshipping smiley lol)! Wish me luck ;) Do I like Wagner in X Factor...??? Well, considering I fell asleep before I even had chance to even see his performance on Saturday (you can thank the wine for that...) I must admit he wasn't my most favourite act during the audition stage. Do you like him :saywhat: ha ha ha!

Poor Lizzie. Reading that made me feel so sad for her :cry: It must be so hard when she is actually telling you no. All that to contend with as well as her teeth. She needs big :hugs:

Elliott will share sometimes but then he also teases very well. He goes to hand something over, whips it away and then chuckles in a mischevious way. The little monkey.

Spanx....I remember you mentioning those before. I NEED some. I have lost all of me pregnancy weight but still have a wrinkly, blamanche like mass hanging around my middle :growlmad:. Oh and big head = big brain and am I right in remembering that you have masses of gorgeous curly hair? That will add bulk too.x

When I stop BFing, I'll need to stop cake eating! Not a PCOS friendly snack :( Still, chocolate is low I can still sneak some of that in :D The malteser cake is yummy, enjoy!

I LOVE Wagner - he's brilliant!! I'm not sure why, but I just think he's fab! I've been singing Tom Jones all week, because of him! I love his high pony tail, too - he's channeling Lizzie's hair :rofl:

Ah, sounds like you and I share post pregnancy tums. That makes me feel better. Lost all the weight, but I have this...crepey 'mass' of, well, skin! Wrinkly, crepey...mmm, how lovely! Spanx sucks it ALL in. They need to make swim wear. Either that, or it's going to be allll about 50s style :D Lizzie loves my tum - grabs a fistful of wrinkle, and starts laughing!! It's our badge of honour, that's how I see it :hugs:

My Lizzie slept through, but was up early this morning (well, 6:15) I'm so proud of how brave she's been. We're going to lunch in her favourite place today - and I'm ordering her risotto balls. They go everywhere, and I spend half my time on my hands and knees picking bits up, but she deserves them!!

Loving Otto and his 'gotcha' approach to sharing :rofl:

ps-my hair has gone out of control with the damp, cold weather. I'm not sure 'gorgeous' could be applied to something that sticks out at 90 degree angles!!! :rofl: Look at your lovely hair!!
For Sale: One Baby girl, one year old, quite cute looking, tenedncey to be completely unreasonable.

Oh. My. God. Diva is not a strong enough describing word for Phoebe today (not calling her Fibby today as she has been such a rat). Last night was a disaster:nope: 3hours yes 3 hours of screaming for no reason - clean bum, no red cheeks, no wind nothing - tried SS but after 90 mins gave up:cry: then more whole body sobbing, cue OH and I row as both now exhausted (it was his line 'That is the last time I am going in' really annoyed me - like I can ever say that) - and Phoebe slept on me in her chair, I snoozed, woke at 3am put baby in the cot for ehr to repeat at 5.15am:dohh:

But Phoebe doesn't end there! She was so naughty this morning before work! In a space of 40 mins she had:
Hit the dog several times on the head with a Gockenspiel Beater
Escaped whilst getting dressed and finding it funny until made to get dressed where upon she screamed and did an impression of an ironing board
Tried to eat 3 stones of the driveway after she escaped from the house

Then the poor CM looked a beaten woman this evening, Phoebe refused to sleep, share any toys, pushed a 3 year old over in her attempt to get the duplo. she threw her biggest paddy to date when her yogurt ran out - she throw the pot on the floor thumped her hands down. Needlesstosay she went to bed at 6pm. Where is my lovely girl gone :cry: There is something up with her and I don't know what - we have jabs on thurs and is that going to make her worse?

Sorry to moan - I love her dearly - but she is so willful! I just needed to get that off my chest. Feel better now :blush:

TG - that banana split souonds yummy - we will both have that for lunch tomorrow and I will teach my daughter some table manners. Glad the jab went well - was this Lizzies 12 month or 13 month jabs? if 13 - was she poorly after the first? With you on the tummy front - I miss my old stomach - it was never really small but it was at least not stretch mark covered! my oh is sweet and blames Phoebe entirely and says it proves I'm her mummy!

Poppy - Otto is so cute! Phoebe won't even offer to share (unless its a boogie.....)

Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes yesterday (I;m not sure she will make two)
Oh, Fibby!! What a day!! On the positive side - it shows she's an independent and confident little girl, who knows exactly what she wants! BIG :hugs: for you, HG - I really hope you have a better night tonight. If it's any consolation, Lizzie has been on diva form, too. She has had two fits of rage - one where I had the audacity to go to the loo without asking her permission to leave the room, and the second when I tried to get The Shoes on!

