Sleep Sense Support Group!

Cob?! To me that's either corn, or me getting into a grump!!
Thank you so much my lovelies :hugs:

Today I called the Jan the lady who is conducting the breastfeeding peer supporter training course I attend and she is also the main breastfeeding lady for the Primary Care Trust in Plymouth. She was the biggest wealth of knowledge I could think to ask apart from my HV.

So, she pretty much echoed snippets of what both of you have said. She said that Otto really shouldn't be having a night feed now (which I know but is easier said than done). She suggested me not going in at all at night and OH going in with a beaker of water to offer Otto. If he doesn't want it, back down for "sleepy time" it is. When he wakes HG he is shouting and will start crying if I don't get there quick. He generally has his blankie in his hand when I go in so he always knows where it is. So we will do this tonight (yes, I am dreading it). It is perfect timing as I do not like OH up on nights when he has to go to work the next day so the weekend is a good place to start.

About the day time feeds, she said that he shouldn't be needing any daytime feeds now and that as you both said, he wants it more for closeness/comfort. I am to distract him, offer milk in a beaker (as she said no toddler generally refuses milk from a bottle, hungry or not) or give him a snack if the time is right (eg. not to near dinnertime etc). I did orchestrate this today and it went very well.

I asked her about his painful latch and she suggested teething and that he may be changing his latch to compensate for pain. I said that I couldn't see any teeth but after watching him today, she may be right. His hands are in his mouth, his nappy's have been most unpleasant :sick: (I thought this was the virus still lingering) and his bottom is a bit red. So, this may also be the reason why he is up in the night shouting after his first feed (god, I'm a rubbish Mummy) which would explain why he hasn't go the message of not doing it after 5 nights in a row. He fed tonight before bedtime and it was pain free and he unlatched himself when full :thumbup: I love nursing him and wanted him to self wean so definitely do not want it to end this way. Jan said he can still self wean and I felt really positive.

So, tonight we shall start with no feeds. OH will have a beaker of water and some Calpol to hand and I will probably end up hysterical...Wish me luck ladies.

Good luck tonight with the no feeds plan. We were also planning to get OH to go into Thomas with water but I found it too difficult to stay in the other room and listen to him crying so it ended up I went into him but just offered him water and a cuddle instead of a feed. He got so mad when he realized he wasn't getting a feed. But at least I could see there was nothing wrong with him apart from just angry with me! He didn't drink any water but it was good to have something to offer him. Each time when I left the room he would scream and scream, it was very hard and I thought he would never go to sleep and really doubted whether I was doing the right thing. But gradually he seemed to realize that he wasn't getting a feed and he calmed down and then he went back to sleep. But it was about two hours of hell. But I have to say that it has worked as he slept through every night since. I think they are old enough now that they know exactly what they want and how to get it - but they are also old enough to learn quickly when they are not going to get what they are looking for.

Very interesting to hear what the breastfeeding supporter said, thanks for sharing that information. Thomas refuses milk from a bottle or a cup, hungry or not, LOL. He will take water from a cup or a bottle but he won't entertain it once he realizes it's milk! Weird because he loves milk on cereal and will try to lick it out of the bowl!
Thomas refuses milk from a bottle or a cup, hungry or not, LOL. He will take water from a cup or a bottle but he won't entertain it once he realizes it's milk! Weird because he loves milk on cereal and will try to lick it out of the bowl!

That I strange!! I have a bowl licker here too! Elliott shouts at me during breakfast as he wants to drink the milk from the bowl (what a bad habit I have taught him :blush:). I keep telling him that he has to finish his cereal first! Thanks for the words of support :hugs: I really need it.
Well, last night wasn't as bad as I expected...

Elliott woke up about 4 times. OH went in each time. First 3 times he was asleep within 10 minutes. The 4th time he took about an hour to go back to sleep. He wasn't crying to himself just talking. So we lasted all night without milk.

Today I have been very lucky to have been on a Pamper Day with my Mum. So this evening I came home very relaxed and ready for tonight. Unfortunately OH is out tonight so I'm going to be doing the night run myself. It's a bit of a shame really as Otto will get confused at the milk bar coming in to lay him down but not being able to have any.

