Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Oh dear.. erm I'm not really sure. I think Calpol is pretty good but then if calgel doesn't work, calpol isn't very likely too.
Haha, yeah, Grace gets her dramatic side from me too. Hope you have a better night tonight!
amber doesnt sleep through night fully yet, any suggestions?
longest she slept from 7-3:30am.

For Noah the way he got him to sleep through was white noise and swaddling.
i dont know how many times she woke up lastnight.

im sooooooooooo tired
Snap, we had to take Ruby into bed for the 5th night in a row. What is going on???????? I spent 2 hrs trying to get her to go back to sleep after her 3am bottle, I even took stuff in her room to camp out with her.

My alarm had been going off for half an hour when Rachel woke me up, 15 mins to get her ready for school - see I can be super mum when I need to be.
We ended up with Hannah in bed with us last night too after her waking up 6 times between 8pm and 11pm and then spending over an hour trying to get her back to sleep in her cot with her screaming. She slept from 0030-0450 and then onto 0745 after a feed
Last night, Harley cried for 4 hours almost completely non stop, I've been breastfeeding but I don't think my milk has come in all the way, and so finally I gave her some formula and she went right to sleep.
If you keep giving her formula she's going to expect it every time she cries and you will never get breast feeding established.

I am soooooooooo tired. :(
Last night, Harley cried for 4 hours almost completely non stop, I've been breastfeeding but I don't think my milk has come in all the way, and so finally I gave her some formula and she went right to sleep.

If you keep giving her formula she's going to expect it every time she cries and you will never get breast feeding established.

I am soooooooooo tired. :(

If I dont give her formula she's up all night
I thought if baby wasn't getting enough milk from breast it was a) possible and b) was advised to give formula?!
I was always advised to just keep putting them on the breast if they weren't getting enough. Otherwise your supply doesn't build up enough. Talk to Heather88 (i think thats her numbers), she substituted with formula and then had a hell of a time going back to fully bf.
But in saying that, sometimes it's worth it just to get some sleep.
Nothing but curious here ;) But if baby isn't getting enough milk from your breast surely not getting enough milk/food is bad for LO when they want it and not getting it?

*Please no arguements I am purely curious*
Hi all, I'm a newbie just arrived today. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but my little man is 1 1/2 and has only managed about 8 nights sleep throughs since he was born. I've tried anything and everything anyone suggests but I have come to the conclusion that he will never sleep through. Everytime I think we've cracked it something happens that will throw him out again. If its not a growth spurt, its his teeth, incidents that involve hospital and now seperation anxiety.

Sorry if these tit bits have been mentioned before but things I've found since talking to other non sleeping mummies are:

If you haven't already got some get some infracol. My ds suffers from terrible wind and this works a treat. Some times the tiniest burp works wonders. I couldn't work out why some nights he would go straight down and others he would cry and cry. I would put him in his cot thinking I had got rid of all his wind but the poor little might was obviously still suffering and the more they cry the more air they take in and the worse it gets. Ten minutes worth of winding might give you an extra couple of hours sleep.

Babies sleep in approx 45 - 60 minute cycles. They will enter a light sleep at around 45 mins and if all is well will go back off without knowing it but if they have wind, sore gums, wet bum, hungry, lost dummy etc they will wake up and cry. They may just start strirring at this time but you can set your clock by them, it's quite amazing just how true this is. Try to make sure your little one is as comfortable as can be.

I breast fed my son until he was 6 mths old, this was the best option for me. He fed every two hours for all this time so I can see where he gets his bad routine from. If I had my time again, hopefully with the next one lol, I would extract and give the last feed of the day in a bottle. Also get daddy, if available, to give the last feed of the day as it gives them some quality time together and gives you a break.

Please, please, please accept any help that is offered. Ask granny, if available, to come round and sit while you take a nap for a couple of hours and if they are anything like mine you might get your washing or ironing done as well, bonus. If you don't have anyone you can call on sleep when baby does during the day. Sod the house work it can wait.

I thought it was my duty as a mum to get up each time he woke but it isn't. I've found that rather than us both getting up with him just one does it for the full night that way the other gets a full nights sleep and is fresh as a daisy to take over the next night. I only work part time so think it's only right that I tend to him on the nights where I don't have to get up but at the weekends we take it in turns and have a lie in in the morning when we can. It will keep you sane.

If baby is used to falling asleep in your arms they will be used to the smell of you. Try sleeping with one of their blankets close to your skin for a night and then the next night wrap them in it. They will be able to smell you although you are not there and might find comfort in it.

Right I think I've droned on enough now so will leave you be. Enjoy your babies.
Nothing but curious here ;) But if baby isn't getting enough milk from your breast surely not getting enough milk/food is bad for LO when they want it and not getting it?

*Please no arguements I am purely curious*

Your breast always makes milk though so it's never 'empty' per se. If it were me and bub had been screaming bloody murder for a few hours coz they aren't getting enough from my breast I would give in and give her a bittle, but I would also make sure it was a bottle that closely matches the mothers nipple as possible. Otherwise they will get lazy and reject the breast. The point of putting them on the breast as much as possible is to encourage milk supply, skin on skin contact and constant suckling is the best way for it.

But it is every mothers right to make their own decision as to what they want to do. Savannah wasn't attaching for the first week or so after she was born so instead of giving in and giving her a bottle, I expressed milk and we cup and syringe fed her. I was firm on bfing (kinda hard not to when ur mums a lactation consultant) so I didn't want to use anything that could screw us up before we were established. Now I found a bottle that represents a nipple almost perfectly and she will take expressed milk from it so I can leave her with people if need be.

I think I rambled on a bit, and half of it was off topic, lol.

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