Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Sending hugs to all sleep deprived mummies x haven't got on here in ages as too tired LOL - at 10.5 months Dylan just gave me my first night of sleeping through! I don't expect a repeat but what a treat after generally 2 hourly wakings (until about 4am where each wakeup blurred into another).

I haven't really done anything for it to change other than try to tire him out (he's walking now) and try to make sure he is offered plenty of solids (not that he tends to take them, blw).

Have any mummies transitioned from co sleeping? I'd like to but have been too tired so far! X
I am not sure what to do with my little one, first week home from hospital was great, this second week hadn't been so good.

She struggles to fall asleep during the day, fighting it as much as she can, every night at almost exactly 7.30 we have a tiredness screaming fit for a hour in which I can do nothing to settle her, and now at night she will have a feed, fall asleep in my arms and then as soon as I lay her in the moses basket we're awake and crying.

I am unsure what to do, I can't cuddle her all night, but I am shattered as I seem to spend most of the night willing her to sleep!

Currently she's laying in my arms after having had a 3.5oz bottle and of still fighting the tiredness!

Does anyone have any advice? X x

My LO wont sleep in his moses basket so sleeps in his carrycot, it wont do him any harm.
Also is there anywhere in the house she drops off easily?
Anton will fall asleep in my arms, on the couch or bed and when i think he is sound asleep i move him and make sure he is wrapped up tightly and he goes down no probs :thumbup:
Well today seems to have been a success, although I am afraid of speaking too soon with this!

Someone recommended to me the heat pad/hot water bottle method, in which whilst she's feeding I lay a warmish hot water bottle in the moses basket, let her fall asleep in my arms, remove the hot water bottle and then lay her down... the warmth (hopefully!) fools her into thinking she's still with me.

She's slept really well today and is sleeping now, so fingers crossed!
Well today seems to have been a success, although I am afraid of speaking too soon with this!

Someone recommended to me the heat pad/hot water bottle method, in which whilst she's feeding I lay a warmish hot water bottle in the moses basket, let her fall asleep in my arms, remove the hot water bottle and then lay her down... the warmth (hopefully!) fools her into thinking she's still with me.

She's slept really well today and is sleeping now, so fingers crossed!

I am there with ya! I am glad you hopefully found something that works. I think I might have too. Seems she is more comfy with familiar smells. She will sleep in her basinet downstairs and will sleep great in our bed (I work from home and my desk is in our bedroom). So today, i took a blanket that had been used yesterday and had my scent all over it, and tucked it like a sheet in her basinet in our room. It worked! I think I need to smell up some more blankets. :haha:
Well the hot water method went down the pan unfortunately and I have had a few bad nights again.

Swaddling helps, but doesn't solve the problem really. She does like white noise though, so Thursday night in absolute desperation there was I at 4am on my laptop in my bedroom playing her white noise from videos on You Tube! Shattered doesn't even begin to cover it!

So after looking online I thought about buying just a mini radio for the bedroom, but something that I could also take out with me. Trouble is white noise gives me headaches after5 min lol.

BUT on Amazon I came across something else, a Cloud B Sleep Sheep . Its a lovely little fluffy lamb with a velcro strap on his head, he plays 4 different sounds from nature; a babbling brook, rain, ocean waves and whale sounds. It has two timers on it.

Well I am not kidding but this toy of an absolute miracle machine! As soon as I turn it on Rose is content, chilled and happy.

I paid £20 for it, but would happily have paid £50.

She has just had a bottle and afterwards she always gets a bit grumpy, especially when tired.. Tonight though I just switched on the sheep, the crying stopped immediately and after 15 seconds eyes were shut and she was gone!

One VERY happy Mummy!ï
Well, after spending 13 months in this thread, looks like we're moving on, Alexandre has STTN several times this month and only does 1 feed on nearly every night since he turned 1. Hurrah. I guess, after every desperate trick in the book except crying, he just needed time and he did it when he was ready.
Im a new tired mummy to Lyla!! currently trying to keep my eyes open!! aaaah!!! x
I've just joined this forum, and am really hoping to get some advice and suggestions from some of you lovely ladies!

My baby boy is almost 3 months old and we're having problems with him waking frequently in the night. He's waking every 15-45 minutes (sometimes every 10 minutes!) and won't resettle unless we give him his dummy.

He used to only do this from about 4am until 7am, however it's getting worse and is now starting at about 1am and continuing through until the morning. I'm getting very little sleep and am at my wits end about how to solve this!

We do have the odd night here and there where he only wakes 2-3 times needing his dummy to resettle, so we know he is capable of sleeping solidly and not needing his dummy all the time.

We do a dreamfeed at 10.30pm and then he feeds again at about 4.30am. We follow the same routine every night at bedtime, and we swaddle him. He goes to sleep really easily and quickly at 7pm, but then wakes several times before 8pm. He then usually sleeps soundly for several hours (used to go through until he woke hungry between 3am and 4am, but now is only sleeping soundly until just after 1am). We've tried white noise but this doesn't seem to help much.

