Certain - Love your names

Sorry work has been hard -hope you have a better day today!
Steph - Have you seen your doctor or anything yet? I had to see my doc first who is the one who sent off for the scan dates etc. My midwife appointment isn't for a while - I think the first one is a lot of form filling, last time they didn't listen for the heartbeat until a couple appointments in. Not sure if it differs in the different areas though!
QPP - Glad you aren't panicking about the blood, i've read loads of times that there's nothing to worry about if it's only a little / old. Wow I really want some blueberries now you've said about this though!!
kbkb - The answer to how you cope? - You just do!! before I had DS I slept LOADS. And I mean loads, I loved day time naps, late evening naps, morning naps - haha. I just love sleep! It is difficult, but somehow your body adjusts and it's surprising how little sleep we can actually function on! (Man, I forgot about the lack of sleep bit!)
Thanks for that link as well, totally going to do this tomorrow morning!!

have you managed to try it yet?
AFM - Monday at work was crappy. Always is! bank holiday next weekend though -

last night a massive wave of nausea hit, but fortunately feeling fine again today.
x x x x x x