Sleep Sense Support Group!

Am ok today - aching and definitely the wrong side of normal, but ok! Hugs to Poppy, Otto, HC, Ronan and Ruby...get well soon!

Lizzie has gone separation anxiety crazy :( I was in the kitchen for ten minutes (and shut the door, as we've got stone flags and they were COLD earlier) and she SCREAMED. When I came (was making her dinner) she ran to me, crying and crying. Grabbed my face and hair, wouldn't let go. Refused to go in her highchair for dinner, so I had to feed her fish, watercress sauce, mashed sweet potato and cabbage, brocc and courgette. She had one hand on my boob, the other on my face. The whole time. Even through her fruity fry and custard.

I just put two pairs of socks on her when I did the washing up. In my rush to get everything done for her dinner, I fell over (again!) and set fire to a tea-towel.

Poor love, I don't know why she's like this at the mo? Could be her teeth? She's sleeping fine, and quite happy otherwise?

AG :hugs:- you must be so chuffed with Alex!? What a star!!

HG :hugs: Glad all is good with you and Fibby!! Oooh, birthday plans underway??
Oohh, Ruby - we've had the boob grabbing in public! Unashamed on Lizzie's part, big shame on mine :rofl:
Tg what are you like :dohh: First the bathroom bottom incident now arson and more tumbling! Are you ok? Poor Lizzie - we have a stair gate across our Kitchen door (well we don't actually have a door) and she stands there and sobs and sobs until I go back out. I won't let her in the kitchen at all as it is where the dog eats, the cooker etc... I have locks on important cupboards in case but she as a rule doesn't go in (since she turned the cooker on :dohh:). Any reason for the increased anxiety? Any new milestones - teeth? I always blame teeth but it never is she still only has 2 :shrug: Will she go to Daddy? Fibby won't if she is in one of those moods.

Birthday plans - bear in mind I am a history teacher - OH is taking day off as it falls on my day off :happydance: and we are off to Battle Abbey (1066 and all that) to see new visitor centre, then a lovely pub lunch before family trudge in the countryside. Will do a meal out around it then but nothing planned. Not very exciting but it will be a nice family day and I hate my birthday normally (and not because of age - someone thought I was 19 last week :haha: I wish :haha:) but OH says I have to try!
That sounds like my kind of birthday! Sounds fab!! I love a good country trudge, pub lunch...and place of historical significance! I've dragged DH around sites of various Wars of Roses battles. I get very over dramatic and (quite possibly) a bit embarrassing!! :rofl: Someone thought you were 19?! AND you have a 1 year old?! I think I may have to not speak to you anymore! *huffs into the corner and considers botox ;)*

Yes, I've become the person with worst coordination in the world. I've got a blue butt, and quite possibly extended that with earlier fall...definitely got a whopper coming on the leg! I've also scraped my wheel when driving earlier...Bah!

Lizzie is never normally allowed in the kitchen either - it's really a family room, so we need to adapt things to let her be able to roam. Probably put up a room divider. Clearly, shutting the door is not going to be allowed - but I took about 1000 hrs cleaning up, because I had to keep a beady eye on her! Relief to hear Fibby is the same, though. Am also loving the fact she decided to start cooking lessons early! She's hilarious!!

I think it could be teeth, as they are cutting - she does go to Daddy (ran to him when he came in, which he was so delighted about), but she needs to know I am there, if that makes sense? My poor ole boob is being pinched, prodded and pulled!

I'm in work Thurs, so wondering how she'll manage then? :(

Anyway, on an amusing note - she went completely gaga with joy when she saw the Christmas displays in local gift shop. Did try and steal a number of things, had to be distracted with Waybuloo friend, but loved it!
Diaster in the HG household this morning :dohh: Fibby launched herself off the bed this morning whilst being changed by Daddy and went smack on the floor :cry::cry: Screaming screaming screaming, Daddy beside himself with guilt all by 7am!!! It set the tone for the day :dohh: Sleep was a bit rubbish but ate like a horse and just wanted her Daddy who was at work all day :shrug:

Tg - I love Lizzie's pilfering of local Christmas merchandise :haha: Fibby disappered in the new mothercare superstore whilst I was paying and was found removing socks from a display :dohh: I bet your OH was delighted when she ran too him - Fibby's Daddy was well chuffed she was so excited to see him tonight as I think he thought she wouldn't want to know!

The Apprentice is on and OH is ranting at it so I better pay attention
Oh, Fibby!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: Unfortunately, a by-product of our LOs becoming more mobile and curious is bumps and bruises! Lizzie has had a couple of sofa incidents, and my heart always stops.

