Sleep Sense Support Group!

Yes, Lizzie makes the dino noise when super excited or very angry...or when attention hasn't been solely focussed on her, and she needs to regain her position as focus AT ALL TIMES! :D

We've got an Old McDonald song book, and Lizzie does her dance to it - I especially like it when she dances with a serious face.

I bet you can't wait for Wednesday - hope you have the right balance of funny diva moments and lovely cuddly moments.

I'm feeling like a blimp...AF is late, late, late and everything feels like it's holding onto 10000 pints of water!
You wait Wednesday will be a diaster now! Talking of AF I've got my annual pill check on Wednesday which I'm sure Fibby will insist on being star of the show! But with pill you could set your watch by my AF - lucky i guess.

I've been really broody this month - I think it is remembering back to last year, even though it was really tough, I am very nostalgic. Add to that not wanting to work. OH is doing really well at work so my aim is to push him for promotion..... although he is on to me and my plans and says I must work even then. grr.
I'm broody, too - and with my interesting ovaries, we want to act sooner rather than later! All went v well at the check up, so that's good...

Am torn, really - there is a bigger age gap between me and sis, and we're very close. We both were centre of attention in different ways, and worked really well...BUT don't want to mess around with potentially good timing. Besides, Lizzie loves littlies.

Clock work AF - am envious!!

Would your plans entail maybe part time? Haven't thought about work and two...I was very immature last week, calling myself an 'arsh*tect' and bawling out members of my team. Am sure they'd be delighted if I was away for a while!!

On a side note...can you imagine Lizzie and Fibby AND a very littlie! :rofl:
I think that is what puts me off acting sooner rather than later - Fibby and a baby! Oh my I would need medical attention.

Sister and I are 21 months apart and we fought like cat and dog. Now we don't live together it is ok, it might be our tempraments - we are so different but with my kids I think I want a bigger gap. OH and brother are 3 years and get on fabulously - rarely fought and now are supportive etc...

We did say 4 years - so only one childcare bill at a time (£500 a month at mo and with two it would be £1000 which is nuts) but it is too big a gap. I think we will start trying when Fibby is two and a half. I fell first time with fibs so don't know if it would be the same or longer.

Or if work annoy me - we'll start at Christmas!!!! Two under two must be better than making children pass exams by cheating (a suggestion made by the SMT today but they called it 'helping')
Apparently, the three years is the 'optimum gap' (not sure according to what, read it somewhere) My sis and I have a bigger gap, but we get on famously. I think it's because we both went through our girl angst / hideous phases separately. So, we would support each other when Mum and Dad would be normal parents when we wanted to do something on the 'nope, not happening' list :rofl:

So, if you did wait - it does work well!! :D That said, my friends were born very close in age, were v.close and still are...but I know others with big gaps who don't get on, and others who do. I think you are right, temperament is probably a lot to do with it. My sis and I are chalk and cheese in many respects -personality wise - but it works well.

Can certainly see the logic with the CM bills...and if Uni fees carry on the way they are going, that's going to be fun for us all, if our littlies go!!

I'd always thought about having littlies a bit apart, but I had to have medication to get pregnant, and up until I was 16 weeks. As I get older, we'd rather strike while the iron is hot with the ole ovaries.

I guess there is no perfect - and we're all such lovely mama's, it would always work out well. Whether they are both littlies, or one bigger etc.

How wonderful getting Fibs on the first go - funnily enough, Lizzie arrived on the cycle I didn't take medication!
ETA - I cannot believe that about school! You must be furious?!
Hello lovelies!!

A very quicky update from me as I'm in the middle of doing a kitchen plan :coffee:

Since reverting to our old "feed at night when required" routine :haha: things have been fab!! Otto has generally woken up only once at night and last night he slept from 7.20pm until 6.30am :happydance: (apart from a coughing fit at 10pm ish where a cuddle was all he needed. Yep, the poor little monkey is now full of cough and cold :dohh:)

He is back to napping fantastically too!

