
This is totally stupid and Im likely going to be shot down for asking, but is anyone else smoking during pregnancy? I have tried to quit but it is way hard for me. (i already have two children an my husband is in afghanistan til dec-jan 2012. He wont be home for the birth and most of the pregnancy. He left Jan 9 2011 an is expected to be home Jan 2012. I am stressed and I am still smoking :(:(:(

Also, I am very sorry to hear that your hubby is away for so long. I couldnt imagine! Stay strong sweetie!
It was my post, I know who responded and who defended so umm, obviously. Lmao. If you have something to say, don't "not name names," PM me... or whoever you could have ever possibly been talking about.

I'd recommend reading the Allen Carr book 'Easy way for women to stop smoking' it really helped me and there's a section about pregnancy, because it's aimed at women. It'[s not judgemental, doesn't tell you 'smoking is bad for you etc etc etc' but makes you realise what smoking actually is.

Claire xxx
It was my post, I know who responded and who defended so umm, obviously. Lmao. If you have something to say, don't "not name names," PM me... or whoever you could have ever possibly been talking about.


Wow that was quick! Like within minutes! Must be a record! I will do things the way I want too. Period! If I wanted to NAME NAMES I would have! I have no idea who you are, so you can stop responding now! Take your own advice, if you have something else to say you can PM me. K Thanks!
I was a smoker before I got pregnant with my son whom just turned 4. I was trying to quit so hard before I even found out I was pregnant, the second I took a test, the cigs went in the garbage!! I would rather not chance an unhealthy baby than smoke for my own stress releif or habit. It was hard but I never looked back and to this day haven't had one!! To me it was what was more important to me... And My son was that.... To some I know it is probably harder and I know a few ladies who smoked their whole pregnancy because they just couldn't put it down!! To some its just the way its going to be!! Don't beat yourself down about it, talk to your ob if you really need some options or need help!! Maybe see if the gum or patch is safe!? Its all up to you and your ob!!
I'd recommend reading the Allen Carr book 'Easy way for women to stop smoking' it really helped me and there's a section about pregnancy, because it's aimed at women. It'[s not judgemental, doesn't tell you 'smoking is bad for you etc etc etc' but makes you realise what smoking actually is.

Claire xxx

I've heard a lot of great things about this book as well!
It was my post, I know who responded and who defended so umm, obviously. Lmao. If you have something to say, don't "not name names," PM me... or whoever you could have ever possibly been talking about.


Wow that was quick! Like within minutes! Must be a record! I will do things the way I want too. Period! If I wanted to NAME NAMES I would have! I have no idea who you are, so you can stop responding now! Take your own advice, if you have something else to say you can PM me. K Thanks!

Uhh... right. Lmao. Buh-bye.:thumbup:
I know of midwives here who won't take on clients who smoke. They simply see too many complications and often medical intervention is required as the baby has troubles at birth. I'm sure there are lots who have managed to come through a pregnancy unscathed but I'm sure if you look at fetal alcohol stats there are some mothers that still drank plenty through their pregnancy and their babies were incredibly lucky not to have been effect - at least not probably until later in life when their limited concentration has had a detrimental effect on their schooling etc.

Addictions are very selfish in their nature. They work on your brain to tell you that you can not do with out. It will help you make up many excuses to defend it such as "I'm stressed, the doctor says cutting down is better than stopping, I'm doing the best I can, It can't hurt that much right?" etc etc. I know this as I am an ex smoker who was fooled by the addiction for many years but I realised that I was a slave to it. Seriously, you ladies are strong and competent people, you are going to have a baby that you will fiercely defend and protect. You will cope with working while pregnant, growing a little miracle inside you, puking and aching and refluxing. Then you will labour and experience intense pain but you will be strong and deliver the most gorgeous little person in your world. You certainly don't need a silly substance like nicotine as you are much stronger and better than that. As a previous poster stated, cutting down is just a way for your addiction to keep a foot in the door. As soon as some stressful situation occurs (and lets face it, life is made up of them) it will come to the fore and demand you pay it more attention. You may even tell yourself that you are stressed so it is better to calm your self with a cigarette than to stress the baby out it. Wrong! It's the nasty addiction finding a way to stay in your life.

