Sleepless Nights Support Thread

My LO is on a sleep strike and has been for the last 3 or 4 evenings :-| He has been awake since 8pm and has been wanting to feed all the time for the last 2 hours, every time I put him down he crys and I think I might join him crying soon :-( He is BF so theres just no let up. So so tired, all I want to do is sleep :-(

Growth spurt? Can you cosleep safely til its over? Or can someone help you out so you can catch up on sleep when hes not feeding? :hugs: :hugs:

AFM not been here in a while but still sleepless :haha: Dylan is finally learning to self settle more consistently so the sacred land of STTN doesn't seem like a total impossibility. He is 7.5 months old. It has to happen one day right? :haha:

Hope all you sleepless mummies are ok :hugs:

I can't safely co sleep without us getting bashed by my OH in his sleep :-( could suggest he sleeps in the spare room I guess...

Theres no-one I can leave lil one with now OH is back at work and I still have 2 weeks of no driving after my c-section before I can go visit anyone :-(
OH is a HGV driver so often goes to work by 5am with up to 15 hour days so I am pretty much soley responsible for our LO at the moment.

Sorry to hear you still don't sleep 7.5 months down the line :-( I don't know how you cope! x
Aww hun - it must be hard with your OH out that much, especially after a c-section :hugs: my parents have been invaluable popping over for a couple of hours each week usually (they don't live nearby) and it is all that saved my sanity.

If it carries on and you are really struggling it might be worth chucking OH in the spare room, I know I've had to do it sometimes. Hopefully it is just a growth spurt and will pass quickly - lots of skin to skin and boob boob boob if so, to get your milk up!!! Other than that its just the standard advice that you are probably doing anyway....keep night feeds dark and quiet and boring, day feeds lively and exciting, it does get easier honestly, those early weeks are really tough :hugs:

Babies are such a mixed bag - there are mummies who have lots more sleep than me, and mummies who somehow have less than me :haha: so I guess I have learnt to cope with my lot and tbh if I get a good nights sleep I now feel worse as I'm used to so little :rofl:

Sending your lil one sleepy dust!
Aww hun - it must be hard with your OH out that much, especially after a c-section :hugs: my parents have been invaluable popping over for a couple of hours each week usually (they don't live nearby) and it is all that saved my sanity.

If it carries on and you are really struggling it might be worth chucking OH in the spare room, I know I've had to do it sometimes. Hopefully it is just a growth spurt and will pass quickly - lots of skin to skin and boob boob boob if so, to get your milk up!!! Other than that its just the standard advice that you are probably doing anyway....keep night feeds dark and quiet and boring, day feeds lively and exciting, it does get easier honestly, those early weeks are really tough :hugs:

Babies are such a mixed bag - there are mummies who have lots more sleep than me, and mummies who somehow have less than me :haha: so I guess I have learnt to cope with my lot and tbh if I get a good nights sleep I now feel worse as I'm used to so little :rofl:

Sending your lil one sleepy dust!

I'm hoping it is a growth spurt as we had a real tough night Thursday (5 and a half hours until Thomas would sleep at all with the rest of the night being pretty bad too) which left me feeling rotten and really down all day Friday :-( LO has been attached to me for over 3 hours feeding pretty much non stop tonight and is starting to whinge for boob again now, I can cope with it during the day though, it's just so much harder to cope with the constant feeding at night :-(

I do already try keeping night time as quiet time, just seems to result in LO dozing off but waking as soon as I try and put him down. Think I might try keeping him in bed with me like you suggested if he is going to be munching on me all night tonight though, poor OH is either going to get squashed by me or relegated to the spare room lol.

Bless ya and you're lack of sleep, although like you say it just sounds like you're body has got so used to not sleeping!

Thank you for replying though, it's so good to hear I'm not on my own and so nice to have someone to chat to about it all :hugs:
Help! Soooo tired! LO was never really a good sleeper, until about 3 weeks ago when she started sttn. But it wasn't to last - she was really ill last week which messed up her sleep and it just hasn't settled back down. She is acting like she is having a growth spurt - feeding lots overnight and more frequently during the day, even though she is eating her solids fine. Is there a 7 month sleep regression? Am I really doomed for an eternity of sleepless nights? Aargh! x
hey all,
Dan does quite alot at night we have had arguments the past week as he feels as though hes doing 'too much" he works from 11am till 5pm somtimes alot later and said its not fair for him to have oscar and make bottles when he comes in . . . HA! he sits on a computer all day and im pretty sure my role is alot harder . . . but i soon put him straight ;) i am lucky though because he is very hands on and doesnt mind getting up at night,
although sinse hes started his new job he has spent alot less time with osc obviously.
Yesterday i had a few hours kip while he was with him i was just drifting off when i heard screaming so i went down to find him juggiling osc with one arm and trying to feed him his solids (before milk :doh) which is a recipe for disaster! i managed to settle oscar in about 30 seconds i think us moms just know exactlly what to do most of the time naturally,
so these days i just find it easier to do it myself iykwis?

