Sleep Sense Support Group!

TG - AF vibes to you! It's not often you get women wanting it this badly! Mine has been regular since it returned (this is my third) but my cycle seems to be longer around 36-38 days and it was somewhat erratic before. I'm not sure what I'd do if I were you but it would depend on how determined i was to conceive and how soon I guess. It took hubby and I 18+ months with Ronan and we were on the verge of medical help when my OB suggested first giving it 3 months trying by taking prenatal vitamins, taking a max dosage of Robitussin for the gaufinesin (sp?) daily & using an OPK (which I'd used before). It was apparently the magical combination because i got pregnant that first month of trying it!
Thanks, HC :hugs:

I seem to be one cycle dead on, one cycle very long - am not going to complain, as it's a MASSIVE improvment on no cycle at all!!

Hard this TTC thing, isn't it?! I've taken robitussin before, just a bit more wary with BFing? Need to look into it - if we can take it, that is.

Ronan clearly picked his magical combo :hugs:

Come on, AF! If you just arrived, it would make this SO much easier!! My CBFM is going to implode with impatience, too, at this rate ;)

Just showed DH your Christmas card, he wants to do some with Lizzie and cat...quite how we'll get cat to pose with Lizzie will be interesting!!
Treats and toys! We got Bailey that blue thing just for the occasion. He's since chewed the face to get the ball out of it. Toys like that don't last long around here!

I'm pretty sure Robitussin is safe to use while BFing. It's safe to use while pregnant too if I recall.
Cat is a hard one to bribe - will have to invest in some Whiskas 'temptations'...they normally do the job ;)

Lizzie was SO tired this evening! When we got in she was sitting quietly looking at her books, and getting very eye-rubby and yawny! Not much napping today - but had such a fab walk. Proper winter weather! We all had lovely lunch - Lizzie did her very best waving, shouting HELLO and smiling at all and sundry. Ate her crumble dessert, tried to steal everyone elses - rubbed red cabbage all over her face ;)

She's just so much fun! We were singing 'If you're happy and you know it' - she did a couple of the actions, and then started dancing :rofl: So cute!!

We're all tired now, but DH and I peeking at the tennis through our hands. Come on, Federer!!

Computer acting very strangely, keeps signing me in and out of things all over the place :wacko:

ps-I need an adult pushchair and buggy snuggle, told La Liz I was v envious!
Really quick one!

Ag - Someone from Eastbourne!!! Lol - I'm a big fan I must admit although Eastbourne is covered in snow at the mo.

HC - gorgeous christmas card, loving it

Fibby has developed the worst cough and isn't sleeping so OH sent for remedies in the snow down a massively steep hill.

She still isn't down almost two hours after bed time - cuddles not working either. Looks like a bad one!
^^ get well soon, Fibby :hugs: Could be MMR? I heard some reactions come up a few days later, but don't last too long. Hope all ok, massive :hugs:
ARRRGHHHH! We have one cross and coughing daughter, gave her some glycerin based cough mixture, steam and olbas under bed and cuddles all to no avail. Doesn't want to be in bed, doesn't want to be awake, doesn't want cuddles.

Daddy's turn now to give me a breather - so i thought I would come on here and chill.

Not sure if mmr, or just cold or teeth or what!!!
I recommended steam in your thread - I can't think of anything else :( Poor little Fibby. Lizzie gets a tickly cough just before a tooth pokes right through..perhaps she's got another tooth on the way.

What's she up to? Hard when they don't know what they wnat to do, isn't it? I so feel for Lizzie when she's got a cold and feels like that, poor love.

DH and I have been ranting about Wagner's dismissal and celebrating Federer's win!
Fibby has been screaming (and I mean screaming) for over an hour. Tried doing bed time again didn't help as soon as she coughed once put down the screaming started.

We are doing a little bit of letting her cry - and I am hating every second but she is louder and more upset if I am holding her or in the room.

Go Federer! I love him - his wimbledon outfits just make me love him even more!

gone quiet --------- fingers crossed
Let us know how she is :hugs: Poor darling :hugs:

Hope you have a good night...x

ps-Federer is just the epitome of cool!
Thanks TG - need the hugs tonight. I feel sick with worry - I know it is just a cough but she just can't cope with it disturbing her. She is like me and gets upset when poorly. She is still coughing / crying on and off but the quiet bits are getting a little longer.

Don't think there will be much sleep going on tonight. Thanks x
HG - poor fibby. :( I hope she finally settles and manages to get a bit of sleep. being sick is the pits when you're grown up. Little ones shouldn't have to ever get sick. It's just not fair!
Hey girlies! Loads to catch up on!! You are all so chatty I can't keep up!

Firstly, I hope that little Fibby is feeling better today, it's no fun when they are sick. I've been so lucky with Thomas that he is normally so healthy but he gets so miserable if there is anything wrong. It's not fair on them when they don't understand what's happening and I hate it when there's nothing you can do to comfort them.

Hivechild - love the Xmas card! Gorgeous shots of Ronan and dog! Hope all is well with you.

Tennisgal - has AF shown up yet? How frustrating waiting around for her like that - but great news that ovaries are A-OK according to specialist. So I'm still confused, do you have to stop breastfeeding before you can start the Clomid? If so that is definitely a dilemma. Not sure what I'd do in that situation. :hugs:

My update - everything is good here - I was in such miserable form last week but feeling much better this week thankfully. We have loads of snow here. Thomas is not really too bothered about it but I am really excited! It's no fun when you have to drive in it though.
Hellllllloooo All.