LOVE her removing socks - Lizzie likes throwin' things around, too. If I make a pile of neatly folded washing...she'll destroy. Any tower of blocks? Knocked down immediately!

We've had another Mummy-centric day, but slightly less anxious if I'm not right next to her...just played lots together and lots of cuddles :D Working tomorrow - for the first time this week - so fingers crossed she's ok.

Lizzie ate like a horse today, too - is there something in the air?!

Apprentice on here, too - with similar rants, by the sounds of things, from my DH!
Whenever I drop Fibby off at the CM and say she is clingy - she does the exact opposite! But she does treat the CM like a second Mummy and sometimes she says that she has a CM centred day. I guess it is there age. I am sure Lizzie will be ok tomorrow - spoilt rotten hopefully!

There was no lump on her head although she did milk it for quite a while with lots of lip wobbling until milk was produced and then her favourite fruits.

I must say with the apprentice - I would market a better cleaning product (I have a secret love of cleaning) - my mum has even phoned to wind me up about it!!!!
Hello Everyone,

hope everyone is feeling a bit better, I felt bit better on tuesday but yesterday I just wanted to crawl into my bed and stay there. LO had other ideas though so I pretty much sleep walked throughout most of the day. Feeling rough today aswell.

LO is curretly having a nap (the sleepsense way) - put her down at half eleven and haven't heard a peep out of her since. Nights are ok - putting her down for 7pm , however she has reverted to getting up at 7am - which I was hoping sleepsense might deter - but to be fair on her she does go to bed at 7am with only nap during the day - so maybe my girl is an early riser. I blame my husband as I have never been nor will ever be a morning person.

TG: I have given up trying to stop LO coming into the kitchen, our living room opens up to the kitchen/dining area so the whole is her playground. I have lost count of the number of times I have tried to cook/wash up with a little person attached to my leg. I have also lost count of the number of times I almost broke my neck over her fridge phonic magnets which she likes to scatter across the floor!

HG: poor fibby, my LO has had one bad fall off the bed - she banged the side of her face on the bedside cabinet - me and husband felt awful and I spent the rest of the day checking for concussion and all manner of other things, she was ok after the mother of all crying sessions but I felt like crap for the rest of the day.

Right I can hear crying so LO is up My husband is going away for work this afternoon and not back til Sunday so it will be just me and LO for a few days, which I am dreading. Now that LO is sleeping in the evenings I really feel at a loose end but not motivated enough to do anything useful ? - anyone else feel like that? or am I just a lazy procrastinator (sp?)
I sympathise with you on the early rise, im not an early riser either!

7pm-7am is a pretty good sleep! Alex is an 8-8 sleeper.
Ruby :hugs: hope you feel better's very hard keeping going when feeling rough!! You are NOT a lazy procrastinator, I had to haul my bruised butt out of the house the other day so Lizzie and I could get some fresh air...we were both hiding out from the grey weather, and some serious haulage needed to be done :rofl:

What are these fridge phonic magnets? They sound fun!

Also sounds like things are going v.well on the sleep side :happydance:

AG, Ruby - am with you both on the early mornings. DH is always up with the lark, I am more gormless until that first cup of tea!

Aiiiiiiiitch-Gee! Not impressed with The Germinator?! :D A secret love of cleaning - that's something to brag about! I am obsessed with cleaning, but not a lover. Any tips to make the obsession more enjoyable!? How is La Fibby?

WELL, Lizzie was ok today - got spoiled, had some fun...but launched herself at me when I walked in. Good job just doing one day this week in l'office. She grabbed my face, my boob - gave me a stern talking to, and then a big kiss.

Big ::hugs: to all...

Poppy, hope you are feeling better?
HG - Ronan swan dived off the bed while with his daddy the exact same morning as Fibby did! He was none the worse for wear, but daddy was fretting all day.

TG -Ouch on the bruises! I'm a bit...ok a lot of klutz too. I was ridiculously paranoid while pregnant about skiing down the stairs because it happens an inordinate amount of times. You can imagine why it's like with me carrying Ronan up and down them now!

Ruby - my sympathies on feeling crappy still. I'm glad sleep is better for your LO though. I don't think I'd mind a 7-7 sleep if it was straight through. The best we get is 7 ish-5 and that's far from common!

AG - How have things been for you? Hopefully back to sleeping like a champ!

