Sneaking back in...

Hey ladies I came across this article you might find interesting. They investigated the different ways of estimating ovulation date (CM vs LH vs bbt) in relation to the ultrasound confirmed day of ovulation. In most cycles, peak CM and initial LH rise come closer to the true ovulation date than bbt rise. I ❤️ science.

I texted my friend to congratulate her on her pregnancy and found out it was a surprise! I suppose I should be encouraged that a woman my age can have an oopsy baby...but mostly it's just annoying that it's so easy for her and so hard for me!
Thanks for sharing that article Wishn, interesting information! That means that I probably was ovulating earlier than K thought based on my shorter Luteal phase maybe want even a thing!

I was going to share this article that I read too...made me cry and this is just what I remind myself whenever I'm feeling down.

Hope you TWW is going well Belle! Wishn and I will get to wait together, you're always a couple weeks ahead!
Hey ladies sorry I've been MIA the last few days, I always check out a little during the first part of the TWW. I'm definitely in the TWW, but not really holding out much hope for this cycle if I'm honest. Last cycle my hopes were so high. I just don't have energy for that this cycle. Goodness ladies I sure hope it will be our turn soon. I can't even imagine what that would feel like.... Possibly a deep sense of relief

Wishn I'm sorry about your friends pregnancy announcement, those never get any easier, neither do the birth announcements. Good for you for making the call though!

MK I hope all goes well with your husband! And congrats on finishing up exams! It's always such a relief to be finished up :)

Great articles ladies!
Oh and Wishn, my dad and step mom had an oops baby and it pisses me off that I'm infertile. She was 39 at the time and he was 41. She also had pcos and an IUD. how does that even happen???? Unfair. Now my dad just talks about how awful it is to have a toddler (mostly jokingly) and I just think "shut up, there are worse things" I'm becoming so bitter
MK thanks for that...wish I'd read it before applying mascara! I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason...that when I finally do hold my baby in my arms it will be worth the wait. Maybe there's something to that...if I hadn't lost my first one I would have been 21 weeks pregnant when I slipped and broke my elbow, and that could have been really bad.

Belle I totally get it...some tww's you feel like you're waiting for a BFP and some you feel like you're just waiting for AF. Maybe your later O this cycle will turn out to be a good thing, like the egg will had more time to mature, lining had more time to thicken? I am still hoping for you, even if you don't have a lot of hope for yourself this month!

Well 'sex week' has started at our house. I didn't think it would when DH fell asleep on the couch at 8 pm, but after a 3 hour couch nap he came to bed ready to go! We're aiming for every other day from day 8 to 16. I'll start my opk's tomorrow, and take Mucinex daily when they start to darken. Fingers crossed I O before we head home for the holidays.
I've had CD 15 Os, the last one was in the summer and just happened to be the same cycle I had my ultrasound done. My lining was 7.5mm on CD 15 (O day that cycle), so on the thin side despite having extra time. So I don't think the couple extra days matter too much. My AFs have been a bit heavier and I haven't had anymote CD 12 Os since I started acupuncture, so I do feel like things are improving.I dunno, can't help but feel like we're out since finding out about DHs weed habit. He hadn't smoked any for the past week as far as I know.... And he's been super crabby to show for it lol. That's fine I can take his crabbiness, can't take the lying

Good luck with O week Wishn!! Hope you have lots of fun! EOD totally makes sense!
Oh MK. I was not expecting that article. There were just tears. I've been sick off and on this month and we didn't even BD at the right time so I know nothing's happening for us this month, but I am oddly peaceful about it. There's something about knowing for certain that AF will be here and not stressing during the tww that is a nice change of pace.
Belle I hope things get better soon.
Mk I'm glad exams are over and thanks for sharing that article.
Wishn I hope sex week goes well.
Hoping everyone's Bfp comes soon.
Sorry to hear you've been sick Pleasance. It's been a tough year for colds and flus already. Glad you found a bit of peace on your cycle off.

I'm feeling kinda checked out again. Just have to get through the holidays. We can do it ladies! One day I hope we will all have our own babies and we can share stories :)
Pleasance, I'm sorry you've been sick. I almost envy your feeling of peace in the tww...pretty sure I haven't experienced that this past year!

Belle, your wait is half over already! It's probably better for you somehow to check out, try to forget what dpo you are (ya right) and enjoy the run up to Christmas as much as you can.

I almost wish I could check out and have a tww where I'm not a ball of anxiety swinging between hope and despair. I don't know why it's so hard, I mean once you're in it there's really nothing you can do to influence whether you're going to end up with a BFP. No matter what crazy things we do or do not eat, drink or do in the tww, it really just depends on whether a good sperm found a good egg and made a good embryo with good chromosomes that makes it to the uterus and finds a good place to implant. And all of that is entirely out of our hands during the tww.

CD11 and I'm waiting to O...BD week is going well so far. I skimmed the Fertility Diet yesterday (my only takeaway is that full fat dairy products are better than low fat while ttc, and I will accept any advice that means I get to eat ice cream daily). I also started reading Coming to Term, which is about miscarriage and is a really good read so far. The history of miscarriage research is fascinating...and possibly unethical.
Believe it or not Wishn, I don't know what dpo I am haha. Not checking either. I know AF should show sometime next weekend and that's good enough for me. I'm not holding my breath. A BFP would be the most amazing Christmas present EVER, but I can't see that I'll have such good luck.

