Sleepless Nights Support Thread

I think before they break through they probably ache? I know my wisdom teeth did! I dunno, alot of babies start waking around 5months x
Well touch wood things are getting a bit easier.Had quite a good night with him last night and the night before.Maybe the bath, breast and bed thing is working. Another thing, is it normal for newborns to "nod" he quite often will be asleep in his basket but you can tell hes not properly asleep, like hes moving quite a bit and kinda wakes up, has a look around and then goes off again?
Does anyone have any advice on how to get my baby to sleep through the night? He's 9 months old now and still wakes 2-3 times. sometimes wanting feeding but sometimes he just wants a cuddle. I know i shouldn't but its so hard when he cries for a long time.
a couple of things ive found really help in getting lo to sleep through are, making a definate distinction between day and night sleep. i always feed her at 8 (sometimes 15 mins either side) in the same place with the light off. i put her on er back for day and front for night
Seth still isnt sleeping brilliantly, last night was awful but he'd had a bump. I also think maybe if he's lactose intolerant he might be getting tummy pains which wake him up in the night? Im not sure but just guessing. Going to the Drs tomorrow to get him seen to so will hopefully have an answer :)

Hi there i know how you feel, my son is now 8 months old and has never slept for over 30 mins since he was born, He is constantly on the go for over 18 hours a day :( he has a strict bed time routine, tea, bath, and bed, kept in a dark room with no toys or tv's on. he gets put down at 9pm and is awake every 10 mins, screaming and trying to climb out of his cot, this carries on for 2-3 hours then he will drop back off for approx tem mins then back awake! as i say he has been like this since birth, i have spoken to h/v and dr's who said SOME BABIES JUST DONT SLEEP! i havne no been happy with the service they have provided me. I have tried the pram, ride in a car. leaving him to cry to sleep., also rocking him or letting him lay on my chest,but the out come is still the same. He isnt teething yet either. I have been told by my support service they will not refer until he is at least 18 months old! how long do they think i can cope with no sleep at all.
Sorry for the essay

Any suggestions would be appreciated
Arghhhhh!!!! :hissy::hissy::hissy:

The ONE night I really actually wanna get Anna to go into her bed and she WON'T - she is having NONE of it! I am sure I will Ov soon and we are TTC so we were hoping to get some baby dancing in - NOT looking likely :(

Any tips?? She usually goes down fine but it is like she is refusing! Wonder if she wants to be an only child?? :hissy: Ahhh! So stressful when she won't sleep... she IS tired - keep crying and fussing but when I try to give her milk / cuddle her she pushes me away like she is thinking "No that will make me sleep and I MUST stay away!" :dohh:

What shall I do?! Looks like I'm just going to have to give up on the idea of hubby and I getting any time to ourselves tonight - or our bed to ourselves for that matter! Anna is being so stubborn :(
Arghhhhh!!!! :hissy::hissy::hissy:

The ONE night I really actually wanna get Anna to go into her bed and she WON'T - she is having NONE of it! I am sure I will Ov soon and we are TTC so we were hoping to get some baby dancing in - NOT looking likely :(

Any tips?? She usually goes down fine but it is like she is refusing! Wonder if she wants to be an only child?? :hissy: Ahhh! So stressful when she won't sleep... she IS tired - keep crying and fussing but when I try to give her milk / cuddle her she pushes me away like she is thinking "No that will make me sleep and I MUST stay away!" :dohh:

What shall I do?! Looks like I'm just going to have to give up on the idea of hubby and I getting any time to ourselves tonight - or our bed to ourselves for that matter! Anna is being so stubborn :(