man CANNOT multitask if dan has oscar the house will be a bombsite.

on sleeping terms flower girl and every one else finding it hard oscar woke every hour to 2 hours max for the first 3 months everyone kept saying oh when hes 6 weeks hell be sleeping through . . . never happend.

I had pnd which im sure was due to severe sleep deprivation . . .
he now wakes 2 - 3 times a night which is nackering but i can function with 5 hours he does a long stretch between 8pm to 4am now at almost 5 months then after that its hourly to 2 hours until he wakes up at 7 30am my HV said the other day that he "should be sleeping through" grrr rub it in why dont you??? . . .
Why should he be sleeping through? Thats crap!! In m y area thet say 6 months when they are on 3 meals a day they should sleep much better if not totally sleepin thru.

evan goes 3 hours but still cant routinely get him to sleep for 8/9pm :( sometimes get the odd 5 hour stretch but thats rare.
Ahh god! these dummies are bloody going when jayden's cold has gone, 60+ times is getting beyond the fucking joke!! my foot is in agony and getting up every minute is killing. i can't survive on less than 30minutes sleep a night much bloody longer!!!

and breathe.
...i am lucky though because he is very hands on and doesnt mind getting up at night...these days i just find it easier to do it myself iykwis?

man CANNOT multitask if dan has oscar the house will be a bombsite.

on sleeping terms flower girl and every one else finding it hard oscar woke every hour to 2 hours max for the first 3 months everyone kept saying oh when hes 6 weeks hell be sleeping through . . . never happend.

I had pnd which im sure was due to severe sleep deprivation . . .
he now wakes 2 - 3 times a night which is nackering but i can function with 5 hours he does a long stretch between 8pm to 4am now at almost 5 months then after that its hourly to 2 hours until he wakes up at 7 30am my HV said the other day that he "should be sleeping through" grrr rub it in why dont you??? . . .

Your OH does sound good, bless :) Mine is great when he's here, apart from getting up at night as he just sleeps through Thomas crying!But being a truck driver works v.long hours which is tough at times :-(

You are right, men can't multitask, my OH is the same lol!

I am hoping Thomas does start sleeping better than the 2-3 hours he goes now, my fingers shall remain crossed!

Sorry to hear you had pnd :-( :hugs: this is something I worry about as the lack of sleep really gets to me :-(
A lot of people have told me 6 weeks and he will sleep, seeing is believing for me though! I'd love it if he did! lol.
Well ladies I think there may be hope yet lol. LO is not far off 8 months but he appears to be learning to self settle at long last. Last night....wait for it.....he went to bed at 730 and put himself to sleep. He re-settled himself through the night except for 2 feeds, at 11pm and 3am!!!! I was ready for the day by 3am :rofl: :rofl: could be a fluke but feels nice that he is getting there without CIO / CC etc that I am just not capable of doing :happydance:

I'm hoping it is a growth spurt as we had a real tough night Thursday (5 and a half hours until Thomas would sleep at all with the rest of the night being pretty bad too) which left me feeling rotten and really down all day Friday :-( LO has been attached to me for over 3 hours feeding pretty much non stop tonight and is starting to whinge for boob again now, I can cope with it during the day though, it's just so much harder to cope with the constant feeding at night :-(

I do already try keeping night time as quiet time, just seems to result in LO dozing off but waking as soon as I try and put him down. Think I might try keeping him in bed with me like you suggested if he is going to be munching on me all night tonight though, poor OH is either going to get squashed by me or relegated to the spare room lol.

Bless ya and you're lack of sleep, although like you say it just sounds like you're body has got so used to not sleeping!

