Sleep Sense Support Group!

HG - How are you and Fibby feeling today? Did you manage to get away from work early? I hope you are feeling a bit better at least.x

TG - WHERE ARE YOU (I miss you).x

Arcanegirl - Look forward to hearing the updates :) x
I cant comment for tonight as Alex isnt here :blush: Its his night with granny tonight so me and OH went out for a meal with my dad :D
Hi ladies!! I have been doing sleepsense for the most of what i understand with LO and it has worked!! she now falls asleep in her crib awake and for the most part sleeps through the night ( has before sleep sense). We had a little set back the last couple days where she would cry getting put in her crib, but the last nap she only fussed for 10 mins. Anyways my question is about the soother.... I want to take it away about 4 months, I need some tips, it is causing us the most trouble, when she wakes she always cries because it has dropped out of her mouth if i put it back in she falls right back asleep. Now she sucks on her hands ect, but never to put her self to sleep. I dont mind hand/finger sucking if thats what she needs to self soothe. Do i just take it away cold turkey and listen to the cries :( I have tried to let her fall asleep without it but as soon as her head hits the mattress she screams blue murder doesnt even search for her hand. help :) ps she only gets the soother for sleeping.
I have the same exact question. JJ is basically sleeping through but occasionally wakes up for his dummy and will only fall asleep when his dummy is in, but falls alseep on his own in the crib. I dont know how to break the dummy habit. I went to the sleep sense website and she says she has the magical answer of how to help your baby sleep without the dummy but you have to pay for it. So what is the magical answer? Can anyone sum it up for me? I'd really really appreciate it ladies!! Thanks so much. xx

I've been AWOL, just exhausted. I was set up to post the other pm, switched Spooks on...made it through the music, and then fell asleep. I am utterly exhausted at the moment, and have no idea why!! I just need an injection of sleep or something! I'm also very grumpy - moaned at Mum and DH over pathetic things (I NEVER have butter on sandwiches, why did you put it on?!? Yes, that pathetic) and gave several members of my team a rollicking over something minor the other day, so several apologies have been issued!!

Lizzie is a little gem, however, and no moans!! She's now baby running, which is pure comedy...that gorgeous speed waddling. However, it now means she wants to do this everywhere...we were having a sandwich together the other day, and she had an utter meltdown at wanting to run, with sandwich, and share pieces with the other lunchers. She's been sleeping well, although the clocks did throw her for a couple of days. She was suitably dressed as a baby bat for Hallowe'en, and melted the hearts of all the trick or treaters!

I just want to watch her all the time at the moment!

Poppy :hugs::hugs: How are you? How is gorgeous Otto? News please!! Am still loving Wagner, and loooooved his performance on Saturday. Would be so brilliant if he won :D

AitchGee :hugs::hugs: How are you??? How's Fibby? You poor pair :( I hope you're both getting lots and lots of TLC, and fab that your in-laws have been around to help. We rely lots on both sides of family, when you're feeling below par, you need a helping hand. Indulge in many chocolate oranges, and sending you LOTS of get well soon vibes, :hugs: and large slice of chocolate cake

Arcane Girl - how's it all going? Any updates?

Parkep, Justagirl - welcome!! Sounds like you are already doing very well with the sleep - we didn't start until Lizzie was five months, and only sleeping on us!! SS recommends going 'cold turkey' on all sleep props. We were lucky, Lizzie is a thumb sucker, and not a lot you can do about that! She basically says the best thing to do is sit with your child and sing, whisper, comfort them while they learn to self-settle. That way, they know you are there, they are not 'abandoned' and they just get very cross when working out how to self-settle. The good news is, it happens very quickly. It is a hard few days, so definitely get support...DH and I took turns. I could tell Lizzie's crying was more angry frustration than upset, and within days she was herself...and waking up a different girlie! Refreshed, more cheerful, very calm! You work up to moving further from the cot every night, until you can just close the door. It appealed more to us, because after five months, we were zombies from lack of sleep (literally, she only slept on me or DH) and we were worried we'd have an accident - however, we wanted to be with Lizzie while she learned how to sleep...and so she knew we were there.

