Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Well, I'm going to bow out of this thread for a bit ladies. For the past week, LO has slept 6-6 with one night waking (a few wakings before I go to bed but that doesn't count), and I can't come and brag every morning while you all are still going through rough nights :( I hope things start to pick up for everyone. I didn't do anything but wait and wait and wait, although we did start baby-led weaning last week. Will still be around to help others with sleep problems!
my health visitor told me today if i want him to sleep longer i should try formula.... does this work?? i fed all my girls breast till 1year and then they had cows milk so ive never used it!
any advice on coping, please share :)

Your HV gives old advice! Mine slept the same at your LO's age with thickened soy formula for reflux. Keep him on his breast milk :) Have you attempted co sleeping? Some girls cosleep and keep the boob out, which helps them doze while baby feeds. Unfortunately 2-3 hours is quite normal at 10 weeks unlike what people want you to believe. I say just keep at it, have your coffee, and insist your girls help mommy out at home :)
janidog, it annoys me too! im like 'dont you think i wish he was sleeping through, but i dont have majoc wand i can wave to make it all better!'
bit of a bad night here lastnight. charlie went bed just before 8pm. i heard him screaming at 9pm, but it was a few mins before i went to him as i was on the phone to my mum. when i went in hed gone quiet, and he was sleeping on his tummy! hed rolled over and i think that woke him, but must have self settled when he got comfy on his tum. he then woke at 12.45am, tried to settle him but ended up having to feed him. he downed the whole bottle and went to sleep. he then woke agaon at 2am ugh! settled him, and then he woke again at 5.30am! i treid to settle him, but he was having none of it. i noticed his tummy was rumbling and making funny noises, so i gave him some water and he jumped on the bottle and then started to cry when he realised it was just water. i ended up doing another bottle at 6am as i could not stop him crying, and he downed the lot and went back to sleep till 8.30. so he must have been hungry.
i think maybe were entering the 6 month growth spurt maybe? he hasnt really had much milk in the night for ages, only a few ounces at about 4am, but lastnight he was HUNGRY!

I do think you are in that 6 month spurt. For me it lasted about 3 weeks but things got remarkably better after. Keep it up, have the coffee, I know it's hard.
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx

Unfortunately you are likely in the 4 month sleep regression - it can last a few weeks. It is very common for babies who previously slept through to go through this. Just persevere for a few weeks and it will improve.
oh i really hope so, i think im losing the plot! i made myself a cup of tea and instead of puttin the milk back in the fridge i put the kettle in there then was so confused when i went bk out there later to find my kettle was missing, lack of sleep is doin me no favours at all x
oh i really hope so, i think im losing the plot! i made myself a cup of tea and instead of puttin the milk back in the fridge i put the kettle in there then was so confused when i went bk out there later to find my kettle was missing, lack of sleep is doin me no favours at all x
i went into the kitchen to get the washing out earlier, got there, forgot what i'd gone in there for so made myself a brew and watched csi for a bit. Doesn't seem so bad but i'd gone in there holding the washing basket and had to put the basket down to make the tea. Not once did i wonder why i had the basket in my arms :wacko:
ha ha sleep deprivation does funny things to you! ive done a few things like that recently but ummm, i cant remember what.... just remember feeling stupid when i realised what id done lol!
aliss - im so glad you are getting some sleep finaly. if anybody deserves it its you! i hope it continues for you! i remember in the past you saying our lo seam to be quite similar, so maybe in a few weeks after this 6 month spurt my lo sleep may settle down too :)
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx

Unfortunately you are likely in the 4 month sleep regression - it can last a few weeks. It is very common for babies who previously slept through to go through this. Just persevere for a few weeks and it will improve.

I had never heard of this....think thats where i must be too...Ailah just turned 5months....she slept through the night for a couple of weeks but now is up about every 3 hours and sometimes for over an hour at a time :dohh:
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx

Unfortunately you are likely in the 4 month sleep regression - it can last a few weeks. It is very common for babies who previously slept through to go through this. Just persevere for a few weeks and it will improve.

I had never heard of this....think thats where i must be too...Ailah just turned 5months....she slept through the night for a couple of weeks but now is up about every 3 hours and sometimes for over an hour at a time :dohh:

It's a huge development, both physically and mentally, their brains are going like freight trains and their bodies grow at a rapid rate needing more food. Gotta ride it out :(
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx

Unfortunately you are likely in the 4 month sleep regression - it can last a few weeks. It is very common for babies who previously slept through to go through this. Just persevere for a few weeks and it will improve.