I will pop back tomorrow for more of a chat. I need to get these plans done so that I can go to bed

Love to you all.xx
Poppy -glad to know his nights are fixed! He must just need that night feed, my OH drinks at least a pint of water in the night (when I don't know because I am sure he is unconscious snoring all night) and can't do without it. maybe Otto likes the hydation and the snuggles!!!

TG - Did Lizzie have her MMR yesterday? How did it go? We've got ours on Thursday eek!!! On the next baby front I can totally see why to strike whilst the iron is hot! I will be very jealous but I think 3 years is what I want - School is just shocking - luckily the girl I work with (well shes older than me lol) and I are best buds (shes Fibby's Godmother) and we can really share the load.
No, we've put MMR off for a further week - just until she's fully 100% over the cold. Let me know how Fibby gets on?

Three years will be lovely. Apparently that's best for avoiding sibling rivalry! :D I do wonder how Lizzie will react...she LOVES littlies, but she completely loves being the centre of attention too (big surprise!) so I want to make sure she has plenty of that. She deserves it :)

Glad you and buddy at work can deal with it all together, really helps, doesn't it? I've got an 'inner circle' at our place, and we all support each other.

Poppy - so pleased to hear Otto is back to best!! :happydance: Don't get in the way of a littlie and their feed!! :D Sorry to hear he has a cold, they are just everywhere aren't they? :( How is he today?

Well, Lizzie and I had a lovely day patrolling around the shops. Lizzie attempted to shop lift some wooden pretty, we bought them! We've been slowly but surely getting stocked up for Christmas, exciting! Lizzie pointed to her nose and my nose when I asked her to show me where her nose was! :D However, she napped for exactly 40 minutes. Tired gal this evening!
Ohhh well that was an interesting bedtime!

I put Alex to bed as normal and 5 mins later i could hear this toy going off over and over on the monitor!
It wouldnt stop so i had to go in and find it, which meant Alex got up :dohh:
Managed to convince him to go back 10 mins later!
AG - Hate that when something happens in their room and you have to go back in! Glad he settled though.
Oh no, AG! Good re-settling, though!! I've had to sneak in before...but eagle ears *always* hears me :D
Eeeevning all :wave:

I think I jinxed myself the other day when I said how well things were going as Elliott woke up twice that night :dohh: LOL! Still, what a huge improvement. Since then he has only woken up once a night and naps are still going well :thumbup:

A few days in the past week he has only had 1 nap a day. When did all of your LO's go down to one nap a day? He seems to cope but sometimes does get a bit grizzly but it's too late to go for a second nap. Today he only had one nap as he slept for 2 and a half hours this morning!!! He woke at 12.30!! So by the time he was looking tired for a nap again it was 5pm. Too late to put him to bed but he managed okay :thumbup:

I am meant to be going to London on Friday. I feel sick thinking about it and have banned my OH from mentioning it. Why? Because I'm meant to be going with out my little boy? I am going at 6am on Friday morning and won't be home until 8pm on Saturday night. Elliott will be staying at home with Daddy but I just don't think I can do it. :cry::cry::cry: It's meant to be a lovely girly weekend but I'm dreading it :cry::cry::cry: I'm going to take my pump as I'm worried about my milk supply too. I don't think I can do it.:nope:
Poppy - we're pretty much on one nap a day now, Lizzie has kinda drifted into that over the last fortnight. Started on and off a while ago, but now she has a quick 'head rest' (lies on me, thumb, but eyes open) in the morning...and then a nap late morning/early afternoon.

Argh on the weekend!! I know how you feel - we've got a night with friends coming up, and I won't be back for Lizzie's night time BF. :( Am super stressed, too - as that will be the first time she's not had her night time BF and we haven't done her routine. :cry: Am really not feeling comfortable! Do you think I need to pump if it's just for one feed?

I know we're nervous, but once we're may be fun? Can we bolster each other?

