Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Kathryn has never slept through yet! When will it happen????? I'm so tired. She goes down brilliantly at 7pm after a bath. We were waking her for the 'dream feed' but then she still woke at 2 for another feed and at about half 5. So we ditched dream feed and feed her whenever she wakes up. This is totally random and has no pattern to it. Last noight she woke naturally at half ten, fed then went straight back down. Woke again at 3.30 fed well then didn't want to go back down. She's not entirely awake but is murmuring and shouting as if she's talking to someone!!!! Finally went to sleep at 4.30!
Up at 7 happy and smiley - Me up at 7 grumpy and lethargic!
Just thought I'd add my rant to the list. It is reassuring to know that it's not just me and sometimes i think of that when i'm woken up. Hugs to all x
Im think anything more than 2/3 hours sleep at a time is over-rated anyway!!!!! :rofl:
I AM SO BLOODY TIERD ok so it's half four n harley has not slept for more than 20 mins tonight agggggghhhhhhh my boobs feel like empty carrier bags he'#s fed so much. there rant over now off to feed my little cherub yet again.
WORST NIGHT EVER!!! Helena keeps waking up SCREAMING and I cannot lift her because I had surgery. Brian keeps feeding her and feeding her. Could it be teething even though she has an appetite?
I came out to sleep on the couch, and he is cosleeping with her because that usually makes her sleep longer and the screaming just isn't stopping!! I fall asleep and then it will start up again.
I read in Babywise that at 7-10 weeks babies can sleep between 7-9 hours (something like that) through the night! YEAH RIGHT!:wacko:

The longest Ashlyn has slept straight through is 5 hours and this has only been 4-5 times since birth. Usually she sleeps 3-4 1/2 hours. After she wakes I would feed her but stopped as her doc said she doesn't need a middle of the night feed anymore. Which has been fine and she is sleepy still after waking up...but only will go back to sleep WITH ME! :( I have started a bad habit but once I go back to work I will need to breastfeed her before I leave and she gets up around 3:30 am. So if she could just sleep an hour longer...4:30 feed shouldn't be too bad for me as I will have to be up anyway to get ready for the day.

I am so used to no is amazing how your body learns to function with such little rest :sleep:. Any moms back at work yet with babies not sleeping through the night???
Im back at work and jacob is up 3-6x a night and its killing me. I only get about 4-5hrs broken sleep at night MAX last night was about 3 hours then in work today. and i gotta say if im still alive by the time he is 1 ill be amazed :rofl: sorry gotta laugh or ill cry!! XxX
Im back at work and jacob is up 3-6x a night and its killing me. I only get about 4-5hrs broken sleep at night MAX last night was about 3 hours then in work today. and i gotta say if im still alive by the time he is 1 ill be amazed :rofl: sorry gotta laugh or ill cry!! XxX

Hi my LO is 1yr old now and im back at work too so I know how you feel!
He slept brilliantly every single night from 11weeks old right up untill he was 7.5months old. Then when he started at nursery and I returned to work he tarted waking again during the night. He hasnt slept well since.

I have a good bedtime routine: Johnsons bedtime bath, baby massage, book, bottle in darkened, quiet room, then bed.
He is fine going off to sleep, the problem is he wakes up again a few hours later.
Sometimes I can just go in, pop his dummy back in his mouth and he'll fall back asleep. But other times he wakes up fully and stands in his cot crying until I pick him up. If I lay him back down he just gets straight back up again!

We do have periods where he'll sleep all night without waking for a few nights in a row but then he'll go back to waking every few hours again, and it always seems to be when I have work in the morning! Im knackered!

Maybe he is insecure about going to nursery. He only goes 2 days a week when I work.
We had a lot of problems with his first nursery so we took him out and he is at a really good one now.
So maybe its teething? He has had a chesty cough for 4 months now, and the Dr said its probably asthma but he can't diagnose it officially until he is older? so he coughs at night and that wakes him too. The thing is he is too young for cough medicines so not sure what can be done to help him.
I hope we all get some sleep soon!
Grimbo ~ perhaps he is just being woken up by his cough and is uncomfortable with it at night time since all that crap settles when you are laying down. Plus going to a nursery only twice a week probably breaks his routine. Are your routines at home and at the nursery consistent with one another? Maybe they are letting him sleep too much during the day time <?> Best of luck! :)
Avistar ~ Yes The nursery do try to stick to the same routine as I have at home.
I agree it proably is his cough. He has had it for months now and just cant seem to shift it. I have asthma and my Dr said he most likely has it too but it is difficult to diagnose when they are that young.
I have posted a new thread regarding his persistant cough, maybe I will get some ideas how I can help him shift it. He is too young for cough medicines (plus they have been reported in the news recently of being hazordous to babies, even though some are aimed at babies)

Poor little guy :( I would be aggravated. Have you tried some johnsons vapor rub oil/lotion for his chest that can be used at bath time?? I have some that was given to me as a gift but haven't used it...

