Sleep Sense Support Group!

Cattia!!!! Wow congratulations, I didn't even know you were pregnant and you are 17 weeks already!! Are you going to find out if you are having a boy or a girl? Good to hear that Abigail is doing so well. All is good here, Thomas is a little star and I get so much joy from him. I am back in work now though and it is hard at times. But it has to be done.
TG - Sorry to hear Lizzie's got another cold. :( Hopefully it's nothing serious and she gets over it relatively quickly.

On the nursing front, I tried offering less and he fed 4 times between being up for the day and going to bed for the night (he'd woken just before 3am for a feed then was up for the day at 7) so we'll see how he goes through the night. We were a bit off with mealtimes throughout the day too.

HG - I was born and raised in Australia. I came to the US when I was 22. I have my citizenship here now, though.

Is it bad that a part of me wants to see Fibby's hissy fit, although I do agree that it would have been mean to film it? It's just the kind of thing you'd want to get a video of just to embarrass her with when she's a stroppy teenager. :mrgreen:

Cattia - I was wondering the other day where you'd gotten to! Congratulations! I didn't even know you were expecting number 2. How exciting! It's great that Abigail is sleeping so well for you now too. I was joking with a friend today that I wouldn't be surprised if I got my first full, uninterrupted night's sleep with Ronan and then the next day found out I was pregnant. That would be just my luck.


Well, my little monkey had a bit of a bump today and smacked his mouth on the edge of a footstool (on the padded bit) but I guess he hit it at just the right angle as he started gushing blood everywhere. It took about 10 minutes with me having him suck on a wet washcloth before it stopped and then a dose of tylenol before he really settled and stopped rubbing at his mouth and whinging. :( I thought he'd bit his tongue but it seems like it was his top gums. I was worried that he might have damaged his teeth but they seem ok.

I swear, I'm never going to be able to rest and relax ever again!
Cattia:flower: Wow how are you? 17 weeks with number2? That made me feel jealous and releaved all in one breath! I can't wait for number 2 but the thought of another one with the Monster Fibby arghh!

HC - I know on the video front- I jsut thought when she has a baby I could play her the video to prove she was like that too!
Awww it's so nice to be back and see everyone again! Polaris - glad to hear THomas is doing so well. Being back in work is hard though isn't it. I can't wait to be on maternity leave again - I guess I will just have to keep having more and more babies ;)

HG - I'm sure Phoebe is not really a monster! I am just waiting for Abigail to start with the stroppy behaviour. She has been good so far, although this week has been a nightmare with teeth and a temperature.

Hive - I hope Ronan is OK after his little accident. It's so horrible when they hurt themselves isn't it :(

Hope everyone else is well. I'll try to be around a bit more often now as coming on here has made me realise that I really missed you all!
Hello everyone,

TG:I hope lizzie is feeling better, know first hand how awful it is when you can't shake off a cold and I can drug myself up to the eyeballs.

HG: I don't deal well with tantrums - I try the leave them in a safe place (rug) and let them scream it out but doesn't always work - especially if like my girl you save your strops for when you have the maximum amount of people watching - nothing like a captive audience. I would have filmed it, Lo's nursery had a photo company come round and take pics of the kids dressed all oldy worldy and the proofs I got back had LO in tears or shooting evils at the camera in every single pic - I didn't order any pics but kept the proofs - I have put them in her keepsafe box to show her when she is older- sitting there holding a plastic flower in a bonnet looking all littlehouse on the prairie by way of meangirls!

Well, my cold show's no sign of going away - every now and again I feel all perky and just when I think I am over the worst I wake up with an awful cough and a head that feels like it is full of cotton wool, have been going into work too - not that I have been very productive. Really scared I will pass it on to LO. LOis still sleeping through the night, has a really bad nappy rash, not sure if I should be changing her nappy in the night - as she doesn't wake up anymore, but I always thought with nappy rash you should change their nappy often??? - she has been napping ok in Nursery - 1.5hrs today. Still getting up early in the morning anytime from just before 7. She always wakes up crying? is this normal? - I have read posts on here how LO's wake up and they just lie there babbling to themselves - mine just screams her lungs out until I get her out of the cot.