You don't need it, you can spend the money on your baby and you can start showing your baby just how strong you are and that you will do anything to protect the wee one.

Aside from that, as a mother, you have the responsibility to be in this world for as long as possible for this baby. I just lost my mum at the age of 56 from cancer. I am so sad that she will never see my children grow up, and because of her illness she never played the nana role. I never had a mum to talk to about raising babies, pregnancy and she will never celebrate birthdays and christmas's etc. I really need my mum. We all do. So does your baby : ) Don't let your addiction take that away from you and your child.
I'd recommend reading the Allen Carr book 'Easy way for women to stop smoking' it really helped me and there's a section about pregnancy, because it's aimed at women. It'[s not judgemental, doesn't tell you 'smoking is bad for you etc etc etc' but makes you realise what smoking actually is.

Claire xxx

I've heard a lot of great things about this book as well!

Il have 2 look it up, anythings worth a go! X
I know of midwives here who won't take on clients who smoke. They simply see too many complications and often medical intervention is required as the baby has troubles at birth. I'm sure there are lots who have managed to come through a pregnancy unscathed but I'm sure if you look at fetal alcohol stats there are some mothers that still drank plenty through their pregnancy and their babies were incredibly lucky not to have been effect - at least not probably until later in life when their limited concentration has had a detrimental effect on their schooling etc.

How strange that they won't take smokers. Nice, I gues, that they're not trying to make money off of it.
I found Alan Carr's book great as well. I stayed off the cigs for 18mths after that book then I went on holiday and allowed my selfto get tricked by the ciggs once a gain! I found out I was pregnant a short time after and they went in the bin, never to return. Yippeeee!!! Finally free of the old ball and chain
I found Alan Carr's book great as well. I stayed off the cigs for 18mths after that book then I went on holiday and allowed my selfto get tricked by the ciggs once a gain! I found out I was pregnant a short time after and they went in the bin, never to return. Yippeeee!!! Finally free of the old ball and chain

Well done you :) x
Oh and i forgot to ask, has any1 tried those fake Cigs? They look preety weird but if they work i rekon there worth a go? x

are you talking about those electric cigs ? they are VERY good but wouldnt use them if your pregnant, all kinds of things go into the liquids you use with them. The inhaler's are good.
I know of midwives here who won't take on clients who smoke. They simply see too many complications and often medical intervention is required as the baby has troubles at birth. I'm sure there are lots who have managed to come through a pregnancy unscathed but I'm sure if you look at fetal alcohol stats there are some mothers that still drank plenty through their pregnancy and their babies were incredibly lucky not to have been effect - at least not probably until later in life when their limited concentration has had a detrimental effect on their schooling etc.

How strange that they won't take smokers. Nice, I gues, that they're not trying to make money off of it.

