Sleep Sense Support Group!

Hello ladies,

hope everyone is well. She slept through last night - a few little cries in the arly eveing but not a peep out of her for the rest of the night - she woke up crying at 8am at which point we got up too and went downstairs.

I put her down for a nap today using the same leave and check method - she cried out when I placed her in the cot but as soon as I left the room she was quiet and then about 5 ins later she was asleep - slept for around an hour- but only one nap though.

Tonight was a bit strange, got her ready for bed as usual (bath, milk, teeth, then cuddles and out in cot) just as I was about to place her in her cot she looked at me burped, which I thought was strange and then burped again and brought up her tea, her milk and maybe even a bit of lunch! - it was all over me and her luckily just missed the cot.

Had to bathe her again and go through the whole routine again minus the milk - but just as I was about to place in her in the cot again she tried to burp- its like she was trying to make herself sick (if that makes sense) -I kissed her goodnight and put her down, at which point she started crying but again the minute I left the room she was quiet and about 10 minutes later was asleep and has been since.

I am not sure but hubby thinks she made herself sick, I am not so sure because I don't think she can do that- but the way she was desperately trying to make herself burp makes me think he may have a small point.

I have checked on her loads this evening, mainly to make sure she hasn't been sick in her sleep (that happened once before when she was ill).

AG: that is sooo cute, I wish my Lo would do that but it might be a bit difficult for her to climb into her own cot:haha:

poppy: happy birthday to Elliot - hope he has a lovely day and good to hear no more sickness.

tennisgal: I think I am such a needy mother, I want her to sleep and learn self soothing skills yet when she does just that I feel awful and I just want to hold her to me cuddled - I even said to husband the last night that I missed her in our bed- he just gave me one of his "your're crazy but I'm tired so won't tell and therefore cancel the need for you to have long convo about it and not let me sleep" looks. ;)

Historygirls: I have done that in the past if LO has gone past her usual naptime but desperately needs a little sleep - needless to say she hasn't been a happy bunny about being woken up mid-nap - but it is a catch22 if you don't let them have their nap they get angry grump and irritable and if you do and then wake them up after half hour they are angry, grumpy, irritable too!

Thank you for all the support ladies. I printed off my sleepsense book and because its such a huge thing I have had to seperate it to bind it - currently trying to find the section on nap times- how much on average should a almost 16 month be napping if they are on average waking between 7:30- 8am - or is that a silly "how long is a piece of string" question?

Hope you all have a happy sleep sunday - look forward to logging on later to see how the night/day went for everyone. good night x
Just a quick one from phone, so excuse typos! Back later with more... Just to say...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY OTTO!!!!!! Have a fab day, Poppy...Am sure lil man will have a ball. Xxx
Happy birthday to Otto!! Can you believe these babies are a year old now!!! It's really funny to think about what was happening this time last year and how much our lives have changed! Hope you have a fantastic day!
Happy 1st Birthday Otto !!! Hope you have a fabby day :)

Hope all is well with everyone else! As with Polaris I really struggle to get time to come on here and post - PAH! :( Kyle has had one bug after another over the past 3 weeks (including 2 out of hours visits to G Docs) so was off nursery for 4 days in total (one with conjunctivitis so they wouldn't take him) and on the other 3 he had a really high fever of 39+ and was so out of sorts that it just wouldn't have been fair on him.

Burst into tears at work though on the first day when my mum went to collect him after they had call about his conjunctivitis as I just felt like such a crap mummy not being there for him :cry:

When he was ill though he was sleeping for about 13+ hours a night! We had to wake him up on many mornings! However now he is better that phase has well and truly passed. We are now dealing with him waking up in the night and sitting up and not going back down and screaming his head off. Not sure if it's because he sits up in his sleep and then gets a fright and doesn't know how he got there or if he just does it and can't get back down (although he can get down just fine when not in his sleeping bag!).

Am hoping it's just a phase like being able to roll over and not get back. Unfortunately he has been getting so wound up that we have had to go and calm him down by stroking his back as he's in such a state - poor toot.

It's a gorgeous day in Aberdeen today, OH has gone surfing then I think we are going to take Kyle to this place called Ceramic Experience and make some mugs for Xmas pressies with his handprints on them!

Love to all xxxx
Rubywoo, at 16 months id say 1 nap is normal, around that age they transition to one nap a day.
I dont think she knows how to make herself sick on purpose yet. Maybe she had alot of gas buildup?
:cake:Happy Birthday Otto!!!!:cake: Hope he is up to his party and celebrations! Have a great day.

A mid afternoon one from me - out tonigt so Granny putting LO to bed for the first time :wacko: whilst we play a concert - and I'm sulking with OH for shouting at Fibby so hiding upstairs whilst she naps to allow him time to feel suitably guilty.

Ruby - I'm not sure she could make herself sick, I think she might look at you as if to say 'i feel poorly and whoo here it comes'. Glad that she is making progress and quiet quick - naps take longer though.