Right better go - am aiming for (reasonably) early night tonight. xx
Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been "absent"....things have been very tough since I started to "change" things by stopping the night feed. In short, it isn't working for us and has caused a whole host of new problems which are even more upsetting. I won't go in to it, it's really getting me down. So basically the lesson for me is, if it isn't broken, don't try and fix it. Elliott will clearly drop the feed when he is ready.


HC - LOL :haha: A "pamper day" is basically where you go and relax, have a massage, use the spa and have a facial. Me and my Mum didn't go around wearing "Pampers" all day :haha: we had a lovely time though thank you. Hugs to Ronan. Sounds like a nasty bash he took today. He will soon forget though. I am forever worrying about Elliott's teeth and he has already managed to chip one :dohh:

TG - :hugs: another cold? Seriously? That's rotten. We can't seem to shake off illness here either though since the sickness (oh, and Elliott has been teething horrendously) nothing else nasty has come our way.

HG - I can't believe little Miss Fibb beahved like that :wink: I'll buy her, how much lol? Things can't get that much worse here. I'm sure she will fit right in. I hope her manners improve by tomorrow!

Cattia - CONGRATULATIONS :dance: that's fab news on the pregnancy front. I too have been wondering where you have been. I hope you have been keeping well.

Ruby - You're little one sounds like an angel! what a great sleeper you have there. With napy rash, Ideally you should change the nappy often but I personally wouldn't disturb sleeo to do so. Do you use disposables? if you do, Vaseline is the best barrier IMO to help less damage happen to the skin. Either that or Bepanthem as they both act as a barrier. Apart from that give her as much nappy free time in the day. Fresh air really is the best healer even if you do have to mop up lots of little puddles!

Right, that's it from me. Good night
:muaha What has the fibby been today...?...... an angel!!! I turned the grand old age of 29 today so it was birthday celebrations all day long. OH had the day off so I had a lay in, breakfast in bed (with a Fibby who had done a stinky without daddy knowing so that was nice) and a generally lovely day. Fibby slept well - one nap day again today - and now we are sat in front of the fire have a chill!

Cattia - Fibby isn't too much of a monster, more a diva with a very strong idea of what she wants. I know what you mean about being on maternity leave - i miss it sooooo much :cry:

Poppy :hugs: Go with Otto no point everyone being miserable for the sake of one night feed. I never minded feeding Fibs in the night if she went straight back to sleep - is that what Otto does? In terms of price for Fibby - I think I will pay you!! although today she was adorable....

Ruby - :rofl: at LO having her diva moments in public! I think I might be mean and film the next tantrum because they are so textbook, clenched fists, foot stamping etc.... Fibby normally wakes up happy and chats down the monitor - if she cries I try to resettle her although on work days I have to get her up. She has gone through phases of crying when waking especially when she is clingy.
Happy birthday history girls!!! So glad to hear that Fibby was on her best behaviour for your birthday!

Poppy - I agree with HG, no point in stressing everyone out just for the sake of dropping a feed. He will drop it when the time is right. Sorry that you've been having other problems as a result, hopefully everything will all go back to normal now. Feel free to vent if you need to.

Rubywoo - Thomas usually wakes up happy too and will babble away to himself for about 15 minutes usually until I get him up. But sometimes he cries. Usually if he wakes up at 5.30 he wakes up crying, I think because he is still tired. Other times he trips over his sleeping bag while standing himself up and bumps his head off the cot bars and then he screams!
Evening ladies,

Catttiiiiiaaaa!!! I was wondering how you are! :hugs: So glad to hear all is well with you, Abigail...and Mini!! How are you feeling??? :hugs: So exciting - and can't believe you are nearly at the big 2-0 weeks!!! CONGRATS!

HC - :hugs: to you and Ronan. It's so hard, with the new ability to move come the bumps and bruises. I'm a nervous wreck! Had coffee with a friend, and was running round like Road Runner on Red Bull keeping up with La Liz who'd decided to do laps of everywhere (and not child friendly house!)

Ruby - :hugs: How is the cold? Are you feeling better? LOVE the idea of keeping the pictures, hahahahaha...they should come out on a special birthday ;)

AitchGeeeee - :hugs: PLEASE take a video :rofl: I've taken some pictures of Lizzie when she's stamping her feet and balling up her fists. I'll certainly be keeping them!!