I don't like the idea of just letting him cry himself back to sleep as I think he's far too young for any sort of controlled crying methods.

Any ideas of what could be causing this? Any thoughts on how we can solve this sleep problem? I'm getting pretty desperate for a decent sleep!!
I feel like those in my surroundings aren't taking me seriously. Does anyone know what to do in this situation: I happily cluster-fed my baby for three and a half months because she would at least sleep for six hours. I thought it a fair trade-off. But now I fear I have created a monster. I have to let her suck (not eat) for hours just to fall asleep and then we are up every single hour just so she can suckle for a few minutes to put herself back to sleep. She won't take a soother and I've tried all the tricks in the no-cry sleep solution. I find four months too young for sleep training and I have a toddler I don't want to wake. Any ideas? Thanks!
The only thing I can suggest is co-sleeping - so she can suckle but not wake you. My LO never cluster-fed but did feed 2-hourly (or more) 24 hours a day until about 6.5 months, when he started to sleep maybe 3 or 4 hours at once. Even now he wakes 2 or 3 times a night to suckle but it doesn't take long and I'm kinda used to it now. Hoping he'll just grow out of it x
I cant sleep :( but its not because my LO is awake, she is fast asleep and has been for 2 and a half hours now. I'm just feeling very paranoid tonight and don't feel I can fall asleep incase something happens to her. She had a sezuire/fit earlier today and I am to terrified to take my eyes off of her..
So sorry to hear that love ... Go out tomorrow and get yourself an angelcare movement monitor - I wouldn't let Rose up to bed without it, so pleased p found out about it, its a life safer x
Hello Mommas! I have a beautiful 1 month old that will sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time... as long as she's laying on someone or in their arms! I have used all different types of swaddling, white noise (we have the sleep sheep too), pacifier, and same routine every night. She eats well and doesn't have to be nursed to sleep. Many nights I end up choosing sleep over fighting with her, but I don't want her to get in the habit of sleeping on me. I think she may just be a tummy sleeper as she will fall asleep during our tummy time and would happily stay there if I didn't move her. Any ideas??
Hello Mommas! I have a beautiful 1 month old that will sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time... as long as she's laying on someone or in their arms! I have used all different types of swaddling, white noise (we have the sleep sheep too), pacifier, and same routine every night. She eats well and doesn't have to be nursed to sleep. Many nights I end up choosing sleep over fighting with her, but I don't want her to get in the habit of sleeping on me. I think she may just be a tummy sleeper as she will fall asleep during our tummy time and would happily stay there if I didn't move her. Any ideas??

My LO is the same. Bout same age too. What I do is just hold her til.she doses off then put her in her bassinet. Usually it works. She has to be swaddled tho too.
My OH is afraid shes getting in the habit of having to be held to be calm. I hope not but its the only thing that works.
Have u tried a swing to get her to fall asleep then maybe transfer her?
Hello all. Reading thru and I hope some of these tips im reading works

LOs tummy is upset I Think. Poor things gets tossed between breastmilk and formula cuz I cant produce enuf to keep up with her appitite. :(
Everytime she wakes up, she screams like Ive just punched her or something. Then is awake for another 45 mins or longer til I get her to settle again...then wakes up all over about two hrs after that.

I know it can be worse. ... but man im pooped.

Its 342am. egh.
Can i join this thread! Chloe has always been a bit of a nightmare at night, not so much crying, just sleeping for an hour then deciding its playtime for 2 hours or so! She teased me a few weeks ago and slept from 7pm to 7:30am but in the rest of her 7 months ive been getting by on about 3/4 hours sleep a night. She's just one of those babies that doesnt seem to want or need sleep lol! x
My LO is the same. Bout same age too. What I do is just hold her til.she doses off then put her in her bassinet. Usually it works. She has to be swaddled tho too.
My OH is afraid shes getting in the habit of having to be held to be calm. I hope not but its the only thing that works.
Have u tried a swing to get her to fall asleep then maybe transfer her?[/QUOTE]

My little lady isn't so fond of the swing! She only lasts in it for about 10 minutes before crying. Just this weekend she finally started sleeping in her bassinet for longer stretches of time. I have been putting a heating pad in there while I feed her then when she's done eating, I swaddle her, take out the heating pad (check to make sure it's not too hot) then place her on the warm sheet. This has been enough the past few nights to convince her she's still laying on one of us! Hopefully she doesn't figure out my trick!
My daughter has slept 8-12hrs (straight) every night since she was 2 months
Since I've been pregnant the longest she sleeps is 3hrs and thats if we're lucky! She gets up every 2/3 hrs in the night time just sleeping about 5 hrs!
I am so so sooo exhausted. She also doesn't take any (nope not one or the 5 minutes) naps in the day time so shes up a good 12-16 hrs

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