Sorry for the waffle, writing as I probably a bit garbled!

Right, looking forward to hearing all your news ladies! Lizzie and I going for a walk in the fields (approx 0.2 mph if Lizzie wants to walk :D) and I am going to come back less of a Kevin the Teenager and make some blondies!

Last night was just perfect! Exactly how Alex waas the first week we had him in a bed. I laid him in and stayed so i tucked him in and stroked his head for a few mins and left as he was semi sleepy. I thought he was going to get up as he raised his head when i got up but then he just laid back down and stayed there all night!

So nice to see you back and know what you mean about the exhaustion:dohh: We are getting much better thank you - pencillin is sorting us both out and Fibby is eating and drinking again phew. I was so worried. Thanks for the cake - I'm on a health drive this week due to all the extra calories I ate to get better last week but OH has made home cooked ham, egg and homemade chips for tea:dohh: must do healthy tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed your walk - we took the dog out this morning with her in the carrier - still no walking here the lazy watsit - it was lovely.

Poppy - how is little Otto?

AG - great news on the staying in the bed - gives us hope!

The dummy question......... The best way I think in an ideal world is to ditch it when starting SS. We did - took 4 days but got there. Then she got sick, I got weak and gave it back. Confessions here - FIbby sometimes has a dummy still at night time. Never for naps, never during the day but she has one in her cot and if she puts it in at night she has it, if she doesn't she doesn't. THis is ok for us now she is able to find it and put it in - if she was younger I would go cold turkey. :hugs: good luck!

So chuffed to hear La Fibby is on the mend and back to eating! And you!! I hope she's getting some diva back in her? Also, I've got food envy of the highest order. That is one of my favourite dinners. VERY jealous.

Also, I wouldn't worry about the dum-dum. La Liz has been a thumb-sucker since she was 20 weeks, and there is noooo stopping that!

Enjoy the not walking, because once they decide that the pushchair is ssoooooo last year, things become interesting. Lizzie was doing some form of yoga when we went to the shops in her attempt to get out and get walking...she gave me some exceedingly dirty looks, and threw her spelt biccie on the floor in a fit of 'you give me THIS?!' :D

Walk certainly chased the grump away...Mum and DH find it quite funny, but I fear a new member of my team now thinks I am some kind of Cruella. Well, a small bad-haired Cruella.

Lizzie and I had a lovely day, she's been so much fun...I'm just tiiiiiiired. We've just got her new carseat ordered, gone rear-facing - I don't know why I'm excited about a carseat, but I am!

Anyone watching The Apprentice tonight? I can't wait - bunch of appalling individuals, but oh-so watcheable...

AG - fab to hear about your sleep, what a star!!
Tonight seems back to the phase weve been having, he fought to go to bed but we did have visitors around untill 15 mins before bed so that could be it.
I need to get the book back out and re read the part about toddlers and get back to basics.
Ive been thinking it cant be nice for Alex when hes crying and were walking out of the room, so tonight i sat with him and patted his back - my way of attempting to keep him in the bed so he wouldnt try to climb out. He tried twice so i cuddled and patted and put him back in. He did stay so i gradually stopped patting him and pulled the cover over (recent problem is he goes to bed himself with no covers, not ideal for winter!). He calmed down but cried again and lifted his head when he realised id stopped, so i stroked his head to calm him again. As soon as he'd been calm for a few mins i stopped and slowly got up.
He cried and lifted his head again when i went out the door and carried on crying for maybe 3 mins? But on checking the cam monitor, hes still in bed covered up :D
Tonight seems back to the phase weve been having, he fought to go to bed but we did have visitors around untill 15 mins before bed so that could be it.
I need to get the book back out and re read the part about toddlers and get back to basics.