Well she conked out at 11pm and only woke a couple of times in the night but went straight back. Took her to the drs but no chest infection just a miserable cough but I am reassured. She is doing better tonight but still coughing her little lungs up.

My poor CM is moving house this week and they had moved loads of stuff over on Sunday and they were broken into last night! Nicked almost everything, including food out of fridge, smashed the TV and worst of all - the insurance doesn't kick in until tomorrow their 'offical' moving day. I feel so sad for her it has made me appreicate my little Fib even more and her fab childminder - who had her all day, with police etc.... apparently Fibby went 'Uh oh' when her CM started to cry when they discovered it!

Thanks all for the good wishes - they really mean a lot on rubbish evenings.

Polaris - ooo how much snow? Does Thomas like it = fibby wants to eat it! I hate it as it makes the kids at school loopy and my exit from home like a ski slope!
Polaris! So glad to hear things are better this week :hugs: What is Thomas up to at the moment? Any exciting stories?

I can take clomid and BF, which is good news. Apparently, it can mess with supply - but my consultant said only before supply is established. He asked if it was...and I don't know if he was joking, as we're now 14 months BFing!!

Am giving myself one more 'natural' cycle, and then I'll try and get some rhythm to them! If it's one on time, one long (which seems to be at the mo) then I can live with that, too. Am now Day 44 (checked earlier) and no AF. But a zit on the nose, which I hardly ever get, so she can't be far!

Aitch-Gee! :hugs: for Fibby. Poor love - I really hope she feels better soon. Did the doc advise anything that she can take? Your poor CM, that is awful. Food out of the fridge?! Who *does* that?! :( Bless Fibby with the 'uh oh'. That is SO cute!!

Well, La Liz has MMR tomorrow :( Am trying to be calm and strong Mummy. She's starting to proffer her foot at me and DH, waiting for us to say 'ooooh, cheesy / stinky', which makes her laugh her socks off. I've always pretended to smell her feet and say 'cheesy' since she was born, and she's now finding it funny! :D

Cat slipped over in the ice earlier, was the funniest thing I've seen (not being mean, he didn't hurt himself, just pride) He was trying to harrass chicken and tried to run on coop - didn't realise it was slippery - and slipped! He looked SO embarrassed :rofl:
Tg - best of luck for jabs, dr i saw today said I'd done the right thing having it and appreciated it isn't an easy decision to make.
I felt a lot better when I spoke to a really good doc at surgery - said her daughter got measles when she was 10 months, and she had never, ever seen such an ill child. She answered all my questions really well. Still feel sick, though!!

Thanks for the message :hugs: I feel bad, because I know it's jab day, and La Liz is blissfully unaware...proferring feet, telling the cat off etc. My little love!
TG - oh that is good news that you can take Clomid and continue breastfeeding. LOL at the consultant asking whether supply was established yet at 14 months! Fingers crossed your cycle sorts itself out and AF arrives soon.

Oh and good luck with the MMR today. OH brought Thomas this time as I was in work, but he said that the actual jab was fine (although I think OH's are less emotional about these things in general!). Thomas got swollen glands on the back of his head about a week after his (which are still there), I was quite worried until I googled and found that it is a common MMR reaction. He also got a slight rash on his face that seems to have almost cleared up now. No temperature. He was a bit off form for a couple of days about a week after but hard to say whether or not it was down to the MMR. I'm very glad that it is done now anyway!!

We have quite a bit of snow - about 2 or 3 inches anyway - and more forecast over the next couple of days. HG - Thomas doesn't try to eat it, he tries to feed it to me, LOL. That is what he normally does with something that he doesn't fancy himself like lettuce or green beans, LOL.
Wow!! So much for me to catch up on!! I hope all of my lovely ladies here are okay.

I AM BACK from London. Well, I got back on Saturday night but I have had work to catch up on, housework etc etc.

So, I loved London and as much as missed my little boy, it wasn't so bad. I have never been to London before :blush: and I was amazed by, well, everything!!!!

Elliott had a lovely time with Dad Da. Dad Da looked after him amazingly so all is good. I am so glad I took my swing to London with me. Ouchies, my bbs were sore :( Even though I pumped I couldn't get all the milk off so was so glad when Elliott woke up for a particularly early feed on Saturday night.

I shan't bore you all with tales of rubbish sleep and woe. Elliott is very poorly again (yes, again). He has a virus which consists of an awful cough, cold and sore throat. Let's just see night times are interesting right now and he is also resisting some of his naps again. I'm not stressing though. I'm just going to run with it as it always comes right again in the end.

TG - I hope your gorgeous little girl is okay after her MMR today. Elliott has his next week and I am already really worrying about it.

HG - I hope Fibby is okay. She sounds like she is having a rough time right now :hugs: Gorgeous dress btw! Very, very pretty.

HC - Ronan is too cute for words! That Christmas card is brilliant. What a lovely idea.

Polaris - I am so jealous about the snow. We haven't even had a dusting here yet and really want Elliott to see some!!

Right, better go. I'm going to sound like a broken record but I have more kitchens to plan whilst listening to my poor little boy coughing down the monitor.xx
Polaris - feeding you snow, i love it!! Thomas sounds so fun

Poppppeeeeee - glad you had a great time and way to go dad da! Sounds like it all worked really well. Sorry Otto is poorly - sounds a bit like fibby. It is horrid isn't it. Hugs and snuggled sent his way.

Fibby has been brilliant for the cm whomoved house today with her - I swear that woman is super human. Fibby has was a diva this evening so I can tell and hope she is on the mend. Looks like school might get a snow day tomorrow - on my day off Doh!!!!!!!!!

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