Sleepless Nights Support Thread

They definitely have minds (and schedules) of their own!

my LO was up at 4, 6, and 8 for a full bottle. She acts like she is starving! She didn't even eat this much during the "3 week growth spurt"..or maybe she's having it now instead lol. So sleepy. It's 4 pm now, and I've been up since 8..already ready to pass out on my feet.
We're back to waking about every 2 hours (sometimes less) for the past few days. Just when I was starting to think getting 3-4 hour blocks of sleep might become a regular thing. It's so cold in the house now and freezing my butt off for 30 minutes multiple times a night while he eats makes it even harder.
We're back to waking about every 2 hours (sometimes less) for the past few days. Just when I was starting to think getting 3-4 hour blocks of sleep might become a regular thing. It's so cold in the house now and freezing my butt off for 30 minutes multiple times a night while he eats makes it even harder.

Aww that sucks!

We're still in every 2 hours or so..when she goes a whole 4 hrs, I get freaked out when I wake up, till I realize she's ok. eeek
We're back to waking about every 2 hours (sometimes less) for the past few days. Just when I was starting to think getting 3-4 hour blocks of sleep might become a regular thing. It's so cold in the house now and freezing my butt off for 30 minutes multiple times a night while he eats makes it even harder.

Aww that sucks!

We're still in every 2 hours or so..when she goes a whole 4 hrs, I get freaked out when I wake up, till I realize she's ok. eeek

He was every 2 hours for the first 5 months. I was a total zombie at work. I hope your LO sleeps longer blocks soon.
Hello - can i rejoin this thread? I'm at my wits end with our lo - he has started to sleep really badly in the last few weeks (never been great to be fair but it has gotten much worse). He just will not settle in his crib and we are luck if we get him down for 2 hours in a whole night. He will sleep for England on me but not alone. I am now ill and so is he and the lack of sleep is flooring me. He was going down in the evening (this takes between half and hour and an hour and a half of screaming/cuddling) having a dream feed at 10:30ish and then not waking until somewhere between 2 and 5. He doesn't need food before 5 but comfort - this is fine but he will not go back down so i'm up from then. Now however this seems like heaven - he now goes down and then wakes after half an hour and then will not settle again in his crib for the rest of the night. sooooooooooo tired, we just do not know what to do anymore. I'm not into co-sleeping (i don't sleep) but i have to take him to bed with me so i can at least rest. I'm going insane! :-(
Seity - thanks..I hope so too! Thank goodness I don't have to work right now..I would NOT be able to do it.

Emma, gosh..that sounds horrible! My LO wont sleep in her bed either. Perhaps try to situate yourself where he sleeps on you and you also sleep..I know it isn't ideal, but at least it gives you a few more zz's than you're getting now. Good luck hun
From being born I have not had trouble with my LO. She would feed then when I put her down she would go to sleep if she had not already gone to sleep. She would wake once for a feed and that is it. At 14 weeks she started sleeping through. Then from week 16 she has been terrble. I started giving a bit baby rice , giving calpol if her cheeks were bad. She will not settle herself and screams if I leave her. Controlled crying seems a good idea but not for my neighbour. I have started last week with a little bit of puried parsnip at tea time and she is now 24 weeks. Could she still be hungry or is it possible she is a madam and getting into the habit of waking up.
She also has had cold this past week with a horrible deep throaty cough that wakes her up and she is almost frightened of it.
Our LO is 15 months and she has never slept all through the night. She wakes 2-3 times during the night and can take up 2-3 hours to put back to sleep.

She is not hungry or in any discomfort, sometimes she is happy and chats. She has a morning nap of around 90 minutes and sometimes an afternoon nap of around 20-30 minutes. She has plenty to eat for dinner around 17:30 and we have the same routine of bathing her at 19:00 and then giving her bedtime milk whilst putting her down. She is normally down by 20:00.

We have had very few full nights of sleep since birth. Are we doing something wrong or do some children have conditions which prevent them from sleeping long periods?
were still having sleepless nights here. no improvement as yet since the last time i wrote in here. charlie will always go down well at about 8pm, and the waking starts from midnight. lastnight he woke at 12 and 1am, managed to get him bk to sleep with dummy, then he woke at 2am so i fed him as thought by now hes probably hungry, he drank and went back to sleep, then woke for the day at 5.30am! the night before he woke at 2am, then woke at 4am and it took me till 6am to get him bk to sleep, by which point i was like is there any point now?!!!!
gosh seity i dont know how you do it. i go back to work in march and im startign to worry now that he will still be like this!
at the moment i do all the night wakings as oh has to work, but at least if charlie still wakes in the night when i go bk to work, then oh will have to help out too, as it wont be fair if i have to do it all and work!
Our LO is 15 months and she has never slept all through the night. She wakes 2-3 times during the night and can take up 2-3 hours to put back to sleep.

