Sleepless Nights Support Thread

I'm glad he slept!

My lil monster, on the other hand, isn't lol. She sleeps in tiny naps, but wants to eat constantly. I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee at 12:30 midnight. I'm actually getting really fed up with being the only one who stays up with her. My husband isnt helping at all :( He's still "scared" to feed her as she's still so tiny..but gah, he could at least offer! He hasn't once even tried. I do everything..every diaper change, every bath, all the bottle making, all the feeds (except a few when SIL wants to do it) add in all the housework and cooking to the mix. *pulls hair out*

I think I'm just emotional from sleep deprivation. Sorry for the rant, girls!
Side note: I still absolutely love my baby girl to bits!!!! I know it may not sound like it in that post ^
Baylie is just about to thrn 8 months old and has been doing wonderfully with sleep, until 3 nights ago. She is waking up every 2 to 3 hours and will fall asleep, but cries as soon as I lay her down. She has never been this way and I don't know why she is doing it all the sudden! The only thing I can think of is that she is snotty and just off antibiotics for an ear infection (the 3rd in 2 months!). 3 days before her antibiotics were finished, she is snotty again and I guess she could be waking up because of that, but I honestly have no clue and don't know what to do!! LOL
i dont know what to do, lib wants to bf feed for hours from about 10 at night and wont settle in her moses basket she will only sleep on her stomach on my chest and i keep falling asleep like that nd its usually about 5am and I dont think its very safe but she just screams if i put her down.
Payson has been up every 2 hours.... since about 5 yesterday afternoon... no one in this house got any sleep last night :(
i dont know what to do, lib wants to bf feed for hours from about 10 at night and wont settle in her moses basket she will only sleep on her stomach on my chest and i keep falling asleep like that nd its usually about 5am and I dont think its very safe but she just screams if i put her down.

I slept with LO on my chest for weeks. Just make sure she's not under the duvet or can get covered with any pillows etc. Also - don't co-sleep of you smoke or drink. Eventually I put LO next to me to sleep - it was the only way we'd all get some kip! If it's done safely, don't worry about it too much x
M had been doing well with sleep recently (down to 1 or 2 feeds in the night), but is back to waking every 1-2 hours and taking ages to resettle. No sign of teeth, maybe a development thing? So so tired....
M had been doing well with sleep recently (down to 1 or 2 feeds in the night), but is back to waking every 1-2 hours and taking ages to resettle. No sign of teeth, maybe a development thing? So so tired....

Perhaps just a growth spurt? Hope she settles back into a semi-schedule soon for you xx
I've pretty much given up - Bobby ends up in bed with us almost every night now. A few nights ago he went down at 11 and woke up at 1... didn't go back down until 5, I've officially lost the battle for now... every night I tell myself that I won't bring him in to bed, that I'll try and get him to re-settle, and every night I give up... oh well - maybe I'll have some luck tonight, wore him out pretty good chasing him around and gave him cereal RIGHT before he fell asleep so... *fingers crossed but not holding my breath*
I have an 11 week old baby and he was ok sleeping (up 1-3 times a night) up to about 8/9 weeks.

The last couple of weeks he is up every 2 hours (sometimes less time).

He is a big baby (13lbs and long) so from about 8 weeks we put him in his own room (and cot) as he had already grown out of his moses basket and was waking himself up by bashing the sides in his sleep. The first week or so he did really well in his own room (often sleeping 6 hour stretches) but since then has got worse than ever. Is this because he is in a room on his own? (he is right next to our room and i have a monitor so can hear any movement etc)
The only other thing is that even though he is young i think he has been teething the last few weeks as he has been screaming, chewing his hands and dribbling a lot so don't know if that is also affecting his sleep?
any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks x
he could definitely be teething, that goes on forever - and going through a growth spurt, which would cause him to wake up more often. Hopefully it's just a phase that passes quickly for you.