We're still sick and all over the place, evidenced by the fact it's 2 am her and I've had 45 minutes sleep before ronan woke me at midnight. We're also going through some fierce and whingy separation anxiety. It's weirdly erratic though. I left him this afternoon napping while I took bailey too the park for 2 hrs so his daddy for him up and then he was with his grandma until u got home, but once i was home he saw me and threw a wobbler until I picked him up and was clingy until dinner...then had a major meltdown again at bedtime, and when he just woke up before... :shrug: we had actually been doing better with him settling himself to sleep at night too.

In good news, and something only a first time mum could be excited about, the monkey figured out how to clap his hands ask by himself today! Of course I asked him to clap hands 10 times more after that to make sure i wasn't imagining it! :haha:
Yay for the hand clapping :D

Alex is still doing great for bedtime....somehow OH can get Alex to nap in his bed but i cant! Im hoping he will nap today, OH woke us all up at 6am!
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been around. The last few days/night have been verging on horrendous and I am spending most days like death warmed up.

Elliott appears to be over his sickness and after the night that I had the fever I have been feeling fine since so that's good news. Elliott is still burping and bringing up sick a lot though. I'm not sure why and wondering if I should talk to the HV about it as it never happened before he was unwell...

So, our problems......number one...night times. I just don't know what has gone wrong??!!!?? Elliott is going down to bed fine and then waking up anytime from 2am ish onwards for a feed. That's fine and I always feed him once at night. However after having this feed he is then waking 1-2 hours later and shouting/crying. So I go in, lay him down and tell himm sleepy time. He gets cross with me but not upset and soon goes back to sleep. This is happening anything from 1-4 times in the early hours of the morning. I know he has been unwell be we didn't "molly coddle" him as he didn't need so it's not as though we have created a bad habit. So that's problem number one...

Problem number two....Elliott is asking for milk all of the time. He knows that if he taps my chest and makes his noise I know he wants milk. However, he is lliterally asking 4-5 times a day on top of his morning and evening feeds. Shorely a 12 month old shouldn't be nursing this much? I don't want to sound mean and I would oblige every time but more often than not he is hurting me so much when I nurse him. I keep unlatching him and latching him back on and sometimes that helps but then it strts to hurt again. Sometimes I am dreading nursing him as it left me in tears the other morning after he wanted to suckle for 30-40 minutes (most of which I am sure was comfprt sucking). The last 2 days when he has asked for milk I have given him 4oz of cows milk in a bottle and he has drunk it. I did this to see if he really was hungry. However when I put him to the breast he doesn't really suck properly most of the time. I just don't know :shrug: but it's really getting me down and I am verging on tears here writing about it (I guess tiredness has something to do with that).

Problem number three....well, it's not really a problem but I'm wondering if it is linked to all of the above :shrug: He is sooooo clingy right now. Literally, he wants to be stuck to my side all of the time. i do not mind this and I know TG you have had this recently with La Liz but I just wonder if it has something to do with all of the above?

We are going to soft play today to make up for cancelling last Friday. I have made some buns to take for all of our friends so maybe that will cheer me up.

Right I had better go. Little man is having a nap and I need to shower (yes, I'm still in my pj's :blush).

Will read through all of your posts later and reply. Sorry for bringing such a downer to the thread. I'll shake it off later. :flower:
Hi everyone.

Poppy :hugs::hugs::hugs: It definitely sounds like it all could be related, they do start to go through a very clingy stage at this age. He sounds like he is just really needing comfort and closeness to you at the moment. I'd say the night waking might be just a phase though - have you tried leaving him for a bit before going in to him to see if he will settle back down? I have recently decided to totally stop feeding Thomas at night, he had gone back to waking most nights for a feed after months of sleeping through and then it was taking him ages to settle to sleep after the feed (he could be awake for an hour and a half altogether). So I decided no more feeds, we had one horrible night where I was going in and out to him for two hours, everytime I left he would go totally crazy with rage and I thought he would never go to sleep but he eventually did after two hours and he has slept through every single night since then (about a week ago). Might be worth thinking about cutting out the feed altogether if the night wakings continue?

Problem number 2 - if it is getting you down and you don't want to nurse him that often then I would keep doing what you are doing and offer cow's milk and cuddles instead. Thomas is only having morning and bedtime feeds now. Occasionally he will have a mid-afternoon feed if I'm off but usually not. So I would say it is the closeness and bonding that Elliot is looking for rather than milk. That's fine if both of you were happy with it, but if it's stressing you out and meaning that you don't enjoy feeding him, then I would just give him that closeness in other ways and only offer feeds when YOU want to. That might sound a bit harsh but I think it is better to put limits on it so that you can keep enjoying nursing him.
Happy Friday everyone :happydance: OH been sent out for fish and chips so I've snuck on with a :coffee: for a catch up.

