Sleepless Nights Support Thread

I'm trying CC tonight girls. Not going great so far, although not awful - LO is only whinging so far and not crying/screaming, so it could be worse I suppose. Will let you know in the morning how it's gone x
I'm trying CC tonight girls. Not going great so far, although not awful - LO is only whinging so far and not crying/screaming, so it could be worse I suppose. Will let you know in the morning how it's gone x

Good luck to you :hugs:
well last night was rubbish again charlie woke up 4 times between 11.30 and 6 when we finally got up for the day. Not enough sleep for him so i've managed to get him down for a nap on my lap just now but he's still restless. Am shattered x
Well, it wasn't too bad after all!

Took LO to bed around 7 and fed her. Put her down drowsy and she started grizzling so I decided to start the checking at 2 mins, then 5, 10 and 15. I stayed in the room the whole time but she couldn't see me, I thought opening and closing the door too much would disturb her even more, and I could hear what noises she was making better if I was in the room.

Here are my notes on what happened:

So really she slept from 7:30-11:30, 1-3:30, 3:40-5:40, 5:50-6:50. Her usual wake up times are around 11, 1, 3 and 5 anyway!

And the best thing? No night feeds!!!!

I've thought for ages now that she doesn't really need the night feeds as they were so short, but as she doesn't take a bottle I couldn't easily swap BF for EBM or reduce the amount she had. So I decided last night that if she was truly hungry, her whinging would turn to crying. But she never cried once - just her whingey, moany noise 'un-ner' over and over, so it wasn't distressing in the slightest.

It took an hour and a half for her to get back to sleep from 11:30-1 (which was when I posted saying it was awful, I thought it was going to carry on all night!) But overall, I'm happy with how it went. I don't think at any point LO was distressed, just unhappy that she wasn't having her usual booby & cuddles to get back to sleep
mee too carolyn. every night i go to bed and think 'i wonder if he will sleep well tonight' and every night im dissapointed when he wakes up numerous times :-(
lastnight wasnt too bad though. he went to bed at 10pm, and he woke at 1am, screamed for a while, got him back to sleep, then he woke again at 4.30am, fed him and he was still awake so i just put him back in the cot. he cryd for a bit and then went to sleep and woke for the day at 7.30!
cocoa- wow well done. im glad it wasnt as bad as you thought it might be. sounds like if you persevere for a few night lo might get the message and sleep better for you. i want to try controlled crying soon, but im a bit worried about doing it as charlie really screams at night, and he gets really distressed.
My LO is nearly 4 months. He's been an ok sleeper and had improved to a 4 o'clock feed and then 6;30. I have been working on getting him to self sooth as until very recently he relied on mainly BF/cuddles or car/pushchair. Am now able to put him down for short sleeps in cot during day( no where near as long as pushchair). He cries for at least 10 mins usually cos he wants to BF to sleep. Means he is more grumpy than normal

My plan was that this would help if he woke during night. Have quite good bedtime routine- playtime/bath/massage/BF in my bed/sleep. Am currently trying to get him to go down in cot rather than transfer him asleep and had a small amount of success. Going to sleep around 9;15( was 10- tried to change recently)

However he is waking regularly during night . I am lucky that he does go back down between 10 and 30 minutes later. Unforunatly i keep awake when i couyld get a precious extra hour.

I don't know if I'm doing the right things. He is my only BF baby. I daren't let him cry during night cos my other kids are 12 and 14 and they have school. My hubbie works nights. Should i risk trying cc/ or something else when BF works? Is 4 months the wrong time to change things-keep reading about regression but then i have already begun to make a few changes. Help. Am totally knackered-am i best to just put up with things and hope he grows out of it. Sorry so long
Jools - definitely the 4 month sleep regression. Just co-sleep, give him boob, do whatever it takes to get through it with your sanity! My LO would wake every hour on the hour all night long. Nearly drive me insane! There's not a lot you can do except ride it out in a way that gives you all maximum sleep. A lot of babies come out the other side as better sleepers too :flower:
Wow CocoaOne, that's quite the progress :) Glad to see you guys survived the night (I ca only imagine how hard it must have been for you).

Last night was good for us except a huge meltdown before bed (lasting 1.5 hours), so our popcorn & movie plans were ruined (esp as the movie didn't tape the ending anyways!!!), that was a bust, but he slept well after. Actually OH went in to check on him at 4am because we hadn't heard a peep, he was playing in his bed, so OH woke him up!!!! Yeeeeesh. Aw well :) At least I technically didn't have to do a night feeding for the 1st time in 7 months :)
Well, Gabriel is definitely waking because he's hungry. When I go in to get him, he's standing and making the milk sign at me.
Right back to sleep after eating each time he woke last night :happydance:
I'm totally new to not sleeping....since ruby was tiny,she's been a fantastic sleeper, and ive been very lucky.

3weeks ago, she developed a very bad cold,which we are over now, however at the time she was very clingy which was understandable and of course couldn't sleep well with mucus and coughing.

Suddenly after her cold, she won't sleep, won't nap, and screams blue murder if she gets tired. It's as if she is desperate not to sleep. She hates her cot and won't calm down unless you walk around with her. Even the buggy has stopped working....I honestly don't know what's wrong with her suddenly. She used to want to go in her cot and sleep, she was literally perfect at napping and going to bed.......

Has anyone else had this happen?? I'm heartbroken I can't do anything to help her.
Haven't got any advice hun as my LO has always been a bad sleeper. But have some :hugs:
he's asleep in his cot and i'm on here? I'm stupid. See you all in a bit x
Sjminimac - I hope he slept well for you :flower:

LO slept through the night!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

18:45 - 06:15. First time she's ever done it.

I'm so happy and shocked! I was expecting last night to be a rough one, as I'd heard that things get worse before they improve. Maybe that will come tonight?

I decided to change her bedtime routine last night, as I previously BF her to sleep. So I fed her then planned on reading a couple of stories before putting her down nbut she was so tired that she had a paddy when I tried keeping her awake during feeding! So I put her down half asleep. She stirred a few times in the night- letting out a half-cry before settling herself back to sleep.

charlie slept 11.50 till 1.50) exactly 2 hrs then woke for a feed. He then slept on and off till 4, did 2 poopy nappies, we changed them, gave him some calpol and put some karvol on a sheet near his cot, gave him lots of cuddles, brought his glow worm upstairs, gave him a feed, changed another poopy nappy, and eventually just came downstairs at 5.30. He's just gone down in his basket now x
LO went down at half 7 and was up at 11, 2.30, 4(bottle) and got up at 5.30....YAWN!!

how are we all this moring?
hope you got a good rest too cocoaone :)
sjminimachows Charlie this morning? xx
wow cocoa thats amazing! well done to your lo! bet you are so pleased!
we had the best night weve had in a while. charlie went to sleep at 8pm, and didnt wake untill 3.30am! he hasnt slept that long since he was 2 months old. he had a bottle and went straight back to sleep, then woke breifly at 5.30am but all i had to do was put his dummy back in and he slept till 7.30am!
hi carolyn, charlie is asleep on my lap again. After he finally fell asleep at 7.30 he woke again an hour later and hubby played with him so i could have a nap, am so so exhausted :( x
hi carolyn, charlie is asleep on my lap again. After he finally fell asleep at 7.30 he woke again an hour later and hubby played with him so i could have a nap, am so so exhausted :( x

its times like this i wish i had a man about the house to help out :nope:

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