So much for the whole 'wearing him out and cereal before bed' plan. had him down at 11:30, he was up and in bed with us by 2:30 and my OH was up with him at 3... he stayed up until 6.. when I brought him back in to bed until 9. I know that co-sleeping isn't helping at all as he's now become dependent on being with me to sleep... do I just need to suffer few sleepless nights again to get things back to normal? I just want a decent nights sleep...
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am gonna have to join you ladies here I think. Just pulled an all-nighter, Noah wouldn't settle in his cot at all. Or in my arms/his swing. I think he eventually gave in through sheer exhaustion, so he's asleep on the other settee while I sit here drinking gallons of coffee.

He CAN sleep through the night, he's done it a handful of times. And even most nights was just popping a dummy in and he'd go back to sleep. The last 2 weeks have been a nightmare though. Feeding at random times through the night, or just waking and crying until he wears himself out.

No idea where we went wrong :nope:
last night... :dance: fed 8-9 i went to bed and daddy kept her asleep downstairs i came down at 12 to take her up she stirred and woke, gave her 2oz expressed and some boob, had 2oz formula in a bottle but she didnt take it and fell asleep so i put her in moses basket and rocked it and 4 and a half hrs later she awakes for a feed.....eeee iv slept! iv actually slept thru the night on my stomach nd not her on my chest! amazing, def expessing for night feed now!
Janiepops: hope it's a phase that passes quickly for you - any chance he's teething or learning a new skill? apparently that makes them wake up more (but if that's the case than my little man is learning something new daily LOL)

yay for a good nights sleep GossipGirly :) hope it keeps up for you.

my husband has the day off tomorrow so I'm looking forward to a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep in the morning.
Gossipgirly - fab news on the good nights sleep x

Bekki - DH is off today too but that didnt mean I got anymore sleep :dohh: Finley woke up every hour from about 10.30pm then up for the day at 6.30am :dohh: DH's turn to get up in the night with him & everytime he woke DH woke me by huffing & puffing, mumbling & banging about then this morning when Finley wanted to get up was going on about how tired he was so me being a fool (sp) said I'll get up with him go back to bed & he did :dohh: so AGAIN I was up during the night & then up with Finley getting myself dressed & him dressed giving him his milk & breakfast & then DH strolled down at 8am, 15 minutes before I left for work - Thanks

Now dont get me wrong DH is brilliant & does his fair share (sometimes) but he really annoys me sometimes, I cant remember the last time DH got up with Finley in the morning on his own while I had a bit of sleep but I'm up EVERY morning on my own with him while DH works & then when he's off as well even though I'm at work!!! How is that fair??? :growlmad:
Sorry just not in a very good mood this morning x

Finley has been really poorly & he's teething too so wondering if thats the reason for him waking up lots at the minute - I really thought we'd got it sussed :cry:
Well, I posted about Baylie starting to wake 3 to 4 times, sometimes 5 a night a week or so ago. She is now back down to waking once per night. She had her 4th ear infection since August is the reason for it. Her pediatrician referred her to an ENT(ear, nose, throat specialist). Due to all her ear infections, she will be having surgery to put tubes in her ears and have her adenoids removed on Monday :-(. I know the surgery itself is not really a big deal, but of course I am a nervous wreck! On a postitive note, she has finally begun to crawl properly this past week! Of course that means she nows crawls around her crib and wakes herself up at odd angles! LOL
i havnt posted here before but las night was one of the worst nights we have had in a long time. we had got her night feeds down to 1-2 for a while but the last few nights have been a nightmare. Last night LO decided she was getting up at 12.30 for a feed, back off to sleep no problem until 3.30, i left her for a while to see if shed settle (she was just chatting) but she didnt so had a feed at 4.30 and chatted away for hours, then i assume she got over tired and started crying about 5 and wouldnt go back to sleep until 6.10. so i had 3 hours sleep, thanks paige! i just dont know how to get her back into a routine its not like shes crying, just chatting! urgh
i hope so. she has done it before she went through a stage of doing it when she was about 5 months old. i though we had seen the back of it, but she has other ideas, cheeky girl!! :wacko:

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