Hi Ladies! Belle, wowza that went quickly for you! Your fertility clinic appt is sooner even than mine, lol. Ours is the 23rd.
MK, glad to hear hubby's SA was good. That's reassuring a bet. One less thing to worry about.
8DPO (I think) here. I haven't temped in the past few days as I was out of town for a wedding. I am ready for this cycle to be over. I just feel like everything has worked against me this cycle. No positive OPK ever, some uncertainty about O date, less than stellar intercourse timing, plus did some drinking and some somewhat aggressive/enthusiastic bding over the weekend which probably wasn't super promoting of implantation. Annnnd I feel like I might be getting a little infection as I'm having some soreness/discomfort. Overall, I just feel out already. If this happens to be the cycle I get a positive HPT it would be hilarious due to everything being out of whack. I did have a pregnancy dream though that I found out at my appt that there was a fertilized embryo in there that hadn't yet implanted (not that that can happen in real life given my appt timing which will be before my next ovulation, lol), and we were watching it implant on the ultrasound screen (WTF?) and were so excited. So funny.