Belle, not pathetic at all to hold that LO like he's yours. I did that with my friends baby right after she was born, just willing that she was mine! I hope he has a fun birthday!
Wishn, I love doing the heating pads on my belly, it's especially nice in these cold winters! I've been soaking my feet on warm water too, convinced I have a "cold uterus".
Had my 2nd acupuncture yesterday, was really relaxing. Did my trigger shot yesterday morning too, and went in for IUI this morning. Wishn, I think it was you that maybe suggested trying to wait a little later for the IUI and unfortunately it never works out that way. I did my US CD10 thinking I'd be a little early but because of the letrazole I had a 18.5mm follie and they don't do Sundays, so by Monday it would have been too late. Really just hopeful 3rd times the charm as our plan is only 1 more, then evaluation with another doctor and we'll go from there!
Got a cold a couple days ago so it was a struggle to get in the mood to BD Thur and will need to again tomorrow to cover our bases. Preseed comes in handy then!
Belle I hope your 6dpo dream means something good, but I no what you mean, usually just wish fulfilment but at least it's enjoyable for the moment!