AND HAPPPPPPY BIRRRRRRRRRRRRRTHDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Did you have a lovely history day? And a nice pub lunch?? Hope you've had a FABULOUS time!! :hugs::cake::cake::cake::cake:

*cyber party dance with HG*

Poppy - :hugs: Hope you are ok? Definitely go with what works for you and Otto...hope the teething isn't too bad?

Polaris - :hugs: How are you? How is work? Early rising getting better?

RIGHT, we're doing well - I'm still in Knackersdville, Knackerdshire!

Lizzie's cold is a bit better, she's not settled brilliantly at night...but once she's finally gone to sleep, been fine. Poor love. She's been wanting an extra BF - which I think is for comfort.

She's learned some new words 'podge' (porridge), 'now' (self explanatory, and directed at me ALL the time) and 'hoss' (horse) We do here 'iss', but 'nnonononono' is a fave. Normally accompanied by a naughty grin and a continuation of whatever she's been asked to stop doing!! :rofl:

She's decided that coats, hats, gloves are a hideous waste of time - so going out is interesting! :haha: She's so much fun!
Thank you for all of your kind and helpful words.

I am still so annoyed at myself. I was happy with giving Elliott a night feed. It was other people who were saying that I shouldn't be feeding him at night and that he should be sleeping through the night. I should have followed my gut instinct as he is my baby and I know him best.

HG, when he wakes for a night feed he does got straight back to sleep so there is no issue there. Aaarrghh, I should have just carried on doing what I was doing.

Sorry to cut this short but OH has "sky plussed" The Apprentice and is waiting for me. I just wanted to let you all know that I am okay though still quite stressed by it all :wacko:

ETA....Happy Birthday HG :cake: xx
Poppy - my GP is full of advice telling me to stop BFing *growls* Definitely the way forward - ignoring!!!

You and Otto are clearly doing things right - he's a happy lil man, and that's what counts.

Big :hugs: when Lizzie has an unsettled night, I do exactly what she wants...and ignore the 'she'll get into bad habits' from GP or the horrid of the HVs. Bad habits?! Whoever heard of a teen who didn't sleep!?!?!?! ;)

Hope you have a lovel day x
Lizzie has been La Diva Liz today! Ohhhh my!!! She shouted *all* the way round town, only stopping to smile and wave at a few people who she deemed worthy. We had lunch together - and bumped into a friend who joined us - and she threw half my sandwich on the floor, mushed her quiche in my cheek and then sneezed over a muffin, looked at it disparagingly, and let it join the sarnie on the floor.

She then had a meltdown when we got in, and has been attached to me all day!!

Am not sure what's up - but have a feeling it's the cold. She's only napped for 40 minutes, too!!

So, plenty of cuddles - I asked for a kiss and got told 'no', until she softened and gave me a big smacker.
Poor little Lizzie. She does sound out of sorts. Isn't it great when they embarass you at lunch time though :haha: I forgot to say that yesterday I took Elliott in to own to get new shoes and decided to treat us both to an M and S their posh cafe... Well, he showed me up a stinker!!:dohh: He also very carefully dropped everything I handed to him over the edge of the high chair, grabbed his buggy and tipped it up, pulled his new shoes off and shouted "rar rar rar" whilst in the very long queue to pay. Lots of old ladies were looking over their glasses in a most dissaproving manner :coolio: whilst I tried to act cool and completely not bothered. I warned him next time we will not be going to M and S for lunch and he just scoffed at me and demanded the fruit squeezy from the table...Charming.

We have had a 40 minute napper here today aswell. Hardly suprising for us at the moment but hopefully Lizzie will sleep better again once her cold has gone. Elliott will often just have power naps when he has a cold as he wakes him self up by coughing, spluttering and sniffling.

