welcome laura good luck with your first weigh in i too do EE and i love it theres so much variety :wave:
just had my braising steak it was gorgous and its on special offer at tesco so gonna get some more tomorrow had it with lots of veg and new potatoes it was delish gonna have a muller light in a bit when my sweet craving kicks in and then gonna go on just dance for a couple of hours not weighing again till fridy as i feel i lose more by doing it this way.
Definately going to try this out !
I did syn free home made spag bol for our tea. Just put loads more veg in than usual and used extra lean mince. It was yummy
Does anyone know how many syns chicken tikka sandwich filler is by any chance? Cos i'm going my friends tomorrow and shes making jackets with filler and i already told her it was fine lol x
do you know what brand it is or where she shops as i will have a look in my syn directory.
ad yer do try the braising steak i got 3 good pieces for £1.87 x
it'll either be asda or sainsburys home brand. Whats a syn directory? x