Thank you for replying though, it's so good to hear I'm not on my own and so nice to have someone to chat to about it all :hugs:

How are you getting on? I agree it is easier in the day, I can cope sitting on a settee with the tv remote and a velcro baby :haha:

Help! Soooo tired! LO was never really a good sleeper, until about 3 weeks ago when she started sttn. But it wasn't to last - she was really ill last week which messed up her sleep and it just hasn't settled back down. She is acting like she is having a growth spurt - feeding lots overnight and more frequently during the day, even though she is eating her solids fine. Is there a 7 month sleep regression? Am I really doomed for an eternity of sleepless nights? Aargh! x

:hugs: I don't know textbookwise but IMO babies have as many as they want :haha: hope it passes soon :hugs:

my HV said the other day that he "should be sleeping through" grrr rub it in why dont you??? . . .

This is ridiculous....I am really lucky my new HV never even asked about sleep, I feel my old HV would have really pushed for cutting the night feeds. Our BFing link workers here are, unusually IMO, advocates of CIO which also isn't my thing, so I feel a bit supportless on the sleepless night front.

and i sound like a bitch of a mum.

Not at all - tiredness is a wicked thing, sleep deprivation a very effective form of torture. No matter why they are waking, the lack of sleep we get makes it hard to be as nice as we might like all the time :hugs:
Well ladies I think there may be hope yet lol. LO is not far off 8 months but he appears to be learning to self settle at long last. Last night....wait for it.....he went to bed at 730 and put himself to sleep. He re-settled himself through the night except for 2 feeds, at 11pm and 3am!!!! I was ready for the day by 3am :rofl: :rofl: could be a fluke but feels nice that he is getting there without CIO / CC etc that I am just not capable of doing :happydance:

I'm hoping it is a growth spurt as we had a real tough night Thursday (5 and a half hours until Thomas would sleep at all with the rest of the night being pretty bad too) which left me feeling rotten and really down all day Friday :-( LO has been attached to me for over 3 hours feeding pretty much non stop tonight and is starting to whinge for boob again now, I can cope with it during the day though, it's just so much harder to cope with the constant feeding at night :-(

I do already try keeping night time as quiet time, just seems to result in LO dozing off but waking as soon as I try and put him down. Think I might try keeping him in bed with me like you suggested if he is going to be munching on me all night tonight though, poor OH is either going to get squashed by me or relegated to the spare room lol.

Bless ya and you're lack of sleep, although like you say it just sounds like you're body has got so used to not sleeping!

Thank you for replying though, it's so good to hear I'm not on my own and so nice to have someone to chat to about it all :hugs:

How are you getting on? I agree it is easier in the day, I can cope sitting on a settee with the tv remote and a velcro baby :haha:

Thomas has been quite good the last couple of nights :) slept v.well last night, 1am until about 4.30! then up again at 7.50am, fingers crossed he keeps this up as OH is working away last night and tonight so find being on my own tough enough as it is :-(

Lets hope you have had a break through with your LO this time then! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :) x

My daughter is almost 10 weeks old. she starts sleeping only by 3 am (sometimes only by 6 am). i have just another week left to get back to work. any idea how long newborns will stay awake like this? may be, by 4th or 5th month, can i expect to get some sleep at night?

(sorry, i do not know what abbreviations are used. hope i will elarn them soon )

Anybody elses lo wake up crying but go back to sleep as soon as you pick them up? my lo is 10.5 months and has been doing this since 7.5 months(since her teeth came in) Im starting to get fed up because its been going on for this long. She just wakes up crying at random times during the night but as soon as i pick her up she goes straight back to sleep. But she ALWAYS wakes up about 12 for a feed but i just end up bringing her into bed as its easier,but then shes awake for the day at 5:30 and likes to wake me up by crawling on my head. I dont remember being this tired even when she was a newborn lol xx

My daughter is almost 10 weeks old. she starts sleeping only by 3 am (sometimes only by 6 am). i have just another week left to get back to work. any idea how long newborns will stay awake like this? may be, by 4th or 5th month, can i expect to get some sleep at night?

(sorry, i do not know what abbreviations are used. hope i will elarn them soon )


Sadly its very individual - my brother for example only needed around 20mins sleep a night until he was at school.....literally, he went to sleep clinics and alsorts lol. They do gradually move their bedtime earlier from what I've seen, Dylan has been in bed for 730pm for a good while now, he gradually moved it earlier and earlier himself with no prompting from me. But sadly he was a 2 hourly waker up until recently and he is nearly 8 months now soo.......

Best thing (IMO) you can do is have a bedtime routine. It doesn't have to be a rigid thing, I'm not suggesting a schedule, but more of a set order you do things so it will cue LO for bedtime. Someone I know had it so well that all they had to do was close the blinds, and their LO yawned ready lol. Just something so they recognise "ahhhh, this means bedtime is next"...... does that make sense?

