Pleasance, I agree with the others, this is the perfect place for a pity party. I've been doing that a lot lately, lol. I'm really very sorry to hear about your grandmother. That added stress must be really unpleasant right now.
Ducks, so so good to hear from you! Glad your first tri is sailing along well. Sooner or later we'll all be in the pregnancy boards with you and we'll jazz things up over there!
Belle, good for you not worrying with temps too much. They look good though.
I knew period was coming so ditched temping the last 3 days of my cycle, and I'm not temping the first 4-5 days of this new cycle either. Your appt is just next week! Yay for that. Hoping the news is all good news, and maybe even that you'll be pregnant at the appt. How awesome would THAT be?!
AFM, I'm counting today as CD1. I had bright red spotting yesterday, but full flow started in the wee hours of the morning, so going with today is the first proper day. So here I go again. A new cycle. A new opportunity. Old crappy cycle behind me. I wish I could fast forward 2-3 months so the new supplements I'm taking would have had enough time to work (takes about 90 days to affect egg health). I'm hoping the high dose (400mg) of ubiquin. (coq10) and pregnitude and lifestyle changes do good things for my little eggies. This whole month has just felt sad to me. Currently it's just an undertone of sadness, and I'm mostly feeling hope and readiness and deep interest in making progress, but the undertone of sadness is always there. This TTC stuff can be rough when there are problems. :-/
Ducks, so so good to hear from you! Glad your first tri is sailing along well. Sooner or later we'll all be in the pregnancy boards with you and we'll jazz things up over there!

Belle, good for you not worrying with temps too much. They look good though.

AFM, I'm counting today as CD1. I had bright red spotting yesterday, but full flow started in the wee hours of the morning, so going with today is the first proper day. So here I go again. A new cycle. A new opportunity. Old crappy cycle behind me. I wish I could fast forward 2-3 months so the new supplements I'm taking would have had enough time to work (takes about 90 days to affect egg health). I'm hoping the high dose (400mg) of ubiquin. (coq10) and pregnitude and lifestyle changes do good things for my little eggies. This whole month has just felt sad to me. Currently it's just an undertone of sadness, and I'm mostly feeling hope and readiness and deep interest in making progress, but the undertone of sadness is always there. This TTC stuff can be rough when there are problems. :-/