Sneaking back in...

Woke up to AF and cramps today, so much for my Christmas miracle lol. My spotting was way less than normal this cycle, it never progressed past tan cm. So I'll count that as a good thing.
Ugh Belle I'm sorry that the witch got you. Even when you are expecting her, it still sucks when she shows up. I think you deserve a cup (or many cups!) of Christmas cheer today.

We went to this outdoor living nativity thing last night, and I don't know if it was all the cute little kiddies in snow suits running around excited that it was Christmas eve, or the 1 month old fake baby Jesus, but I got so emotional and started crying half-way through, trying to covertly wipe away tears without DH or my mom noticing. Had another good cry while we were face timing my little brother in Alberta this morning. It's weird, I'm not even particularly sad, mostly happy to be home for the holidays, just feeling emotional and teary, and like any little thing, happy or sad, could set off the waterworks!

Hope you're all having a nice Christmas. With more laughter than tears!!
Ugh, Belle! Sorry AF got you this Christmas! Enjoy the month off, relax and enjoy the new year!

Wishn, how is you elbow doing?

Waiting for my progesterone results from today...hoping it's higher than last month since the follicle was bigger.

Both my father and FIL gave us significant checks for Christmas. This is typical from FIL (though it was double this year) but this was new from my dad (he got an inheritance this year so I guess he's spreading the love). DH and I usually use the money from his dad to go on vacation in the spring, it usually covers at least half. We had decided with me working part time and the cost of fertility treatments we weren't going to be able to take a warm weather trip this year. Now I'm debating if we should bank this money for future treatments or go for it and take at least a short trip south in Jan or Mar when I'm on break from school. DH also has a trip on May for a buddy's bachelor party that will cost some $$, so don't know what we'll do. It's been so cold already this winter I like dreaming of the beach!
Well having a couple extra $$ is a good position to be in MK :) If it were me I would be wanting to save it, but I can definitely understand the appeal of a vacation! Do what you think is best!

My best friend just told me she was pregnant. She has pcos and was told by the doc that it was unlikely that she would be able to have another child as her cysts had gotten worse. She tried for 8-9 months and is now pregnant. She was pretty understanding when I congratulated her and then immediately said that we were struggling with infertility and that I wouldn't be a good person to talk to about pregnancy stuff lol. She then had a whole slew of tips for me (of which we've already tried them all) and said she would be a surrogate for me if we needed it and that she would save her pop bottles for me to help cover the costs of treatment, which I thought was very sweet of her :) I don't think we will ever be going the surrogacy route simply because we wouldn't be able to afford it after IVF. I'm actually happy I told her as I feel less alone but have spent a good hour crying.

I think DH and I are going to try this month anyway (naturally) and then do femara for 3 cycles. We'll do the mmr vaccine in april and take a break that cycle, try naturally in may and start IUI in June. I think my risk of contracting the viruses are quite low and DH and I have talked it over and both agree with this route knowing the risks involved.

Can't wait to hear what your progesterone results are MK! I am really hoping for good news for you as it will make me feel better about starting IUI in June!

Wishn I am so sorry, the holidays are such a tough time. I can relate, I also have been weepy and crying for the better part of the week. Hormones are also a factor lol. Where are you at in your cycle? I've totally lost track!
Wishn - the next two cycles will be completely unmonitored and no trigger.

Mk - my husband and I would have definitely made a different decision if finances were no issue. We simply can not afford 3 cycles of monitoring at $1,000 and then still do the IUI cycles at $1,400. Especially given statistical data on success rates and potentially looking down the road to IVF if these cycles don't work. In fact, since we both don't make a ton (my DH is a teacher-some cosmic joke there) we have already decided we most likely won't even do IVF due to finances.

So I know I've been a huge bag of mixed feelings about this, but I have to say I broke down in tears this morning when taking the Clomid. I just kept thinking what a failure I was. It was kind of awful. Then I almost immediately thought I was going to be sick to my stomach within a half hour of taking it. Almost like it was weighing on my conscious as regret. Still not sure how I feel, but as the day is ending, I'm coming a little bit more to terms with it. It's like a big fat reality check of how much this sucks to try to get pregnant this way...feeling like everyone else just gets to do it, taking it for granted. Ugh. Pity party for myself, making me feel so ungrateful for what I do have. Why does everything always feel like such a mixed bag?

