Sleepless Nights Support Thread

It was ok! Not as bad as I thought! She slept from 9-12 then was up so I fed her and she then slept from 12-3:30 and 3:30-6...her arms start to flail and then she wakes up..I'm not going to do the gradual thing, I'm cutting it cold turkey! It may take a few days longer but we will see!
I think the problem last night was that she wasn't warm enough! She slept in her basinette beside our bed (bc I didnt want to have to get up and go to her room non stop all night, lazy me :blush:) and it was quite cold from the AC, so I think tonight I will put her in a warm sleeper and a sleepsack, see if that helps!
Good luck :) Im sure it'll get better - they are sent to test us lol
got ernies new cot up so hopfully we can start trying to settle him in it at night
arr thats nice :) I wanna get in it now and curl up :)

fingers crossed for you too

Well Ethan is 2 yrs 4 months and still wakes 2~6 times a night ...I am at my wits end :cry: ...we have cried it out we have done things gradual and i just dont have a clue ...last night he woke at 12:30 am 1:45 am and 3:40am getting up for day at 5:30 am between that Lily woke at 11pm and 3am
Just a thought - lavender is soothing. A very light pillow spray of lavender or a lavender diffuser??
Well Ethan is 2 yrs 4 months and still wakes 2~6 times a night ...I am at my wits end :cry: ...we have cried it out we have done things gradual and i just dont have a clue ...last night he woke at 12:30 am 1:45 am and 3:40am getting up for day at 5:30 am between that Lily woke at 11pm and 3am

Have you spoken to your HV? Mine offered to come over and help soothe him once maybe yours can do the same? Im guessing youve tried every routine in the book ...

Sending a big huge hug :hug: Can anyone come over and help, say mum or someone?

Joshua has decided he likes to stay awake for 1.5-2 hours during the night. He tends to just cry to, I feed him, change him, give him attention, make sure he's the right temperature everything - but nothing soothes him. He'll just carry on's usually dad who gets him settles in the end. When i am holding him he's always trying to suck my arm, or whatever - even tho he has just fed!

wondering if perhaps we should try to keep him awake a bit more in the evenings, but thats impossible lol He jsut sleeps when he is tired! Thinking about maybg bathing him later, and seeing if that helps! *yawns*
Arrrrrr hes still very little babe, ben sucks on my arm still now but hes a hungry little bugger :p Atm Im trying to keep ben awake from 3pm onwards, so maybe at least for an hour or so before u want bedtime try and keep him awake.

A bath is a good idea :) on another note I dont change ben unless he does a dirty nappy at night cos I found it wakes him more.

sending u big hugs and sleep dust :dust:

wonder if anyone got any advice for me. i have 13 month old girl, and although she has never been the greatest sleeper (waking frequently) she used to be easy to settle.......well last week or so she started crying in her sleep, really loud then waking up screaming and it can take up to 2 hours to calm her.. have tried leaving to see if she settles, offering water changing bum, teething gel etc and even tried having her in my bed! but she is inconsolable. then she just calms down and off to sleep she goes. have had her checked out and she is not poorly. but feel such a failure that i feel i can't figure whats the matter? anyone had this and what is wrong!!!!!!!!!!
sorry babes not had this (yet) I hope someone may help you ...

Could she be having bad dreams? Ben has cried once or twice in his sleep. She got teeth to come through at all?

What does ur HV say?
i thought she was having night terrors but her eyes are open she has 4 top and bottom teeth already so, wondering if back one coming through though can't feel anything and have tried giving her anbesol and calpol but nothing... also she is happy in the day all smiles so would of thought she would be grumpy in day. am just hoping she settles soon i feel like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa at the moment
Guess what - Amelia actually slept through last night - 7pm till 6.50am with a dreamfeed before i went to bed! I can't quite believe it - have spent all day worrying i didn't hear her cry or something.......5 1/2 months and then she just does it.......i so hope it continues!
I have some questions...sorry if this is the wrong thread but I figured people might have gone through or be going through similar.

When we first brought Nathan home from hospital he wouldnt sleep in his crib but would fall asleep on us but as soon as he was in a crib he woke and cried.
I started to swaddle him and he was great, went to bed at 9pm and woke about 2am for feed and asleep. Gradually bedtime changed to 7pm and now its 8pm. He also put his night feed to 3am and a week or so ago dropped that so is sleeping from 7pm until about 05:30-6am ish.:happydance:

I still wake at 3am or 4am :dohh:So I guess its me who needs to learn to sleep.

Anyways he is still being swaddled as it seems to soothe him and signifies bedtime to him but at what age do/should you stop swaddling?
He wakes himself during the daytime naps with "jumpy arms" so will probably do that at night.

Any suggestions? I dont want to be swaddling him at 8!

Last night was a little better, he only woke twice which I can cope with :D And instead of the usual 2 hours he was only awake for an hour. he lay in bed with me for a bit, then when he was looking like he was getting sleepy I put him in his boses basket and he went to sleep himself. a lot of the time we have to let him fall asleep in us and then move him to his basket!

Hoping tonight is the same. I do the same only change him if he has a dirty nappy, but he usually does lol!
Liam has started sleeping through ... again not only that but he is settling to sleep himself! :happydance: i love my HV! i figured that he needed more sleep than i thought through the day and thre the whole not let him sleep after 3pm idea out the window.. he now as 2 naps a day one around 11 for an hour or 2 and one around 5-30pm after dinner for half an hour. he sleeps better if hes not too tired before bed bath around 7:30 then bottle bed etc... I sat next to his cot untill he fell asleep for a few days then gradually mooved out of the room! works just as good as CIO without all the stress! One happy mummy :happydance:!
OMG, Austin will NOT sleep at night. We've tried his crib, fail. We tried his bassinet, fail. We got a co-sleeper that goes between us in bed, fail. The only way he'll sleep is if he's ON one of us in bed and last night even THAT didn't work! He just screamed and fussed and ripped his face open with his little nails and wouldn't even eat. Charlotte was sleeping through 6 hours at a month old and he won't even do ONE!
OMG, Austin will NOT sleep at night. We've tried his crib, fail. We tried his bassinet, fail. We got a co-sleeper that goes between us in bed, fail. The only way he'll sleep is if he's ON one of us in bed and last night even THAT didn't work! He just screamed and fussed and ripped his face open with his little nails and wouldn't even eat. Charlotte was sleeping through 6 hours at a month old and he won't even do ONE!

Have you tryed swaddling with a blanket that smells of his mummy hun? Liam started doind 10pm till 8am the 1st night i done that!
Yea, sadly, we tried it. He loved it in the begining then the past week or so he's started to fight his way out of it. Thank you though! He's actually asleep right now in his glider, but he had shots today, so I think that's why. Someone want to tell me why I'M awake still (it's 1230am!)..oh right, cause DH asked me to wait up for him to get home from work. Ass.

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