Sleepless Nights Support Thread

luisa stops crying the min the hoover goes on! and if its on long enough goes to sleep!

I put it on in the day if she is crying and i need to do her bottles! wish i could use it at night but dont think neigbours would like it much!

looking into getting a tape with the noise tht might work but not as loud as the hoover!

glad swaddling is working luisa doesnt sleep at all unless she is swaddled :dohh:
A few things you could try...

A good tight swaddle, then putting in a bed with a dummy.
My little one likes a bum wiggle or pat when I put him down, on the occassion that I put him down almost asleep.
Have you given white noise a try? I was shocked at how loud my baby liked it. If a vacuum works to settle her, then made a CD of white noise, or get a white noise machine.
Also, my little man just wouldn't settle unless I put him on his tummy. Against the rules, I know!

Dannielle loves to sleep on her tummy but i'm too scared to put her to sleep like that at night. Let her sleep on her side or tummy during the day tho when i'm doing housework and can keep an eye on her
well I had had a good few weeks of 6 hour sleep intervals at night - last night tho it was 10pm, 1am, 4am, 6am and 7am ... now Im knackered. He does a have a little cough and cold and teething so that may be it - i hope!

:hug: to all you tired mummies

Teething at 3 months?! :dohh: I could really do without Isla teething quite yet! She's being a bit of a tinker at night at the mo, waking every 3 hours or so just for a bit of a complain and cry and then going back to sleep with some patting. Changing her bedtime from 8:30 to 7:00pm has really helped her sleep longer though. Weird that.

*HUGS* to everyone!
Teething at 3 months?! :dohh: I could really do without Isla teething quite yet! She's being a bit of a tinker at night at the mo, waking every 3 hours or so just for a bit of a complain and cry and then going back to sleep with some patting. Changing her bedtime from 8:30 to 7:00pm has really helped her sleep longer though. Weird that.

*HUGS* to everyone!

I know!! Ben does the same with the waking and patting thing, thinking of making a machine that auto pats him!!!

Well liam had been up and down all night for the past 3 weeks!
His usual bedtime is bath at 8pm and bottle and down by 8.30!
i tryed everything from putting the radio on to letting him cry it out he was only happy when he got in with me!
Well this morning he has finally cut a TOOTH! :happydance:
hope he sleeps better tonight :D lol

:hugs: to all the mothers with sleepless babys xx
corey is nealy 4 and still don't sleep right through!
he wakes up around 1.30am every night and comes into my bed.we have tried everything to break his habbit of getting up and nothing is working.people say once he goes to full time school he should sleep in his own room right through the night.but we got untill january to c if that works.hope so!!!
Teething at 3 months?! :dohh: I could really do without Isla teething quite yet! She's being a bit of a tinker at night at the mo, waking every 3 hours or so just for a bit of a complain and cry and then going back to sleep with some patting. Changing her bedtime from 8:30 to 7:00pm has really helped her sleep longer though. Weird that.

*HUGS* to everyone!

I know!! Ben does the same with the waking and patting thing, thinking of making a machine that auto pats him!!!


I would soooo buy one!!!!

Coreysmummy - my mam says I did what your LO does (getting up in the night to crawl in with them. They didn't stress about it and I just randomly stopped on my own so I imagine it wont be long before your little guy does :)

Isla fed once last night at 2am and needed patting back to sleep about 3 times :dohh:
Anyone got any tips for me? Tabs has started waking up at 4am and thinking its morning??

Help :(
Anyone got any tips for me? Tabs has started waking up at 4am and thinking its morning??

Help :(

You got a blackout blind babe?

Im trying to get my man to fix mine up - lazy sod :rofl:

Other than that i dont know, growth spurt maybe, teething?