She knows!!
hello all long time since iv posted on here, been mixture of busy with 4 kidies and no computer. all was going well with me till recently jack has now started to wake up 4-5 times in the night. i give him his bottle and he has 1oz then he flakes out again, but i have to get up at 7am every morning to take the kids to school then pick them up. im on the go all the time and dont feel i can cope anymore,
thank you
Liams now 9 weeks old! his uasual is a bath at 7.30pm then a bottles then another bottle at 10 then thats him for the night untill 7am, in the past week though i started giving liam his bottles every 4 hours and he started waking at 5am in the morning for a feed again then not going back down untill 7 am! So on thursday i started with the bottle every 5 hours.. even though he was demenading 1 he soon settled and when i put him to bed that was him untill 7am! So this week im going to try and put him to bed at 9am and then into his cot next week! wish me luck! lol x oh god ive still got to go through the teething stage :( xx
Sorry I can't offer any advice but just wanted to say you are not alone. My LO wakes up every 1-2 hours at night and it can get exhausting especially as I have to get my older two to school in the mornings.

Like you I don't get to read the posts here often bcoz am too busy or tired! Anyway hope things improve for you soon as I know it can get you down.
I have to post here and I just hope this will be of help to some of you that don't already know. I guess most of you have heard of white noise. I had and knew it was supposed to calm babies so I looked on Ebay to see what i could find, and found a seller that sold both white and pink noise cds. I had never heard of pink noise so thought sod it may aswel get both can't hurt.
Anyway we put the white noise on and thought what a racket, but it did seem to calm LO down for a bit. Anyway that evening we had the usual whimpers when put to bed, and sometimes screams so we decided to try the pink noise. Well she went quiet instantly and just did her cute looking around but no whimpers. It was also a nicer tone than the pink noise. I even have it on and go to sleep myself with it, through utter exhaustion I can sleep with anything on in the room now. Anyway tonight we had screams galore so again I put it on and again quiet. I am sat here now listening to gurgles on the monitor (and the pink noise) I am not saying this will work for everyone and it doesn't stop the screams where she needs something, but it does stop the cries/whimpers that are just that. If you think you have tried everything and still can't sleep I suggest trying this as it definately works for us.
These posts have helped loads ladies.

Deacon has been sleeping right through now since he was just over 3 mths old. He would have his last bottle around 10 ish and then sleep till 9/9.30 which was great, but now he is having a bottle about 8/8.30 and then doesnt wake for a later feed but then he wakes between 4.30-6am. But then last night for example he has his last bottle at 10, and he woke up this morning at 5am so I gave him 6oz of cow & gate 2, and he went back to bed at 6am and then got up again at 8.30... he is also waking up really upset during the night every few hours I think this is to do with teething but i'm not sure.
I might have to live in this thread lol.
My 6 week old baby is devious... sometimes she'll sleep beautifully (8pm til 2 or 3 am- wake up for a feed then back down til 7 or 8am) but now shes decided she wants to wake up every 2 hours to play. I've tried leaving her to see if she will settle herself (after ive checked to see if shes hungry or soiled a nappy) but she wont. Im going mad. I wouldnt mind if she slept durin the day cos at leas then i could nap too but she doesnt even take naps even thought i can see shes tired....HELP!
Nothing constructive to add. Just needed to come here to have a big weep. No matter what I try Oscar doesn't sleep well. I'm going insane. What with the reflux issues too. Just wish I could help him feel better.
I think if Harry doesnt start sleeping better im going to put him in the wheelie bin and send him with the bin men!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl:
I dont know if i want to laugh, cry or just plain scream anymore.....
We make Harry go 3 hours between feeds in the day and this is working really well..... he has a bath, feed and then in bed at 8, a feed at 11 then after that he rarely even goes 2 hours let alone anymore than that....... its driving me insane!!!
The HV said hes just comfort sucking and to let him cry it out if its not 3 hours but i cant do that because i dont want him to wake my other 2 up..... hes got it well sussed at night..... wether he cries every 3 hours or every 30 minutes he knows hes going to get boobie and a cuddle........GRRRRRrrrrrrr....... i love him so much but its soooo exhausting
I'm exhausted. Tiffany has just screamed non stop for the past 2 nights and looks like tonight is going to be the same. Lord help me please! Lol x

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