Last night was a nightmare, he isn't sleeping much anyway because of his teeth i assume! Also atm any slight noise wakes him up from a daytime nap.
Anyway yesterday he had no naps all day.. (woke at 5am for the day!) and he fell asleep at half 6pm! woke up at 7pm after half a hour.. so i thought great he should sleep the night!
He didn;t go to sleep til 11pm and was up every half hour, 1am he wanted to play! so kept putting him in bed, but if i didnt look at him he screamed and smiled at me lol.. he was being so cute and it made a change as he has been crying alot lately, so of course i stayed with him because it was lovely seeing him smilin. By 2:30 i was shattered and he went back to sleep, uh oh.. 4:01am! and the day starts from there...