Sleepless Nights Support Thread

3 weeks and I'm already going absolutely bonkers with this interrupted sleep nonsense, I *hope* Elyse will be like her father and sleep through midnight to 5am at 5 weeks; or like me and do midnight to 6am at 2 months.. but from the way things are going there is noooo way :( My little lady takes about 1.5oz of her bottle, takes a break.. (usually a poop or pee break), then will settle for a couple minutes.. start fussing up again and want the rest of her bottle.. finishes the bottle then I have to soothe her to sleep which can take ages sometimes. I find myself up from 1:30-3, 12-1:30, 2-4, etc. a couple nights per week at least :(

I wish I could read baby minds.. even if I could only have my super power at night that would be totally fine with me :mrgreen:

Have found that if I can keep her up in the evening she'll sleep better at night and that she is MUCH fussier at night if she's been passed around like a hot potato by visiting relatives or if we've had a "busy" day, like going for a walk and to the doctor's etc.

The Ocean Wonders Aquarium works wonders lol in settling her though already.. everyone should go out and buy one, they are totally worth the $49.99!!
I got sleepless nights since i gave birth to my twin sons.But its all worthwhile seeing them silently sleeping.Could anyone help me look for some baby nursery furniture? I'd like cute baby bedding sets and baby clothes and accessories for my twins. Thanks a lot for the help.
Why is it that now that LeeAnne is only getting up once during the night I feel worse and crappier then when she was getting up 3-4 times during the night?!? I get about 5 hours of sleep then she wakes up, I feed her, she falls asleep (usually assisted with soothing methods) for another 3-4 hours and then we are up for the I'm getting lots of rest throughout the night now but feel sooo tired, worse then before! BLAH!!

Tasha, do you have Elyse in her crib when you have the aquariam thing on?! I want to get one sooo bad but because LeeAnne is in her basinette in our room for now OH thinks its a waste of money to go buy it right now and not use it...although...he seems to think if we get it that will make me feel ok putting her in the crib now...I think hes eagerly waiting for her to go into her own not ready for that yet :rofl:
Oscar has had two really bad nights waking every hour or so. Not sure why...maybe teething? Am soooooo not looking forward to tonight. My OH is putting him down now and he is already screaming :( Wish me luck ladies!
Awww Good Luck carries! Maybe he is teething?? If so hope it passes soon for you! :hugs:
pincmac - i know what you mean my little Amelia generally only wakes for one feed in the nght now.....yet i feel more knackered!!!!
I cant imagine what some ladies are going through with the sleepless nights situation as i have never really had this problem.
Jack has slept through the night (10pm - 6 or 7am ish) since he was 5 weeks old and i really dont know how i got him to...? and even before that he was only up around 2am for a feed and down again until 6.30am.
I swear by routine and making sure he has feeds every 4hrs no matter if hes asleep or we are out ect. baths everynight, naps during the day ect at the same time or around the same time each day.
I find giving him a warm bath everynight with plently of play time, take him out out, pj's on and bottle ready for him and without hassle everynight hes out like a light after his milk.
Hes teething at the moment and his two front teeth are nearly through and they are not bothering him one bit. I find if he is a little crecky, neurofen for children is fab and everytime i change his bum (every 3hrs roughly) i rub a little bongela the gums. works great for us anyway.
If anyone asked me what advice i could give them on settling their baby i would swear by setting a routine. :hug:
Elyse slept all day yesterday and then decided to get up at midnight..

Ate 4.5 oz!!
Ate another 1.5 oz.
Peed again.
(Finally) went down in her crib with no fussing at 3:45am :hissy:

.. and she was of course up at 6am after that:(
Elyse slept all day yesterday and then decided to get up at midnight..

Ate 4.5 oz!!
Ate another 1.5 oz.
Peed again.
(Finally) went down in her crib with no fussing at 3:45am :hissy:

.. and she was of course up at 6am after that:(

LeeAnne was sooooo bad for sleeping all day and then being up all night..she grew out of it (for the most part) last week and is now sleeping much better during the night, although last night she felt th need to eat every 2 hours because she kept falling asleep every 2 oz and I couldnt wake her up for the life of me!
Elyse slept all day yesterday and then decided to get up at midnight..

Ate 4.5 oz!!
Ate another 1.5 oz.
Peed again.
(Finally) went down in her crib with no fussing at 3:45am :hissy:

.. and she was of course up at 6am after that:(

LeeAnne was sooooo bad for sleeping all day and then being up all night..she grew out of it (for the most part) last week and is now sleeping much better during the night, although last night she felt th need to eat every 2 hours because she kept falling asleep every 2 oz and I couldnt wake her up for the life of me!

