Sleepless Nights Support Thread

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my lo hated the swaddle pod i had bc she likes having her arms free so that doesnt work. im working on her daytime naps at the moment....she will either sleep in her bouncer or in her pram usually (I take her for a nice long walk everyday) but unfortunately she never wants to sleep longer than one sleep cycle at a time (45 mins) it is very rare for her to go longer. I was sooooo tired this afternoon OH took her and she slept on his chest for almost 2 hours! She is in her cot now but Im pretty sure she will wake at 45 mins as usual :-(

i don't know if you've tried swaddling recently, but my LO hated being swaddled and then i tried it out of desperation and he calmed down and finally fell asleep for a few hours, after not sleeping for more than an hour. i use the swaddleme swaddles and sometimes i just leave his arms out. i hope she starts sleeping better for you soon :hugs:
My LO once cried for 20 minutes when I tried getting her to stay in her crib. I did not leave her and patted her, but she wanted to be in bed with me with my nipple in her mouth. Even in bed with me, my LO wakes up every 1-2 hours to nurse. She is getting worse about it too and now during naps she will barely sleep unless my nipple is in her mouth. I wish I could drink coffee. :nope:

Oh lord this is EXACTLY where i'm at too. I'm so tired!
its hit me :( riley is now 4 months old and still waking up times ... im so tired. I started formula feeding after 6 weeks of ebf as he was unbearable when he was breastfeeding (eating way too much and throwing up, going through 6 sleepuits a day with it and wouldnt sleep for longer than an hour) he got better when we started the bath/change/bottle routine and would fall asleep in his cot adjoined to our bed no problem. He would go to bed at 9 sleep until 3 then 6 then up at 8 and he changed about 3 weeks ago. He started wanting to go to bed at 8 so we put him to bed, but now wakes up at 12/3/5 and up at 7 and when he wakes up at 5 i have to bring him in with me to get him to snooze (fitfully may i add) i dont know what to do he wont settle for ANYTHING but his bottle. Has anyone else experienced this and what did they do to change it? iv read reducing the feed (currently on 4oz but only drinking 2 sometimes takes the full 4) can help, so only going to put 2oz in tonight and see how it goes :S please help! :( xx
its hit me :( riley is now 4 months old and still waking up times ... im so tired. I started formula feeding after 6 weeks of ebf as he was unbearable when he was breastfeeding (eating way too much and throwing up, going through 6 sleepuits a day with it and wouldnt sleep for longer than an hour) he got better when we started the bath/change/bottle routine and would fall asleep in his cot adjoined to our bed no problem. He would go to bed at 9 sleep until 3 then 6 then up at 8 and he changed about 3 weeks ago. He started wanting to go to bed at 8 so we put him to bed, but now wakes up at 12/3/5 and up at 7 and when he wakes up at 5 i have to bring him in with me to get him to snooze (fitfully may i add) i dont know what to do he wont settle for ANYTHING but his bottle. Has anyone else experienced this and what did they do to change it? iv read reducing the feed (currently on 4oz but only drinking 2 sometimes takes the full 4) can help, so only going to put 2oz in tonight and see how it goes :S please help! :( xx

We went through something similar with Charlotte around 4 months - 3 wakings and the really fitful sleeping after 4/5am. It sounds counter-intuitive, but I found it helped to put her to bed earlier. I think she was overtired by 7/8pm, which made it harder for her to go to sleep and stay asleep. Once we moved her bedtime to 6:30pm, I actually found she woke less and slept later and more soundly.
its hit me :( riley is now 4 months old and still waking up times ... im so tired. I started formula feeding after 6 weeks of ebf as he was unbearable when he was breastfeeding (eating way too much and throwing up, going through 6 sleepuits a day with it and wouldnt sleep for longer than an hour) he got better when we started the bath/change/bottle routine and would fall asleep in his cot adjoined to our bed no problem. He would go to bed at 9 sleep until 3 then 6 then up at 8 and he changed about 3 weeks ago. He started wanting to go to bed at 8 so we put him to bed, but now wakes up at 12/3/5 and up at 7 and when he wakes up at 5 i have to bring him in with me to get him to snooze (fitfully may i add) i dont know what to do he wont settle for ANYTHING but his bottle. Has anyone else experienced this and what did they do to change it? iv read reducing the feed (currently on 4oz but only drinking 2 sometimes takes the full 4) can help, so only going to put 2oz in tonight and see how it goes :S please help! :( xx