Pm - :flower: lovely to here your news - they do go through that disturb phase when they discover that they can do stuff like flip over etc... we were forever rescuing FIbby - still do. We are having a lovely day 600 miles away from you in Eastbourne - all out for a walk by 8am!

Oh no footsteps on the stairs - OH approaching, must make it look like I am doing something other than surfing the net and BnB :coffee:
Thank you, thank you, thank you lovely ladies. Otto has had such a fantastic day. Our house now resembles a toy store and I have had to sort out some of his old toys that he doesn't play with anymore to free up space!!! The birthday cake was once again a HUGE success (thank you to TG my own personal Nigella). He loved his cow coloured trike and we managed a walk with the dog and Nanny and Grandad to try it out. He smiled the whole way and tried to steer himself! The trophy for the worst event of the day goes to.....ME :dohh: This morning my Sister was around with her children and my Dad and his wife. I was trying to assemble the toy my sister bought for Otto and sliced my finger very badly. As I had a roomful of people I managed to contain myself but almost fainted! I now have 2 steri-strips holding it together and it's bandaged up. What an idiot!!!!! All in all though what a fabulous day, Otto has been a joy and my little boy is now 1.....where has the time gone?!

Last night Elliott was unfortunately very poorly again and was sick in his cot. I went in to see him and the poor little man had tried to go back to sleep with his head in it. Me and OH cleaned up and gave Otto lots of cuddles and he went back to sleep. He woke up just before 6am crying again so he came in bed with us for snuggles and another hour of sleep. Luckily he hasn't been sick again today but had a very nasty nappy earlier. Fingers crossed that he really is over this nasty bug now.

Right I'm off to take down the Birthday banners and balloons and sit down...I'm exhausted. Love to you all and I will catch up with you all tomorrow.xx
Poppy - so glad Otto had a lovely day!! Big :hugs: to you...poorly finger!! Urgh, I hope it feels ok? And big :hugs: to lil Otto, I really hope his tum feels better soon. Sounds ike he had a lot of fun, though! And v.pleased the cake was a success...:D

Aitch Gee - how was the concert? And La Fibby? Thank you for asking about sep issues :hugs: Lizzie has had a fab weekend, but wanted to keep an eye (and preferably hand) on me at all we thought, another couple of pegs poking through, so I think she's felt a bit of pain. DH and her had plenty of naughty naps, and she had great fun with the family...but was very Mummy orientated, little love. As for my butt, it has a splendiferous blue bruise on it! :D

PM - lovely to see you :waves: hope you had a nice day? As HG says, when Lizzie learned to stand up in her cot - we went through a good few days of unsettled nights while she worked out what was going on!! Once they get it sussed, it all settles down.

Ruby - :rofl: sounds like me!!! Lizzie was in with us until very recently - the first night she slept in her own room, I had to spend the night discussing whether it was the right thing to do or not! DH was exhausted, but I had to analyse! I've also previously said on this thread that I think *I* get sep issues from Lizzie! I think it's normal - at least we all agree it is on here :hugs:

AG - how is lovely Alex doing?? He's a star!!

P - how's you? Have you had any extra sleep?

Well, we've had a lovely weekend with family - as I mentioned above, La Lizzie has been a lil limpet with the new teeth coming through, so DH and I have done a lot of one armed work, but she needs the extra cuddles. Teeth must hurt. She played very nicely with the other littlies, but pulled her 'the world is against me' face (which is jsut so comical) when one other baby hugged her favourite toy. Didn't grab it back, just looked appalled!! She's slept brilliantly, but naps have been a bit hit and miss. I don't think she likes feeling like she misses out on any fun at all....but means by 6:30, she's stomping around in a grump. She *did* try and commandeer the entire dessert to herself, basically taking bits from all plates and shaking her head with a "nononononono" when I dished it out to anyone but her - not just dessert, similar reaction with the cabbage (of all things?) We had a few fireworks, and she was enthralled :D

Am exhausted tonight - delighted Wagner is through again, cheesed off that clients require early morning phone call of reassurance, very pleased I did a little plait in Lizzie's hair (very small, but very cute) and sneakily planning neck rub from unsuspecting DH!

*yawns, sips tea and high fives fellow SSees*

Night ladies xxx
Finally home after the remberance concert - Poppy so glad you had a great day and he was spoilt rotten!

Well Granny doing bedtime was a roaring success except Granny couldn't make the bath plug work poperly so they splashed around in bubbley water an inch deep before Fibby shouted at Granny to brush her teeth as she forgot!

We had a lovely afternoon - we all walked to the park to play on the swings and walk Maxy - Fibby thought it was hilarious.

Monday tomorrow - boooo!
Hi everyone,

hope you have all had a good weekend.

