Well ladies we have definitely cracked it! She's been put in bed at 6:15 for the past 4 nights and everytime has gone right off to sleep with maybe a 2 second whine, if that! We still have a 10-15 minutes period of crying and/or whining for naps though. Has anyone tried scheduling naps according to the clock, or do you all follow sleepy signs for naps?
HG, Christina's usually up for the day around 6:15, but she's been waking twice in the night for feeds. On a good night, she'll only feed once in the night, but usually it's once around 12-1 and again around 3-4. I'm thinking once she drops those night feeds, she'll probably be up earlier for the day, as I'm not sure she would actually sleep right through for 12 hours. If that happens, we'll probably work on moving bedtime later. And terrific news about Phoebe sleeping through again!
HC, good luck with getting the naps sorted. We have a bassinet (pack n play) downstairs, but I still always put her in her crib for naps - mostly because her room has blackout blinds and it's quite light downstairs. Our nap routine is: new diaper, sleepsack, story, and then I rock and sing to her for about 3-5 minutes before putting her in the crib. If she seems still pretty wired, I will turn on her glow seahorse that plays music, but I'm trying not to do this every nap as I don't want her to become reliant on it. Although I do leave it in her crib, so sometimes she will turn it on herself.

She still fights naps though - I'm looking forward to the day when naps are as smooth as bedtime has been lately.
Polaris, how exciting about the tooth! I bet he looks so cute, and maybe he can tackle some tougher foods soon!
Cattia, how have the past few days been going? I know it's sooo hard to leave them during the day, so I hope you are doing alright