I'm losing my mind.
I need some suggestions and I warn this may be a little long.. so I apologize but I want to make sure I have all the info that's needed..
My 6 month old stopped STTN at about 4 months. Part of the reason has been teething, sleep regression and now I think separation anxiety.
DH kept bringing him in to sleep in our bed which I don't think helped matters. I was also quite ill at one point so would cuddle him in bed till anywhere between 9 and 11 am so I wasn't walking downstairs with him while feeling dizzy as hell.
This past week I've been trying to get him into a routine of
5-7AM- up
7-9AM - breakfast (depends on how hungry he is, I usually start prepping things once he's up and feed him soon as he gets fussy)
Then I'm trying to keep him up until 11 or noon so he can nap before lunch and then have lunch.
After lunch I want him up till about 3 and then he can have another nap.
5pm- supper and then usually bath time
7-8 pm - bedtime
This has not been happening to say the least. But this used to be what worked out perfectly.
Here's what happened yesterday and the start of today. Any advice would be welcomed as I'm getting frustrated.
He's been napping sometimes around 11AM which I've been fine with because then he gets lunch once he's up.
So yesterday I woke him up at 8:30 - I wanted to get him up at 6 but he'd been up all night nursing and I was too exhausted to move. Instead I've been getting him up a half hour earlier each day in hopes of building up to getting up at 5 or 6 again. Once DH got up at 10 I went back to bed and he watched him for me and he had a nap from 11-12 when he woke up screaming.
I put him in his crib around 3 but he refused to nap so I took him out after a while and let him stay up. He fell asleep around 6- I was unable to keep him awake. Then he woke up at 7 pm which I was sort of expecting. I was able to then keep him up until about 9 as he fell asleep when nursing and I was unable to get him to wake up. The plan had been to try keep him up till 10 or 11 at this point but I figured 9 was just as good. .. Then he woke up about 11. .. Then at 1 or 2 and then at 3.
.. And then I woke up this morning with him in the bed with me. He was all full of energy and I'm beyond exhausted. I know he nursed throughout the entire night.. I just don't get where he's getting this energy as from what I can tell, he only slept for about 8 hours total in a 24 hour period yesterday. .. And that's me being generous.
So this morning I got up with him at around 6:30 (closer to when we used to get up) and he had breakfast at about 7:30. At about 8:30 he was starting to nod off and was fussing quite a bit so I put him in his crib and tried to nap in my bed. .. He woke up screaming and crying at about 9ish. .. I ended up breaking and brought him into my bed and we both napped until 11 as I had been unable to fall asleep and desperately needed sleep at this point. I couldn't keep my eyes open..
I feel like I failed by letting him nap with me and for napping so long but it was needed so I figure I'm just going to move on from it.
Now what? I'm going to feed him lunch as usual and try to get him to nap again at 3 in his crib.. but what do I do tonight? Put him down at when he used to sleep through at 8PM and just hope for the best?
I'm trying to sleep when he does but this is getting bad. I felt like I was coming out of a coma this morning and almost wanted him to go back to sleep with me so I could sleep longer!
Has anyone gone through this and gotten their baby back to SSTN? For the most part at least? I thought for sure he'd be back to STTN by now!