Just came across this thread and wondered if anyone had some tips to help me with a 4 wk old who will only sleep on mummy and daddy or in our bed with us! Basically dannielle will fall asleep in our arms and will go to sleep on the sofa with us watching tv or in bed with us but as soon as we try to put her in her moses basket she is wide awake. Then the crying starts and she turns bright red and screams the place down! We have tried feeding her more, a warm bath before bed, sitting with her while she is in bed, putting her in bed as soon as she falls asleep and also after she has been asleep a while then putting her in her bed. Nothing works :cry: She is sleeping like an angel at the mo but if i move her she will be wide awake.
Any help would be welcome

i could have written that too!! Ernie wont settle in either of hid cribs,he will happily sleep on one of us-but as soon as you try move him *bing* eyes are open and he screams the place down. the only way i can guarantee 3-4hours sleep is to lie on my side in bed cuddling him in the crook of my arm. i brought a snuggle nest that goes in between dh and i but he wont always settle in there either!! he is my last baby so i dont really mind cuddling him at night but i yearn for a good nights sleep!!!
Just came across this thread and wondered if anyone had some tips to help me with a 4 wk old who will only sleep on mummy and daddy or in our bed with us! Basically dannielle will fall asleep in our arms and will go to sleep on the sofa with us watching tv or in bed with us but as soon as we try to put her in her moses basket she is wide awake. Then the crying starts and she turns bright red and screams the place down! We have tried feeding her more, a warm bath before bed, sitting with her while she is in bed, putting her in bed as soon as she falls asleep and also after she has been asleep a while then putting her in her bed. Nothing works :cry: She is sleeping like an angel at the mo but if i move her she will be wide awake.
Any help would be welcome

i could have written that too!! Ernie wont settle in either of hid cribs,he will happily sleep on one of us-but as soon as you try move him *bing* eyes are open and he screams the place down. the only way i can guarantee 3-4hours sleep is to lie on my side in bed cuddling him in the crook of my arm. i brought a snuggle nest that goes in between dh and i but he wont always settle in there either!! he is my last baby so i dont really mind cuddling him at night but i yearn for a good nights sleep!!!

Really feel for you and your longing for a nights sleep. :sleep: We have now come to the conclusion Dannielle only likes our front room as she has slept when we sleep with her in there. Last night she slept from 11pm till 6am :happydance:couldnt believe it!!!!!
Congrats Kerryinsussex :happydance:

I got woke up by my little man at 4ish, so settled hi back down, he woke again at 5, setlled him down.... 15 mins later he was awake again, i thought 'whats up with him?' ...... I'd forgot to feed him! lol hes in a mood with mummy now!
Congrats Kerryinsussex :happydance:

I got woke up by my little man at 4ish, so settled hi back down, he woke again at 5, setlled him down.... 15 mins later he was awake again, i thought 'whats up with him?' ...... I'd forgot to feed him! lol hes in a mood with mummy now!

:rofl: Last night we were back to 4 hourly wake for feed and change....was sooo tired feel asleep on the sofa with Dannielle in my arms till this morning so the other night was a one off unfortunatly :cry:
I think it's too hot in our bedroom. Isla keeps waking up every 2-3 hours for a 'drink' :dohh:

he slept:happydance: he actually slept,he went down IN HIS CRIB about 11 and woke just before 3, fed,changed and went back in his crib and slept til just after 6, fed, changed and went back down in his crib until about 8.30 :happydance: and he is now alseep in his crib downstairs(we have 2) and has been for about an hour!!!

so what have we done differently to usual?? Swaddled him in his swaddle wrap and he has a crystal which is good for calming in each crib that i brought yesterday- so whichever one is working i dont know could be a combination of both-but we feel so much more human today-and i even got my first smiles today which has really made my day!!:cloud9:

he slept:happydance: he actually slept,he went down IN HIS CRIB about 11 and woke just before 3, fed,changed and went back in his crib and slept til just after 6, fed, changed and went back down in his crib until about 8.30 :happydance: and he is now alseep in his crib downstairs(we have 2) and has been for about an hour!!!

so what have we done differently to usual?? Swaddled him in his swaddle wrap and he has a crystal which is good for calming in each crib that i brought yesterday- so whichever one is working i dont know could be a combination of both-but we feel so much more human today-and i even got my first smiles today which has really made my day!!:cloud9:

well done :happydance: long may it continue :hug:

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