We went through something similar with Charlotte around 4 months - 3 wakings and the really fitful sleeping after 4/5am. It sounds counter-intuitive, but I found it helped to put her to bed earlier. I think she was overtired by 7/8pm, which made it harder for her to go to sleep and stay asleep. Once we moved her bedtime to 6:30pm, I actually found she woke less and slept later and more soundly.

thanks for the reply, thats exactly what hes doing! i might try it tommorow pm bedtime and keep my fingers crossed it works lol xx
its hit me :( riley is now 4 months old and still waking up times ... im so tired. I started formula feeding after 6 weeks of ebf as he was unbearable when he was breastfeeding (eating way too much and throwing up, going through 6 sleepuits a day with it and wouldnt sleep for longer than an hour) he got better when we started the bath/change/bottle routine and would fall asleep in his cot adjoined to our bed no problem. He would go to bed at 9 sleep until 3 then 6 then up at 8 and he changed about 3 weeks ago. He started wanting to go to bed at 8 so we put him to bed, but now wakes up at 12/3/5 and up at 7 and when he wakes up at 5 i have to bring him in with me to get him to snooze (fitfully may i add) i dont know what to do he wont settle for ANYTHING but his bottle. Has anyone else experienced this and what did they do to change it? iv read reducing the feed (currently on 4oz but only drinking 2 sometimes takes the full 4) can help, so only going to put 2oz in tonight and see how it goes :S please help! :( xx

We went through something similar with Charlotte around 4 months - 3 wakings and the really fitful sleeping after 4/5am. It sounds counter-intuitive, but I found it helped to put her to bed earlier. I think she was overtired by 7/8pm, which made it harder for her to go to sleep and stay asleep. Once we moved her bedtime to 6:30pm, I actually found she woke less and slept later and more soundly.

thanks for the reply, thats exactly what hes doing! i might try it tommorow pm bedtime and keep my fingers crossed it works lol xx

Good luck! I know how frustrating it is.
Hi Noelle, I just replied to you in my own thread but forgot to ask something. How did you move Charlotte sleep schedule to an earlier time? Right now Sofia takes a cat nap at around 7 pm in her swing and wakes up after 30 mins or so. Not sure if putting her in her crib at that time and swaddling her would make a difference. Right now swaddling is part of her night routine.
Hi Noelle, I just replied to you in my own thread but forgot to ask something. How did you move Charlotte sleep schedule to an earlier time? Right now Sofia takes a cat nap at around 7 pm in her swing and wakes up after 30 mins or so. Not sure if putting her in her crib at that time and swaddling her would make a difference. Right now swaddling is part of her night routine.

Hello! Charlotte was having a nap around 5pm-6pm and she was super grumpy would I would wake her for it, so I just skipped the nap and put her down around 6pm instead. It worked well. Since Sofa already naps around 7pm, maybe have her skip that nap and see if you can just put her to bed around 8pm? If she is now going to sleep around 9pm, you that seems reasonable. You could also just try moving her bedtime back gradually. For three nights you could put her to bed at 8:30pm, 3 nights at 8:00pm and so on.
I need to join this thread! My LO's sleep seems to be just getting worse!!...Goes to bed between 7-8, wakes within an hour, as if it was a nap. Then goes back down and wakes every 2hrs, 3 if I am lucky. The past week tho he has started not wanting to go back down at 3.30. Last night he was awake til 5!...SO TIRED!
I do a lot during day. I wake her up every three hours, I play with her lots, show her new stuff. By the end of the day she doesn't even wake up when I feed and change her lol. She takes two naps, one at noon and one at five. Bed time between 8-10. Take them out a bunch , and I don't turn lights on in her room. I go with natural light so she knows when to wind down. She usually sttn, ten hours,now
I do a lot during day. I wake her up every three hours, I play with her lots, show her new stuff. By the end of the day she doesn't even wake up when I feed and change her lol. She takes two naps, one at noon and one at five. Bed time between 8-10. Take them out a bunch , and I don't turn lights on in her room. I go with natural light so she knows when to wind down. She usually sttn, ten hours,now

Ha! I've been doing all that since day one and she started having great night sleep gradually from week 5 till she reached 9 hours stretches. However, at week 10 her sleep got messed up and now she's back to waking up every 3-5 hours at night. I never changed her routine; it's just a growth spurt.