La Liz is waking up early at the mo - I've got to work that's fine...but am not sure whe she's waking?
Thanks for that TG. I think Elliott will retain his morning nap and drop his afternoon nap eventually. Ideally a nap in the early afternoon would be better I suppose as it breaks the day up but he just can't last longer than 2-3 hours (absolute maximum) without needing to go back to bed! It just makes it a long ol' slog for the afternoon for him. I'm sure he will manage better as time goes one. Lately his morning nap has been early and he's awake again by 11am but like today, his morning nap went on for so long that the afternoon one was pretty much impossible.

:hugs: I'm glad you know how I feel. You shouldn't need to pump though honey. A few times I haven't been able to bf Elliott before bed (if me and OH have gone out or I have to do a hospital visit or something) and I personally don't get uncomfortable and one feed should not affect your supply. I suppose it depends on how full you get? If Elliott has gone to bed without a bf and also not woken in the night I get that "lumpy" feeling by the morning and am glad to be drained of milk but it's not horrendous. I am worrying as firstly I do not want to go, I'm just going to keep OH happy, other people happy etc and two, I will miss potentially 6/7 feeds. I'm going to pump regardless but it still down't make me feel better about the whole situation.

It would be good to bolster eachother :friends: I should be looking forward to it as I'm going to watch the Lion King and will be seated in the stalls, have a lovely meal and see London (something I have never really done before) but I know I will feel like I have had my right arm cut off the whole time.

How early is early for La Liz waking? Elliott was up at 6 the other morning and refused to go back to sleep. That was early for me as I'm used to 7am ish!!!
Hi everyone,

Haven't een on in what feels like ages. Hope everyone is well. Back is better I can walk but still in pain sitting up for long periods and in severe pain if I don't take the pain killers.

LO spent friday night with the in laws and surprisingly slept well - she was put to bed at around about the same time (in their bed) tucked in with bunny and blanket and her favourite lullaby playing and fell asleep pretty much straight away. Even though she had a break from her own cot we haven't had much of an issue getting right back in her normal routine.

The only problem we are having is OH having to get up in the night when her dummy drops out - so I am considering taking it away for good, it happens a few times a night - as soon as the dummy back in she falls straight back to sleep but it still disturbs OH's sleep. He has been doing the lionshare with LO since last week, such as bathing, lifting her in and out of cot as I can't but even he is getting tired of being woken up every night just to put the dummy in.

Hope everyone and their LO's are doing ok.
Poppy - Sorry to hear Otto's had a few disturbed nights. We've had some too. I'm blaming it on the full (blue) moon just past! :haha:

I can't even comprehend going away overnight and being away from Ronan at this point. i can only imagine how nerve wracking it'll be in the beginning. Hopefully though everything will go splendidly and you'll have a wonderful time!

Same to you too on your night out, TG!

ruby - Glad your back is slowly getting better. I have lived with back pain for the past 18 years and it's awful. I wouldn't wish it on anyone! I hope it mends completely for you.


Well, Ronan's gotten all unsettled again (see above where I'm blaming the full moon!). Some days he naps 3-4 hours total over 2 naps, and other days it's barely an hour or so. Sometimes he has 2 naps and some days he only has one. Those afternoons are rough, let me tell you!

I think it's been developmental in all seriousness though. I popped into the kitchen this afternoon to grab my cup of tea (it was steeping but otherwise ready) and when I looked back around the corner, Ronan was out of sight. Expecting he was along the hallway, I walked over but no, he was 1/3 of the way up the stairs :shock: He's never climbed the stairs before or shown any interest, or even capability but he was scampering up them like he'd been doing it all his life. My poor heart! We have gates everywhere else of importance in the house but there's no real way to secure the base of these stairs without drilling into the banister which my OH is reluctant to do. I think he may change his mind after this, though.
Today I'm feeling much more positive about my London trip :thumbup: I have had lots of encouragement from friends and people who work at the clinic. I also spoke to Jan our breastfeeding co-ordinator for Plymouth as she said not to worry about my milk supply at all. Apparently at this stage prolactin levels are so high they maintain themselves for a long time. She sais I may want to pump for my own comfort though :haha: She told me about a story about a friend of hers who went away for a week and stopped breastfeeding. When she returned she carried on as normal. That made me feel so reassured. I even treated myself to a nice warm O'Neill jacket today (half of it was a xmas pressie from OH) as London could have snow!!