That's my life, Elyse NEVER finishes a full bottle without deciding she'd like to take a little nap in between - even if she stops and I burp her with the hidden agenda of keeping her awake too she falls asleep, lol! And just when I think "Okay, maybe she's not that hungry.. let's try the crib!" she wakes up and wants the rest. :dohh:
Holy crap Tasha how have you lost 31lbs already?!
I can say one thing , I never thought id be this tired :( max always slept 5hrs in a row from day one at 10 months hes waking up 4 times a night and screaming the place down for 20 min ..hes sick ATM so i know he'll get better but dam this dosent make me want another baby lol

BTW pickmac the aquarium thing is my savior works great to calm max down .
Holy crap Tasha how have you lost 31lbs already?!

A number of factors went into it, lol. The messed up sleep schedule, the hospital stays, the c-section, the infections, the antibiotics, stress & adjusting to everything.. my appetite is MIA most of the time, I sleep through breakfast and eat small lunches and dinners. I'm also adjusting to eating "home" foods rather than going to the cafeteria or eating fast food and stuff! And obviously I lost weight from the delivery.. so not the healthiest weight loss regime but as I recover I expect the weight loss to slow down and I'll have to start actually working at it.

BTW I second what 1st_baby said about the aquarium.. it's a lifesaver!!
Holy crap Tasha how have you lost 31lbs already?!

A number of factors went into it, lol. The messed up sleep schedule, the hospital stays, the c-section, the infections, the antibiotics, stress & adjusting to everything.. my appetite is MIA most of the time, I sleep through breakfast and eat small lunches and dinners. I'm also adjusting to eating "home" foods rather than going to the cafeteria or eating fast food and stuff! And obviously I lost weight from the delivery.. so not the healthiest weight loss regime but as I recover I expect the weight loss to slow down and I'll have to start actually working at it.

BTW I second what 1st_baby said about the aquarium.. it's a lifesaver!!

I gained 50lbs during my pregnancy and lost 51lbs the minute she was lie..the doctors that did the section said I was carrying soooooooooooooooo much water!
It took me about 5 weeks to get my appetite back! Somedays I'm just so busy that I forget to eat :dohh:
I'm going to go buy the aquarium this weekend :D
Ladies I am thrilled to announce that Elyse went to bed at midnight.. was up 1:30-2, and then at 7.. so a good night.

But she's been awake (for the most part) since 7am now.. and she is being a major crab ass :hissy:
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Becky is pretty good, we find she is awake most late afternoons(not easy trying to cook the dinner but getting easier now she sits in her rocker for a while without getting fidgety!!) and then feeds every 2 hours until about 9-10pm...then she wakes at 1-2am and we are back to sleep in 30 mins +/- and then she feeds again 5-6am same thing...I'm not so knackered as I thought I would be.... I always feed her in bed and with the light off(we have a lamp on in another bedroom so I can see!!) and I don't talk to her. I even found if I shut my eyes she copies me!!:rofl: I keep her in a routine but I do bath in the morning as it is easier but I do agree with Tasha, keep them awake if you can in the evening and they are knackered going to bed!!!
Why is it that now that LeeAnne is only getting up once during the night I feel worse and crappier then when she was getting up 3-4 times during the night?!? I get about 5 hours of sleep then she wakes up, I feed her, she falls asleep (usually assisted with soothing methods) for another 3-4 hours and then we are up for the I'm getting lots of rest throughout the night now but feel sooo tired, worse then before! BLAH!!

Tasha, do you have Elyse in her crib when you have the aquariam thing on?! I want to get one sooo bad but because LeeAnne is in her basinette in our room for now OH thinks its a waste of money to go buy it right now and not use it...although...he seems to think if we get it that will make me feel ok putting her in the crib now...I think hes eagerly waiting for her to go into her own not ready for that yet :rofl:

AGH my bad :blush: sorry I never really answered!

Yes, I have the aquarium on her crib. She looooves it, honestly it is not a waste of money -- where do you change her diaper? Elyse hates diaper changes and cries and flails her arms and legs everywhere, I turn it on, and she's completely contented and I can get through the change. Just possible usage until she's in her crib. And Elyse is in my room in her crib.. honestly at stupid AM I don't have the energy to rock her forever sometimes and I'm falling asleep before she finishes her bottle, so I NEED to have it there to settle her for me, otherwise I'd get her in the crib and never get her (or myself) to sleep!

