Sleep Sense Support Group!

It is Friday! Yipeeeeeeeeeee but the little Fib is poorly girl. I think the jabs have knocked her back a bit and she is really suffering with her poor little face in the cold weather - it looks so red and sore. Any ideas ladies? Trying E45 and Avent magic cream but nothing seems to be working. Cm trying vaseline to protect it. So she went to bed with no milk but in her new sleeping bag with sleeves as our house is freezing. 13 degrees in her bedroom at one point with heating on full whack!

TG - Poor Granny but go Lizzie - a whirlwind of destruction! Looks like Fibby's nanny's house after she has been there! How many teeth does Lizzie have? We are still stuck on the two we got in early September Grrrrr........
Oh, poor Fibby - get well soon :hugs: How is she? Were the jabs horrid? :( I know this may sound a bit weird, but have you thought about 8 hour cream? I don't know if it's suitable for babies...but I *swear* it has worked wonders for me in all weathers. I slather it on in the sun and cold. Was the only one who didn't get wind chill/chap when skiing. I just need to investigate whether it's baby friendly!

Another good one is Weleda baby face cream - I've got some of this ordered, as it's biting cold at the moment.

La Liz has now got five teeth, quite a random number! I'm not counting the back ones, as I think that could just be a flare up..felt a bit poking, but we'll see. Poor love :(

Fibby will probably get them all in one go!

It's cold, isn't it? Lizzie was so wrapped up earlier!! We've got a lovely new buggy snuggle...I want one, too! I attempted to make one (as per your guidance) and I may post a picture of the result one day! :rofl: Sewing and I are not natural buddies!
*blows raspberry at phone* colleague texted me to let me know my presence is required at Christmas work dinner and drinks. Don't want to do two nights away from Lizzie. Am I being silly? Don't want to gooooooooooo, but expected to. What for? To toast projects?! Am being very silly and immature, I know!
TG - You are more than entitled to blow raspberries down the phone at that :hissy: I have got out of the end of term do just by saying 'oh no couldn't possibly with the baby' but then One teacher missing from a hoard of 40 drunk ones doesn't really notice!

Thanks for the tips on cream - she looks so sore on her little face. I had her wrapped up this morning - all jojo items of hat with ear flaps, mittens on a string, big pink coat etc.... she thinks she loses all movement in her hands when she has mittens on :dohh: it is quite funny.

The jabs were ok and she was fine until 5pm yesterday when I think a cold that had threatend was made worse. the nurse said a week for any rash to appear and no sign of that at the moment. We are going to see my granfather in London tomorrow so hoping she will sleep there and back and be ok inbetween!!!

I have got adicted to buggy snuggles and making them! I am making one for my sister's youngest for christmas as a suprise and it is turning out better than mine so I think I will make another one for me - OH is disparing. I did think about making her a car seat snuggle thing but then the heat comes through so it warms easily enough.
Thank you, am moaning to DH about the party no end! It's at a lovely restaurant and bar, but nothing is as lovely as a Lizzie snuggle and pottering round with her and DH! Phhhh! Am thinking I may just say we've already got something booked, but I know my boss will be a bit annoyed. He takes these things seriously. We're supposed to encourage the newer members and be friendly and nice. :angry: Doesn't bode well, does it?! :D

Does Fibby cope with mittens? Lizzie goes mental if anyone attempts to put any member of the glove family near her hand. We've had to give up - you've never heard anything like it. She waves her mittened fist angrily and YELLS!

You should start your own buggy snuggle business...what can I do to help!? It could be our new get rich quick scheme!!

I always have blankets etc in the car, and then two mins down the road, pull over and take them all it's a sauna so quickly. Same thing every time!! :D

Have a lovely day in London...and give Fibby a 'get well' hug!

ps-still no AF. So much for regulating cycles...what's going on?!
Still no AF? Blimey you poor thing.... I have been 'enjoying' AF this week and I have to say was the grumpiest woman in the world at the begining of the week.

Go Lizzie on the glove front - Fibby just stands there with her hands out like they are in plaster casts until we arrive where we are going and I take them off. She does like to eat them though (strange child).

Buggy snuggle is an option although I think it won't make me a killing - still think a heist although I have put my faith in euromillions - I will let you know if I win and send some money your way for Diva Training!!!!!
Go Lizzie on the glove front - Fibby just stands there with her hands out like they are in plaster casts until we arrive where we are going and I take them off. She does like to eat them though (strange child).

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: just read that to DH, and we both had a smile! Go Fibby!! She's such a fun character. Having them on in a comical manner is a step up from down-right refusal. The looks Lizzie gives the inanimate mitt!!