Last night was ok, managed to get home just in time bath and bed time. She was really hyper though as she had spent the previous few hours at my inlaws and had been playing with her cousins (which always gets her hyper). I know what you ladies mean about her not knowing how to make herself sick but she almost sick again last night, she kept trying to retch and then when I looked at her she would stop, she had had her tea a good 2 hours before. It is really strange but I found her sticking her fingers down her throat and retching during the day and when she noticed me looking she stopped. I think I am just going to make sure she has her tea a good couple of hours before bed and maybe give her milk before bath? - bit worrying tbh as I still can't reconcile emotionally to letting her cry (even if it is for 10 minutes max),having our bed back and not being kicked in the ribs every 5 minutes is nice though. If only I could do something about hubby's snoring I think I would be on a winner!

Woke up a couple of times during the night, a couple of times in mid evening- went and shushed and stroked her hair and then tucked her back up, and then again at 1am - where she just wouldn't stop crying I left it 5-10 mins and then went in and even me being there didn't help so I took her out of the cot and changed her nappy, gave her a little cuddle and then tucked her back up and left - she fell back asleep and woke up at 8am on the dot this morning.

She had 1 nap yesterday, I finally found the section on napping. Going to find nap times hard to follow word for word as she is in Nursery 2 days a week and at her gran's 1 day a week whilst I work. How have you guys tackled nap times? - does anybody work 2/3days a week?. At nursery they just put them down on mats after lunch, at granny's house anything goes, even though I know they try but she pretty much sleeps whenever and normally on the sofa (they don't have cot or travel cot and won't leave her upstairs in case she falls off the bed)

Hope everyone is having a good monday, I feel like poo, come down with a cold, have gone temporarily deaf in one ear and head feels like it is full of cotton wool!
Do you know what time the nursey puts the kids down for a nap at? Id maybe work along with the same time they do.
We have the same prob with the anything goes grandparents, if they really wont stick to a naptime and imilar routines then you should be okay with one day being *off*
Ruby - I work 4 days a week but have a childminder so it is slightly different. Phoebe has a travel cot and a blanket from home. She is popped down awake with her nunu and sets herself off. It doesn't always work but we are working towards one nap a day - happened today - as her morning nap was getting shorter and shorter. I tend to go with what the CM does so that Fibby has consistency - she is there 4 days a week so I go with that. Hope you feel better soon we are just emerging from the cold and flu zone......:hugs: Have a lovely cuppa!
Evening all. I couldn't pop in for a nosey without saying hi. I can't stay long as I need to go to bed. I *think* I have caught what Elliott has had and am feeling rather rotten.

Hopefully I will be able to chat more tomorrow.

Night night and sleepy dust to all.xxxx
Quick one from me, too - I've got aches and feel a bit rubbishy. Lizzie La Diva has not let me put her down at all today, and has a new game - test out the teeth on Mummy's 'MumTum' and boobs. Highly amusing to all involved, except Mummy!!

Ruby - I work part time, too...and family look after Lizzie either one/two days a week. Naps tend to happen on an ad-hoc basis. L will either sleep on family member, or in a little nest on a sofa (with someone next to her, I hasten to add!) We've got quite lazy with 'proper' napping, and tend to go with whatever little lady is feeling like on the day :D

Poppy - feel well soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Big hugs to all you lovely layydeeeeeez.
Hope you feel better soon poppy and TG :hugs:

Alex went to bed in...wait for it....2 mins!
He didnt even need me to stroke him or settle him. He went in the bed, laid down and got cosy with this teddy!

I strongly beleive following sleepsense has made the transition to a bed for Alex so easy :D the only hiccup weve has was for a week during teething.
God Morning everyone,

well lo is fast asleep but unfortunately I am not, I booked the week off work in order to nail this sleepsense thing - obviously had no idea that Lo would take to it the way she has (although still v early days) - anyhoo I have a cold and naped during the day as I generally felt tired and all blah , so now I can't sleep!

Tonight was ok, she whimpered a little bit and there is still the odd bouts of crying whe she getting changed as she realises that bedtime is approaching- still trying to retch right before being placed in the cot. She hasn't really woken up yet - but the night is young!

AG: The nursery normally has naptime after lunch say from 12:30pm onwards, however if a child falls asleep or wants to go to sleep they won't forcefully keep them awake. Today according to her report sheet she slept from 12:40 - 1:50pm which length wise makes sense, as she hasn't napped longer than a hour for months.

HG: I do try and follow the nursery schedule too - but I find she is normally tired come mid-morning - either that or home just isn't as exciting as nursery!

Poppy: hope you feel better soon.

Tennisgal: my LO does that on my mummytummy all the time - that and squeezing my boobs - like reaching into my top, scooping and squeezing, thankfully never in front of folk!
Gah! Just lost everything I typed so in summary, along with everyone else it seems ronan is sick, I'm sick and sleep is wretched.

Time to try & nap.
Gosh everyone is sick - I hate November and its myt birthday month!!! Black November I called it when I was a trainee teacher and I staned by it. Fibby is on tip top form but only slept 90 minutes today in total so was a bit grotty but bareable!

Hugs to you all!

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