Did you get the latest email about this very topic? I haven't read the blog but it might help.
A quick one here - my jubilation is ebbing away as now the madam has a hacking cough and a complete massive seperation anxiety issue.

Will post more tomorrow, band practice tonight so prepare yourselfs........
Hi everyone,
sorry I haven't been around. Just have no time at all since going back to work. I'm exhausted all the time. Thomas hasn't adjusted very well to the clocks going back and has been getting up between 5 and 5.30 most days this week. Last night he slept till 7 but that was only because he had been awake for about an hour and a half during the night, no idea why (yawn!!). I feel like I have a day's work done by the time I even get to work. And if I complain about the early mornings people just keep telling me that he is going to bed too early and I should keep him up till 8 or 9. I wouldn't have the energy to keep him up till that time, even if I was able to keep him awake that long without him going into complete meltdown. He's still very clingy too especially when I get home from work in the evenings and won't let me put him down. Sorry for the moany post. I'm feeling a bit down about everything to be honest. I feel like I'm trying to spread myself too thin between work and home and not doing a good job of either. Loads of good stuff going on too, Thomas's first birthday party was a great success, and he is just changing so much all the time, he can do so many new things, he understands so many words now and will point to things when you ask him, he can make a tower of three or sometimes even four blocks, he can do the round and the square shapes in his shapesorter, and he's very very nearly walking. I'm so proud of him and I do treasure the times that I have with him, but I just feel like I'm not enjoying it as much as I should be. OK moan over, sorry for off-loading on you all!!
Eeevvening all!!

TG - :hugs: So glad to see you back. I completely sympathise with the exhaustion. I don't work and am still absolutely shattered at the end of the day. I don't know how you ladies do it. It great to hear that La Liz (like that!) is doing well. I do laugh at your posts as I you put them so well I can imagine being there when things are happening like madam trying to escape from her pushchair!! I'm interested to hear you have gone rear facing with the car seat. Has she gone to the new seat from her original new born seat? I wanted to go rear facing but OH is completely unsupportive and my Step Dad kindly bought us a gorgeous Britx forward facing seat so I completely lost that arguement :growlmad: I have managed to convert him to cloth though so you win some you lose some.....

HG - Great news that you are both finally starting to feel better. Nothing wrong with little Fibby having a little guilty pleasure. Otto used to have a dummy but like you we got rid when we started SS. His Thumper comfort blanket is now his most treasured item. He goes crazy for it!!

AC - So glad to hear the 1st night went well. Last night doesn't sound so bad either! we have always used a sleeping bag so can not advise on the blanket front but it sounds like hopefully Alex may get the idea of this "sleeping thing" rather quickly.

Re the Dummy Question - the only way (imo) is to go cold turkey I'm afraid. It was only 3 days of unpleasantness for us. However once the dummy was gone his sleep improved amazingly. The 1st dummy free night was horrific, the 2nd got better and by the 3rd night he was asleep in minutes. You have to be strong and consistent though, that's the key.

Well news on our home front.....Otto is finally much much better. His cough is practically gone now :happydance: He is walking more and more each day and can manage about 5 metres now. he still prefers to crawl though! He went in the creche on Tuesday whilst I went to my training and had a few tears when we got there. I think the main reason he started was to cry was that all of the other babies set him off!! He settled in fine and I picked him up at the end as happy as larry! Nanny looked him for 2 hours yesterday whilst I went to the hospital for my CRB check (I am volunteering on the Maternity ward) and he was fine although a bit hungry when I got home (I told Nanny to give him rice cakes with philadelphia and she gave him 3 mini apple rcie cakes with philadelphia :dohh::growlmad::dohh:).'s Otto's big day on Sunday :thumbup: 1 already!!!! I can hardly believe it. We are having a little social gathering for him at our local soft play tomorrow with all of his buddies. Should be good fun :D
He didnt cry :D
I *think* i may have found the reason and cracked does seem to be seperation anxiety. I took my time settling him in same as yesterday, he got up once but then laid down after i showed him me doing it :lol:
I stroked his head even though he wasnt crying, but it seemed to soothe him still and despite the cat keep walking in and out bedtime was a success :D
He was fully awake and aware that i left and all he did was sit up in the bed and laid back down shortly after.