So...Elliott had his bath, milk and then bed...apart from the bed part. It wasn't happening. We have not had this problem in a very long time. I bought him downstairs to calm down. I tried to put him to bed after another 40 minutes and he still wasn't happy. After another 15 minutes he was asleep. He is definitely teething so I think that had a big part to play in the upset.

I will report tomorrow on how the night went....
Just a quickie - en route to butcher to order Christmas load! Poppy, enjoy the deserve it. Hope all goes well, and keep us updated. Massive :hugs:

Right, time for a leisurely stroll! Lizzie insisting on walking between Mummy and Daddy, so things move rather slowly ;)
Ladies, I've been researching this til I'm blue in the face...but, Lizzie is due to have her MMR this week. I don't know whether to postpone til 15 months? I've read some bits on here that the measles bit isn't as effective until then? OR to just go with the vaccines, as it's getting to winter time now...and although she's looked after by family...nasties are in the air everywhere at this time of year.

PLEASE give me some advice, I'm going round in circles!!
Ladies, I've been researching this til I'm blue in the face...but, Lizzie is due to have her MMR this week. I don't know whether to postpone til 15 months? I've read some bits on here that the measles bit isn't as effective until then? OR to just go with the vaccines, as it's getting to winter time now...and although she's looked after by family...nasties are in the air everywhere at this time of year.

PLEASE give me some advice, I'm going round in circles!!

Hey, I have been stressing a bit over this too. It's so hard to know what to do for the best. Anyway I have decided to get Thomas's done, he is booked in for the MMR on Tuesday. (over here they get the MMR at 12 months and the boosters for the others at 13 months). I have read some of the research and it does seem like there would be some merit in delaying until 15 months but in the end I just didn't feel comfortable delaying just in case he was exposed to anything in the meantime.
Polaris :hugs:

You know, I think we are just going to go for it, too - I've been reading, and the messages aren't 'delay', more 'it may be a bit more effective'...I think we feel the same, not sure it's worth exposing Lizzie to anything horrible this winter. You can pick those nasties up so easily, and even though she doesn't go to nursery...she does see other babies, does lunch, does go out!! I'd rather know she was 98% protected...iykwim!

Thank you - hope Thomas is a-ok with them :hugs:

ps-Lizie had her boosters last month - again, I was practically a ball of nerves, but got good at masking it for little lady!

Evening all. Thanks for the chip buttie information - I have to say mine on Friday was delicious:thumbup: but been really good since. Fibby has had a Diva with a capital D weekend. It has include throwing herself on the floor several times, Bashing the TV with her Glockenspiel beater, poking her swiming teacher for not saying ta when Fibby gave her something, screaming for 25 minutes in the car - no tears just cross as I made her go in her car seat, I mean I can see her point what type of mother am I for doing that :dohh:

Poppy - Great for Friday night how was last night on your own? And the pampering? Very jealous. I've got 4 friends getting married next year and the hen events are appearing one is 3 days at a spa but can't see how I can go with LO and with the cost. Teething is just evil.

TTTTTTTTTTGGGGGG - I like that Lizzie has her parents organised for her afternoon walk, got to keep you in line! AS regards the MMR - We are just going for it on the 25th and having fingers crossed. I had to have the MMR 1 month after Fibby was born and then again a month later. About 5 days later I felt my whole body was heavy and achy but no flu type things and I'm guessing it might be similar for Fibby. I've had mumps and measles and neither were fun at all (missed going to see Father Christmas for one of them) and I don't want Fibby to get them. I am sure she will be ok - maybe a little down for a week - but in the long term I think I am sold on the benefits. :hugs:

Polaris - I hope jabs go ok xx

Sleep sort of question - how dark is your LO's room? Fibby sleeps in the pitch black (I tested it today) with the bedroom door tight shut. In the summer it wsan't so bad but I'm convinced she is stirring because she can't find ele-nu. The nightlight on her baby monitor does not a lot and OH doesn't want her door open as 1) she is a light sleeper and 2) OH gets up at 4.30am 3days a week and we both don't want her to wake. Should I get a proper night light for her? Or am I being soft?
Aittttttttttch Gee! Thanks for jab reassurance :hugs: I really appreciate the opinions. We're going for them this week. I'll get my Resue Remedy ready!