She is not hungry or in any discomfort, sometimes she is happy and chats. She has a morning nap of around 90 minutes and sometimes an afternoon nap of around 20-30 minutes. She has plenty to eat for dinner around 17:30 and we have the same routine of bathing her at 19:00 and then giving her bedtime milk whilst putting her down. She is normally down by 20:00.

We have had very few full nights of sleep since birth. Are we doing something wrong or do some children have conditions which prevent them from sleeping long periods?

Its the most frustrating mystery in the world isnt it :hugs: Sat here at 4am, been up for 2 hours. Ive been through a range of emotions, and the central theme of them all is 'why wont you go to sleep'. I dont think my LO is ever going to be a good sleeper, and I can easily imagine myself being in the same position in a years time. Nonetheless I have to say you must be amazing parents to have gone through this for 15 months, and although I know you havent done it through choice, I just wanted to say well done :thumbup:
They keep saying to me 'this too shall pass', so Ill say it too FWIW :wacko:
With a clearer head I realised that Ive just waded in and not 'knocked' or said hello. Would it be OK for me to join the chat? I could really use someone to talk to, so I dont feel so alone with all this.
JJ is 6 months on Saturday, and for the past 2 months or so he has taken to waking up every hour or two (before it was twice a night). In the past week he has added waking up for the day at 2/3am to his repertoire. I part time co-sleep, but he is starting to reject that, and I rock him to sleep every time he sleeps (takes under 5 mins on average, but can take 2 or 3 attempts at putting him down)
I keep thinking about CC/CIO but I really dont want to have to do it. I find however that Im so frustrated and moody with JJ in the middle of the night (after countless wakings), that Im starting to wonder which one is potentially worse re: 'trust' issues! By the way Im not against CC/CIO, I just dont think I caould handle hearing JJ cry very well.
I try to avoid waking DH as he works a physically hard job. He always says I can wake him though if Im desperate, and he shares the load at weekends.
Oh I could go on and on, but JJ is calling. He is such a beautiful little boy and I love him so much. But why oh why oh why wont he sleep. I need to hear Im not alone :(
Thanks for listening xx
Welcome, Chubbin..and I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I wish I had some suggestions or you, but it just seems these babies are gonna do what they want!

My LO FINALLY slept from midnight to 6 am last night! :happydance: I hope this is a new trend, but have a feeling it won't be lol.

So I'm still here. :hugs:

You are definitely not alone, Chubs..Other than last night, I haven't had more than a 3 or 4 hr nap in 6 weeks.
Thanks peacelovebaby, even though Im sorry youre going through it too, its nice to know Im not alone xx
Haven't been around much, my mom is visiting and I've been dealing with some personal revelations in my life that have been tough, and even harder on no sleep.

Bobby has the odd night where he sleeps well, but I think more teeth are coming in so he's waking even more frequently. He didn't nap at all yesterday so he finally passed out at about 7:30 which was nice, but he was up at 8:30, 9:30, 11:30, 1:30, and then 2:00 and wouldn't go back to bed - so I brought him to bed to try and catch some sleep, OH ended up leaving to sleep in the basement, and we tossed and turned until 5 when I gave up and decided to just get up...

I go back to work in January and have been struggling to function at home, I have no idea how I'm going to work - and Bobby has been incredibly clingy and hasn't been settling even when I just go to the grocery store and leave him with my mom so I am worried about how he'll do with child care...

chubbin: you are definitely not alone - and more than welcome to chat here :) misery LOVES company!
Well, I knew it was a fluke..we were up every 3 hrs again last night.

What will tonight bring lol.

You girls better be here to keep me company!
I... don't even know how to say this...

I put Bobby down in his bed almost-fully asleep at about 10:45, he didn't want to lie down so I picked him back up and rocked him a bit and lied him back down, shushed him and rubbed his back and he fell asleep by 11:00... and then... he woke up at 6:00 AM... 7 hours straight - no co-sleeping, in his bed, all by himself!!!! I feel like I can take on the world today. Chances of it happening again tonight... slim to none most likely, but still!! we're both so refreshed and happy today!

AND I found out that my job doesn't want me to come back, as they've been doing fine without me... so they're paying me out which means another month or so to spend with my son :D very exciting day! (minus the whole having to find a new job thing!)
thanks :) I know I've totally jinxed myself by even mentioning it, but it sure was nice.

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