Well, I've been Madame la Grump, too - poor DH finds it half comical (though doesn't let onto that!) and half very annoying, am sure! He made me a tea earlier, and I was lamenting the milk content like a sulky child. Quite how he kept smiling, I don't know! I've taken to large scale consumption of tea and an occasional grump about something...student fees, tube strikes, cat pooing near car...

Ooh! Win Euromillions!!! Fingers crossed - would certainly like Diva Training that way as opposed to potentially jail sentence for heist!!

On the diva front, Lizzie had a nap on me today...I attempted to move my leg (just my leg) while she was asleep...she briefly opened her eyes, made a 'don't you dare' sound, and went back to sleep! :rofl:
Tg you do make me chuckle!!! I have had the very same pout about the milk content of my tea when OH makes it (I must admit he always makes the tea as his are much better than mine) and he sends me away like a naughty child.

I LOVE the fact that La Lizzie gave you that glare - Phoebe has that if I even think about licking her spoon during yoghurt shoveling time.

Unfortunately I didn't win Euro millions so back to the original plan of a heist.

Fibby was a star today with her great grandfather and looked a princess in her new jumper dress I bought her from John Rocha - wish they did it in mummy sizes!
Oooh, gorgeous - what's it like? I love Lizzie in jumper dresses, she's got a gorgeous one from Jojo.

Glad you had a lovely day :hugs: greatgrandparents are a special thing, aren't they?

I want to get her a nice Christmas dress, but all of them are either too grown up (Myleene Klass has a lot to answer for!) or short sleeves!!

Haha, Lizzie cries sometimes if I eat something she has her eye on! I feel SO bad!! I only do it if I think she's finished, but she likes to take her time ;)

DH want to get me a two litre capacity mug, as he goes mad with my tea consumption :rofl:

No EuroMillions?! We have one last hope - I bought a lottery ticket for tonight. If that fails, we're game on for some criminal activity! :D

Had a lovely day, went for a forest walk and had hot chocolate and cake in the little log cafe. Lizzie had a bit of banana, shared some cake...and fed the ducks. Well, she copied me and DH and threw them a bit of bread, then tried to grab one. All very exciting!! We tried mitts - to no avail. Got a stern 'no mama, no daddy' and a dinosaur noise. The very sternest of La Liz warnings!
Oh, and still no AF and a BFN. *blows raspberry at internal girly machinations* Might be clomid o'clock at this rate :wacko:
:thumbup: for your super day and :dohh: at no AF and a BFN:nope: sounds lovely - like the sound of that log cabin and the cake! Poor Lizzie not being allowed to take a duck home, she really does have unreasonable parents. I like the fact she growls her displeasure - so much more effective than words.

The dress is soooo lovely - it was meant to be just for Christmas but I couldn't resist and it is so warm - perfect for this weather. I got it 25% off last weekend.

She loves it and all her great aunts today thought she looked lovely - I was a very proud mummy, but she went all shy and wouldn't talk to them. Hid under my skirt for a good while which is quite embarassing when OH then plays peak a boo with her and my skirt (luckily I had leggings on underneath to keep me warm!) :dohh:

As for the tea - I have one going cold at the mo but I think last year my record on a bad baby phoebe day was 15 cups!!!!!!!!
Oh my word, what a cute dress!! I bet she looked adorable! Loving the fact Fibby had a little shy moment...that involved attempting to expose Mummy :D Annnnnnd, we all know better, Fibby - bet she warmed up very soon, hey? She's so lovely (and I've never even met her!!)

I've got a cup here, too - DH is stating, very definitely, that it's the last cup of the night :D 15 cups is good going :rofl: I just love tea, I honestly think I'd cry if we ran out and I was unable to get to the shops!

Yes, Lizzie was very keen on the fowl. She came home and took out her resentment on her drum - which took an intense hammering.

She's rediscovered her dino noises, and actually gives herself the giggles when making them. She was making them at dinner, and started laughing...and showering us with fish pie as a consequence!

Whereabouts in London were you?
And yes, what oh what is going on with the ole AF?! There is only so long I can use it as an excuse for being a lazy chocolate guzzler!
I've had a chocolate guzzling week and blamed it all on AF.

We were in 'South London' said with the appropriate accent - near bexleyheath - I find all the houses and merging of places into one quite intense so was pleased to retreat back to the coast even if we do have an inch of snow outside! I took so many emergency rations and blankets, coats, pushchair, raincover, sleeping bags etc... as we live up on the downs and we sometimes can not get the car up but it was ok as we had been gritted :happydance: the things i get excited about.

Phoebe likes to take her annoyance out on my face - she likes to squeeze my cheeks with both her hands and rub her nose against mine whilst making her dino sound as if to ensure I know she is cross. Mmmmm fish pie splatter - I had a cauliflower cheese kiss at lunchtime yum.