In other news, Elyse hates to sleep in her crib :dohh: It's so, so, SOOO frustrating. She's only in it at night as I keep her in her playpen's bassinet during the day so I'm not stuck upstairs and so I can keep her closer to me. I have baby monitors but it's easier than running up and down the stairs as I had a c-section. Honestly though she prefers to sleep on my chest 90% of the time or on my bed while I'm awake rather than in the crib. I want to cosleep but I won't... but it's so tempting!!
Why is it that now that LeeAnne is only getting up once during the night I feel worse and crappier then when she was getting up 3-4 times during the night?!? I get about 5 hours of sleep then she wakes up, I feed her, she falls asleep (usually assisted with soothing methods) for another 3-4 hours and then we are up for the I'm getting lots of rest throughout the night now but feel sooo tired, worse then before! BLAH!!

Tasha, do you have Elyse in her crib when you have the aquariam thing on?! I want to get one sooo bad but because LeeAnne is in her basinette in our room for now OH thinks its a waste of money to go buy it right now and not use it...although...he seems to think if we get it that will make me feel ok putting her in the crib now...I think hes eagerly waiting for her to go into her own not ready for that yet :rofl:

AGH my bad :blush: sorry I never really answered!

Yes, I have the aquarium on her crib. She looooves it, honestly it is not a waste of money -- where do you change her diaper? Elyse hates diaper changes and cries and flails her arms and legs everywhere, I turn it on, and she's completely contented and I can get through the change. Just possible usage until she's in her crib. And Elyse is in my room in her crib.. honestly at stupid AM I don't have the energy to rock her forever sometimes and I'm falling asleep before she finishes her bottle, so I NEED to have it there to settle her for me, otherwise I'd get her in the crib and never get her (or myself) to sleep!

In other news, Elyse hates to sleep in her crib :dohh: It's so, so, SOOO frustrating. She's only in it at night as I keep her in her playpen's bassinet during the day so I'm not stuck upstairs and so I can keep her closer to me. I have baby monitors but it's easier than running up and down the stairs as I had a c-section. Honestly though she prefers to sleep on my chest 90% of the time or on my bed while I'm awake rather than in the crib. I want to cosleep but I won't... but it's so tempting!!

LeeAnne HATED HATED HATED sleeping anywhere when she was 3-4 weeks old. The only place she would sleep was in my arms in our was so frustrating and exhausting because I would catch myself falling asleep while feeding her!! I found that she liked being in the position in my arms, so kind of elevated so we raised her basinette mattress with phone books and ever since then she will sleep in her basinette after bottle and cuddles! She slept last night for 7..yes 7..hours STRAIGHT.. I couldn't believe it! I dont expect it to be a regular thing but once in awhile is a nice change!!

I think we are going to go and get the aquarium thing this weekend as her easter present! It seems everyone who has it swears by it!!
I change her diaper on her diaper changing table and she doesnt mind having it done at all! Shes got some stuffed animals she beside her that she loves to look up at when being changed!!

Tonight we are putting her in her crib for the first time since she has come home..and I'm terrified!!! Even tho her room is RIGHT next door to ours and we have monitors I'm still so scared of leaving her in a huge crib on her own!! She moves around a lot and we try putting positioners beside her but she still moves with them around her!!
No matter how much sleep she gets tonight I wont get any! I'll be up checking on her every 5 minutes! THank goodness the inlaws are coming this weekend! They will be taking her friday AND saturady night at the hotel so we can have some quiet time :D WooHoo!
I totally know what you're saying about being nervous putting her in the big crib. Elyse was small in her hospital bassinet thing, but she filled it up pretty well compared to when I put her into her crib for the first time when we came home! She was a little baby and the crib's pretty big; it completely dwarfed her!! I wish I had a picture now to show!

Congrats on the 7 hours!! Elyse had a nice long 5 hour nap after her very fussy day... slept solidly from 3-7:30 but just laid around in her crib really until about 8pm sort of half asleep.. pooped, ate, went back down.. and now my mom's feeding her again!

She ALWAYS gets up from about 9:30/9:45 until midnight.. works perfectly, because that's about when I like to go to bed. I'm SO happy being awake for so long today didn't interfere with that!!

*fingers crossed tonight goes well* (for all of us!!)
Our little one is now 2 weeks old. He is a perfect little sleeper all day. Wakes up every 3 to 4 hours for his feed without any fuss then settles back down no problem whatsover.

However as the clock strikes around 9.30pm his eyes burst into life and thats him until 3am in morning. Constantly crying. This is very tiresome.

My wife is bf and finds that the only way to comfort him at that time of night is to attach him to her breast.

Is it possible to bf all day then give him formula at nightime or can this complicate matters?

Any help would be of great importance to us.


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