SMEP success buddies

Btw...we should actually be the official sponsors of Gumtree :haha::haha: xxxxxx
Hhhmmm...I just got a reminded on my phone to say I have a midwife appointment at 1.30pm! Oh bad me for forgetting! I was gonna take Brandon to see his health visitor at 2pm anyway so that works out quite well! xxxxx
Oh Certain :hugs: sounds like you have a horrid boss!! I don't understand how they can stop you taking all your hol before you start your maternity leave? (though, fully expecting to hear the same for myself some time soon!) They have to pay you for that holiday, so it shouldnt make any difference to them when you choose to take it??? You should just tag all your holiday onto the end of your maternity leave! Can you do that? Means you can still take the same about of time off, just the end bit will be paid for instead of the start!

Hahaha Steph - Love how much you care for Sainsburys :D I get so caught up in my work sometimes and get so stressed out, I have to take a step back and think "Why on earth do I care????" Soon sorts me out!!

Oooh a midwife appointment? What's that for? I don't see one again till 28 weeks! Hope it's a fun one!

x x x
Oh, i'm not going to see the pram tonight - going tomorrow from work. But she's just told me she might not have the pram liner.... now, i'm thinking, how important can one pram liner be??? I've looked on the mothercare website, and she says it's not essential (although, she would say that!) so I dunno??

Hmmm, might have to put this to the 2nd tri forum....

x x x
Yeah i think we sometimes need to take a wee reality check and look at everything in the big picture! Its easy to get wrapped up in work issues but ive just reached a point where i may have a slight attitude haha! Altho, i do love the place at xmas so im hoping that will start to brighten the place up soon!

We are told to book a midwife appt for 22 weeks...i have clearly not done my calculations right as im only 21 weeks! Oh well! I hope she lets me hear the hb...ive still not heard it! Taking brandon with me so maybe this will help him understand! liner does she mean the footmuff thing? Im sure u could always buy one to fit if u decide u need one! Ur wee squiggle will be born just coming into summer so it wont be necessary for a while! Yeh id stick it in 2nd tri and see wot people say! Maybe u could ask for a cheeky wee £10 off! Hahaha!! Xxxxxx
Well i'm not too sure what it is!! It can't be the footmuff, cuz the lady says she's got that... the only thing I can think of is that it's like a quilted thing that goes round the inside of the pram when it's in carry cot mode. I guess it would just make it nicer, but surely it's not a must?? I can order one from Mothercare if I need to, but i imagine they'll charge the earth!

Yeh, I might ask for a cheeky tenner off :D

Oh yeah, I hope you get to hear the HB with Brandon!!! I'm sure they wont mind if your a week out, it's just a rough guide for appointments isn't it?! x x x
Aaah ok....nah i dnt think it will be that important then! She obviously didnt use it or else it would still be in the carrycot! Im sure its nothing that a wee blanket couldnt solve! Yeah id imagine mothercare prob would charge a fortune for a wee bit of fabric lol! At the end of the day, liner or no liner, the pram is still a fab bargain!! Haha im so terrible for encouraging spending!!

Yeah i hope we hear the hb! Yeah i think its just a rough guide lol! Ive to take Brandon for his 2 year check up afterwards...totally forgot to do it in september! Oooops!! Hope he does sure he will tho! Hes a wee genius haha!

Smiley...the liner could be the bit that goes over the carrycot... ?? Do you know what I mean? The bit that sort of seems like a 'lid' on the carrycot...?

I dunno...Just guessing here!:shrug::shrug:

I got on great at the midwife...she let us hear the heartbeat! :cloud9:Sad that OH never got to hear it but he can come next time! Brandon looked soooo confused haha! And Brandon got on great at his check up! She asked if he can say five words clearly as thats what the average 2 year old can say...I was like "he can say LOADS more than five lol" And she had a wee play about with him and said he was a wee star pupil ::amartass: lol! So proud lol!

The midwife said Ive to phone the physio because my back has been so sore! She said that being on my feet all day at work wont be helping and said the physio might give me a back or bump support to help ease pain! And she said that aqaunatal classes have started in my area so i can start going to them next week! Im quite excited about they classes!

Good Morning!!

Steph - Ahh, that's great you got to hear the heartbeat :D Glad Brandon got on so well as well!

How is everyone else today?

Kbkb - Hope you are enjoying your time off!

I am going to see my new pram after work :happydance: the lady got in touch and said she does have the pram liner, so that is not a prob. Will be nice to find out what it actually is! Eeek looking forwad to getting it :D Though, it will have to live in the shed till baby arrives. BAD LUCK to have a new pram in the house before.... anyone else keeping theirs outside? My nan has drummed that gem into me :dohh:

x x x x
Morning ladies,

Smiley - glad to hear you have got all the bits for the let us know what it is now! :) soo excited for you. I hadnt heard about not having it in the house, I think we will have to!

Steph - glad to hear all went well at the mw and with Brandon. the hb is such a lovely sound isnt it :) I havent used my doppler in ages! I was told by the mw 25 week app so looks like were all getting dif appointments, but I think mine may be coz its my 1st :)

So here is my 22+5 week pic..madness how its growing!