I'll bet you'll O any day now!! Sounds like you've been doing a lot of interesting reading lately!
Belle, that is SO GOOD that you don't know what dpo you are. Really hoping that Santa brings you a bfp!!

Well I've probably been doing too much is interesting but really it just feeds my obsession and doesn't get me any closer to a baby. Maybe after I O I will delete my FF app from my phone and try to forget what dpo I am.
Wishn its been easy to forget. Its been SO busy that I haven't had time to symptom spot. So I've decided I'm just not going to track/symptom spot anything this TWW. My goal is to not log on to FF until AF shows, and I know roughly when AF will show so it doesn't much matter to count down the days. I can understand what you mean about the reading feeding the obsession. I have cycles like that too, some are worse than others.

I really hope we'll all see a BFP soon.
Pleasance hope you're feeling better! That's always a bummer if BDing timing gets put on the back burner.

Belle - the holidays is a great time to forget how many dpo, definitely better than obsessing over any possible symptom. Do you have a lot to do or any traveling planned? All of our family is with 35 minutes from us, which is so nice!

Wishn - Sounds like you've found some great educational resources! Have you O'd yet? Hope you and DH are enjoying baby making week!

I had my CD13 scan today and we go in tomorrow for IUI#2! I am feeling very optimistic as my follicle was like 8mm bigger than last month, the nurse didn't seem super excited, like last month was just as good but I'm going to keep being excited 😋

On a venting note, was at a family member's wedding and my dad had failed to tell me that a cousin was pregnant...I had a hard time not crying through the ceremony. She's old enough (25) but not in a "ready" place, though not for me to judge, just for me to feel how unfair life is. I somewhat inappropriately mentioned to an aunt that DH and I could adopt the baby. This after she groaned that you can't do anything fun when your pregnant.

Ready for my TWW and thankful for the holidays (as long as DH's family keeps their mouths shut on when we're having a baby) to keep us busy!
MK woo hoo for a bigger follicle this time around! Wishing you loads of good luck and baby dust for your IUI today!

Belle, I'm glad you're keeping busy and distracted. Still have my fx for you.

I am CD13, excellent BD last night AND a blazing positive OPK this morning! Much darker than the control line, can't remember the last time I've had a positive like that. This is also my earliest positive since July when we conceived, so it seems like my cycle is finally going back to normal. So glad my body is cooperating with the 'order' I gave it to O before the holidays!
Just dropping in say Hello and Happy Holidays!

MK, I am crossing my fingers for you for a wonderful IUI today, with super strong swimmers and very ready egg! It's awesome you're excited... I would be too!

Wishn, it sounds like you guys got perfect BD timing this go round, that's awesome! Hopefully within the next day or so that little egg gets fertilized!

Belle, way to go distancing yourself a bit from the crazy spotting that the TWW can sometimes turn into. Super good luck to you even though I know you're not feeling great about things this cycle. And good luck to hubby too, with kicking the habit and taking some responsibility rather than blaming you (not cool, dude).
MK that is very promising!!! I am super excited for you too! If its already so much bigger will your IUI be scheduled earlier?? Sometimes I think Dads just don't get it. My dad routinely sends me baby pictures from all of his new nieces and nephews being born. It drives me crazy. I routinely "unfollow" all baby pictures from my facebook, I don't even look at them anymore. Its upsetting what ltttc does to people.

Wishn, super happy that your body seems to be recovering and getting back to normal!! Woo hoo for well timed BD too! Here's to hoping you'll get a CD14 O this month!

Doc, happy holidays to you and thanks for the support :)

AFM, things are pretty much status quo. Nothing to report. Going for acupuncture tonight and I'm looking forward to it! Will be a great way to unwind!
Happy holidays to you too Doc! Wow, nearly 19 weeks, you're almost half way there!

Hope you have a nice relaxing acupuncture session tonight, Belle!

I had a great massage last night. Wish I could afford to go every week! Starting to feel some O pains and feeling bloated...think O is imminent!
Well IUI went well today. Similar sperm status as last time. I like the Nurse Practitioner that we had today best, can't put my finger on why, but I feel she is more competent than some. Praying for this to be it!
MK I'm hoping right along with you that this is your cycle!

Wishn, happy O to you!

AFM not much going on. My acupuncturist clinic is closed next week (when I would be starting a new cycle) and I forgot to ask about whether or not we would be doing the chinese herbs again. I would have to buy them this week if we were. So I emailed my acupuncturist to see what she says. If she doesn't think it will be of benefit then I may consider starting femara early. DH wants me to wait another cycle. I think the fertility drugs scare him (probably because I kept telling him they can cause cancer so that he would quit weed HAHAHA). OF course I would MUCH prefer that I end up pregnant this cycle, but if history has taught me anything...
MK so glad to hear the IUI went well! I'm so hoping this is your cycle! Do you think you'll test early this time or wait it out? I might start testing at 10 dpo...New Year's Eve. If it's BFN there will be drinking.

Belle how many cycles have you done the herbs for now? 2 or 3? They might take some time to have an effect. I still have my fingers firmly crossed for a Christmas BFP for you! But if it goes the other way, if you can convince DH and you feel mentally ready, give the femara a shot! Your plan was for January, right? You've definitely 'done your time' TTC au naturel. Trying something different might help to restore your optimism and hopefulness about all this.

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