I think it is because they often end up with babies in distress post birth and need to have medical input. MW's specialise in 'normal' births so smoking is now being seen as a high risk birth here. The stats support this and it seems to be a nationwide move that less and less women are being taken on by MWs when they smoke. It's kinda being put in to the same category as people who use drugs through out pregnancy with the special clinics to support and monitor mums/bubs. Attitudes are changing towards cigs. They have been seen as socially acceptable and relatively benign for so long. Now tobacco companies don't have such a great stake in the governmental policies like they do, stats are proving that smoking is not the 'mild addiction we all though it was. I know the UK has a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants. In NZ we introduced our ban a year or so before the UK, all of our stadiums and public places are smokefree. Our hospitals are smokefree and there are moves to make it illegal to smoke on the street. Japan has a ban on smoking in the street except for designated areas. I helps make it more difficult to smoke which help people give up and it protects others. I hate being in town and walking past clouds of cigs with my two boys in the pram. They don't get any choices when it comes to other peoples cigarette smoke. I am all for a designated area as it will deter smokers and protect everyone a bit better.
I knew I was an addict for life (although reformed now hehehe) as after I stopped smoking I started to have dreams I was smoking. I would wake up feeling really guilty and smell my hands to make sure I hadn't smoked. The dreams felt so real. I work in an area that has a lot to do with addictions and many ex drug users say they have dreams of using and it's part of their life. I kinda freaked out when I realised I was having 'using dreams' I thought it was just for IV drug users and people who had rituals around their addiction. Then I realised that having a smoke with a wine or a coffee, my fav cig on the way to work or home from work - were all rituals that I maintained for over 10 years. Of course it will be part of my life for a bit yet. I guess it shows how deep addiction roots itself in our brains.
I know of midwives here who won't take on clients who smoke. They simply see too many complications and often medical intervention is required as the baby has troubles at birth. I'm sure there are lots who have managed to come through a pregnancy unscathed but I'm sure if you look at fetal alcohol stats there are some mothers that still drank plenty through their pregnancy and their babies were incredibly lucky not to have been effect - at least not probably until later in life when their limited concentration has had a detrimental effect on their schooling etc.

Addictions are very selfish in their nature. They work on your brain to tell you that you can not do with out. It will help you make up many excuses to defend it such as "I'm stressed, the doctor says cutting down is better than stopping, I'm doing the best I can, It can't hurt that much right?" etc etc. I know this as I am an ex smoker who was fooled by the addiction for many years but I realised that I was a slave to it. Seriously, you ladies are strong and competent people, you are going to have a baby that you will fiercely defend and protect. You will cope with working while pregnant, growing a little miracle inside you, puking and aching and refluxing. Then you will labour and experience intense pain but you will be strong and deliver the most gorgeous little person in your world. You certainly don't need a silly substance like nicotine as you are much stronger and better than that. As a previous poster stated, cutting down is just a way for your addiction to keep a foot in the door. As soon as some stressful situation occurs (and lets face it, life is made up of them) it will come to the fore and demand you pay it more attention. You may even tell yourself that you are stressed so it is better to calm your self with a cigarette than to stress the baby out it. Wrong! It's the nasty addiction finding a way to stay in your life.

You don't need it, you can spend the money on your baby and you can start showing your baby just how strong you are and that you will do anything to protect the wee one.

Aside from that, as a mother, you have the responsibility to be in this world for as long as possible for this baby. I just lost my mum at the age of 56 from cancer. I am so sad that she will never see my children grow up, and because of her illness she never played the nana role. I never had a mum to talk to about raising babies, pregnancy and she will never celebrate birthdays and christmas's etc. I really need my mum. We all do. So does your baby : ) Don't let your addiction take that away from you and your child.

Superb post.
end of the day it is up to the individual what they wanna i said before ya know the risks...and its your decision... if ya quit well done, if ya trying well done...and if ya still smoking and not even cutt down just gonna keep my mouth shut onthat one..

good luck ladies...

i found it hard but i got there....
I am 12 weeks pregnant and still smoking but have cut down from 20 a day to 5 a day, i am finding it really hard to do this but i am doing it for the baby and for my 10 month old son!! It is hard but we all can do it!!!
I won't smoke and my DH is cutting down and quitting and I wont have him near me when he smells of smoke as I hate it anyway BUT I REALLY DO wish you ladies who are trying to cut down and or quit the best of luck!

You are trying to do your best for yourselves and your babies as we all are, as we all will when our bundles arrive and I think this forum is here for supporting other women and looking for non judgemental support. We will all have various difficulties along the way, all making different decisions through out and we should try not to attack others.

Some of us will follow the books GUIDELINES - yes that's all they are - to the letter, some will have the odd sushi platter or runny egg. Some will have a small glass of wine, some will have non. We may breastfeed or bottle feed, use cloth nappies or disposables. Neither is right or wrong so PLEASE ladies lets not fight or be negative. It's not something any of us needs right now!


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