Fibby is all recovered from the 'bed incident' and her walking is coming on leaps and bounds, even showed off to Granny when she popped in at tea time so I'm a proud mumma. The CM has had her one nap a day on the days she had her this week and all two hours in length so that is my target for the weekend. Although not letting her nap in the morning will be a challenge. Yet, the monster, is trying to get up at 5am :shrug: the nutter! two days in a row now and I'm not liking it.

Poppy - it never rains but it pours :hugs: Is Otto waking up unhappy in the night or crying? We went through a phase of Fibby waking to talk to herself and OH made me ignore her and she did go back. If he is upset - is it nightmares? or not being able to find his comfort teddy thingy?I guess the waking becomes habit and then it causes the probs. The clinginess - Fibby is never constant with it. This morning she was awful but after work it came in waves. They just realise they are their own person in this big big world and it scary! I have got a little tough (not easy when you are tired so I wouldn't do it tomorrow!) and leave her to winge. After about 5 mins she gets bored of me and finds something else to do. Not always but she is getting better - I find distraction is the best tool. Although I must admit I do just give in. :nope: Can't help on the milk front as we FF but Fibby never has milk during the day - when she is clingy we cuddle but then the milk temptation isn't there for her. She does love to be on me. Hope it gets better :hugs: Hang on in there it is just bad patch (albeit a long one!)

Ruby - :hugs: for being on your own - hard work I know! I remember after she was not long born (about 10 weeks) sitting on the sofa in the evening for a whole hour without anything to do and it felt really weird. Enjoy a sit down, grab a mag and a :coffee: and chill. Sitting down has become a favourite treat for me :haha:

TG - Cleaning is a joy to behold for me, I love stains so much that my sister sends me her kids clothes with tough stains in to clean for her (I even have a book on how to clean that is how sad I am :dohh:). I am seeking therapy..... How is La Diva Lizzie? Any less clingy? Was she good yesterday when you were at work?

HC - :hugs: bedtime melt downs were a phase for us for a while and I hope he sleeps tonight. Oh and by the way love the phrase 'klutz' - makes me think of Friends and my 'image' of the states which I will one day visit!!!

AG - 8 til 8! wow we are 6.30 to 6.30 normally but with work I need her up so shouldn't complain.

Is that everyone? No sign of my chips yet but better get that bread buttered for the chip butties.......:happydance:
Thank you so much my lovelies :hugs:

Today I called the Jan the lady who is conducting the breastfeeding peer supporter training course I attend and she is also the main breastfeeding lady for the Primary Care Trust in Plymouth. She was the biggest wealth of knowledge I could think to ask apart from my HV.

So, she pretty much echoed snippets of what both of you have said. She said that Otto really shouldn't be having a night feed now (which I know but is easier said than done). She suggested me not going in at all at night and OH going in with a beaker of water to offer Otto. If he doesn't want it, back down for "sleepy time" it is. When he wakes HG he is shouting and will start crying if I don't get there quick. He generally has his blankie in his hand when I go in so he always knows where it is. So we will do this tonight (yes, I am dreading it). It is perfect timing as I do not like OH up on nights when he has to go to work the next day so the weekend is a good place to start.

About the day time feeds, she said that he shouldn't be needing any daytime feeds now and that as you both said, he wants it more for closeness/comfort. I am to distract him, offer milk in a beaker (as she said no toddler generally refuses milk from a bottle, hungry or not) or give him a snack if the time is right (eg. not to near dinnertime etc). I did orchestrate this today and it went very well.

I asked her about his painful latch and she suggested teething and that he may be changing his latch to compensate for pain. I said that I couldn't see any teeth but after watching him today, she may be right. His hands are in his mouth, his nappy's have been most unpleasant :sick: (I thought this was the virus still lingering) and his bottom is a bit red. So, this may also be the reason why he is up in the night shouting after his first feed (god, I'm a rubbish Mummy) which would explain why he hasn't go the message of not doing it after 5 nights in a row. He fed tonight before bedtime and it was pain free and he unlatched himself when full :thumbup: I love nursing him and wanted him to self wean so definitely do not want it to end this way. Jan said he can still self wean and I felt really positive.