Don' up on IVF yet! There are lots of financing options out there and a lot of clinics to free or low cost trials for new methods/drugs.

You are entitled to a pity party! Most people take getting pregnant for granted, especially when it comes easy. Hang in there and go get smashed this new years.
Hey girls! I couldn't sleep so figured I would check in with you. Everything is going fine with me and my pregnancy is uneventful which is good.

I was really hoping to see some Xmas BFPs for you ladies. You all definitely deserve it. Even though I finally got my BFP I still feel irritated for the posts that are like "I'm 23 and have been trying for 3 months, am I infertile?" I wanna be like "bitch, you have NO idea" Hang in there and try to stay positive. My new years wish will be 2017 BFPS for all of you!
Thanks 2ducks. I think we all deserve 2017 BFPs. Infertility is a tough thing. Even my friend with pcos, conceived 3 times within the 6-8 month time frame. She talks like she understands infertility but really doesn't, she still found BDing fun at the end of it all LOL. And thinks the way to make me feel better is to talk about how miserable her pregnancy is making her! I know she means well, but thats not what I need. Its actually pretty surprising how many people make that mistake
Nice to hear from you 2ducks! Glad to hear everything is going well. Almost in the third tri, wow!

Belle, I'm glad you were able to confide in your friend, but wow I can imagine how you must have felt when she told you she was pregnant. Kind of like a punch in the gut. I hope now that she knows what you're going through she can be sensitive to it...since you'd probably give your left leg to have morning sickness and heartburn and stretch marks and all the horrible/wonderful things that can come with pregnancy.

MK, any news on the progesterone? That's awesome to have some extra money, whether you decide to save or spend. A getaway could be really good for you guys...not that I'm a true believer in the "just relax and it will happen" idea but a vacation can be such a nice distraction and good way to unwind, reset and re-connect with dh.

My friend asked a couple weeks ago if we'd want to go somewhere warm with them this winter...I told her we couldn't because we're planning a trip to Banff in Feb but really I don't want to go anywhere that has zika virus, which pretty much rules out the Caribbean, most of South America and even Florida and Texas. I know the risk is small, but it's not a chance I'd be willing to take.

I'm 7 dpo today, so entering the dreaded second half of the tww where I start to go a little nutty. My boobs have been sore since 5 dpo, which is a little earlier than usual. My elbow is getting better every day! Mostly just hurts in the mornings. I start physio in a week.
Ya it definitely hurt when she announced her pregnancy... No warning at all, just "hello! Guess what!"

I'm scared it won't ever happen for us. We have been trying twice as long as her and she got pregnant with pcos, large cysts, hypothyroidism and with no fertility meds. It makes me think that there must be something really wrong with us if she can get pregnant with all of that, and we haven't even had a MC. It's awful that a part of me wishes I had at least had an MC this year.

Wishn, I don't blame you for not wanting to travel where the zika virus is, it's so not worth it! Good luck with the final week of your TWW!!! I know it's always the hardest.

DH and I decided we would continue trying this cycle and will start femara next cycle. Will do MMR booster in April. After my friends announcement I felt a bit gutted and didn't have the heart to take a break this cycle. We understand the risks, but also understand the risk of contraction is low and the likelihood we will actually get pregnant is also low. So I'm not going to stress about it. In this moment, I will feel better having the opportunity to continue to try.

I also found it surprising that she jumped straight to offering to be my surrogate immediately after I told her we were struggling with unexplained infertility. We are a long ways off from there.
Belle, I really hope that you never have to go through the pain of a MC, and that when you do get your BFP it will be a good sticky one! I think your plan is good, and you're right the risk of contracting any of those diseases is very low since population immunity in Canada is high and you would still have some immunity even after 10 years.

You are light years away from surrogacy! It's kind of incredible the things that even well-meaning people say. One year in and you haven't tried any fertility treatments yet, so you have loads of options between where you are now and surrogacy.
Thanks Wishn. I think she means well and just wants to help, but isn't quite sure how lol.