I must say I do find it hilarious when Lizzie tells you no. I haven't got that from Elliott yet but he does boss me around in many other ways!!!!
Alex hsa learnt to say no! Its funny and annoying at the same time :lol:

So true! We've had 6 months of it already and she says it with such attitude. This is despite us deliberately ever using the word. Apparently her Granny wasn't quite so careful!
hell oeveryone

I am without my daughter tonight - I have done something to my back - it kinda "went" on wednesday morning and I have been in agony ever since - long story short I am now pretty much incapacitated- can't move without shooting pains in my lower back, doc has prescribed some pretty strong pain killers and muscle relaxants and anti inflammitories but they were doing nowt so I am now as high as kite on tramadol - which has taken the edge off, but am very scared - I am bit of wuss when it comes to getting ill since having LO- I haven't seen her properly since yesterday morning she is off staying with in laws who have assured me she drifted off to sleep and has been a little star - but they don't have a cot and I assume she will be sleeping in their bed so lord only knows what this is doing to her routine.

They brought her to seem me this evening - she was still up at 8.10pm although given the fact they are taking care of my daughter I don't rteally feel I am in any position to start lecturing them on her sleepsense routine.

I feel very emotional and cryee at the moment (is cryee evenv a word) dunno why - think it maybe the meds as I feel a bit out of it - husband is at work overnight.

I hope all the babiers and mummies are ok - I am currently watching natalie cassidy and due to the high inducing properties of aforementioned drugs I no longer feel like throwing stuff at my tv (always happens when natalie cassidy appears)

hope this post makes snesen.

Ladies. Well well well. Sorry I have taken so long to thank you for your birthday wishes - a combination of the birthday celebrations :happydance: and shitty problems at work :nope: but lets concentrate on the positive.

Birthday was fab lovely day had by all! OH was off, Fibby on top form and was I spoilt. OH bought me new walking boots - which I knew about - but then suprised me with a brand new iphone :happydance: which was so lovely of him as I am a big of a gadget freak. Fibby bought mummy flowers and a model of a VW campervan (dream purchase).

Fibby has been waking on the dot at 5am for the last week. I go in re-settle and normally get at least an hour out of her but why is she waking? I thought it was the heat cutting in but OH changed the time and still waking! Teeth are bothering but as we've had no teeth for two months I'm not holding out hope:dohh:

Ruby - :hugs: you poor thing, my OH has an awful back and last time it went was three weeks of agony. I can really recomend seeing a chiroprator - they sort OH brilliantly. Bit pricey but it is worth it for having him back quicker!

Poppy and TG -
Pressed wrong button:dohh:
:brat: Top Diva moments to the pair of them - go Otto and Lizzie!

TG - I watched a whole episode of Nigella today for the first time and wow! Is she always that full on??!?!?!?!?!?!?
Aw, HG :hugs: Glad you had a wonderful birthday. Gotta say, I love the iphone. DH treated me to the 4, and I am always fiddling around with it!! I'm not normally a gadget gal, but it won me over!! Very glad you got spoiled, you deserve it!!

I hope everything is ok at work? :( :hugs:

Lizzie has been waking up earlier, too - and strangely at 5:57 for three mornings on the trot!! :wacko: She's been wide awake and itching to run as soon as she's had her feed, returning to sleep!!

Yes, Nigella is *always* that full on. She's actually got a lot worse - she was relatively normal in her first series, but as soon as she was known as the 'thinking mans crumpet', she soon became a parody of herself. That said, her books are fabulous - I've just made a batch of her snow-flecked brownies! She knows her food...just not sure she knows her tv!!

Ruby!!! Poor you :( I hope you are ok? How are you feeling now? Another recommendation: my friend swears by acupuncture, don't know if you've tried? Natalie Cassidy is annoying - but my ultimate 'gotta throw shoe at tv' is Myleene Klass. Just the wrong combination of insincere, patronising and utterly scripted. She drives me up the wall!!

Poppy! LOVE Otto and the 'rar rar rar'. Ignore the old ladies, who could resist smiling at him?! He sounds a-dorable! How are night times?
Lizzie's 'no' is very funny. She puts her head to one side, looks at me thoughfully - then delivers the 'no'. :rofl:

Well, news from TG household - Lizzie is officially on one nap a day. Thing is, she wants it around lunchtime ... how do we manage meal times with naps?! Can throw things out for the day!!

We had a lovely day mooching round the town yesterday - Christmas shopping, lunch...and very excited Lizzie to see various lights etc. She's addicted to them! We're hopping off to garden centre shortly...she'll get to see the animals, so will be pleased :D

She's also developed a new laugh, which is a combo of pretty girly giggles and massive parrot squawk thrown in for good measure!! Too funny!

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