Sleepless Nights Support Thread

i need help my lo is driving me crazy we sorted it for 1 week where he slept 10 - 5 this was bliss. now he wakes every hr my oh wrks so cant get up in the night. its driving me nuts i cant even think straight i put salt on my cereal on a regular basis, i burn myself with the kettle making bottles. ive even fell asleep while i was walking outside to put rubbish out. i swear my lo is trying to kill me off i cant handle lack of sleep, i dont know whats wrong with him hes clean, well fed, nice temp. arrrggg h will only sleep in my arms which i know if i do im making a rod for my own back. any advise ladies?
Think I'm going to go insane if this keeps up. It's so depressing
My little lady only slept through one night, and that was the first day she was born. That was the best nights sleep of my life. Since then she wakes up around 3 times a night on average and I've had around 3/4 hours sleep tops a night since she was born.

Some days I manage to squeeze a nap in during the day time but I'm an absolute zombie at the moment but loving every moment of being a mum, I'm hoping that all this lack of sleep in the early weeks mean she will sleep really well as she gets older. I'm keeping hope anyway haha :thumbup:
My daughter Lucy is 4 weeks old and a nightmare when it comes to sleep. Some nights I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to collapse. My husband works so he can't help out at night :( she refuses to sleep in her Moses basket, we've tried swaddling her, heating her mattress, putting a tshirt that smells of me in there, nothing works! The only time she'll sleep is on my chest, but I hate letting her sleep pike that as I'm terrified she'll fall off me in the night or I'll accidentally roll over and crush her! Shes a very clingy baby and she hates being put down. I dont know what to do, I absolutely adore her but I desperately need her to sleep in her own basket!
My daughter Lucy is 4 weeks old and a nightmare when it comes to sleep. Some nights I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to collapse. My husband works so he can't help out at night :( she refuses to sleep in her Moses basket, we've tried swaddling her, heating her mattress, putting a tshirt that smells of me in there, nothing works! The only time she'll sleep is on my chest, but I hate letting her sleep pike that as I'm terrified she'll fall off me in the night or I'll accidentally roll over and crush her! Shes a very clingy baby and she hates being put down. I dont know what to do, I absolutely adore her but I desperately need her to sleep in her own basket!

My little lady is exactly the same! She'll sleep in the moses basket for an hour once I go upstairs to bed, but when she wakes for her feeds in the night she will only go back to sleep on my chest. She sleeps between me and my boyfriend sometimes too but she has to be close to me or she won't go back to sleep. Thankfully i'm a light sleeper so i know i won't roll over on her or anything, she's got a bit of a heat rash on her cheek at the moment from sleeping on my chest when she gets a warm sweaty face :(
Thank god its not just us! Tonight I managed to get Lucy to sleep next to me, and thankfully so far she's only woken every three hours for feeding. I spoke to my HV about it as I was really worried that Lucy would get to the point where she would always be reliant on me to go to sleep, and the HV said to just let her do what she wants at this stage. Apparently at this age she's learning to trust, and putting her in her basket probably makes her feel abandoned. She said that by co-sleeping with her now when it comes to sleep training her in a couple of months she'll be more confident to sleep on her own.....I'm not so sure, I think I'm just going to end up with a baby who won't sleep on her own
Thank god its not just us! Tonight I managed to get Lucy to sleep next to me, and thankfully so far she's only woken every three hours for feeding. I spoke to my HV about it as I was really worried that Lucy would get to the point where she would always be reliant on me to go to sleep, and the HV said to just let her do what she wants at this stage. Apparently at this age she's learning to trust, and putting her in her basket probably makes her feel abandoned. She said that by co-sleeping with her now when it comes to sleep training her in a couple of months she'll be more confident to sleep on her own.....I'm not so sure, I think I'm just going to end up with a baby who won't sleep on her own

I'm 28 and don't sleep on my own ;-))) seriously though it's quite refreshing to hear that a HV has suggested that, though I'm not into the sleep training lark. LO won't be this reliant on you forever. Just think how close they've been to you for 9 months, it takes time for them to understand why you might want them not to sleep so close to you, and in the early stages it's certainly a comfort for them.
I know it's hard but do whatever gives the best sleep for you all. You can keep re trying the basket, my little boy co slept with me for a while as I don't sleep train, but now he loves his bed, his room, and his space! He is 13 months now and still doesn't sleep well, but he doesn't sleep in my bed lol x
Well guess it's time for me to join this thread, considering my LO was up from 12:45-6:45 am last night. It's half past 1 & she is finally sleeping... VERY lightly.