Hope you can get some better suggestions and answers :)
Owen is only 7 weeks old and I don't expect him to sleep through the night yet. However, it would be soooooo nice to have a night where he would go at least 4 hours without wakinig up to be fed. Right now he's eating every two hours or so. I'd try and make him wait a bit between feedings but he's still so small. He's only in the 9th percentile so he needs all the food he can get.

This morning he's woken up 4 times, and not to feed. He's been up at 12:30, 2, 3 and finally 4. I just decided to stay up now. I MISS MY SLEEP!!!!
Hi there! I hope I'm in the right place? My little one, George is 14 weeks tomorrow and still hasn't slept through the night. I put him to bed between 7 and 8 and he usually wakes up at around 3am, and sometimes at around midnight as well. George takes breastmilk in a bottle but he wont take more than 5oz at a time. He eats every 2 hours during the day, sometimes 1.5 hours. Is anyone else experiencing anything similar or have any advice on how I can stretch out his feedings during the day (do I need to??) or help him to sleep through the night?

I read that some of you found bathing in the eveing helped so I will try that but I think it's more down to him not eating big enough feeds???
7/8 - 3 am is sleeping through the night :) Wish my dd would go to bed that early and last that long. She sleeps usually from 10 - 4:30.

I would try to def eliminate the feeding at midnight (if there is one). How long has he been eating every 2 hours or so during the day?? Could be a growth spurt...
Perhaps give him the 5 oz and then try to give him some more 20/30 mins after...Hopefully he will start getting enough in one feed so he can go longer until the next...

Good luck!! :hugs:
anybody on this thread with a 10 month old AND a 2 1/2 year old STILL waking :rofl:
anybody on this thread with a 10 month old AND a 2 1/2 year old STILL waking :rofl:

i DID have a 10 month old that woke at night, then all of sudden (no joke) she actually loves to go to bed at night. we take her upstairs at 7 for a cuddle but as soon as she sees her cot she just whinged until i put her in it. at 10 months tho she would have screamed :dohh:

we started by ignoring her when we put her down, it would only take 10 mins or so before she was asleep and then i think she realised that if never went to her at the start we wouldnt in the night so when she woke in the night (she would only whinge) we just ignored her then she would go back to sleep, now she doesnt really wake up and if she does she is back alseep on her own within a few secs.

honestly she was a nightmare at ffions age, she will get better, i know not every can do the CIO method but it did work for us although she never cried for long or was hysterical. :hugs:
Any advice on getting baby to go to sleep earlier? Ashlyn usually sleep from 10-4:30. I got her to sleep at 9:30 tonight though...I would like for her to go to bed around 8 so DH and I can have some alone time. Her getting up at 4:30 is good for me.

It usually takes me an hour to get her down too :( It isn't so bad, but once I am back to work, this routine I am sure will wear me down. :sleep:
i thought i would let you all know our routine for comparison, but i would just like to say that we have never tried to force a routine, what we do just started to happen naturally, and we are completely led by the kids. i know this wont be for everyone but stressing out over things too much isnt us!

our first lo only occassionally sleeps in the day, and he will usually ask for his blanket and says night night if he wants to go (how cute!). generally has dinner around 5pm, bath 6pm and goes to bed between 7-7.30pm, again he usually gives enough hints hes ready to go. he sleeps til 6.30am most days.

the baby sleeps during the day either in her swing, moses basket or on me in a wrap. she generally has her last feed around 10pm, and then goes in her basket at the side of our bed. she has been waking around 3am for another feed and goes back in her basket (unless i need some cuddles, when i keep her with me) untill 6.30ish. apart from the last 2 nights as she has slept right through! at the moment i bath her in the morning, just because i cant deal with the 2 of them in the bath together, but in a few weeks as she gets better, i will bath her with deacon in the evening.

im really lucky, my kids take after me and lurve their sleep!:cloud9:

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