Sleepless Nights Support Thread

it will get better ... my lo is 2 months and just started sleeping for 5 hours, feed then sleep till 9am ish x

Mine was doing this, and then it all went wrong :cry: Bah, I hope he starts to do it again soon!
Well, I'm back at another ungodly hour (2am this time)...

...I think Ollie must wait for the nights when he knows we have to be up early the next day (got our 6 week check up at the hospital tomorrow morning first thing), and then decide to have a bad night!

Tonight, I took him up at 10.30pm after his feed...and here we are at 2am, still not gone down to sleep...:coffee: frustrating!!

Anyway...that's all!

Lucy x
It will get better hun. Does he have his days and nights mixed up? My LO did, slept like a dream in the day, only to wake up from 9pm onwards and be wide awake until gone 3/4am!

He sorted himself out, although now I have the joys of teething and growth spurts to contend with..... xx
Caitlyn is still sleeping rubbish and I have come to the conclusion it's her teeth. She screams with it now too!!! :(

Anyone got any advice on teething and sleeping, because I've tried crystals and calgel but they're doing nothing!! :(

Jacob's been like this for the past week or so. I'm getting even less sleep than him because I can't get right back off, so I'm running on 1-2 hours sleep at the moment and working full time. He's normally such a good baby and rarely cries, so it's awful to see him in so much pain.

And I just want to sleeeeeep!
Frick. Am I destined to be the parent of a night owl??

I have been trying since September to enforce an 8pm bedtime. It goes well for up to 3 weeks (our longest stretch) and then she gets teeth coming through or sick or something orrr falls asleep at like 7:30 and thinks it's a nap and gets up at 9 and then everything is messed up!!

And by well I mean up 2x between bedtime and midnight and then down until 8:30am ish.

She WANTS to go to bed at 10... I've tried going 10 mins earlier each night but the problem is some nights it's 9:50, some nights 10:20, etc. Which is fine now because I'm at home on maternity leave but I'm going back to work soon (evenings) and I don't want to leave her babysitter with the 10pm bedtime.. :( That's not normal for babies... but when she goes down at that time she sleeps through until 8:30-9am usually.

What am I doing wrong?? If I wake her up early she just wants an extra morning nap because she didn't sleep enough at night.

I've tried taking her on walks for fresh air (which I am not doing again until it warms up because we went out tonight and I froze, course she was snug as a bug and wide awake though still when we got home).

:dohh: :dohh: People talk about their babies going to bed at 7pm.. that is my dream! lol
Can I join you ladies My Annabelle is nearly 16 weeks and has not slept longer than an hour since birth eeeek!!! I am soooo shattered it is unbelievable, She co sleeps and is exclusively BF, my goodness it is hectic, she does however sleep in the day so I cat nap with her, how do you ladies cope? They are sooooo worth it though and I dont begrudge her at all I would just love to feel rested at some stage in the next 18 years!!
Can I join you ladies My Annabelle is nearly 16 weeks and has not slept longer than an hour since birth eeeek!!! I am soooo shattered it is unbelievable, She co sleeps and is exclusively BF, my goodness it is hectic, she does however sleep in the day so I cat nap with her, how do you ladies cope? They are sooooo worth it though and I dont begrudge her at all I would just love to feel rested at some stage in the next 18 years!!

blimey:wacko: poor you! I thought my lo was a bad sleeper!

I cope by staying at my mums for 2 nights full sleep.
yep they are so worth it but it would be nice to not feel soooo tired all the time:sleep:
My LO has only started sleeping through at 11 months old ! We did the control crying cos that was the final thing we hadnt done!! I didnt agree with it but glad we have done it now because he sleeps from 7.30pm - 7.30am now...I know how you are all feeling but persever and things will get better xxx
It took Annie 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep last night and her tummy (bad wind) woke her up every 20 mins so I am shattered, trying to get her to sleep now but she is having none of it crikey!!!
Hi Ladies :wave: Can I join in?