As regards the light, Lizzie has stained glass above her door (it's above the door) It's old, so it's a bit wonky - but sends soft light into her room from the landing. That said, at night, it's totally dark in there. We have no street lights. Weirdly, Lizzie doesn't like too much light...but we've got a very small nightlight that sends a pinky warm glow into her room if needed. Maybe worth a trial? Just in case of lost Ele-nu's?

On a side note, I think Lizzie and Fibby really would get on famously - we've had some fabulous diva moments this weekend, too - also including car seat. Attempted shop-lifting didn't go so well, again. She tried to make off with a jar of chutney from the butcher earlier, and got into a huge stop when it was removed. Real anger!!!
:rofl: Go Lizzie! That shoplifting is becoming a habit although don't worry the age of criminal resposibility is 10 so she should be ok!

:brat: They would be a terrible combination - no-one would be safe!

I think I will go internet shopping for a night light now even though OH is muttering about pandering to the child.....
I think a bit of pandering is the way forward!! Other than blatant bouts of shoplifting :)

The noon has to be in place for Lizzie, my sister got a firm talking to for playing with he bunny ears!

DH is singing the C Beebies night time song while making me a cuppa! :rofl:
Hello everyone,

Just a quicie, husband is back (yay) I still feel like crap - went temporarily deaf yesterday - it was ever so weird - I was all off balance and it was just awful. Lo is still sleeping ok at night times (she no longer protests getting into her cot) - she still has occassions where she wakes up for a few seconds at night but falls back asleep pretty swiftly. Nap times are a different story- wont nap for longer than 20 minutes maybe half hour if I am lucky.

I hope everyone is ok and has had a really good productive weekend - I have mostly been feeling sorry for myself, cursing hubby for going away and leaving me (maybe us mums go through a clingy phase when Lo's approx 16 months??? ;) ) and coughing my guts out (very attractive) oh and longing for some cough free sleep. But hearing back now so can't complain. Work tomorrow so I need to go and do mine and LO's ironing for tomorrow - husband doesn't let me near his as apparently I "can't" iron shirts...
Phew! I feel like I barely get a chance to sit down and catch up these days.

Poppy - well done on getting Otto to go the whole night without a feed. I am not sure at what point I'll be comfortable making that leap to trying to cuddle it out/offer water myself. Time is going so fast though that it'll probably be soon.

Heh, when I read 'Pamper day' with your mum, it took me a second to realize you didn't mean Pampers and that it had nothing to do with nappies! Can you tell my brain is mush lately?

TG - It's awhile off yet for us, but I've been having the whole delayed vaccinations discussion with my hubby too, especially over the MMR. He doesn't want me to delay it at all but I would like to. We've delayed all of his vaccinations so far by up to a month anyway so far just due to timing on appointments and scheduling. :shrug: As much as I'd like to delay the MMR further, I'm torn as we're going to be flying home to Australia when he's around 13 1/2-14 months old so I'm not sure whether it'd be a good thing to have it done before, or whether it's a good excuse to delay it until we get home.

HG - We had Ronan's room quite dark before, but with his recent hissy fits and meltdowns, I've started leaving his night light on for the same reasons you just stated. I think he feels calmer being able to see a bit more and enough to find his Cuski or Pooka bear as he usually settles much better when I leave it on for him.

We have this one and it's fantastic: It's not too bright or glaring but provides enough illumation to see by, and it slowly cycles between the blue/green/purplish colours, or you can leave it fixed on one colour. They do another one that's red and cycles between warmer colours but I think the blue one is less intrusive.

ruby - Sorry to hear you're still feeling horrible, and you've every right to feel sorry for yourself over it. You can even have honorary membership into the Diva club! ;)

Polaris - Glad to see you poking your head in when you have the time, and it's good to hear that Thomas is doing well still!


Well, I'm feeling better sickness wise and the monkey is on the mend, though he's got a tooth taking it's time cutting through so he's still quite crabby a lot of the time. He's been doing better most nights getting to sleep again which is nice, although we still have an occasional meltdown with no discernable reason. :shrug:

We're still transitioning between 3 naps and down to 2 a day. I don't think he's quite ready to drop that 3rd nap just yet, but we're probably not too far off. There have been a few days where he's had 2 nice long naps and made it just fine through to bed time.