Perhaps she is having a little teething flare up? Or there is a new milestone on the horizon? Let us know how you get on - now put your feet up, have a big cuppa...and a cake. You deserve it :hugs:

Lizzie's jabs were her 12 month boosters - we held back a few weeks until I got clarification from the GP about her ears. It was Hib and MenC. I became a nervous wreck - as per. She's booked in for her Pneummococal (sp?) and MMR in a month. I've been banned from Google by the nurse, but am already getting agitated.

Reports from these jabs - she's napped a bit more, been clinging onto me lots...Poor darling.

She had her risotto balls, however, and 'mmm'd' her way through!
Thanks TG -OH has been good (feeling bad me thinks) and I have been looked after this evening so I can do some school work.

She is very confident - that is her problem! I think we are going to work on are etiquette tomorrow and how to say no polietly!

I love Lizzie and those shoes ........ poor thing having these strange items on her feet !!!
Phew.....what a day! I've only just sat down as I've been to Sainsburys to buy cooking ingredients :D

Today was my Peer Supporter training day and Elliott went in the crèche for 3 hours. Quite a few of the other babies have started getting upset whilst in there/anticipating going but not Otto! He loves it! He ate well, played well (he seems to have stopped slapping faces quite so much) and generally has a fab time. I'm so proud of him. However after picking up the smiliest, happiest little boy from the crèche I managed to bang his head on the railings on the way out. He cried, I felt bad......what a rubbish Mummy. He didn't hold it against me for too long luckily. When I got home I called OH to brag that even though I don't usually leave him (which he nags me about) it is not having a detrimental affect on him as he was one if the happiest babies to be left today

Last night was better again. He woke at 3am and I went in to him once. He was back asleep within 5 minutes. No milk again either. So that's 3 nights with no feeds now and each night he gets better at settling. The only thing is he is waking earlier (6.30ish) rather than his usual 7-7.30am as he is genuinely wanting milk. I can more than live with this though if I can start having a full nights sleep.

HG...What a day :hugs: I shouldn't admit this but reading your fantastic post about Fibby's Diva tendancies did make me chuckle. You described them so well. Mind you the night time activity is no joke. The poor little maid. I wonder what could be upsetting her? I completely sympathise with you on the SS front. They certainly protest more these days.

TG- don't stop bf'ing lol! Then you can keep eating cake! On that subject how long do you think you will feed for? In the last week Otto has pretty much dropped to just having a morning and night feed. Glad to hear your Diva is back on top form. I did my little shopping trip tonight :) I could only get 19cm sandwich cake tins (they were quite shallow) and I have greaseprpof paper. Will this suffice? I'm do excited about facing a practice run!

Poor Otto has been looking a bit peaky again today. He is also scratching his back horrendously though there is nothing to see so I'm going to get him booked in to the drs tomorrow.

I have so much more to say but I can't keep my eyes ppm!

See you tomorrow.xx
Elliott slept through the night until 6.15am :happydance:
I take it back about Fibby - I'll keep her today. I think she knew she needed to be good for Mummy! She slept from 6.15pm - 7.30am and on my day off :happydance: so I got a lie in :happydance: So I had 9 hours sleep last night :sleep::sleep::sleep: oh it was heaven!

The monster was still quite diva like this morning - only ate her porridge after sharing my corn flakes - but after her short afternoon nap she woke up and was back to her normal self :thumbup:

Went to bed ok - but I forgot to turn the monitor on and i think she started to cry and by the time i heard her it was screaming - but she went back - ele-nu had escaped her!

Poppy - Otto is a star isn't her? He obviously trusts you that you will come back so doesn't need to cry! Other than work I rarely leave Fibby I just want to look after her! Oops about the head!
Glad to hear Fibby has sorted herself out! Otto sometimes loses his Thumper Snuggler and he gets most distressed if he does. What a good girl she was letting you have a lie in too :thumbup:

Otto slept through until 5.55am. I have decided that anytime before 6am is too early to get up so I fed him and put him back in his cot. I have decided that if he wakes after 5am I will feed him as he is doing well going thorugh the night like he is. After feeding he went back down to bed until 7.30am!

TG - The cake is nearly all gone. Thank you so much. I did myself proud, didn't poision anyone and it was delicious. Result!x

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