So far she naps perfectly during the day, & wakes around 3x a night, which I can deal with. Last night was just horrible & I spent a good part of it in years... & OH is on nights for another two weeks so I'm on my own there..

I check that she's dry, fed etc & all I can think is she's possibly constipated? She poos a number of times during the day but literally cries while trying to get it out iykwim??

The pediatrician said this is normal as they don't know how to properly use their bum muscles yet, but oh my goodnessssssssssss I am so tired.

really dont know what to do, feel such a useless mummy - tried everything I can tonight but its been two hrs since she wke up and she just keeps waking up when I put her down and screams place down till I pick her up again.

Had to walk away which I HATE doing - feeling like a failure at the moment!

She has gone quiet while I have typed this but scared to go to sleep incase she starts again!
Oh man.

LO has herself on a schedule of normally STTN from like midnight/1am to 8/10am. She woke up at 5am!! :shrug: I tossed and turned in bed last night, not falling asleep until after 3:30am. I already had to be up by 6am to get DS up and ready for school; this sucks. I'm so tuckered out and she has decided to start her day. :dohh: :sleep:

Where's the walking zombie smilie? :coffee:
I am beyond tired and really pissed off.

Thomas has become fussy at night lately. He takes hours to settle and in the end he just passes out. The last 2 days I've been looking after him by myself as oh is helping a friend do landscaping which is fine... But he comes home, eats and sleeps. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't in the middle of getting over food poisoning.

Tonight here I am at almost 3am with a baby that will only sleep if I hold him and my oh who is snoring next to me. I am so angry with him.

Oh great Thomas has woken up and is now staring at me. What do I do!!
Sorry sweetie ^^ also laying here, ten minutes till 3 am with a LO sleeping on me. Scared to put her in her crib cause she will probably wake up.. :(


Oh, & my OH is snoring away AS USUAL too!! Grrrr
LO is 12 days old, and I think I now have permanent dark circles under my eyes. Please tell me I'll live through this!

I am having major trouble getting my LO to sleep at bedtime. And then once she is asleep, she wakes every 2 hours for food!! She just wont sleep in her crib. She's fine in the living room with me, usually in her bouncer/play mat/on me. But as soon as I put her in the bedroom, in her crib, she wakes and screams! She is always fed, clean, warm, not in pain or discomfort....I have no idea what is wrong!

Anyone got any idea's that might help? At the moment, I dont get to go to sleep until 2 - 3am :(
My lo is just 7 days old and she sleeps all day and is up all night. She refuses to sleep in her crib. Any idea on how I can gradually change her schedule around?
Have you girls tried giving them before bed baths. I have been doing that since LO was 4 weeks old and he goes to sleep at 10pm . . . wakes up once between 3-5am for a feed . . . he will be back to sleep within 15 minutes then wakes up again by 7am.
I was told to bath every other day, is it ok to bath them every night? x
Bathing every night now will be fine with just plain water for most baths.

I don't bathe every night but I do have a 'wind down' routine. He is changed quietly in his nursery, taken into my room where there is a very dim light, swaddled, fed and put in his moses basket. He usually won't go to bed until around 11pm but sleeps until between 3-5, feed and back down usually with 45 mins then back down until between 6-9 (8 on week days due school run)
It's not great, but really not bad.
He self settles a lot too since I started leaving him to. I used to pick him back up at any sound. But soon learnt that if he make his noises then stops/starts he will eventually stop and sleep. If it is continuous and creeping toward a cry I pick him up as he won't stop.

Good luck to all you poor ladies. I hope you get sleep very soon.
Hi ladies. I was struggling with Layla at first so bad, and she had colic too, which has now gone but it was really hard and I really sympathise :(
Now we feed her at about 8pm- she tends to want about 6 oz in the night where as in the day she'll want 4/5. After that feed & in between I wind her lots. Then I swaddle her, place her in the cot and put the lights out in our room leaving the landing light on, I give her a dummy but I understand not everyone wants to do this. I then leave her and go to bed (our bed is next to the cot) She stirs for a while then eventually gets off to sleep. I do believe if I don't swaddle her it wouldn't be so easy, or if I stay by her I find she gets distracted and wont sleep. Hope you ladies get some relief soon . Big hugs to you all xx
hi ladys i was wondering if u knew the sort of age babies should start sleeping through the nyt??? or when i should start a bed time routine my baby is only 7 weeks old at the moment and 10 weeks premamture so just wanted rough idea xxx

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