hiya all and welcome to Lou1234- i usually struggle with weekends but have stopped myself this weekend and if i fancy something naughty im having either WW chocolate dessert at 60 cals a pot-3 syns its enough of a choccie hit or a mini milk 1 1/2 syns. Hoping for 2 tommoro at weigh in. Anyone else find they can hardly eat anything before they go- my weigh in aint till 5.30pm!! I need to lose a stone before christmas if i could lose two i think i would scream with delight!! I cant imagine that day so am concentratin on half a stone at a time- ive got 4 1/2 till my first 1/2 stone as have gone back to group now.
Im the same as you, i hardley eat anything on day of weigh in and i weigh in at 5.30pm aswell. Last wed all i had before weigh in was 2 slices of toast, how bad is that