Glad to see my LO isn't the only one with a wind problem. After a bit of researching today I think it's probably my fault for not winding her properly at nighttime feeds :nope: I know it's still early days for me and I'm hoping we will fall into some sort of routine soon.

Im soooooooo glad I found this thread! I need some help :cry: .

Theo is now 15 weeks old, he hasn't really slept much more than 2-3 hours at a time since birth, the occasional 7 hour stretch (which was heaven!) but its gettin abit silly now & im soooooo tired!!! :coffee:

He is still waking 2-3 times in the night and sometimes he can take a while to settle, he seems to still have alot of wind from both ends, he constantly squirms in his sleep, never still! :wacko: He generally sleeps 9pm till 12am, have a feed then go back down normally no problem till 3am, thats when the fun and games start! Most night he will be awake till 5am (sometimes cat napping inbetween), messes with his bottle for most of that time, takes about 2-3oz of his 6oz bottle, then he will go back to sleep till my DD (2yrs old) comes in and wakes us up, any time between 8-9:30am!

I'm a terrible light sleeper though and as he is constantly squirming around in his crib, I lay awake even when he is asleep most night, or I will stupidly stay up on here (like now!!) until silly hours of the morning :dohh:

Yawn, yawn, yawn
x x x

Im soooooooo glad I found this thread! I need some help :cry: .

Theo is now 15 weeks old, he hasn't really slept much more than 2-3 hours at a time since birth, the occasional 7 hour stretch (which was heaven!) but its gettin abit silly now & im soooooo tired!!! :coffee:

He is still waking 2-3 times in the night and sometimes he can take a while to settle, he seems to still have alot of wind from both ends, he constantly squirms in his sleep, never still! :wacko: He generally sleeps 9pm till 12am, have a feed then go back down normally no problem till 3am, thats when the fun and games start! Most night he will be awake till 5am (sometimes cat napping inbetween), messes with his bottle for most of that time, takes about 2-3oz of his 6oz bottle, then he will go back to sleep till my DD (2yrs old) comes in and wakes us up, any time between 8-9:30am!

I'm a terrible light sleeper though and as he is constantly squirming around in his crib, I lay awake even when he is asleep most night, or I will stupidly stay up on here (like now!!) until silly hours of the morning :dohh:

Yawn, yawn, yawn
x x x

hey you sound the same as me, but my lo is 8 months!:wacko:
ive taken to putting her in my bed this week to try and get some sleep, 1st few nights were ok ish, but last night fidgetting all night, and im such a light sleeper like you.
my lo has never slept all night, bed at 7pm, wakes for milk at 10pm, then once more about 4am, but wakes inbeetween to fidget and whine! so annoying! and now shes learnt to sit up and crawl so shes sits herself up and doesnt know how to lay down:wacko:

maybe try him in your bed!
i dont know what else to say, apart from your not alone:shrug:

Im soooooooo glad I found this thread! I need some help :cry: .

Theo is now 15 weeks old, he hasn't really slept much more than 2-3 hours at a time since birth, the occasional 7 hour stretch (which was heaven!) but its gettin abit silly now & im soooooo tired!!! :coffee:

He is still waking 2-3 times in the night and sometimes he can take a while to settle, he seems to still have alot of wind from both ends, he constantly squirms in his sleep, never still! :wacko: He generally sleeps 9pm till 12am, have a feed then go back down normally no problem till 3am, thats when the fun and games start! Most night he will be awake till 5am (sometimes cat napping inbetween), messes with his bottle for most of that time, takes about 2-3oz of his 6oz bottle, then he will go back to sleep till my DD (2yrs old) comes in and wakes us up, any time between 8-9:30am!