I had never heard of this....think thats where i must be too...Ailah just turned 5months....she slept through the night for a couple of weeks but now is up about every 3 hours and sometimes for over an hour at a time :dohh:

It's a huge development, both physically and mentally, their brains are going like freight trains and their bodies grow at a rapid rate needing more food. Gotta ride it out :(

My main problem is Ailah has taken a severe dislike to anything coming from a bottle :shrug: its stumped my HV too but she isnt getting enough milk to see her through the night!! xxx
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx

Unfortunately you are likely in the 4 month sleep regression - it can last a few weeks. It is very common for babies who previously slept through to go through this. Just persevere for a few weeks and it will improve.

I had never heard of this....think thats where i must be too...Ailah just turned 5months....she slept through the night for a couple of weeks but now is up about every 3 hours and sometimes for over an hour at a time :dohh:

It's a huge development, both physically and mentally, their brains are going like freight trains and their bodies grow at a rapid rate needing more food. Gotta ride it out :(

My main problem is Ailah has taken a severe dislike to anything coming from a bottle :shrug: its stumped my HV too but she isnt getting enough milk to see her through the night!! xxx

I wonder if a tooth might be cutting soon? Alex got 2 by 3 months.
my 4 month old has stopped sleepin at night :( he was goin from 8pm till 4am then to 8am i thought it was fantastic and was finally gettin sleep but the last 2 weeks he has been goin to bed at 8pm wakin up at 10pm,12am, 2 am then every hour from 2 im so exhausted but to make it worse he dosnt want milk he is just wakin up and cryin for half hour then goin bk to sleep. i love him more than i could love anythin but its really startin to wear me down now, my fuse is so short wit my 6 year old cause im so tired and it isnt her fault, feel like such a mean and bad mummy but i dont know how to get him sleepin again, have tried givin him calpol but made no differance so bought teethin powder stuff but again makes no differance. please help, any advice xx

Unfortunately you are likely in the 4 month sleep regression - it can last a few weeks. It is very common for babies who previously slept through to go through this. Just persevere for a few weeks and it will improve.

I had never heard of this....think thats where i must be too...Ailah just turned 5months....she slept through the night for a couple of weeks but now is up about every 3 hours and sometimes for over an hour at a time :dohh:

It's a huge development, both physically and mentally, their brains are going like freight trains and their bodies grow at a rapid rate needing more food. Gotta ride it out :(

My main problem is Ailah has taken a severe dislike to anything coming from a bottle :shrug: its stumped my HV too but she isnt getting enough milk to see her through the night!! xxx

I wonder if a tooth might be cutting soon? Alex got 2 by 3 months.

well i wondered that too, but giving her calpol last night (her cry was sounding painful) did nothing, she has a bit of nappy rash but no signs of teeth in the gums or extra dribbling :shrug: but i suppose not all babies show all the signs xxx
My LO is poorly at the mo so sleep is not good.

Went to bed at 7 and woke 4 times before 10:30 when I went up and fed her, woke again at 1:30 (came into our bed), woke a few more times crying in the night. Still asleep now, but only because I'm holding her. So shattered
I'm sure the lack of sleep is partly why I've been constantly ill since October. 9 months of sleep deprivation is seriously taking it's toll, even though I've got to the point where I don't 'feel' tired anymore IYSWIM?

I'm hoping some teeth will show up soon. Her gums are bumpy all over the place, she's chomping on her whole hand, and we've got a bit of nappy rash too. Hurry up teeth!!
charlie did quite well last night. First went to sleep at 9.50 but woken up at 10.30 by a massive burp and then decided was hungry, so quick feed then back to sleep 10.30. Quick snack feed 11.50 back down at 12 which i didn't mind as last night was the first ever time he's gone to bed before 11.30. He then slept 12 till 3, fed till 3.20ish then slept till 6.40. That's the best night's sleep he's had for over a month :) x
kaydon wont take anythin from a bottle either, he only has 1 a day and thats before bed but he point blank refuses to drink from a bottle, will drink from me fine but cause he isnt havin that 1 bottle he isnt gettin full for the night. ive had no more than 2 hours sleep in a night for over a week now :(
Girls I really feel for you all. My LO has woken 2 hourly (mostly - we have had the odd 3 hour stint) since birth, I co-sleep to get through it but sometimes I think he wakes more.

Last night I decided to leave a fan on by him (white noise) and he went nearly 4 hours before the first waking! Then back to 2 hourly, in fact less I think, before bringing him in the bed. But for me it's positive and feels like we're at least moving in the right direction and I got an evening to myself. He has also started sleeping until 8am rather than 7am. I am hoping after reaching 6 months (and of course the dreaded growth spurt) things will get easier.
Got to bed at 5 am..up at 8..then up at 10. I need coffee but it's way too hot here to even think about it. Ughhh. *yawnnn*
Well last night LO didn't fall asleep until 5.30am then woke at 7am, if i could drink coffee i would have od on it!!!
He woke 3 times last night. But was awake from 3:30 until 5 when we finally were able to get him back to sleep the second time he woke. I'm so glad he rarely stays awake longer then the 30-40 min it takes him to eat most nights.

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