Goes to show babies are random at such young age. I did a lot if reading this past week and decided not to worry about her sleep till she's 4 months.
I do a lot during day. I wake her up every three hours, I play with her lots, show her new stuff. By the end of the day she doesn't even wake up when I feed and change her lol. She takes two naps, one at noon and one at five. Bed time between 8-10. Take them out a bunch , and I don't turn lights on in her room. I go with natural light so she knows when to wind down. She usually sttn, ten hours,now

It is amazing how different babies can be!! I never had to worry about waking LO up because she would never sleep long enough! lol Then, of course, if I did too much with her she would become overstimulated and scream because she was already tired from not sleeping. :shrug:

4 months and naps are still short and nights consist of lots of wake-ups!
My Lo is only 4 weeks but I'm so worried about her sleeping already and whether what I do now will be detrimental to her future sleeping.
She will only sleep whilst being held at night. In the day I can get her down for naps in her Moses basket but at night she will not sleep on her own and just cries.

I've been able to get her into a deep sleep and put her down but yesterday she didn't seem to go into a deep enough sleep.

My husband is really struggling to cope with this and we are both so tired doing the night shift.

I've tried all the advice I can find and nothing has worked. I'm hoping that when we introduce a routine at 6 weeks then it might be better.
My Lo is only 4 weeks but I'm so worried about her sleeping already and whether what I do now will be detrimental to her future sleeping.
She will only sleep whilst being held at night. In the day I can get her down for naps in her Moses basket but at night she will not sleep on her own and just cries.

I've been able to get her into a deep sleep and put her down but yesterday she didn't seem to go into a deep enough sleep.

My husband is really struggling to cope with this and we are both so tired doing the night shift.

I've tried all the advice I can find and nothing has worked. I'm hoping that when we introduce a routine at 6 weeks then it might be better.

I tried ever trick under the moon when my LO was that age. I ended up having to send my dh to the guest room and bed share to get any sleep. It is hard when so little because we are not supposed to let them cry....that would have been the ONLY way to get her out of our arms/bed. Now at almost 4 months she is in bed with me and fights her crib. She is better about SOME day naps but when I do get her in her crib she takes a 30-45 minute nap. In my arms with access to BF she would nap for almost 2 hours.
I put her in her woombie, bounce for a few minutes then put something heavier in her when I put her down so feels like I'm still there. Usually a heavy sweater that smells like me. sometimes the bouncing takes a while
for the first 3.5mths my LO would pretty much STTN at least 7hr stretch and a few times a nice solid 12hr then the 4mth sleep regression, serious teething,growth spurts and learning new tricks like rolling from back to front hit and is still hitting us hard:nope: what works for one baby wont work for another, HV and MW's class STTN as a 5hr of unbroken sleep my LO will sleep quite happily at the mo from 2:30amish until 8amish before that she will wake/rouse multiple times and want feeding at about 1:30am. I am currently weaning her which is going great but is not helping her to sleep any better I am patiently waiting for her to hit 6mths, drop the night feed then, I will pick a night that she isn't ill or teething and use CC(i know this isn't for everyone but I used with DD1 and still use it when she has a sleep regression or after an illness)there are other sleep training methods out there all depends on what you can cope with doing and how desperate you are to get LO STTN so everyone gets sleep
Sofia is just getting over her first cold which was so hard for us both. However, it seems like her sleep might be getting back to what it was slowly. Last two nights she slept from 8 pm to 3 am and then again till 6 am. I hope it sticks this time, lol!

I started boot camp so I'm sleeping better too. There was a time when she was sleeping but I wasn't...that;s even worse!
Going to try to get Lara to self settle next week! She does it fine at night, not gonna let her cry but gonna see if she will during the day! We still cosleep, and I love it but I'd like to have the option of putting her in her crib if it's ever not safe for her with me. (ie. When I'm sick I sleep waaaayy too deeply.) I've been letting her play in her bassinet all week to get her used to it
Hi everyone. Checking in here as I have a really bad sleeper, and just need to vent. When Ethan was newborn he dodnt sleep too bad, he would wake for a bottle every 3-4 hours as expected, and take a while to settle. Now, he cries really load all of a sudden up to 20 times a night. I have no idea why he is crying. Not hungry, not wind, not nappy, not hot/cold, no idea :shrug:. He usually stops if I just reposition him and give him his dummy, but it's so sudden. Longest he has slept in months is a 4 hour stretch, but every hour or more he is normally up zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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