Think i need to stand up straighter! :haha:
Hey ladies :wave:


Smiley - thats great she found the liner! Let us know how u get on & if u get it! Eek! We have the pram in our house lol! The way I see it is, if we were re-using Brandons pram, it would be in the house lol! But we didnt keep Brandons pram in the house lol! LoL no ones actually made any comments to me about keeping it in the house! LoL I like to play with it anyway haha!!

Certain - fab bump pic!! Its lovely, its such a proper wee bump! Mine just looks like fat :nope: I think my c-section scar has made it a weird shape...and its quite 'B' shaped cos of the bellybutton lol! I'll attach a pic! How u feeling these days Certain? U still quite emotional?

AFM - Well...weve just put the christmas tree up:xmas9: Brandon was a great help...NOT :dohh: I can see us regretting putting it up early but ah well! Im all in the festive spirit! Ive had quite a rubbish day...I was meant to start work at 7am and didnt wake up til 7.05!!! Aaaah!! LoL so ive spent the whole day trying to catch up with myself lol!

Kbkb - Hope the babymoon is going fab!! Cant wait to hear from u!! :flower:

p.s please excuse the absolute tip of my room! Were in the middle of a MASSIVE clear out haha!!


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Good Morning!!

Certain and Steph - Lovely bumps!!!!! I love seeing all your bumps :D I took one on Weds, so i'll see if I can post it.

So went to see the pram last night, and although it is lovely (was in fab condition) the Quinny we have is nicer :dohh: So, much to my OH's delight, I didn't buy it!! Although, I was still tempted to buy it and re-sell it - haha, it was such a bargain!

So this means I am back to keeping an eye out for a new one. It's fun keeping an eye out for a bargain :D

Ah i'm jealous you have put your tree up Steph!! we are putting our tree and decorations up next weekend... I hope! Need to get OH on the case of getting a tree, I have to have a real tree (love them) so he has to go find one! (demanding!!)

x x x x

I love December!! :) :santa: so jealous your tree is up already, hoping to do ours next weekend!

Steph - love the bump! so cute and not odd shaped at all :) argh I hate waking up late, always makes me grumpy for the day!

Smiley - shame the pram wasnt perfect but well done for resisting - I prob would have wussed out of telling her i didnt like it! :blush:

AFM -bit of a dramatic morning. for the last 3 days ive been feeling very (TMI) wet down below, its been soaking a liner and pants a bit so although ive had no pain or lack of movement I went to the Fetal/mother unit at hosp (I work here so its just over the road). They were worried i may be leaking fluid but they checked me out and all seems ok so thats a relief, I just have to keep an eye on it. madness! However I am feeling much happier in myself now - think its coz its friday!! :haha:
Certain - Glad all is ok! That is handy having that unit close by for you to go over to :D

x x x
Ok.... after some research (I am at work and not working!) I have decided the pram I absolutely HAVE to have is the mamas and papas sola (in truffle) - I remember seeing this a while ago and loving it, but totally forgot about it.

I reaallllyyy want it, so my mission between now and Squiggle's due date is to find a bargain and get it in my posession :haha:

Who knows it might come down in price in the sales??? Oh my gosh, girls, OH would be most unimpressed if I bought it new!!! Pahahaha!

x x x x
Hey ladies!!!

Certain - so glad everything is ok! Ur always better to get anything checked out!!

Smiley - sorry to hear the pram wasnt perfect but woo hoo that uv decided to get the sola!!! Thats the same pram we picked!! I do have a spare carrycot for it u can have very cheap if u like???

I totally didnt mean that to sound cheeky if it came across that way lol!!! Just if u want it for cheap, u can have mine cheap :)

Lol its really expensive brand new isnt it? Have u seen any on gumtree? Fingers crossed one comes up soon!! I think there may be one on ebay...not quitr sure tho lol!

AFM - ive been shopping all day and am absolutely knackered!! My god! Lol! But on the plus side, xmas shopping is done and dusted! Woo hoo! Just need to wrap it all!

Also got baby some clothes today! My work has 25% sale on clothing and my staff discount is up to 20% so everything is near enough half price!! Woo hoo!

Ive had a good wee day but glad to put my feet up! Xxxxxxx
Hey ladies!!!

Certain - so glad everything is ok! Ur always better to get anything checked out!!

Smiley - sorry to hear the pram wasnt perfect but woo hoo that uv decided to get the sola!!! Thats the same pram we picked!! I do have a spare carrycot for it u can have very cheap if u like???


Errrrr what??? Steph, I must have totally missed you saying it was the Sola you got!!! Amazing!! Yes, yes, yes please I'd love the spare carrycot.... not sure how much it would cost to post down to me though??

How on earth have I missed that you got the Sola? Baby brain has a lot to answer for! x x x
Hahaha!! Yeaaaahh!! Its the Sola we got :D:D Haha!! We got it in black tho haha!! The carrycot only comes in that ok??

Im not too sure about how much it would cost for postage...I can have a wee check next week :D Its in amazing condition!

Ive attached some piccies :D:D xxx


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Haha, i'm such an idiot!! I must have looked at the pram when you said and thought, wow - that's really nice. . . Didn't even register the name of it! :dohh:

Ooooh I love the carrycot! Yeh, I noticed it only comes in black - but that's totally fine. If you don't mind seeing how much it would be to send / if it wont be too much hassle, then i'd love to buy it off you :D Just let me know what £! :happydance:

How comes you have 2 anyway??

x x x x x

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