Fibby did warm up in the end - I think she was confused. My mum is the eldest of 6 sisters who all look and sound so alike and as my mum wasn't there today she couldn't figure out who these people were who looked and sounded like her granny but were clearly not her as they didn't have bright pillar box red hair!
We lived in London for quite a long time - different places - got a friend who lives in Greenwich, that's not so far from Bexley.

We were v.pleased to move out, as we're both originally from middle of nowhere! I like being close enough for decent commute, but far enough to be fully escaping. We've talked about moving again, to somewhere with a shorter commute into London...but further from station, if that makes sense!

What does Fibby make of the snow?? Also, LOVE her ensuring you know she's not happy with something :rofl: As if to say - don't think you're getting away with that, Mummy!

Your Mum's hair sounds fabulous. My mum is silvery blonde - and was told by her neighbours little boy that she has 'sparkly grey' hair :rofl: She was mortified!!

Take my hat off to your great-grandpa...six daughters!! Someone give the man a medal ;)

I've been mostly guzzling Green & Blacks raisin and hazelnut, organic buttons, cadbury's snowballs and reese's pieces. AND I've been bad at sharing with DH! :D
wow that is some chocolate! Fibby is unimpressed by the snow totally - it doesn't do anything so is therefore boring.

My Grampy has 6 daughters, 6 granddaughters, three greatgranddaughters and two great grandons - my granny said she didn't like boys so thats why we are all women with the exceptionof my nephews!!!! That man needs a medal as we are all quite opinionated!
It is some chocolate, to balance it out - I've been eating vegetables. Very odd week of food!! Carrots and cocoa! ;)

Your Grampy DOES deserve a medal, hehe! Must be huge amount of fun when you're all together!?

Fibby is unimpressed by the snow totally - it doesn't do anything so is therefore boring.

That is so like Lizzie! Can I bash, smash, wreck? Can I make a sound or destroy? No? Move on, please...
Ohhh HG i just noticed your location, i grew up in East Sussex, in Eastbourne :D
HG - Sorry to hear Fibby wasn't feeling well after her jabs. I'm already not looking forward to Ronan's and they're ages off yet, but he'll be so much older and more aware of what's happening than he was before!

I love that Christmas dress for her. How adorable is that? I occasionally wish I had a little girl to dress, but not nearly enough for me to start trying for another right now! :haha:

TG - It seems that AF decided to come visit me instead and it's been horrendously way heavier than normal. Yuck! I haven't been crampy but I've felt so run down and nauseous. I think I need to take some iron supplements...or eat a great big steak! I don't even have any chocolate in the house. I don't know what's up with that. I always have chocolate in the house. :wacko:

As far as Clomid, my lil sis has really bad PCOS and took it when trying for her first then ended up getting pregnant quite by accident the cycle after they gave up on taking it! She was on day 50something of her cycle and had no idea she was ovulating, so it really was such a random fluke that they got lucky! With her second who was born just over a month ago, they ended up having to do IVF, but luckily again for both of them it took first time.

Anyhoo, I subjected my poor baby and dog to playing dress up for mama today so I could get some pictures of them for our Christmas cards! This is the result (family name blurred out because of random weirdos on the intertron). :mrgreen:


  • christmas_card_2010.jpg
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Just a quick one - Lizzie napping, and we're getting prepared for a walk to lovely country pub for lunch! Our good friends and their little boy are joining us, so that will be lovely.

HC - got to say, that is THE cutest Christmas card I've seen. Look at Ronan and Bailey!! SO adorable!! You are going to make a lot of people smile with those :hugs:

Can I have some AF vibes, if I cyber-send you some choccie :D Try Floradix, it's a very natural iron supplement ... in liquid form. I've taken it in the past, as it's so very gentle on the system (unlike Iron tablets!) Would definitely recommend. Sending you :hugs:

How lovely for your sister, lovely TTC stories. I am not sure what to do - may email my specialist later. He's MUCH reduced my clomid dosage, half what I was on...and kind of left it up to me and DH if I take it or wait and see. He said my ovaries are a-ok at the moment :)happydance:) and he said there was a good chance they'd stay that way. However, I think I've been given a leave of absence due to pregnancy, giving birth and BFing...I think it could come back. However, the BFing makes AF irregular! :D Big circle! I can take clomid and BF, which is what I was just not sure. May try for one more natural cycle before heading back onto it.

Take it and start the whole medicinal process with the things that come with that? Or wait and try naturally a couple more times?

Sorry for rambling OT, ladies - I don't really talk about my PCOS IRL (except to DH and Mum!) so just canvassing a few thoughts :hugs:

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