Anybody elses lo wake up crying but go back to sleep as soon as you pick them up? my lo is 10.5 months and has been doing this since 7.5 months(since her teeth came in) Im starting to get fed up because its been going on for this long. She just wakes up crying at random times during the night but as soon as i pick her up she goes straight back to sleep. But she ALWAYS wakes up about 12 for a feed but i just end up bringing her into bed as its easier,but then shes awake for the day at 5:30 and likes to wake me up by crawling on my head. I dont remember being this tired even when she was a newborn lol xx

Might sound stupid but is she properly awake? Dylan cries in his sleep it would appear. I never believed this of my LO for a long while, but I always picked him up or popped a boob straight in when he made a noise (didn't want DH to be disturbed mostly, easiest option secondly!) and found him to be pretty much asleep instantly........but recently I have tried waiting a second - playing dead, as we predominantly co-sleep - and he has put himself back to sleep many of the times that I would previously have picked him up or boobed him.....

I have started to learn when he is sleep crying as it were, and when he is going to escalate and is actually awake so I feed him.

AFM we are still doing pretty well here. Last night was a 3 feed night which is still a dramatic improvement - bedtime was a bit disrupted due to a late nap (same may happen again tbh tonight) but 2 or 3 wakings a night will do me for now....:haha:

My daughter is almost 10 weeks old. she starts sleeping only by 3 am (sometimes only by 6 am). i have just another week left to get back to work. any idea how long newborns will stay awake like this? may be, by 4th or 5th month, can i expect to get some sleep at night?

(sorry, i do not know what abbreviations are used. hope i will elarn them soon )


Sadly its very individual - my brother for example only needed around 20mins sleep a night until he was at school.....literally, he went to sleep clinics and alsorts lol. They do gradually move their bedtime earlier from what I've seen, Dylan has been in bed for 730pm for a good while now, he gradually moved it earlier and earlier himself with no prompting from me. But sadly he was a 2 hourly waker up until recently and he is nearly 8 months now soo.......

Best thing (IMO) you can do is have a bedtime routine. It doesn't have to be a rigid thing, I'm not suggesting a schedule, but more of a set order you do things so it will cue LO for bedtime. Someone I know had it so well that all they had to do was close the blinds, and their LO yawned ready lol. Just something so they recognise "ahhhh, this means bedtime is next"...... does that make sense?

Anybody elses lo wake up crying but go back to sleep as soon as you pick them up? my lo is 10.5 months and has been doing this since 7.5 months(since her teeth came in) Im starting to get fed up because its been going on for this long. She just wakes up crying at random times during the night but as soon as i pick her up she goes straight back to sleep. But she ALWAYS wakes up about 12 for a feed but i just end up bringing her into bed as its easier,but then shes awake for the day at 5:30 and likes to wake me up by crawling on my head. I dont remember being this tired even when she was a newborn lol xx

Might sound stupid but is she properly awake? Dylan cries in his sleep it would appear. I never believed this of my LO for a long while, but I always picked him up or popped a boob straight in when he made a noise (didn't want DH to be disturbed mostly, easiest option secondly!) and found him to be pretty much asleep instantly........but recently I have tried waiting a second - playing dead, as we predominantly co-sleep - and he has put himself back to sleep many of the times that I would previously have picked him up or boobed him.....

I have started to learn when he is sleep crying as it were, and when he is going to escalate and is actually awake so I feed him.

AFM we are still doing pretty well here. Last night was a 3 feed night which is still a dramatic improvement - bedtime was a bit disrupted due to a late nap (same may happen again tbh tonight) but 2 or 3 wakings a night will do me for now....:haha:

She is awake because she sits herself up. but as soon as i pick her up, her eyes are closed. she is a clingy child and thats why i think shes waking up,to be held. Its been going on 3 months now and doesint feel like it's going to end :( x
hey all,
Dan does quite alot at night we have had arguments the past week as he feels as though hes doing 'too much" he works from 11am till 5pm somtimes alot later and said its not fair for him to have oscar and make bottles when he comes in . . . HA! he sits on a computer all day and im pretty sure my role is alot harder . . . but i soon put him straight ;) i am lucky though because he is very hands on and doesnt mind getting up at night,
although sinse hes started his new job he has spent alot less time with osc obviously.

man CANNOT multitask if dan has oscar the house will be a bombsite.

. . .

so so true! our role is constant, they come home and get to finish! not that i want to but a break is nice, nick is good and does help out but literally cant do anything whilst in charge of william. he cant even open the door!

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