Just watching Nigella, is it me - or is she actually becoming slightly insane in this series? Still great food, though! I can vouch for her salty/sweet bars she's making. Yum yum!

HG - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Poor little Fibby. Have a massive offload on here tomorrow, that's what we're here for. If it's any consolation, Lizzie is going through a bit of a phase...I noticed it yesterday, but today I haven't really been able to put her down. Even sitting next to me hasn't been enough. I've been operating with one arm all day - we went out for lunch, and she had to sit on my knee...She's getting more teeth through, which I think is making her a bit down. Maybe the same with Fib?

Poppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee:hugs:SO glad to hear that little Otto is feeling better, especially in time for his party! I bet you're excited? What pressies is he getting? Am so pleased you are enjoying the volunteering, and Otto is doing so well! He'll be needing his grown-up shoes soon :D We're waiting for RF seat to be delivered, and we'll go straight from the Maxi Cosi (she's little, so she's been ok in it) to the 2-Way. I hear great things about ALL Britax seats - they all pass with flying colours :hugs: I am envious of the cloth bums, I should really make the change. Now, news on the big party, please!

Polaris :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Don't be hard on yourself - you're a wonderful Mummy, and you certainly have a fascinating sounding job. Is there any room for flexibility in your hours? I know our LOs change at a minutes notice at the moment, but Thomas knows how fabulous you are, that's for certain - look how well he's doing. That's down to you and Daddy P! I think the clocks definitely throw our LOs a curved ball...I don't think keeping them up helps (doesn't for Lizzie) Is there anyway a couple of mornings you can BF and then have an extra half hour snooze? DH and Thomas have a morning play?

AC - we also use sleeping bags, but sounds like Alex is really doing v.well!! :hugs:

Today, Lizzie has been literally Lizzie La Limpet - she and I have been one and the same. She's getting more teeth through, and is grumping...poor darling. She was quite happy in her pushchair (which makes a change) and was saluting and waving to everyone en route to lunch...whereupon she refused the highchair and sat on my knee. Made for some interesting eating. She's got a new 'WOEeeeeeeee is me' face which is the funniest thing ever, she pulls the face...and then breaks into a grin, as if she knows she's working the audience! She helped herself to my Mums scone, my avocado and my friends pasta...and turned her nose up at her own jacket potato :rofl:

She's also decided blowing raspberries while eating yoghurt is the new trend. Also, spitting mouthfuls at the cat is to be herself, of course!!

and p.s. HAPPY BIRRRRRRRRRRRTHDAY THOMAS!!! How was the day?
Aawww Polaris :hugs: you can off load here anytime that you need to. As I've said before I do not work and can only imagine how you ladies feel after an unsettled night and having to function the next day :hugs: Happy Birthday to Thomas :cake: I remember going through the Trimester forums with you and can't believe where we both are now!!!!

HG - :hugs: to you too. Elliott seems to go through seperation anxiety phases which come and go. She is obviously needing you a lot right now which I guess may tie in with her being unwell.

TG - Nigella makes me giggle. I never used to take much notice of her until people started saying about her suggestive nature and now that's all I can think of when she's being descriptive :dohh: I hope Lizzie's pegs finish causing her trouble soon. Lots of love coming to the little diva.

AC - :happydance: That's great!!! Alex is proving to be a pro at this. SS is definitely great in the fact that you don't just leave the baby crying so they do feel secure and hapyp to settle themselves.

Right, I had better go. I have a kitchen to design and it isn't going to plan itself....

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