I'm a terrible light sleeper though and as he is constantly squirming around in his crib, I lay awake even when he is asleep most night, or I will stupidly stay up on here (like now!!) until silly hours of the morning :dohh:

Yawn, yawn, yawn
x x x

hey you sound the same as me, but my lo is 8 months!:wacko:
ive taken to putting her in my bed this week to try and get some sleep, 1st few nights were ok ish, but last night fidgetting all night, and im such a light sleeper like you.
my lo has never slept all night, bed at 7pm, wakes for milk at 10pm, then once more about 4am, but wakes inbeetween to fidget and whine! so annoying! and now shes learnt to sit up and crawl so shes sits herself up and doesnt know how to lay down:wacko:

maybe try him in your bed!
i dont know what else to say, apart from your not alone:shrug:

Ohh I hear you! My dd is 8 months as well and I cant take this anymore. I co-sleep with her but still she is just a little nightmare. I love her to bits but when oh when will she start sleeping through!!??
Thanks ladies, he goes down in his crib then ends up in our bed anywhere between 11pm and 3am.

Julie, you poor thing....I really hope Theo is sleeping through by 8 months, I seriously cant cope on little sleep, im so snappy and grumpy!! Hope your LO learns to lie herself back down soon!

Last night was actually not too bad here! He fell asleep on the couch at 9:30pm, DP took him upstairs at 11pm, he stirred a little but went straight back to sleep...I went upto bed at 12 and he woke about 12:10, grrr lol! Gave him a bottle and he actually took the whole 6oz and then i'm pretty sure he slept through till 5?! He might of grumbled abit but I didn't wake up properly? :D Wahooo! Not holding my breath, i'm sure it was a one off!

DD was sleeping through by now (15 hours a night!!!!) and in her own room, Theo doesn't have a room to go into though (he will be sharing with DD when hes sleeping through, whenever that is?!) so i'm not sure whether we would both sleep better in separate rooms? Its just not an option though :( ... gonna get DP to put the cot up in place of the crib in our room shortly though, hoping he might sleep better with a little more room in his cot?

I shall keep you posted, hope you all had an okay(ish) night?!

Joe is nearly 6 months and has slept through the night twice so far....god knows what I did that day differently to any other day, but hey-oh. lol

What really bugs me is all the "good" advice I get from people...I just think he will sleep through the night when he's ready.

I'm going to give him HIPP Good night milk at his 10pm feed today for the 1st if that helps him sleep through until 6ish. I'll keep you posted on this one. lol
good idea i may try mine on this milk aswell, although she wakes to play and fidget not just for milk!
Robyn will be one yr old on monday and still wakes anything up to 4 times a night and have never slept through. I'm not too bothered about sleeping through but waking less would be nice. Ewan only started sleeping all night at the age of about 2.5 yrs!!

She will go down to sleep initially ok then she will wake about 40min to an hour later and wont settle very well unless i am in the room or patting her back... obviouls i cant stand there all night [atting her back...i have tried more milk, less milk...doesnt do a thing. This has been going on since 13th jan! so we are getting tired now. Been trying ontroolled crying.. don;t like it and its not make any difference yet after almost a week.
Tried it last night. He woke up at 11pm for his feed. Gave it to him (use a fast flow teat...that stuff is soooooo thick) and he slept until 3 mins to 7am. Happy days. lol

WHYYY does my 10 month old still get up every night.

She slept through from like 5 weeks (April) until 5.5 months (Aug/Sept) when she got her first teeth. THEN she slept through again at 8.5 months (end Nov) to like Dec 3 when this shitty cycle started up again.

3 teeth,
Christmas visiting,
the flu for 2 weeks,
another tooth,
and then a cold she is nearly over now.

WTH. She slept through a couple of nights ago, 9pm-7am, then napped 8-10am. Since then she has gone to bed like a dream at 8pm but been up 1-2 times before midnight and it's been a struggle to get her back to sleep, then usually gets up between 3am and 5am and then sleeps til 9:30... I just don't know what to do??

It seems if I put her to bed at 8pm which is a more reasonable baby bedtime she gets up but if I let her stay up until 9 or 10 she sleeps through. I don't even care if she stays up until 10 but the thing is I can't have her sleeping until 10am, and she likes to go for 12 hours (even when she "sleeps through" she gets up an hour or 2 before she gets up for the day for a bottle normally.. then if I try to keep her up she is the most miserable little thing!!)

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