Hey, just need to vent!
DS2 is having an awful night tonight! He didn't settle till 9, was awake for an hour 10-11, then up at 1:45 and we're still up at 3:45! I'm so frustrated! He's fed, got a clean nappy on (second one since waking at 1:45), is swaddled.
He needed to poo and that initially stopped him going to sleep. Now he's done one and had a second nappy change it's woken him right up.
I've tried rocking him, bouncing him and latching him on (he's EBF and doesn't have a dummy), but he's not settling.
DH will be up for work in 3-3.5 hours, DS2 will be awake in 2.5 hours.
My parents are coming over to "help" as I'm only 3 weeks post EMCS and will advise me to give a bottle if formula so they can watch DS2 while I sleep and suggest that he's hungry, needs a dummy and to consider early weaning (they did all if that with DS1 and have already said most of it this time).
This is not normal for DS2, he usually gives me 3 hour chunks overnight. The longer he's awake, the more stressed I'm getting. I know that doesn't help, but I won't have the energy for DS1 or the tolerance for my dad if I don't get to sleep soon!