I'm also feeling a bit at a loss as to managing dropping feeds during the day as well. I think I offer it more than he's interested, and he'd probably be just fine with morning, midday and evening at this stage (and probably one through the night feed as well), but it just doesn't seem like enough to me. It feels like only yesterday he was wanting to feed every 1-2 hours and I barely got a chance to close my eyes! It's been hard to know if he's hungry or just crabby because he doesn't feel well with his cold and teething, but I figure that it can't hurt to offer (except when the little bugger bites because he really doesn't want any)!

Oh, and he's 9 months old today! I think I need to start thinking about his first birthday party now. :haha:

Quick update from me...Lizzie has woken up with a stinking cold, so now have to delay the jabs, but only by a week! I know the docs will say she's ok, but I'm not happy with her getting MMR and pneu. when she's already fighting something...if that makes sense? Just want to give her a week to shake this off.

HC - Lizzie will be almost 14 months when she has hers, so slightly later than the initial call, but with her ears/teething, I wanted to make sure she was ok for her boosters...and the nurse doesn't do them all at the same time. Hard to know what best to do, isn't it? Am glad to hear both you and lovely Ronan are feeling better :hugs: With the feeds, Lizzie was on four during the day for a good while (me offering), and as I went back to work a couple of days, that's transitioned to two or three (the days I'm at home) So, there are up to two days a week where she only has two feeds...since that has happened, she's indicated to me she's really not bothered by anything other than two feeds. She will suck for comfort, but only really feed twice a day. I keep offering (!), but she is not fussed if I do/don't. I've started to realise she will feed when she's interested, and if I show her my boobs, she will run over if she's hungry (interesting sight I must be!) Might be worth showing to Ronan, and seeing if he responds with hunger or not?

Ruby :hugs: Get well sooooooon!! You poor thing, you've really had this for a while! Don't worry about naps...they do take a lot longer than night times (and we still haven't fully got them sorted, as we're back naughty napping!) Hope you are getting as much rest as poss
Ladies, I've been researching this til I'm blue in the face...but, Lizzie is due to have her MMR this week. I don't know whether to postpone til 15 months? I've read some bits on here that the measles bit isn't as effective until then? OR to just go with the vaccines, as it's getting to winter time now...and although she's looked after by family...nasties are in the air everywhere at this time of year.

PLEASE give me some advice, I'm going round in circles!!

We delayed Alexs untill last week, so he;s got his at 19 months.
I read the research on it being more effective after 15 months and having personally had my mmr fail (found out by blood test at 17) I wanted to be sure Alexs didnt.
:brat: Fibby is for sale! She had such a paddy when I told her off at tea time (she was throwing food and trying to stand and not the sort of behaviour I expect of my little lady) that I almost filmed it to put on here. But then something said that was mean! It took her ten minutes to stop. Felt bad leaving her to it but I didn't want to reward naughty behaviour and total strops. When she was calm I gave her a big cuddle. She has to learn..........

HC - thanks for the tip on the light - we might be going there next weekend as it happens :)happydance:) and looks fab. Just the ticket. At 9 months we went from 3 to 2 naps and it happened on holiday, we just had to brave those few bad days.... So glad it has settled a little! Australia??? are you not really American then?!?!?!?!

Ruby - :happydance: for OH being back. Always better, although I wish my OH thought I didn't iron shirts right as I always do all his ironing :dohh: AS for naps Fibby only did 20 minutes today at the CM and was a beast this evening. Hope your cough gets better soon - not what you need just as LO gets sleeping a bit better!

TG -:hugs: to poor little Lizzie, hope she feels better x x

I have not been on here in SOOOO long! I have been avoiding B and B since being pregnant again as I found being in first tri stressed me out so I just kind of gave up coming on here, but I was just thinking how much I miss you all so I thought I would pop back in and say hi! I am 17 weeks with baby 2 now and feeling much better than I was a few weeks ago! Abigail is doing great and sleeping 12 hours a night with no problems, she's going to be one in a month, I can't believe it!

How is everyone? There is no way I can catch up with all the threads I have missed, but I hope you're all doing well. I bet all your beautiful babies are getting big now!



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