Well first, I have to say I feel better just reading through the last few posts that I'm not alone at least
Rant/cry warning lol:
It's 7:30 AM and I've had 4 hours of sleep last night. The night before was a doozy too. Why my lo thinks that after she gets up to eat 4 hours into the night and goes back to sleep all nice, that it's a great idea to wake up and start the day a HALF HOUR later!
She didn't go to sleep until 10 PM (after trying since 8) wakes up at 2:30 and I got her back to sleep, up at 4:00 to eat, back to bed around 5:00( not totally sure what time she fell asleep because I fell asleep in the rocker and woke up at 5 and we went back to bed) then she wakes up at 5:30!! WTF?!?!
I was desperate so I put her in her swing and layed down on the couch thinking she'd go back to sleep
of course not! By 6 she was crying and so I fed her and she's been awake and happy as a freekin clam since!
God help me I'm not going to survive this baby.
I DREAM about the days when my 7 year old DS was a baby, he was an angel! I feel like going and giving him a big hug and kiss but
he's actually asleep. As I stood on our porch at 6:30AM smoking a cigarette (yeah, and I quit for the pregnancy and said I wasn't going to start again - she freekin drove me to it!) and crying, I seriously had the thought of "what if I just take DS and leave? Just me and my good child, my little boy who SLEEPS and always has. DH can take care of lo for more than 2 freekin hours and see what it's like!" Then I cried more because I thought what a f'n terrible mother am I for even thinking that??
I'm not even kidding, I seriously can't wait until she's like 5!