Elliott has been great the last few nights. Just waking up once. Morning naps are good but afternoon naps are still hit and miss. I think we are slowly making the transition to one nap a day. I know I'm going to miss him desperately for the 26 hours that I'm gone (yes, I have counted the hours :rolleyes:) but OH is so looking forward to having him to himself for a few days and Elliott loves his Dad Da that I'm sure all will be great.

HC - Elliott is still very hit and miss with the length of his naps. He went through a stage of having very long good naps every time and then today he managed two naps which were only 70 minutes in total. Yesterday he had one nap which was 2 and a half hours long! So hit and miss every day.

You are probably right that Ronan's is to do with developmental reasons. I can't believe you caught the monkey up the stairs! I hope your nights settle down again soon :hugs:
Quick one from me - Mmr today and she was so brave. Felt the worse mummy in the world dropping her off afterwards at cm. I haven't gone to band tonight as she was out of sorts at bedtime.

Poppy - fibby is mainly on one nap now but will have two if up early or I'll or growing. I hope u can enjoy your break. I have to go to Berlin in February for four days on a school trip and it is killing me already.

Will do a proper catch up on the laptop tomorrow as I'm so slow on phone!
Aitch-Gee! Let us know how the little lovely is :hugs: Was thinking about her - and she was brave...bless her. Don't feel bad, you were there with her while it was happening - that's the important bit :hugs:

Poppy! So glad you are feeling more positive. I'm still being a bit nervy - but you ladies have reassured me hugely about the BF. A lot of my friends don't get it, and think it's a bit odd that I am still BFing! A couple are brilliant, but some just can't get why you'd continue so long (am waiting til they have LOs ;)) Jacket sounds lovely. I can definitely say that London was freeeeezing yesterday! DH and I are nipping up to Borough Market on Saturday to get a few things, we're leaving La Liz with Granny, as it's going to be too cold for her. Lovely brekkie there, few Christmas bits-then hot leg home!

Anyway, am sure you will have a ball - and Otto and Mr Poppy will have some lovely 'boys time' :D

Sounds like little Otto is making the nap transition - there are a few interesting over tired moments a long the way, and then suddenly it happens!

La Liz has been waking up around six! She was at seven...but has decided there is far too much fun to be had to waste time sleeping! Mummy, however, loves that extra hour ;)

HC - cannot believe little monkey was half way up the stairs!!! WOW! We knew he was planning something big developmentally...but climbing baby Everest, that's impressive :D I bet your heart stopped!? Thanks for BF reassurance :hugs:

Ruby - good to see you :hugs: Poor you, your back sounds like a nightmare :( When do you think you'll be fully recovered? I know some ladies on here did dummy cold turkey, so am sure they'll have some advice (HG, did you? Or am I getting confused?? Confusion is highly likely :D)) Lizzie is a thumb sucker, which works quite well!

Well, news from us - Lizzie was very good for Granny yesterday...they had a ball together. Got home to what looked like a break-in, trail of destruction everywhere! Think G was tired, as Lizzie had thirty mins nap for the WHOLE day! She was up at six am, too. Lizzie has been pointing at things and say 'wassat?' which is good fun...but has been teething quite badly. I had a feel round her mouth, and I can feel the back ones poking. Surely they come through last? She's been whacking her face, which is just so sad. Anyway, we've gone to next stage of babyproofing - room divider in kitchen and an extra stair gate after HCs feedback!!

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