Ya i looked into it and 1 person in canada contracted rubella this year and 11 contracted measles, so the risk is pretty low I would say.
I agree - staying away from ZIKA! We went to the Dominican Republic last spring at the start of the outbreak. I really wanted to go on some fun excursions, but all the reviews said to bring the bug repellent, so we stayed at the resort and didn't have any trouble. But, that being said I wouldn't go now. After that trip, we decided we are staying in the states for our next few vacation with the exception of a cruise. Our travel standards have proved to be pretty high and we don't want to be let down again! We had a great experience in the Riviera Maya for our honeymoon so were really spoiled, got a great deal through a friend of a friend's timeshare!

Pleasance - any Clomid symptoms to report? Hoping this works for you!! FX :)

Belle - is it typical to get a MMR vaccine in Canada? Here in the US it is given to children, but most don't get them as adults. I did before starting nursing school as I had to show immunity and my serum results showed immunity to 1 of the 3 but not the other 2 (don't recall which ones). Maybe that is typical that the immunity wears off, didn't realize that!

2duks - thanks for checking in on us! Glad to hear you are doing well.

My progesterone came back at 18, I think it was 12 last month...or 15? I don't remember. Dr wants it at 20, so they want me to do 3 suppositories a day rather than 2. I'm a bit perturbed as I asked the nurse that last month (and I know this month is higher though I don't recall exactly what it was last month) and that nurse said no, as long as I was supplementing that was fine. This nurse said if I can do it, even though it is a nuisance to do 3. That being sad the nurse who read the results and called me is the one that did my IUI this month that I trust the going with 3! I wish I could just request her all the time! (or that I could just have the dr tell me and not the nurses).

Good news is New Years celebrations will likely keep me from testing early. I'd love to test on Sat 11 DPO, but I don't want to ruin my NYE with a BFN and I won't be able to hide a BFP from our friends, but too early to share (except for on BnB of course)!
mmr is typically given to children here too. I had a booster in university when there was an outbreak, but now I have tested to no longer have immunity, so the doc recommended that I get a booster just in case. But I'm not going to worry about it for now.

Glad to hear you got a clearer answer about the progesterone supplements! I hope that it will do the trick for you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Belle - how did you go about finding an acupuncturist for fertility? Did you get a referal or just searching on your own? I think I want to try to add to our efforts!
I just used Google. I looked up fertility acupuncture and my city. The first place I ended up going to didn't specialize in fertility even though they were named "fertile way acupuncture" lol. The second place I actually read reviews and found out a bit more about the business to make sure they specialised in fertility and sure enough, it was a good fit!

I would definitely recommend it! It helps me to feel so calm and at peace, and it has definitely helped regulate my cycle. I have way less PMS now :)
I was going to a yoga class geared towards infertility but also anxiety and depression. It was so relaxing I was almost asleep by the end of class. I also hoped I may meet people I oureally situation, but everyone was there for stress and depression. I liked the relaxation part though and lI've massages so hoping I could get similar relaxation from acupuncture and just another take on things.
Ive been thinking about doing fertility yoga at home for the same reason. Something else to try!

Sometimes I fall asleep during acupuncture, and will have the most restful naps. Other times my mind is awake so I will try to focus on my breathing. I like to imagine that a healthy energy is flowing between the acupuncture points :) it's pretty metitative
I just realized this is the most relaxed TWW I've ever had! Hoping the reduced stress helps me get my sticky bean! Only working 20 hours a week and no school!

The real stress starts in just over a week and won't be gone until June when I take my boards!
Glad you're having a relaxed TWW MK!

Being off work and spending time with family for a week has been a really nice distraction during my wait. My super sore boobs are making me feel hopeful...DH elbowed me in bed last night and I screamed, they're that sore! I know it's probably just my progesterone peaking. I might even test in the morning...we'll see.
Good luck MK and Wishn! I hope you both will get good news this cycle!

I've been finding the week off relaxing as well. Have enjoyed taking our pup out for walks each day! DH and I are also back on the healthy eating bandwagon!

That said I'm also super irritable this cycle. I think its because of finding out my best friend is pregnant. I would LOVE more than anything to be pregnant with her and commiserate together about our symptoms, but I just feel like there is no hope for me anymore. I know its foolish to think that way because we haven't started treatment yet. But I am just finding it hard to hope for a baby at all anymore.

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