So, tonight we shall start with no feeds. OH will have a beaker of water and some Calpol to hand and I will probably end up hysterical...Wish me luck ladies.

HG - How did I miss that Fibby is walking :yaay: What a clever girl. Isn't it lovely to see them tottering around in a drunken way!?!! Give her a few weeks and she will be off! Otto is walking 70% of the time now, it's mega cute. So glad she was okay after the bed incident. I am very jealous of your fish and chips (though I did astound myself and make a pie for tea :smug:). So glad you call it a "chip buttie" though and none of those other weird terms I have heard chips with bread and butter called!!

TG - Hope you are okay hun :) Otto has joined La Liz's "cling as hard as you can club". In a way I'm rather flattered that he wants to be that attached to me but it does make it difficult to do a lot of things :dohh:
Evening Ladies - checking in from Knackerdsville, Knackerdshire.

Firstly, Poppy :hugs::hugs::hugs: Mostly echoing what the other ladies have already said...but I've found that when Lizzie hasn't felt too hot, she has a period of night waking for a while afterwards. Almost as though she's just getting herself back into her own routine, iykwim? As for the nursing and the clinging - am sure they are interlinked. Whenever Lizzie has had a particularly bad bout of teething, she indicates she wants milk. Sometimes she doesn't even suckle hard enough for milk to come out, she's just feeling a bit rubbishy and wants a bit of mummy comfort. I know she has two feeds a day, but when she's feeling like she needs some tlc, she'll latch on a couple more times during the least once...even if she's not feeding. I did find life was a lot easier when she dropped the night feed :hugs: Good luck, and let us know how that goes.

As for the clinging - definitely sounds interrelated. Lizzie is still Mademoiselle La Cling...she's either attached to my leg, on my knee or grabbing my boob! (which I think is her equivalent to comfort sucking, when it's not easily available!) She's discovered the joys of real running now...and is employing the baby-jog whenever I am out of sight for even a nano-second. I've seen she's got four teeth on the move, so I think it's probably that.

She's got her MMR on Monday, so I'll be double-checking with the nurse that we do think it's teething.

I also think (and this may well have been mentioned, I've got a mush brain) that at this age, babies love their independence...but also get scared if they can't see us. So they want a bit of both!!

HG - chipppppppppp buttie. Am jealous!! I had rubbishy old trout. Well, old trout for an old trout! :rofl: I *did* however, get a box of mini green & blacks from DH, so am munching through those. La Liz is still clinging, but also wanting to run...which is leading to some interesting encounters. We're really seeing a temper flare from her now, which is so funny! We have to keep a straight face, but she's virtually stamping her feet if things don't progress to her satisfaction (namely cat not sitting where she wanted him) V amusing!! She was fine when I was at work, but got v agitated as soon as she saw me. Luckily was only in one day. Lots of snuggle required!!

Loving Fibby walking - you wait, she'll be baby-jogging v.soon!! Glad bed incident is all recovered :hugs:

HC - how are you?? Are you getting some sleep?? :hugs: AND :happydance: on the hand clapping!! So exciting!!!

Polaris - how's you? How is Thomas? Are you getting sleep?

Ruby - how's it all going?

AG - are things still going great?

Well, apart from the updates above...not a huge amount of news, La Liz and I have been chillin' together. We're now at the stage where I ask her to 'read me the Spot book', and she brings it over and turns the pages. :D She's also got a new dance, which involves a bit of hula with jazz hands. Brilliant!!

She's a little treasure, but definitely feeling those teeth, poor love. I am sure I am walking like Quasimodo, as she's been on my hip almost constantly.

If the weather is nice, we're walking in the forest tomorrow - and then relaxing on Sunday. All very tired here.

*sends Team SS a Green & Blacks miniature of choice*

ps-yes, I am fascinated and want to hear other chip buttie terms! I always say chip buttie...similarly, has to be a bacon buttie (but a sausage sandwich)
Ah bless La Liz. Otto hasn't started holding my boob yet but will willingly pull up my top, have a look up there and poke my Mummy pouch if I don't I give milk at his first gesture! You are right TG, I haven't had a full nights sleep in about 15 months now and tbh, it's completely killing me. Everything always seems so much more do-able and manageable when you are well rested. I hope the teeth come through soon :hugs:. Also, her new stages sound so cute!!! baby dancing is the best!

Well, I'm sure there was a thread in GC or GS a while ago about what people call chip butties....some examples are...chip sandwich, chip cob :)saywhat:), chip barm, chip sandwich amongst others!!!

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