Sleep time!!


Apr 22, 2008
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What age did you start trying to actually PUT your LO to bed....

Courtneys still in her moses basket so therefore easy to just move around....

.. we have always just let her fall asleep in the living room either on the sofa or in her basket next to us... ie... (me at the computer:))

Tonight I tried to actually put her in my room in the moses basket.... with her sheep (that makes noises... got bed time songs on there)!!

But after 40 mins of going backwards and forwards putting her dummy in etc... she decided to carry on crying even when I put her dummy back in!!

So again I have her in the living room in her moses basket as I type!!

My OH (who works nights and is at work) says its cos she knows shes on her own...!! Which I think is true...!! But soon Im gonna have to put her too bed... but then I suppose I can read to her etc... before she drifts off!!

My question is what age did you start putting your LO to bed?? and what age did you start reading to them???

I started putting max to bed now at 9pm , he used to go around 12am after his last bottle , we would feed him and hed fall asleep in my arms ..but now that hes 5 months old we fed him at 8:30pm cuddle till 9 and then hes off to bed even hes awake ..I bought him the ocean wonders aquarium and he watches his fish and listens to ocean waves and is out after about 10 min or so ..

He also has a picture of me in his crib so he can see me ..sounds silly but really works
I tried to establish a bedtime routine probably about 1-2 months after Noah came home from the hospital. I did some research, and it said babies usually will sleep longer and better if you put them to bed earlier. So I start our routine about 6:30, after feeding him his dinner, then a bath then I dress him give him a bottle and rock him to sleep. He might wake one time to just be held about an hour later but he usually is out and sleeps till 8am, when we first started this he would wake every 3-4 hours and it got better as he became older. You might try playing white noise in your room when you put her down. I have a white noise CD playing all night and he will star to stir if it has an error or goes off, I swear by my white noise CD :)
How about trying the moses basket inside the cot first? This is what I done. Just so Kyle got used to the surroundings, done this for a few days, then started puting him straight in the cot, seemed to work fine :)
We still do the same as you with Chloe, she falls asleeep and we take her up to bed with us
I think this is the only thing i've been quite strict on. From day one I have put Maya to bed in her basket in my room but her bedtime chamges from night to night depending on how much sleep she has had in the day

As for reading - I don't think it's ever too early to start! Reading to Maya is a big thing for me. I love it :D
I read to Lola-Rose all the time...:)
Never too early.

Anyway,she sleeps in my room in her moses basket but I also do move her around a lot.
She wakes up in the night and then I put her in bed with me,but as soon as she's out I put her back in her basket.
i try and put zane to bed in our room in his basket at night around 10pm and i have been trying to do this since he was 2 weeks thru the day if he goes to sleep i let him sleep on the sofa he hates sleepin on his own n screams if i put him in his basket when hes still awake
We still do the same as you with Chloe, she falls asleeep and we take her up to bed with us
We did this for the whole time she used her moses basket but now she is in her cot she gets put to bed between 7/7:30
usually wakes at half 3 for a bottle and then goes back to sleep and gets woken at half 7
I can't remember when i started putting paige upstairs but i do know that i put the radio on really low for and she seems to sleep for longer and is less distrupted by us goin to the loo or the tele downstairs, we did the same with kieran and then just slowely turned it down when he got used to being on his own,.

Paige now doesn't have this as she has learned to settle herself, but it can be handy when LO is at that stage where they don't like being on there own x
Hannah's always been in her own bed, but it's right next to our room. She wouldn't stay in the crib at night, unless we were in there for the longest time. Now when she goes down at 8-9ish we put her in bed and leave the room. Most nights she's fine, when she does wake up we go in, comfort her and put her back down. I should say though that Hannah rarely goes to sleep on her own :wacko: we got her into the horrible habit of falling asleep with us holding her!
My wee boy is nearly 12 weeks.

I just started reading to him 2 weeks ago- after Kelly on here said about reading to Maya actually!

I put him into his crib in our room when he gets tired, I've been doing this for about 5 weeks now and he always gives tired signals between 7.30 and 8.30. If we leave him too long he might need a wee suck to get him off or else he will shout for about 20 seconds before being quiet.

If you really want her to sleep on her own try putting a piece of your clothing in the moses basket with her so she thinks you are there... might be coincidence but after MW suggested it we tried it and it worked with our LO (he was 1 to 2 weeks old at the time.)
we have always read to maddi. we began by having the moses basket in the living room for the first 6 weeks or so with us, after that we put her down in her room. this is when we've started her bedtime of about 8 - sometimes earlier, depending on how tired she is x x x
I hve had Finlay in a nighttime routine snce he was 2 weeks old - I take him up for his last feed at 9-10 o clock always in our bedroom with lights off but telly on - give him his bottle and dont speak to him much so he knows its nightime. Takes anout an hour to feed and wind him properly then put him in his cot awake and turn telly off and monitor on and go downstairs. He has bin in his cot since he was 3 weeks old an sleeps in a sleepin bag thingy!- an he is nearly 7 now. He is normally awake when put him doen but he goes off in about half an hour. He used to wake between 3-4 then 6-7 for a feed but past 2 nights has slept till 4.30-5 had aa feed an gone back down. I never speak to him on night feeds and just put the landin light on and touch wood he seems to realise its night time. Am really proud of myself that I have persevered with this routine and he really seems to know the difference between night an day I would recommend it to everyone.

I still have his moses basket downstairs but he just uses it for datime naps.

Vicky I must say.... you should write a book lol!!

Your baby sounds like an angel :)
Vicky I must say.... you should write a book lol!!

Your baby sounds like an angel :)

:rofl::rofl: I thought you were talking to me at first and couldn't for the life of me figure out why you'd think Hannah was an angel :rofl::rofl:
Vicky I must say.... you should write a book lol!!

Your baby sounds like an angel :)

Ha ha - trust me kerry there is no such thing as an easy baby lol Finlay has his cranky times too and he doesnt always sleep so long but I would try an establish the difference between night and day - it was my health visitor who told me an its the best advice I have bin given - it may seem tough for first couple of weeks and that its not makin a difference but its worth tryin - It used to do my head in at first havin to sit upstairs every night for an hour - hour an half - but now when he goes down I get to come down and have half an hour with my fella and maybe a glass ov wine :wine: :blush: an feel like I at least get a bit of me time - even if it is half an hour before am fallin asleep lol XXX

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