Hello all :wave: I'm attempting SW in the hopes I can lose the baby weight plus the extra I've put on since then before I go away next April, I have/had 3st9lb to get back to pre preggo weight, but will be happy to get back to 10st something.
I'm not going to a group as I don't have the funds and the local classes are not good times for me, I looked online, but even with the current offer as a single mum I can't justify £50 in one hit, so I have a starter pack from ebay plus help from Nicky and a few others and I'm going to do my best.
The end of this week is going to be a bit (well a lot) off plan, been out all day today for my birthday, tomorrow out for a dinner to celebrate with my aunt cooking and she always does gorgeous food and scrummy puds, saturday out all day again (seaside = fish and chips), then sunday to my parents for roast. I feel a bit pee'd off with it really, I would have preferred to stay at home and get a good start. I started on plan on sunday and although I had a sneaky mid week weigh (gentle wrist slapping from Nicky for that

) I don't want to go back on the scales now until I've had lots of good days after the weekend. So might make my first official weigh in next friday, even though I bet i'm tempted in the morning
Quick question, is cowboy pie just another name for cottage pie?