Morrrrrrrrrning laydeeeeez!
HG - apparently babies CAN have bad dreams, I read that somewhere...I'll have to dig out the link. Maybe it was about lots of angry meerkats setting her mummy right about their lifestyle?! Hope she's ok...I saw the pics of her with Max in Baby Club (I want to get some up of our felines with DD) and she's just a doll. Gorgeous.
Fingers crossed for three / four days
Polaris - glad you had a good night - and let's get thinking about how we can all make our millions
Jacs - I know, there is something called 'Daddy Syndrome', I swear! Every weekend and whenever DH is off work, he and DD are off together - scorning naps
Well, we went from 10000000000000 feeds to two last night (10:30, 4:00) and THEN...she woke for a feed at 6:45 and went back to sleep until 8:15

I had a real lie-in! I think she's needed it with all the waking, growing, guzzling etc.
We had the funniest brekkie together, I was in stitches. I made her a fruity porridge with some no-salt cinammon bread and she scoffed loads, wore loads, threw loads and rubbed loads into my hair. Was just so comical! Boy-cat looked terrified at proceedings, but then proceeded to eat some of the bread on the floor (weird cat!)
I feel like a new woman! She's going for gold in her jumperoo at the moment...
Everyone got nice days planned? We're contemplating going to a play group, but there are two v.annoying mums who attend (you know, the very over competitive, 'surely you're not doing that, are you?' friends and I despair!) who'll be desperate to tell me ALL about growth spurts. *rolls eyes with a grin*